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Name: Andres Vaca


My last vacations were very funny, like all my vacations, because I spent time
with my family and friends and I wasted in Quito.

Every day I worked in the restaurant of my parents. I did all activities there, like
washed dishes, cleaned the floor, cleaned the bathroom and everything. My
mom cook delicious and every day coked a great breakfast. It was a very
special time with my family because when I was in class I can't spend more time
with them.

After work I remembered that I took a nap but sometimes, after that usually I
went out with my brother for ate something. Some days I and my brother met
with our friends. We love the beer and once a week we went to Sabai Beer
Company. Also sometimes we went to camping or did something like that.

I didn’t go out or visit another place because I was working every day. But for
me is not important travel in vacations, I like travel but I didn’t have savings
for travel. I like slepp and spend time with my relatives.

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