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Practical Report Date : Friday, October 13th, 2017

Computer Application(KOM201) Lecturer : Dr. Eng. Ir. Taufik Djatna, M.Si

Asistant :
1) Raditya Bayu Alafima F34150031
2) Hanifa Hasna Perdana F34150040
3) Muhammad Nauval Farhan F34150048
4) M. Aryanda Firmansyah F34150050


Karsi Widiawati





The purpose of this practicum are to understanding about the definition of

array and how to declared it. This practicum also to knowing how to access the
elements of array and knowing the type of array and the way declared.


The primitive variables you have worked with so far are designed to hold
one value at a time. Each of the variable declarations in causes only enough memory
to be reserved to hold one value of the specified data type. An array, however, is an
object that can store a group of values, all of the same type. Creating and using an
array in Java is similar to creating and using any other type of object: You declare
a reference variable and use the new key word to create an instance of the array in
memory (Gaddis T 2016). Arrays are the fundamental mechanism in Java for
collecting multiple values. Arrays have a more concise syntax, whereas array lists
can automatically grow to any desired size (Horstmann C 2015). Array is the
solution for the problem if there many different data that have the same purpose so
it needs many variables to store it but it was ineffective.
Array is devided into static array and dynamic array. Static array is a type
of array that have own value. There are two types of static array, such as one
dimensional array and two dimensional array. The one dimensional array is an array
consisting of one array subscript that is the maximum amount of data. The two
dimensional array is an array consisting of two array subscript that are the number
of row elements and the number of row elements and the number of row elements
and the number of column and elements. The dynamic array is a type of array that
is dynamic againts the elementas inside (Usada E et al 2010).
The static array structures required a fixed memory allocation so that
memory must be reserved first before use. As a result there will be a waste of
memory if it turns out that memory booked that not used. The advantages of static
data structure is the location of the data sequential in memory so it easy to acces
certain data required. Dynamic array structures require memory allocation
according to the number of defined data. It will save the memory. However, data is
stored randomly in memory, so to access the data contained in a dynamical structure
takes a long time because it must be searched fromthe first data in the data structure.
There are many function of array using. Arrays can be used to store enough
data but in the same type, Array can fixed the problem when there are many
different data that have the same purpose so it needs many variables to store it but
it was ineffective.. Array can be used to set the train seat data, array also can set the
preparation of books in the library. Array can be used to make pascal and fibonacci
series. Array can make us easy to create the data in more effective way.

Arrays are the fundamental mechanism in Java for collecting multiple

values. Array is the solution for the problem if there many different data that have
the same purpose so it needs many variables to store it but it was ineffective. Array
is devided into static array and dynamic array, both of them have advantages and
disanvantages. There are many function of array using. Arrays can be used to store
enough data but in the same type. Array can make us easy to create the data in more
effective way.


The practicum that have been held last week is very well. I feel enjoy with
the practicum, the assistants are friendly and give us many knowledge about
programming especially in Java. I hope the assistants maintained it.


Gaddis T.2016.Starting Out With Java TM from Control structures through Objects
Sixth Edition.USA: Haywood Community College.
Horstmann C.2015.Big Java Early Objects. United States of America
Usada E, Isnawati A F, and Fatimah D.2010.Rancang bangun aplikasi pembayaran
sekolah menggunakan Java dan MySQL berbasis client server di SMA Yos
Sudarso Cilacap.Jurnal Infotel.2(2):33-46.

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