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Maulana Azad National lnstitute of Technology Bhopal - 462003

Dated: 18-05-2020

'' clRcuLAR
Subject: Registration in the next semester (July 202A - Dec 202S)
The good number of queries were received regarding registration of students in the
next semester with backlogs. As per ordinance the following conditions are to be
satisfied at the time of registration:

, (1) For the registration in V sernester no backlog of I and ll semester is permitted"

(2) For the registration in Vll semester no backlog of lll and lV semester is
permitted (Also no backlog ll sernester).
(3) For the registration in lX semester no backlog of V and VI semester is
permitted (Also no backlog of l, ll, lll and lV semester).

As the main and supplementary examinations scheduled in April and May 2O2O are
not conducted till now and most likely will be conducted in Sept 2020, the Senate in
its meeting held on 15h May 2020 decided that
"the students having such backlogs will be registered provisionally with the condition
that they will clear the backlogs as and when regular and supplementary exarns of
previous semester, which were earlier scheduled in April and May 2020, are
completed. lf any student falls to clear the backlog his / her registration will be
cancelled and fee paid will be adjusted in the next registration."

Noticg Boards

Copy to: (1) AR (Academic) for necessary action.

(2) AR (Accounts)
(3) l/c Web site to pr"rt up on lnstitute Web Site.
(4)All HODs and Centre l/c
(5)All Deans
(6) Director for kind information.

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