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Mr Daniel Andrews Premier 26-7-2020
Cc; PM Scott Morrison & ors


10 on 24 July 2019 I wrote to you about my concern that the euthanasia provisions were used to
kill of people not for health reasons but for their Estate. Regretfully it appears that it was of no
concern to you as you failed even a courtesy response. However, I was not dissuaded by this lack
of courtesy and/or attention to deal with the matter and I am still pursuing this matter, albeit in
relation to the Estate I understand the Victorian Police is still investigating identity theft and
15 fraudulent withdrawals.
Currently I understand you have been pursuing lockdowns and mask issues which has to my
understanding caused horrendous consequences to many persons, not only to Victorian citizens.
My 87 year old wife Olga, I raced to the local hospital in October 2019 and it was held she
20 suffered from hearth Failure and other underlying medical problems and ended up for 10 days in
hospital including ICU. It is because of this that when the issue of COVID-19 was raised in the
alternative medical I became very interested to search for facts and the truth.
I downloaded thousands of articles and videos and for security placed them on a back up hard-
drive in a fireproof safe. I did so that in case I was to end up in some litigation regarding
25 COVID-19 issues I could have this at hand. Many medical articles, videos and other articles are
very conflicting to state at the very least, in particular those coming from WHO (World Health
Organisation) and CDC (USA such as Dr Fauci). We also can add to this the various conflicting
claims made by the various federal/state/territory health officials.

30 HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention)
What a charter of liberty is embraced within this Bill-of political liberty and religious liberty-the
liberty and the means to achieve all to which men in these days can reasonably aspire. A charter of
35 liberty is enshrined in this Constitution, which is also a charter of peace-of peace, order, and good
government for the whole of the peoples whom it will embrace and unite.

I will below outline how I objected to certain legislative provisions and it should be
40 understood that once any person makes an objection (including protestors who reportedly
on 25 July 2020 did so) then for all purposes and intent the legislative provisions/rules and
regulations are ULTRA VIRUS Ab Initio unless a competent court of jurisdiction decides it
(against each and every objector) to be INTRA VIRUS.
The reason it must be “each and every objector” is that some persons may make an
45 objection without in the view of the court being able to present sufficient grounds for
objection whereas someone else may succeed. For this once any person makes an objection
then all and any fines issued must not be proceeded with unless and until if ever at all the
p1 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
courts have overruled all and any objection. The courts cannot take into consideration
political intentions as our (federal) constitution provides for political liberty! As such,
50 political motives of any Government is totally irrelevant.

When a person or persons arrive into Australia and is required by Commonwealth legal
provisions (not State provisions as they cannot interfere/undermine Commonwealth
provisions) then must be detained regarding a “man-kind” “QUARANTINE” facility it is
55 up to the Commonwealth to ensure that such “QUARANTINE” facility is up to the
appropriate standards as may be deemed required regarding the particular “man-kind”
disease. It is not for the State Government to dictate conditions that may not at all
appropriate in the relevant circumstances.
When health officials of the state and others are admitting that they are still learning on
60 what this COVID-19 is about then they cannot demand nor expect incoming travellers to
be Guinea pigs for their pet project of experimenting.
State health officials must, that is if enlisted by the Commonwealth to assist, ensure that
they provide a standard of “QUARANTINE” no lesser than that which the Commonwealth
requires. The Commonwealth lacks any legislative powers to leave it up to the the various
65 states to make their own determination, this as within the framework of the federal
constitution it must provide for a “UNIFORM” approach in all matters, nut just taxation.

Where any person arriving makes a “verbal” objection to be locked up in a hotel then that
must be accepted as a “legal” objection and a State or for that the Commonwealth cannot
70 merely draconically enforce their own rules and regulations but must place the matter
before a competent court which must then determine regarding this person or any other
person objecting what, if any law, regulation, rules are or are not applicable and can or
cann’t be enforced against any person or person.
75 Without any court determination the person/persons is held unlawfully!

Where being it by the hotel fiasco or otherwise it results to a gigantic outbreak of the
disease, then those responsible for this cannot somehow seek to justify this to interfere or
otherwise deny a person directly and/or indirectly to have their constitutional freedom.
80 It indeed would be a gross absurdity if Authorities either by malfeases or otherwise could
somehow claim rights to interfere with the constitutional rights of citizens.

Any Government, so its Ministers and Agencies must be required to act as “model citizen”
and if there is a failure then the Minister should resign and a more competent person
85 become Minister. This was what the NZ Minister for health did . He resigned.

Therefore when a person reportedly makes known to a police officer to object to wearing a
mask that no matter what, if any medical or other grounds this objector relies upon the
only thing the police officer can do, if seeking to enforce some rule/regulation/law is to have
90 this person summonsed to court, and let a court of competent jurisdiction make a judicial
decision after both sides have been heard. That is a legal principle enshrined in our federal
constitution and the States are also bound to apply this. The same with any hotel
incarceration and in particular where people are placed at risk of their health and
wellbeing by being put together in a hotel that fails any real protection of a
95 “QUARANTINE” facility then using whomever to enforce this incarceration and even
demanding a person so incarcerated to pay for this I view underlines we deal with
constitutional terrorism that no court could sanction as being legally justified.

p2 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
100 By 8 April 2020 I wrote to the Victorian Ombudsman expressing my concern about the Victorian
Police being used in what I viewed to be unlawfully. To the credit of the Ombudsman, she
referred the matter to the Victorian IBAC. However IBAC declined to investigate holding it was
not in the “PUBLIC INTEREST”. Obviously, to me if the dying of people is of such concern by
the various government to lockdown, etc, people then how can IBAC claim it is not an issue of
105 “PUBLIC INTEREST”. It is that IBAC somehow was aware and imp=plied knowing this that it
is all an elaborate scam by the Victorian Government, etc?
Let us see if the Victorian Ombudsman really is going to do her job as I have set out in the document
regarding COVID-19 restrictions.
110 This document can be downloaded from:

I on 13 April 2020 wrote to the Victorian Human Rights Commissioner:

This is a document of some 97 pages and surely going to take time not just to read it but also to digest
it, but I view the various subject matters makes it worth to learn about what you never may have
known but should have.
This document can be downloaded from:

I am not aware she even had the courtesy to respond!

I also wrote to IBAC:
125 Now (considering my elaborate and yet limited writings) is it in the hands of the Independent Broad-
based Anti-corruption Commission as to alert police that is shouldn’t enforce any unconstitutional
LOCKDOWN government demands.
This document can be downloaded from:
130 Broad-Based-Anti-Corruption-Commission-Ex-C-VO-20-6752

On 19-7-2020 I wrote to Victorian Inspectorate a complaint against IBAC;

This document is of some 77 pages to the Victorian Inspectorate regarding the failure to properl y
135 investigate Victorian Police conduct. Those who may end up being fined for not wearing a mask or
other like kind of alleged infringements may do well read it all.
This document can be downloaded from:
140 .
In all fairness to the Victorian Ombudsman she did pass the correspondence on to IBAC. However
now the issue is will she act appropriately to deal with matters or will eventually CIVIL WAR be the
only answer to seek to resolve issues?
This document can be downloaded from:

I also made submissions to the NSW Ruby Princess inquiry:

150 When people die because of the failure by a Minister of Health to provide appropriate rules and
regulations that ensures medical care when and if needed then one has to ask why is the (federal)
Minister of Health still in the job?
This document can be downloaded from:
155 Commission-of-Inquiry-Into-the-Ruby-Princess-SUBMISSION
Dr. Judy Mikovits has made clear in her part 1 video that anyone who is having a flu vaccination
actually is injected with a coronavirus. This supplement may be an eye-opener to many.
p3 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
This document can be downloaded from:

And now with the Hotel inquiry I made also submissions:

165 This submission is regarding the fiasco of the hotel quarantine and a supplement that specifically
relates to legislative powers will be published the next day. We need to ensure that there is a proper
understanding about matters as otherwise any inquiry will end in failure.
This document can be downloaded from:
170 Hotel-Quarantine-Inquiry-Victoria

I welcome anyone to provide feedback as to if they do not agree with any part of this set out and so why
not. I welcome any counter argument in proper set out with supportive details. Keep in mind that
people are dying and we need better organized responses in health care, etc.
175 This document can be downloaded from:

There can be absolutely now doubt about it that in my various writings I expressed my
180 opposition to what I consider terrorising of Victorian Citizen and others, as well as that
QUARANTINE issues involving “man-kind” falls within federal powers, other than if a person
was found to be infected within state borders (not being an interstate/international traveller).
The latter quoted document (with link) extensively canvass legal issues.


Deborah Glass-Victorian Ombudsman 8-4-2020
Office and mailing address
Level 2, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
20200408-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Deborah Glass-Victorian Ombudsman

by now you too may have been aware about the Victorian Police having issued a
195 $1,652.00 fine against Hunter Reynolds albeit this appears to have been withdrawn since.

My concern is that the State of Victoria or for that any state has no police powers to restrict
anyone from their legal and constitutional rights of freedom of movement.

200 Regretfully we lack too often competent politicians, lawyers and judges to
understand/comprehend this.
I will below provide some quotations of the Hansard Constitution Convention Debates for the
creation of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) of which within section
205 106 the states were created “subject to this constitution” and it should be clear that the Framers
of the Constitution stated:

Hansard 7-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
210 QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-

I do not think the word quarantine, for instance, which is used in the sub-section of the 52nd clause, is
intended to give the Commonwealth power to legislate with regard to any quarantine. That simply applies to
quarantine as referring to diseases among man-kind.
p4 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

The Framers of the Constitution rejected that the States could invoke police powers

In 2001 I was an INDEPENDENT candidate in the federal political election but refused to vote. I
220 did so again in 2004 and in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka on 19 July 2006 comprehensively defeated
the Commonwealth as to compulsory voting. I at times do vote when I consider there is a worthy
candidate to vote for, but my objection was against compulsory voting and the Court upheld both
appeals, which I conducted representing myself. As such I proved in the past that to understand
and comprehend what the constitution stands for is critical.

Records will show that the then Attorney-General for the State of Victoria wrote that Victoria
would abide by the decision of the County Court of Victoria. The Court on 19 July 2006 upheld
both appeals in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka , Case numbers T01567737 & Q10897630 in which I as
230 a CONSTITUTIONALIST and (now retired) Professional Advocate represented myself over all
the years of litigation.
The case originally was about FAILING TO VOTE (in 2001 federal political election and later
also for the same in the 2004 federal political election) where I successfully pursued that our
federal constitution being the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) within
235 which in Section 106 the States were created “subject to this constitution” then not just the part
of “compulsory” voting was unconstitutional but also the purported “Australian Citizenship Act
1948” was unconstitutional and so ULTRA VIRES Ab Initio.
Prior to the 19 July 2006 hearing I provided a written submission document titled “ADDRESS
TO THE COURT” of some 409 pages which was served on all attorney-Generals. It involved
240 them as this as on 4 December 2002 the Magistrates Court of Victoria at Heidelberg (with
consent of both parties) ordered that the NOTICE OF CONSTITUTIONAL MATTERS was
to be heard and determined by the High Court of Australia.
It may be stated that I did inform the High Court of Australia at various times about this order
but the Court has neither heard nor determine the matter, to my knowledge at the date of this
245 correspondence being 25 July 2020. Meaning that nearly 18 years later the purported “Australian
Citizenship Act 1948” is and remains ULTRA VIRES Ab Initio, to all and any person. Likewise
the purported “non-citizen” description is “unconstitutional”!
Just to make clear that I prepare for litigation likely as no other person does and regardless how
long it may take for all purposes and intend “compulsory” (political election) voting (both State
250 and Commonwealth) remains unconstitutional and all and any legislation in violation is and
remains to be ULTRA VIRES Ab Initio.
One then have to ask why are various Electoral Commissioner hell bend to pursue to
nevertheless fine people for “FAILING TO VOTE”? Is this underlining the blatant disregard to
the rule of law? I stood my ground and defeated them all and as Attorney-General Hulls made
255 known at the time the State of Victoria would abide by the courts decision.
With the hotel fiasco that is now being investigated my submissions are very clear that not only
are hotel facilities not build for “QUARANTINE” purposes but the State of Victoria never even
had the legal authority to lock up international travellers into a hotel for that purpose.
260 .
I cannot care less what legislation the Victorian Parliament may have enacted as where it is in
violation of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) than any purported
legislation has no legal validity nor legal enforcement.
265 As I understand it COVID-19 is not some natural disease from bats or whatever animal as so
often has been the mantra of many, as I understand that in January 2020 a patent was taken out
by Chinese scientist. No patent can be taken out of any natural disease but can be done to a man-
p5 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
made disease, such as where the disease was altered in some laboratory. Various reports have
indicated that this COVID-19 really is a combination of different diseases, including HIV
270 symptoms. And it has been reported that the Rockefeller Institute, with Bill Gates, had in 2019
published a document that precisely explains how the disease was to be “accidentally” released
during 2019, and well without needing to go into details what we now have experienced this,
such as in Victoria that is precisely to the script that was written in 2019.

275 Make This GO Viral!! Doctor Jensen Being Investigated By United State Board

Actually, what this video presents is what I understood over the last few months checking out
numerous videos, medical reports and other publications. I wrote about this extensively and will
280 list below the many articles I published with links for anyone to download them.
What really is to be considered is that various presentations over many months made clear that
COVID-19 not only is transferred via aerosol (as I wrote about months ago) but also that its
make-up presents not just the coronavirus but also was allegedly laboratory enhanced with HIV
and other diseases. On that basis locking up someone , such as return travellers, in some hotel
285 lacking any proper “QUARANTINE” facilities is not just plain stupid but totally irresponsible.
As such, no amount of gloves, face mask, protective gowns, etc, would shield any parson unless
the infected person was placed in a proper “QUARANTINE” facility that isolated the infected
person from any direct physical contact with any one attending to this infected person.
Few, if any hospitals may have this kind of facilities, let alone did the various governments
290 provide for additional facilities.
It simply lumped people together in some hotel facility with untrained persons to look after
security (and reportedly sleeping with them) and then somehow it may have been expected that
the infected person(s) would not infect anyone else in their surroundings.

295 Let me try to use a very simplistic example;

If you got a basket of apples and one is rotting away then more than likely it will cause
other healthy apples to be affected. You simply remove the rotten apple before it can cause
problems to the other apples.

300 When you have people suspected of some disease then you do not place them all together and
well let time to prove who is or isn’t going to be infected but you simply place each suspected
infected person in a separate “QUARANTINE” facility to ensure the best medical care provided
just in case any of those person actually are infected. The worst thing you can do is to lump them
altogether in some hotel and say well we see when the test result come back. OH well many test
305 results are faulty and so we might then let infected people go wherever as we cannot be blamed
for faulty test results. In my view the real issue should have been to ensure that each and every
person suspected to be possibly infected (regardless if they are not) to be isolated in proper
“QUARANTINE” facilities and have medical teams attending to each and everyone of them.
It means that any doctor or other medical personal attending to such person must after leaving the
310 bedside of a suspected infected person go through a total decontamination process to ensure this
doctor/medical staff will not take any infection outside the “QUARANTINE” room and spread
it around. When reportedly security personnel were sleeping with persons possibly infected
surely this underlines that no proper decontamination existed whatsoever. Having sexual
intercourse with a stranger who is or might be infected hardly could be considered part of a
No amount of gloves, mask and other protective gear usage can assist when the security is in bed
having sex with a person held in the hotel possibly infected with some disease. Neither could the
presentation of food prepared outside a hygennic sealed of kitchen be deemed proper, this as the
persons preparing the meals should have been decontaminated before entering the kitchen where
p6 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
320 the meals were prepared. Likewise the meals should have been sealed in transport from the
kitchen to the person who was to eat it, when placed in a locker that have any air sucked out of
the sealed locker before opening on either side as to prevent contamination to enter one way or
After the person had consumed the meal then all and any dishes, etc, should have been placed in
325 a sealed plastic bag by the person and then placed in a special locker albeit without risking any
contamination (for further usages of the locker) and so the locker must be fitted that when plastic
bag is placed in there it automatically is then sealed in another wrapper that is air tight to prevent
any form of contamination. This then is automatically dropped in to a garbage waste tube which
end up in a king of cremation facility. (Oven)
'Miracle Larry' leaves NY hospital after 128 days of battling the coronavirus

335 What we had was that even a person after more than 128 days was in hospital regarding
COVID-19. And as such, anyone who goes on 14 days simply doesn’t understand what it is
about. The issue seems to be to escalate the numbers of claimed infected persons rather than to
deal with the real issues how to “QUARANTINE” any person appropriately to prevent any
possible infection to others.
340 .
The above mentioned video referring to Doctor Jensen ought to be an eye-opener to anyone that
this whole orchestrated pandemic really was well in advanced planned to so to say being the
economy of countries to its knees and to get people to be fearful of other human beings as if they
are wild animals.
345 This entire lockdown served perhaps political interest of politicians but not one of iota to benefit
the general community. To the contrary it made things worse, this as people with no more than
the “common cold” now were urged to have test done while the very need for appropriate
medical attention was denied to the very persons kept in the hotel fiasco.
Andrews owes Victorians 'an apology'

Then we had Premier Daniel Andrews blaming Victorians where in fact they followed precisely
355 what the health officials made known could be done.

But there is lots more to it. Health workers (including doctors) could be attending to suspected
person infected and also attend to residents in care facilities and so contaminate those in care
facilities, including hospitals. No proper DECONTAMINATION process was as far as I
360 understand it put in place. Many vulnerable persons paid the price with their lives by having an
earlier death then they otherwise might have had.
365 Aged care facilities 'not acting quickly enough' to stop the spread of COVID-19

We also had conflicting claims by the medical profession where many doctors in different
countries reported HCQ to have assisted saving hundreds of lives, this while Dr Fauci and his
allies all engaged with an opponent manufacturer rubbished HCQ so that in the end their
370 manufacturers product was accepted. Never mind the lives lost in the meantime that might have

p7 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
been saved with HCQ. After all it is all about selling your product even if it means sacrificing
peoples lives.
375 and-more/
How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created, and More

We also had Dr Fauci making all kinds of claim, even undermining President Donald Trump that
using a “facemask” was essential. However, when of late President Trump started to use a face
380 mask now Dr Fauci made clear that a face mask really is more for show and has no real
difference in outcome.

What we ended up with was that those Doctors who over the months were in fact warning people
about the real issues were (such as Dr Jensen) subjected to possible deregistration warnings while
385 those who deliberately misled the people were getting away with it all.
Ingraham_ What they're not telling you (Re Mask usage)

390 Latest Facts on COVID-19 by Doctor Kelly-Re Mask

Yes, the data is out there and it underlines, as I often wrote about, that mask are more a danger to
ordinary people. A person is more than likely to touch a mask to remove it such as to drink
395 something, eat something, etc, and so contaminate the hands with anything that might be on the
mask. This, while with a clear face shield this is not eventuating because one can eat and drink
having the face shield still in place. Moreover the face shield also protects the eyes from any
droplets, whereas a facemask doesn’t. And, time and time again when one see a person wearing a
mask one can see openings at the end of the mask and so if there are droplets then they still can
400 enter. However, for the wearer it be a considerable danger where anything that is breathed out
becomes likely to be breathed in again. As such builds up a toxic environment for the wearer.
I understand many doctors, bound to avoid droplets to fall on a patients they are operating upon,
have problems. As study after study found that for the ordinary person it is better not to wear any
mask. From my point of view, having researched it all so much, a face shield might be of some
405 assistance where it doesn’t confine the air for the wearer and protects the eyes and will less likely
be touched.
I for one noticed on Tuesday 21 July 2020 that in a Bunnings (hardware store) many staff
members actually wore face-shields, others mask. It also makes it better to understand what a
person states (converse) as it avoid a person wearing a mask to have to remove it just so that the
410 other person can make some sense out of what is being told.

Obviously when it comes to hotel facilities one also have to consider the changing of bedding,
etc. After all if a infected person is to use certain bedding and some staff members then comes
and changes the sheets, etc, then this staff member could possibly become infected merely by
415 handling of the bed linen.
It ought therefor be very clear that if you are dealing with some disease that justify (well in the
minds of politicians) to lock down area’s and to use mask, etc, why then have such grossly
incompetent conduct regarding the very persons dumped in some hotel?
I do not seek to undermine the hotel inquiry whatsoever however do belief that a Federal
420 ROYAL COMMISSION should be held, this as ultimately it is a federal issue when it comes to
incoming travellers, aliens, interstate travellers. I have wrote often about the need for a ROYAL
COMMISSION but it appears that the Prime minister needs to have more people unnecessarily

p8 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
dying and end up in an early grave before he might even consider to request the Governor-
General to authorise a ROYAL COMMISSION.
I will below quote references to the many articles/documents I wrote about COVID-19 and
related issues. However, do view that the Victorian Police should restrain itself to issue any
infringement notices, as I clearly have challenged the validity of it, and perhaps the Victorian
Government in liaison with the Federal government and possibly other State Government could
430 set up a test case to take me on in court. As such, it could be arranged on a prior arranged time
and date that the police attends outside the gates of my property and I then step out without
wearing a mask. The police officer then could is held so appropriate issue me with an
infringement notice and ensure that this then is immediately placed before a court where a judge
then can deal with the matter. The Government (and so all other governments involved) could
435 face a similar defeat as was on 19 July 2006 or, not that I seek to indicate they will succeed
defeat me.

I could very obviously rely also upon the above mentioned 409 pages written submission
“ADDRESS TO THE COURT” which obviously none of them can challenge as they had the
440 opportunity to do so way back in 2006 but failed miserably in doing so.

I during the decades have cross-examined expert witnesses such as medical doctors and as such
not in fear to do so if the Government were to call upon medical practitioners to support its
version of litigation.
445 .
What the people of the Commonwealth of Australia are entitled upon is that someone who has
proven to be able to defeat all the Attorney-Generals can take up the baton to expose the political
The Government can have the wording of all the videos (I have referred to) transcribed for the
450 court so that it might assist the court also.
What we have is that many doctors even after more than 6 months are making known that they
still do not know precisely what COVID-19 is about. I on the other hand am well aware over the
many months of writings that what is referred to as COVID-19 really is not just a coronavirus
455 such as that resulting to the “common cold” but had special effects that causes to be in some
ways like the HIV adaption of spreading easily. It being a creation of a laboratory specifically to
ensure a maximum devastation to the human population.

While it would be realistically impossible to place every vulnerable person in some kind of
460 “QUARANTINE” facility to prevent infection, neither do I suggest this to be done as rather it
are those attending to them and those attending elsewhere to patients who need to be
“DECONTAMINATED”. It are those serving those vulnerable person who around the world,
going by reports, are causing the spread of the disease. That is where the focus should lie. Ensure
their gloves, mask and other protective gear are for example manufactured in Australia in
465 hygienic production facilities so no material can be pre-infected.
Just that alone would likely considerably diminish the infection of others.

Also, as I wrote about the lack of proper serves to assist those who are self-isolating or who
being vulnerable need assistance with food deliveries as well as medication, etc, all so far were
470 grossly denied this service.
As such, the focus on wrecking the economy by the lockdown was counter productive as more
monies are wasted in the process then if proper organisation had eventuated to seek to minimise
the vulnerable persons having to go shopping and risk infection.
p9 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
475 .
The human race as it is sex is part of the maintenance of the human race, and so I am not going
to try to blame any person engaged in sexual conduct having done so. The real issue should be
should it have been prevented in certain circumstances (between strangers) by a properly
organised security system being in place?
There people who I understand would prefer violence as they seem to have concluded that
violence is the only way politicians and others will take notice. I do not condone violence but can
UNDERSTAND that many desperate to find a solution consider this to be the only option left.
As you seemed to have caved in to the MOB to demonstrate without the police to issue
485 Infringement Notices than to many you sided with a political movement BLACK LIVES
Matters, which appears to be some terrorist group many African Americans actually denounce
for their violence.
490 Chicago police release video footage of protests at Columbus statue

And, one of the officers who was hit by an explosive stated his experiences:
495 KGW_ What it's like to be a Black officer policing Portland protests _ Raw interview

Citizens do not desire this kind of conduct in Australia but when politicians are misusing/abusing
their powers then at times they just hold that no matter what they are ignored and then resolve to
what they consider suitable to them.
500 .
I spend decades listening to them and often written that most seek no more but to pursue
JUSTICE. Not uncommon they made known that they just desire to have their day in court even
if they in the end lose their case. They just don’t like ex parte hearing robbing them of their rights
without having been given an opportunity to be heard, etc.
BLM (funded by many Presidential candidates associated with the Democrat Party, including Joe
Biden) has I understand used terrorist tactics around the world. They infiltrate peaceful protesters
and then use this to commence their anarchy.

510 Our federal constitution enshrined freedom of speech, political liberty, etc as legal principles in
our constitution and we should never deny a person his/her constitutional rights when properly
exercised. However, where any protest/demonstration uses violence and/or denies anyone else
his/her political rights then it is no longer exercising constitutional free speech!

515 I for one have absolutely no intention to cave in unconstitutional demands to use a mask that
would harm myself in the process using it. For my wife I requested for the specialist to issue a
health exemption as while she objects to wearing a mask due to her fragile health she would not
be able to defend herself in any court litigation. Many others are essentially terrorised to wear a
mask because they too couldn’t manage to stand their grounds. However, my writings all along
520 assisted me to expose the rot about this whole COVID-19 issue and as such I am well prepared to
stand my grounds against any unconstitutional legislation that might be enforced against me.
Regrettably, despite the Nuremburg trials the police rather than to refuse to enforce
unconstitutional directions are in some way forced to act, or where it suits your mantra not
525 allowed to act. Such as when the MOB protested.

p10 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
If you were to have bothered to read some of the court judgments in the USA then you might be
aware that if you are not consistent in enforcement then the courts can strike down any
enforcement. There is no such thing as enforcement of the law (well if that really is it, as I
challenge this) when selectively apply it to some persons but not to others. Our (federal)
530 constitution provides for: No one is above the law and all persons are equal before the law.
With the infections and deaths you so much refer to, Let me use a simplified example:

I ended up suddenly having my car dying on me. That could be considered a breakdown.
535 This even so I new I had a full tank of gas. When the RACV attended he explained that
while I had a full tank of gas my petrol tank was empty and because the vehicle uses petrol
to start up it because of that died on me when I just started to drive. As such just filling up
with petrol was the remedy.
540 There are however others who have a breakdown where it is of such a nature that the only
way to resolve it is to tow it to a workshop to have repairs done to it. As such, when you
refer to a breakdown you can divide it in categories of a minor or a major breakdown.
With any testing we have the same issue. A person can test positive for coronavirus because even
545 the “common cold” is a coronavirus, but surely to lock them up in a hotel is utter and sheer
nonsense, where this was never practiced in the past. With the Flu there has been every year tens
of thousands of death in the USA (for example) but no lockdowns eventuated.
In the USA now there was a LOCKDOWN as many of those who normally would have been
statistical deaths relating to the Flu now were instead listed as COVID-19 deaths. This I
550 understand caused a considerable blowout of so-called COVID-19 deaths while suddenly Flu
deaths were going down compared to previous years.
Statistics from various different countries which applied LOCKDOWNS and those who didn’t
apply LOCKDOWNS showed minimal difference. With Sweden, as many other countries the
death toll was significant in elderly people in nursing homes.
Locking up people in hotels for 14 days hardly is going to assist anyone if they are really
infected, rather makes their health and wellbeing placed more at risk because they are not getting
the appropriate medical care that should have been provided to them when critically needed.
Many doctors indicated that to delay treatment by several days can cause an enormous escalation
560 of harm to the patient.

As a nurse in a video makes clear that the elastic of the mask is causing problems to her head. As
such, as I view it, if their skin becomes irritable and they work in an infectious situation they can
be more vulnerable to become infected.
565 Likewise, the absurd use of hand cleaning agents (sanitiser) all around can be more harmful then
not using them. It reportedly is useless to use a hand sanitiser which lack to be of a certain
alcohol strength. Many are reportedly failing to perform their required protection. This could
mean people using hand sanitizers wrongly may hold to be protected and so placed themselves in
a dangerous situation. The same as people wearing a mask that is infected/faulty can likely end
570 up in harm.

It is ironic that it was announced that face mask was compulsory and the State had facemask on
order. Well not for the ordinary citizen. Surely, proper leadership would have demanded you first
get your supplies before making it mandatory. Not that I seek to imply that mandatory wearing a
575 mask is legally justified.

p11 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
And, I am not aware that regard the usage of hotels or otherwise the State Government bothered
at all to make sure that only duly certified protective gear was being used that had been tested
being safe for usage.
Why not if you claim that safety is so important ignore the real basics of what is needed?
580 Neither does it make sense to me that a shawl somehow provides the same or similar protection
as a (proper suitable, that is) face mask.

While since my 27 June 2020 emails you may not have further received any nevertheless
previous statements were emails to you. While it is open to you to read and consider all or any
585 nevertheless in the end you were given the opportunity to be able to read and consider it all.
How you run your office is your problem and can be no excuse if your office staff may not have
passed on to you details. However, considering you seem to make such a big deal about people’s
lives, etc, it seems to me extra ordinary for you having failed, so it appears to me, to act as to
what I had written about. After all many of the deaths attributed to the spreading of COVID-19
590 may have been preventable had you not (as I view it to be) blatantly disregarded my writings.

But do not despair not to know what I write because below I have listed numerous documents
that if you consider it all may just show you that mask wearing is not the answer. And, perhaps if
your health officer is some parrot merely parroting what he/she hears from others then perhaps
595 consider to get this person to consider real facts? The links that I proved related to documents
including links to videos and articles regarding COVID-19 and other related issues that may just
show that CVID-19 is not some simply coronavirus as the NYC doctor (I refer to his video also)
already months ago made clear that many patients coming to the hospital as seemingly as if they
dropped from a height out of a plane and ventilators that were not programmed for their
600 conditions actually would kill them.
As such, the message was clear, COVID-19 was not some coronavirus but had spectacular issues
with it that were outside the ordinary coronavirus treatments.

605 Something that also should be understood by politicians but seems to be ignored, is that what
might be lawful to apply in one country may not be so at all in another country.
In some countries to marry an young child is deemed acceptable, whereas in Australia we have a
minimum age, generally about 16 with parent(s) consent. You cannot argue that because you can
lawfully marry a young child (we refer to as under-aged) then this should be also in Australia.
610 There are simply different cultural and other traditions.
Likewise, while in some countries they have a constitution that may not have the provisions as
we have in our (federal) constitution and so they can cause a LOCKDOWN, etc, this however
cannot be then some kind of justification to do the same in Australia. After all we do have a
615 constitution that has legal principles embedded in it.
This is why locking up people in some countries can eventuated without a person ever being
formally charged. There was a recent case where a man spend more than 40 years in prison until
someone asked why? Well, his father had delivered him to the prison (more than 40 years earlier)
for allegedly having given his mother a slap, and well no one bothered to deal with legal
620 formalities, etc. He had never been before a court neither convicted!
In Australia however our constitutional provides otherwise.

Lets make it very clear we have a constitution and the States within Section 106 were created
“subject to this constitution”, that included for “peace, order and good government”.
625 Destroying the economy, causing people who worked hard to build a business have it destroyed,
etc, is not for good government at all. It is recklessly destroying the constitutional rights of
p12 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
The video’s I referred to above (with links that you can download them – so not that you can
argue I somehow fabricated them or tampered with them) clearly exposes the issue about mask.
630 .
If COVID-19 indeed was created for malicious purposes to reduce the world population then I
view it is your duty and obligation to ensure it is not going to end up being used for the very
purpose the creates made it to be.
As I understand it from various medical statements COVID-19 is really a mixture of different
635 diseases designed to cause maximum transmission and devastation amongst the human
population. Your conduct to lock up possible infected persons into hotels to me was grossly
irresponsible and atrocious. Indeed, I view that competent health officials ought to have warned
you that this could result that the diseases would get out of hand.
640 As I understand it in June 2020 you called for anyone with some minor problem to be tested. The
Chinese Government as I understand this precisely did the same in July 2019!
By September 2019 they even did an exercise of a person allegedly contaminated with the
coronavirus to be decontaminated and so the entire plane. As such, the Chinese Government was
all along aware they had a major disease at their hands, just didn’t then report it to WHO.
645 Any civil engineer could tell you that you do not just build a hospital in 7 days and another in 10
days unless you months ahead planned for this. As such, the Chinese Government all along was
aware that it had a disaster at its hand and also locked down tens of millions of people to try to
stop the spread of the virus.

650 Considering that by July 2019 the Chinese Government then asked citizens to be tested it
underlines that the disease was then already considerably and with international travel it was
spread amongst other countries. However, as the disease was not named until COVID-19 was
declared then many who in the meantime died simply were listed as natural deaths or whatever
but not related to COVID-19.
655 .
As I wrote about months ago the Chinese cartoon video warned about aerosol spread and that it
would be ignored. And well up to now I never heard you commenting about aerosol or for that
matter the health officials. After all aerosol can enter the eyes tear ducks and cause havoc.
Hence, glasses might then be protecting a person. Yet, I didn’t hear any mention about glasses.
660 I doubt that those held in the hotel were required to protect their eyes. Then again the inquiry
might come up with the details if it was or wasn’t.
What appears to me is that you simply lost the plot, and do not know how to address issues. So
lockdown and mask seems to me to be your way of admitting gross incompetence. Locking up
665 health people and forcing them to wear mask that can only cause them to fall ill I view is not the
conduct of a competent leader! You can now prove you are not some wimp/coward and well
prove you are willing to litigate against me in a competent court of all. At least than the citizens
of Victoria and others may be able to have a court decision they can rely upon.

670 For your benefit, I below have listed numerous documents I would rely upon if there was to
eventuate litigation. I have absolutely no intention to abort my constitutional rights and have no
intention to wear a mask.
Mask only serve certain purposes for which they are designed and most mask packages makes
that clear. Many stipulate they are not suitable for COVID-19 and as such I view no Government
675 should give a citizen a false sense of security that the wearing of a mask somehow protects
anyone, when it might not be so at all.
I challenge the Victorian Government and others to take me on in a test-case as to the validity of the school
project “SOCIAL DISTANCING” and the harm full “MASK” wearing Premier Daniel Andrews claim is
680 based on “science”. What “science”?
p13 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
This document can be downloaded from:
20200720-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
685 ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues is badly needed-Supplement 9-Mask
Today, 3 years ago, Justine Diamond was murdered by Somalia born police officer Noor within a city that
essentially is in CIVIL WAR. This kind of ANARCHY we must avoid. But it seems to me our politicians
desire much of the same.
690 This document can be downloaded from:
20200716-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues is badly needed-Supplement 8-Anarchy
695 *
While politicians and health officials are all about numbers reality is that incorrect numbers are used and
testing is unreliable and can also be harmful by spreading. And, get this, merely having the “common cold”
can result you be classified as having COVID-19!
This document can be downloaded from:
20200715-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues is badly needed-Supplement 7-Safety
705 If indeed the current political conduct amount to TORTURE upon citizens in particular also upon the
“vulnerable persons” then one has to ask: Why is the medical profession not taking a stand to protect the
rights of their patients?
This document can be downloaded from:
710 Royal-Commission-Into-Covid-19-Issues-is-Badly-Needed-suppl-6-Torture
20200710-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues is badly needed-Supplement 6-TORTURE
While I for one prefer there be no CIVIL WAR nevertheless I can understand that others may be so
715 dissolutioned that they consider this to be the only option to get rid of the politicians they hold are traitors.
Perhaps a ROYAL COMMISSION might just avoid people to take up the battle positions.
This document can be downloaded from:
720 20200707-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues is badly needed-Supplement 5-CIVIL WAR
Consider that if a Premier unilaterally can use the Victorian Police to imprison residents in their high rising
flats without any sanction by the courts then where will this lead us to when he already appear to indicate
725 willing to do the same with the entire State?
This document can be downloaded from:
20200705-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
730 ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues is badly needed-Supplement 4
Under the pretext that the COVID-19 is very serious and can result in death somehow when it comes to the
bungling Vic Minister of Health then she remains at the helm despite gross inadequacies by her and undue
risk to human lives.
735 This document can be downloaded from:
20200702-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues is badly needed-Supplement 3
740 *
With the Victorian hotel quarantine fiasco, we badly need a proper ROYAL COMMISSION investigation as
we cannot have as I view it some madman in charge while people are at risk to die as result.

p14 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
This document can be downloaded from:
745 Royal-Commission-Into-Covid-19-Issues-is-Badly-Needed-suppl-2
20200630-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues is badly needed-Supplement 2
Asking people to choose between two so-called leaders is like asking to choose between rotting apples without
750 any real choice. This document exposes the considerable failures of leadership being MISSING IN ACTION.
This document can be downloaded from:
20200630-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to PM Mr SCOTT MORRISON-
Now that this document exposes that reportedly the CSIRO was involved in creating for the Chinese
Government a more deadly virus for humans we need badly and urgently a ROYAL COMMISSION to have
all relevant issues investigated.
760 This document can be downloaded from:
20200627-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues is badly needed-Supplement 1
765 *
Where are the “heroes” when doctors/nurses, etc are participating in killing patients rather than saving them.
We need badly a ROYAL COMMISSION to have all relevant issues investigated.
This document can be downloaded from:
770 Royal-Commission-Into-Covid-19-Issues-Id-Badly-Needed
20200625-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues id badly needed
Where infections are generally due to close contact then why all the rot about lockdowns and social
775 distancing? Let us get some real competent leadership dealing with matters. No unconstitutional military
This document can be downloaded from:
780 20200623-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
The constitutionality of using Defence Force re COVID-19
With the report being out, essentially vindicating what I wrote about so often we need to stop this
LOCKDOWN and have politicians and health officials charged where deaths were needlessly caused and
785 improve nursing home care.
This document can be downloaded from:
20200621-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
790 Involuntary mass murder charges required
The very persons (politicians, etc) who are claiming to condemn racism are in reality doing everything to
promote racism but they fail to understand this. This document set this out.
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20200617-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
What is racism really?
800 We are all entitled to express our point of views however when we unilaterally dictate their matra inflicting
serious harm upon others, such as with forced vaccinations, then I view those doing so must face the legal
This document can be downloaded from:

p15 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
805 ISSUE-What-is-the-Real-Truth-About-Vaccinations
20200614-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
What is the real truth about vaccinations?
Are they really protesting about “black” lives matter when blatantly ignoring the real and current killings
810 going on? “ALL LIVES MATTER” should be the real issue and politicians are unfit for office if they do not
accept this.
This document can be downloaded from:
815 20200614-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Excuse me, what are the protests really about
“ALL LIVES MATTER” is a concept that any unlawful death must be deplored regardless of the persons
skin colour. Only “RACIST” will pursue that only coloured of skin of the victim, being a person of colour, is
820 relevant.
This document can be downloaded from:
20200612-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
When people are shown a video they often accept it to be the truth but as I have done is to compare different
videos that shows seemingly a retake but in different ways. Really? Is this what they are protesting about
with destruction of people’s property?
830 This document can be downloaded from:
20200610-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to PM Mr SCOTT MORRISON-
Re Racial business is never to end, etc
835 *
I do not accept any Premier can deliberately cause the destruction of businesses that were created by many
years of hard work and devotion, and NO ‘State of Emergency’ declaration can override constitution rights.
This document can be downloaded from:
840 ISSUE-Does-Perrottet-NSW-Really-Understand-the-Federal-Constitution
. 20200528-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Does Perrottet (NSW) really understand the federal constitution
When states (USA) shows that their death toll regarding COVID-19 without a lockdown is similar then that
845 of Australia then surely this may underline that to secure the real vulnerable people such as in nursing homes
is to be the issue.
This document can be downloaded from:
850 20200528-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to PM Mr SCOTT MORRISON-
Re Successful alternative to LOCKDOWN, etc
Border closure to inter-state travellers I view violates Section 117 of the constitution besides the issue of s92 to
prevent freedom of trade. Our constitutional rights cannot be up for grabs merely because some government
855 dictates it.
This document can be downloaded from:
20200528-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
860 Successful alternative to LOCKDOWNS itself unconstitutional
As I pointed out, the border closure within s117 of the constitution cannot be permitted. We needs a
competent Federal Government who will finally act to save lives of the many before it is too late.
This document can be downloaded from:

p16 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
20200522-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Pauline Hanson doing what the Federal Government should do
870 Nothing to do with law enforcement but a lot to do with government sponsored TERRORISM! We the People
must never allow this to continue. We are and always must remain to be the masters of the politicians and
their officials!
This document can be downloaded from:
875 ISSUE-A-Crisis-Within-a-Crisis-and-the-Aspirin-Issue
20200520-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
A crisis within a crisis and then the Aspirin issue
In my view “compulsory” vaccination is unconstitutional and we see too many nursing home deaths to
880 underline the dangers of vaccination, without each person first being certified by a medical practitioner that
the relevant vaccination is not harmful but medically and legally justified.
This document can be downloaded from:
885 20200519-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
The case against “compulsory” vaccination
It is horrible for a child to be lost on any illness but worse if it might possibly have been due to misconception.
The courts in the USA has held that the LOCKDOWN was unlawful/invalid. For Australia I hold it is
890 unconstitutional!
This document can be downloaded from:
20200518-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
895 Court strikes down stay at home orders as unlawful
One has to ask where are our police to ensure our constitutional rights are not violated. As Special Forces and
now police officer Anderson made clear he cannot participate in violation of constitutional rights of citizens.
Face Mask or Face Shield, etc.
900 This document can be downloaded from:
20200515-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Social distancing v Personal distancing & Face Mask v Face Shield
905 *
Is the so-called “COVID-19” airborne, as the Chinese appear to suggest? Why were the Ruby Princess crew
not placed in hospital accommodation considering there was empty hospital accommodation available?
This document can be downloaded from:
910 ISSUE-Why-Cedar-Meats-the-Victorian-Abattoir-Outbreak-Could-Eventuate-in-Other-States-Also
20200510-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Why Cedar Meats, the Victorian abattoir outbreak could eventuate in other states also
Many videos and articles indicating that medical and other experts are not even able to agree what COVID-
915 19 is about. The fearmongering by politicians causing stress levels to increase and the COVIDSafe app
This document can be downloaded from:
920 20200505-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Misnaming a disease can have deadly consequences, Stress levels & COVIDSafe app issues
What is needed is a ROYAL COMMISSION as to the misuse and abuse of powers by so called “leaders” and
others. Rather than saving people’s lives with a LOCKDOWN it might in fact have endangered lives. We
925 need to discover the truth!
This document can be downloaded from:

p17 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
20200503-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
930 ROYAL COMMISSION Re COVID-19-In search of the truth- Heroes or Villains
Does anyone really hold that “leadership” is to being led by the nose upon illusionary claims of what may
exist? Does anyone really accept that to deny certain people their basic human rights is “leadership”?
This document can be downloaded from:
I view it is appropriate to ask, at least for me, if the Government HAD BLOOD ON ITS HANDS? Also where
is unconstitutionally forces a LOCKDOWN then temporary visa holders in my view nevertheless are entitled
940 to the same protection as other taxpayers.
This document can be downloaded from:
945 Politicians will “spruik” their mantra but let us look at what our constitutional embedded legal principles are
really about. HCA jurisdiction, the implied constitutional rights governing 457 visa holders and the lockdown
This document can be downloaded from:
950 ISSUE-HCA-Jurisdiction-COVID-19-457-Visa-Holder-Issues
20200501-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
HCA jurisdiction, COVID-19 & 457 visa holder issues
I view it is appropriate to ask, at least for me, if the Government HAD BLOOD ON ITS HANDS? Also where
955 is unconstitutionally forces a LOCKDOWN then temporary visa holders in my view nevertheless are entitled
to the same protection as other taxpayers.
This document can be downloaded from:
960 *
Would it be too much to ask politicians to be more concerned about the way best to deal with the COVID-19
issue properly supporting the “vulnerable” and not causing uncalled harm to the healthy, rather than their
future electoral prospects?
This document can be downloaded from:
20200426-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Doctors rethink rush to ventilate COVID-19 patients
970 What kind of “RESPONSIBLE” Government do we really have if the “vulnerable” are now more at danger
because of their rotten rules and regulations? They in their ivory towers seem to lack to understand the real
harm they are inflicting.
This document can be downloaded from:
975 When-Did-Wuhan-Novel-Coronavirus-Covid-19-Really-Start
20200424-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
When did Wuhan NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) really start?
What is the definition of “Novel Coronavirus” (COVID_19) so we all may be able to ascertain what it is really
980 about rather than dealing with some alternative “UFO” that politician’s leaves at question and contrary to
their own mantra are getting close together.
This document can be downloaded from:

p18 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
985 20200421-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Excuse me, define NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)
Is this a big FAIL for PM Scott Morrison mishandling it all while having his Ministers standing together
regardless of the ‘keeping distance” mantra they are spruiking, etc?
990 This document can be downloaded from:
We should have a flying squad of investigators to assess the real cause of deaths, and not this voodoo kind of
995 assumptions which is totally unreliable and causes undue stress upon many. Let the true FACTS be known!
This document can be downloaded from:
20200419-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
1000 Re Profits versus Safety and the Constitution
Now (considering my elaborate and yet limited writings) is it in the hands of the Independent Broad-based
Anti-corruption Commission as to alert police that is shouldn’t enforce any unconstitutional LOCKDOWN
government demands.
1005 This document can be downloaded from:
We need to provide contact facilities for the elderly and the sick without risking their health and this is
1010 possible. Cutting them off from contact is cruel and undermine their health. Let see if the Independent Broad-
based Anti-corruption Commission is address matters appropriately.
This document can be downloaded from:
1015 20200417-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re Health, Welbeing, safety and the Constitution
Where a US federal judge made clear denial of religious practices is unconstitutional (as applied for Atheist
also) then lest stop this overbearing rot by politicians. With Optus heartless disconnecting a pre-paid simcard
1020 leaving a Heart Failure patient in desperation is disgraceful.
This document can be downloaded from:
20200414-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
1025 Re Walker J Denial of religious gatherings unconstitutional, etc
Let us hold the real culprits accountable such as PM Scott Morrison, Greg Hund Minister for Health and
Minister Peter Dutton instead of trying to pass the buck to NSW, WA and others.
This document can be downloaded from:
20200409-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re Hypocritical Minister for Health Greg Hunt Re NSW, WA, etc
1035 20200409-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Michael Cope QCCL President
Let us seek solutions to keep the death toll low without unduly interfering with people’s ability to live as
normal as possible lives and use a Home Faeces Test Kit to check who is infected.
This document can be downloaded from:
If Greg Hunt the Minister for Health got his information from other sources, not his own initial research, about
HYDROXYCHOROQUINE should he then not have acknowledged the source as to avoid plagiarism?
1045 This document can be downloaded from:
p19 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
20200402-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re Anti Novel Coronavirus issues drugs-SUPPLEMENT
1050 *
An ABS coronavirus survey may not only get a better cooperation of those concerned but also enable
voluntarily details to be provided that may enhance scientist to discover what may or may not be important to
fight the coronavirus.
This document can be downloaded from:
20200401-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re The missing ABS coronavirus survey, etc
1060 Besides the constitutional validity of payments towards employers, if it is good enough to pay employers
about double the pension rate then surely pensioners having paid during their working life towards old age
pension should be paid the same.
This document can be downloaded from:
1065 ISSUE-Re-Employers-About-Double-Rate-of-Pay-Then-Pensioners
20200331-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re Employers about double rate of pay then pensioners?
What is the rule of law if we have politicians using the Consolidated Revenue Funds (taxpayers monies) as
1070 their personal slush-funds? Let us all stand up and act as sentries against violations of our federal
constitution within which in s106 the States are created, “subject to this constitution”.

This document can be downloaded from:
1075 ISSUE-Re-Are-We-Facing-a-Coronavirus-Inspired-Bank-Run
20200330-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re Are we facing a Coronavirus inspired bank run?
Let us not ignore constitutional restrains and use the armed forces to terrorize citizens. We need appropriate
1080 leadership and this I view is missing.
This document can be downloaded from:
20200327-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
1085 Re Unconstitutional Coronavirus army deployment in States, etc
If indeed reportedly HYDROXYCHOROQUINE and AZITHROMYCIN existing drugs against Malaria, etc,
have effectively been use against the Novel Coronavirus then are our government dealing with this or they are more
interested to escalate problems?
1090 This document can be downloaded from:
20200326-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re Anti Novel Coronavirus issues drugs
1095 *
Mass preparation for bedding, etc, for those infected with the Novel Coronavirus is needed badly, but we
seem to lack proper leadership all around. The ruby Princess deplorable issue is a clear example of it.
This document can be downloaded from:
1100 ISSUE-Re-Failing-Leadership-in-Novel-Coronavirus-Issues-Etc
20200325-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re Failing leadership in Novel Coronavirus issues, etc
Are we yet again mislead as to the real causes of death by fabricated Novel Coronavirus statistics and failing
1105 test results to violate our constitutional rights as set out in this correspondence regarding Prime Minister
Scott Morrison failing leadership?
This document can be downloaded from:

p20 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
20200324-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to PM Mr SCOTT MORRISON
1110 *
Are supermarkets eye-gauging customers because of the Novel Corona Vires, and the Governments declaring
a national emergency but ignoring to provide food parcels for the elderly?
This document can be downloaded from:
1115 ISSUE-Re-Corona-Eyegauging-and-Food-Parcels
20200319-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re Corona eyegauging and food parcels
Now the Federal and other State and Territorial Governments can show leadership how to ensure sufficient
1120 supply for those in need. And appropriately deal with those engaged in scalping.
This document can be downloaded from:
20200317-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
1125 Re Corona virus missing supply link,etc
The usage of any military uniform must be limited to official Government purposes (other than when
becoming married) as to avoid violation to s119 by any excuse to mount an unconstitutional armed invasion.
This document can be downloaded from:
1130 20200312-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re The usage of military uniforms in sensitive events
To seek to minimize the spread of the novice coronal virus we must clamp down on those known to be
infected to travel to stores and with public transport placing in harms way others and use GPS monitor to
1135 record their travel.
This document can be downloaded from:
20200304-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
1140 Re GPS for Novice Corona Virus infected persons
In my view, no one in his/her right mind can claim that to seek to protect a sick child from possibly being
affected by the Novice Corona Virus somehow constitute racism. Our politicians refusal to disclose all
relevant details is it selves a form of racism.
1145 This document can be downloaded from:
20200228-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re Novice Corona Virus racism or just plain safety issues?
1150 *
The irony might be that Pauline Hanson may pursue more, even if unintended, to protect the health and
wellbeing of Aboriginals then those who denounce her.
This document can be downloaded from:
1155 ISSUE-Re-is-It-an-Aboriginal-Oriental-Corona-Virus
20200217-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
Re Is it an Aboriginal Oriental Corona virus?

Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O. W. B. (Friends call me Gerrit)


(Our name is our motto!)

p21 26-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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