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Last year, I was in the emergency waiting room for three hours owing to an excruciating
urinary tract infection. When my turn came the doctor said me: “You seem
unconfortable. Does anything hurt?” No, but you know, I had nothing better to do this
afternoon. I think exams are not really meaningful due to these type of people. In fact,
all students have bumped into a booksmart completely stupid.

So, it is obvious something is wrong in our out-of-time and arcaic educational system
and, therefore, in the way of evaluate. In my view, an exam is not really objetive
because memorising does not implicate learning. In addition to this, I consider an exam
can cause a high stress level, and if a student is under pressure, he cannot give his best.

On the contrary, most of students are so lazy. If they don´t have to pass an exam, they
will probably chill out every day since they do not ususally show any interest in their
academic life. But, undoubtlessly, exams are a way of evaluating many aspects of a
single topic, aspects which cannot be covered on a high school papel since they are
usually written with only one of these in mind. Heck, this does not even in college! One
would need a whole exams might be useful: they force students to see many aspects of a
given topic.

To sum up, exams are not useful because pupils forget everything as soon as they
deliver their writings, not to pressure of beting everything to a single grade. So, we need
to adapt us to modern times and to strike a balance.

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