I. Requirement Specification

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The Organization
Computerized System and improved efficiency have been the focus of entrepreneurs. As

with the many business scenarios, getting rid of paper improves efficiency, reduces human

error and allows information to flow to an infrastructure without a time-consuming data input

process. There is also less chance of handwritten orders being misread and a higher customer

turnaround as customers will be served faster.

Scott (2011) concludes that the automation increases the accuracy of the data, as

human error is less likely to occur. The completeness of the data is also improved as the

automated system will process all the data in an efficient manner.

Neumann (2010) states that water billing system is necessary tool to assist small

municipalities, utility provider, bookkeepers, operators, manager, and auditors in unifying their

water billing services, in order to provide consistent and accurate billing information to clients

and service receipts. It is essentially software that process data and produces invoices in a given

format, facilitating and unifying the billing process.

Around us, establishments such a different office both privates and public which render

services, most of them are already engaged in using high technology operations. For an

instance to a water association, though they’re not that large establishment but still they uses

the system which made their transactions convenient, and accurate in processing and this is

one of those advantages of having computerized transaction system and they also has the

advantage of tracing their member. A much similar water billing system is what we try to

formulate in SWSA establishment where we conducted our study.

Why SWSA? Because at this moment this establishment having a manual transaction

and we found out that it gives them a problem to trace members name’s, household and their

balances if they didn’t fully paid their obligation as a consumer that has no existing system to

help them. And we also find out that they have a hard time of report generation such as

submitting important files to the higher officials. Through to this propose system,

theSWSAWater Billing System,those problem that they been facing will be solve and they wont

get hard time tracing their members.

Business Environment

The Sinkatulan Waterworks Sanitaion and Association is located at Sinaktulan, Makilala,

North Cotabato. It is leaded by Honorable Sofronio Añosa SR. president of SWSA with the help

of Vice-President Joel H. Gastones,Secretar/Meter reader Elchie V. Dionola, Treasurer Bely S.

Banais, Auditor Nilfa S. Rellon, P.I.O. Samuel Tado and the Board of Directors.

Organizational Setup








Figure 1. Organizational Structure of the SWSA


All of us protect the environment as our water flows.


In order to achieve success all of us have ego.

Existing Information Systems

The existing system of SWSA is a manual system. Recording and billing transactions are

done using pen and paper. This current system consumes a lot of time and prone to data


The Proposed System

SWSA Water Billing System was proposed to help and support the association’s data

organization. Also, it could be a great help in billing management providing them have an easy

access, accurate and reliable outcome.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers identified the following problems of Sinkatulan Water work Sanitation

and Association as we gathered information of the flow of their transaction using manual


 Bills were not accurate due human error;

 Difficulty of tracking the member’s status such as balances and other vital information

 Generation of pertinent reports were difficult to execute such as sales, members and

other important records

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study was to develop a “Water Billing System” for

Sinkatulan Water work Sanitation and Association (SWSA) that can help the organization to

provide efficient transactions to improve their services for the benefits of their customers.

Specifically, it aimed to:

 To develop a system that can provide accurate records of bills and payment

 To develop a system that cangenerateimportant records

 To develop a system that can tract the member’s account

Scope and Limitation

This study was designed to SWSA to help their Association to be more accurate and

easier to access and it will help to maximize their time in making their transaction. Moreover, it

will improve the billing and collection transactions of SWSA. The scope of the system if create

customer account, bill and accept payment. It could also track the status of the member’s

account status. Furthermore, the generation of reports can be done in weekly, monthly and


The system has its limitation it is not capable of online transaction. The system does not

accept any mode of payment aside from cash basis.

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is very timely for wherein technology is getting bigger and

in demand.It enables the establishment to have a faster and accurate billing transactions. The

proposed system will have a significant effect for the employee who manage the system as well

as the members.

The implementation of the system will change the method and process that the SWSA is

accustomed for keeping their billing and will ensure that all the records will be protected and


The following can benefit the study:

SWSA- This system can make the job of the SWSA Admin easy and it can minimize time and


Cashier- This system can make the cashier easy to find the transaction and the bills of the


Members- This system can make their members consume less their time to pay and update

their payments.

Definition of Terms

Database- a collection of pieces of information that is organized and use on a computer. A

structure set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various way.

Manual System- a system involving data processing which does not make use of stored

program computing equipment, by this somewhat arbitrary definition? System using other type

of tabulating equipment such as the card programmed, calculator is manual.

Document- a piece of written printed, or electronic matter that provides information and

evidence or that serves as an official.

Water Billing System- is an automated system that was based on paying water bills. ...

This system can manage transaction such as creating an invoice and paying the bills of

customers. It will track all the records of the customer if they have paid on the due date or not.

Analyst- a person who studies or analyses something.

II. Conceptual Data Model

Requirement Specification

The system requirements of proposed system are the following:


Table 1. Software Requirements of the System

Operating System Windows 10

Programming Languages Visual Basic 6.0

Integrated Development Environment MS Visual basic. Net 2008

Database My SQL Database

Report Microsoft Report Viewer


Table 2.Hardware Requirements of the System

Processor Intel i3 above

System type 64-bit Operating System

RAM At least 2gb of RAM

Hard disk At least 60gb Capacity of a Hard disk

Tables 1.0 and 2.0 shows the hardware peripherals and software application that has
been used by the project team to create Sinkatulan Waterworks Sanitation Association
(SWSA) Water Billing System.

Flow Chart Diagram


“Invalid Password” “Invalid Password”


No Admin Cashier No

Search Bills







Figure 2. Flow Chart Diagram

-Figure 2 shows that the first step is logging-in on the system and you have to choose if
you are the admin or the cashier, and if your password is incorrect the system would not allow
you to access on it. If you are the admin you have granted a full access of this system, like
adding a members, issue bills, check for payments and checking records and if you are the
cashier you have a limited authority on accessing this system, you can only issue a bills and
update their payments, and if the transactions are finished you can close the system.

Data Flow Diagram

Figure 3. Flow Chart Diagram

-This diagram show the dataflow of our current system, if the member paying their bills
the cashier will access to the system and check his/her record and looked on how much will
she/he be paying and issue an receipt to the costumer. It also says that the person who has
authority to access on this system can update the records of all the members of this said


Mar 2020 Apr 2020 May 2020

ID Activities Start Finish Duration
23/2 1/3 8/3 15/3 22/3 29/3 5/4 12/4 19/4 26/4 3/5 10/5 17/5

1 1 Data Gathering 27/02/2020 20/03/2020 3w 2d

2 1.1 Administer Questioner 27/02/2020 28/02/2020 2d

3 1.2 Conduct Interview 26/02/2020 04/03/2020 1w 1d

4 1.3 Read Company Reports 04/03/2020 10/03/2020 1w

5 1.4 Introduced Prototype 10/03/2020 16/03/2020 1w

1.5 Observe Reactions To

6 16/03/2020 20/03/2020 1w
2 Data Flow & Association
7 20/03/2020 23/03/2020 2d

8 2.1 Analyze Data Flow 23/03/2020 23/03/2020 1d

9 3 Proposal Preparation 23/03/2020 31/03/2020 1w 2d

10 3.1 Perform Cost-Benefit Analysis 23/03/2020 25/03/2020 3d

11 3.1 Prepare Proposal 25/03/2020 27/03/2020 3d

12 3.2 Present Proposal 27/03/2020 31/03/2020 3d

13 4 Design 01/04/2020 20/05/2020 7w 1d

14 4.1 Data Entry Design 01/04/2020 10/04/2020 1w 3d

15 4.2 Input Design 10/04/2020 30/04/2020 3w

16 4.3 Output Design 01/05/2020 08/05/2020 1w 1d

17 4.4 Data Organization 08/05/2020 20/05/2020 1w 4d

18 5 Implementation 13/05/2020 22/05/2020 1w 3d

19 5.1 Implementation 13/05/2020 19/05/2020 1w

20 5.2 Evalaution 13/05/2020 18/05/2020 4d

Figure 4. Flow Chart Diagram

-This chart shows on what are those activities we are planning to make and the schedule
of the activities when to start and when to finished. This chart also determine if we are
following our schedule properly. We have set the schedule on the activities so that we have a
target time to finish this system. This chart is composed of 5 System Development life cycle
phases, the Data Gathering, Data flow & Association Analysis, Proposal Preparation, Design
and Implementation. In Data Gathering you will Administer questionnaire, you will prepare a

questions about asking the prospects on what system they are using then conduct an interview
to the prospects based on your Administer questionnaire, and read their company reports
based on the data you gathered, after you gathered your data you proposed a prototype that
suits on the company report that you gather and observed their reactions if they are willing to
accept the said prototype. In Data flow & Association Analysis you are going to analyze the flow
of data based on the prototype you proposed. In Proposal Preparation you are going to explain
to the prospects of what can they benefit on your proposal and then prepare and present your
proposal to them. In design phase you are going to make a design of your system based on the
data that you gathered these also includes the input or the codes that will be the key on
running the program and also the output of your program will be based on the design that you
created. Lastly the final phase of this chart is the implementation, where you proposed the
finished system to your adviser and wait for their evaluation if you are ready on the defence.

Entity Relationship Diagram (Manual)





Entity Relationship Diagram (Computerized)


Final Input Screen and Final Output Reports/Screen

Log In Form



1. Username Textbox – a specific box where the user input his/her

2. Password Textbox – a textbox that used to enter the specific password
of the user, usually in an asterisk character.
3. Close Button – a button to close or cancel this task.
4. Log-in Button – a button that use to be able to access the home page if
the username and password is correct.

Home Page Form


1. Members Button- a button that help the user to check the members.
2. Records Button- a button that help the user to check the records of the billing transaction.
3. Bills Button- a button that help the user to issue a bill.
4. Pay Button- a button that help the user when a member is paying.
5. Admin Button- a button that help the user to add an authorized person as an admin.
6. Status Combo box- a combo box that help the user to check the status of the members
whether they are active or inactive members.

Members Form



1. Exit Button- a button that help the user to exit this transaction.
2. Search Textbox- a textbox that help the user to search the specific member.
3. Add Button- a button that help the user to add a member.
4. Update Button- a button that help the user to update the members

Records Form 3 1

1. Exit Button- a button that help the user to exit this transaction.
2. Key word Combo Box – a combo box that help the user to choose a keyword.
3. Search Text box- a text box that help the user to search based on the keyword.
4. Total Amount Text box- a text box that help the user to compute the total amount of
the records.
5. Print Button- a button that help the user to print the billing transaction.

Bills Form

1. Exit Button- a button that help the user to exit this transaction.
2. Search Textbox- a textbox that help the user search a member when issuing a bill.
3. Add Button- a button that help a user to add or issue a bill.
4. Update Price Button- a button that help the user to update or change the price of the

Pay Form




1. Exit Button- a button that help the user to exit this transaction.
2. Key word Button– a button that help the user to choose a keyword.
3. ID Name Textbox – a textbox that display the name of the member after pressing the
keyword button.
4. Total Amount Textbox- a textbox that display the total amount of the members bill.
5. Cash Textbox- a textbox that help the user to input the cash of the members who are
6. Change Textbox- a textbox that compute and display the change of the member.
7. Date Paid Textbox- a textbox that display the date when the transaction happen.
8. Save Button- a button that help the user to save and print the receipt of the member.
9. Cancel button- a button that help the user to cancel the transaction.

Data Dictionary

User Table

Members Table

Bills Table

Pay Table

Price Table


Public Class FrmPortal

Public Sub LoadMembers()

Call disconnectDB()

ExecuteQuery("Select Count(MemberId) as Total from Members ")

If reader.HasRows Then
While reader.Read
LblMemberNo.Text = reader.Item("Total").ToString
End While
End If
Call disconnectDB()
CbxStatus.Text = " "
End Sub
Public Sub LoadBills()
Call disconnectDB()

ExecuteQuery("Select Sum(TotalAmount) as Total from Bills ")

If reader.HasRows Then
While reader.Read
LblTotalCollectables.Text = reader.Item("Total").ToString
End While
End If
Call disconnectDB()
End Sub

Private Sub FrmPortal_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


End Sub

Private Sub Panel2_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Panel2.Paint

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
LblDay.Text = Date.Today.ToString("dddd ")
LblTime.Text = Date.Now.ToString("hh:mm tt")
LblMonth.Text = Date.Now.ToString("MMMMMMMMMM dd, yyyy ")
End Sub

Private Sub BtnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles BtnClose.Click
Dim logOut As String = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to logout?", 36,

If (logOut = vbYes) Then

With FrmLogIn

.TxtUserName.Text = ""
.TxtPassword.Text = ""
.LblUser.Text = ""
.LblWorkArea.Text = ""

End With


End If
End Sub

Private Sub BtnAccounts_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles BtnAccounts.Click

End Sub

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles BtnMembers.Click
FrmMembers.BtnUpdate.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles BtnBills.Click

End Sub

Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles BtnPay.Click

End Sub

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles BtnRecords.Click

End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles CbxStatus.Click

End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object,

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CbxStatus.SelectedIndexChanged
If CbxStatus.Text = "All" Then

Call disconnectDB()

ExecuteQuery("Select Count(MemberId) as Total from Members")
If reader.HasRows Then
While reader.Read
LblMemberNo.Text = reader.Item("Total").ToString
End While
End If
Call disconnectDB()

ElseIf CbxStatus.Text = "Active" Then

ExecuteQuery("Select Count(MemberId) as Total from Members where

Status ='Active'")
If reader.HasRows Then
While reader.Read
LblMemberNo.Text = reader.Item("Total").ToString
End While
End If
Call disconnectDB()
ElseIf CbxStatus.Text = "Inactive" Then

ExecuteQuery("Select Count(MemberId) as Total from Members where

Status ='Inactive'")
If reader.HasRows Then
While reader.Read
LblMemberNo.Text = reader.Item("Total").ToString
End While
End If
Call disconnectDB()
End If
End Sub
End Class

Public Class FrmAccounts

Public Sub LoadAccounts(ByVal strQ As String)

Call disconnectDB()

Dim str(5) As String

If reader.HasRows = True Then

While reader.Read
str(0) = reader.Item("UserId").ToString
str(1) = reader.Item("FullName").ToString
str(2) = reader.Item("UserName").ToString
str(3) = reader.Item("Status").ToString
str(4) = reader.Item("TypeOfUser").ToString

Dim lv As New ListViewItem(str, 0)
End While
Call disconnectDB()
End If

Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error Message")
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub BtnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles BtnClose.Click
Dim ConfirmSave As String = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to Close?",
36, "Confirmation")

If (ConfirmSave = vbYes) Then

End If
End Sub

Private Sub BtnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCancel.Click

Dim ConfirmSave As String = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to Cancel?",

36, "Confirmation")

If (ConfirmSave = vbYes) Then

End If
End Sub

Private Sub BtnLogIn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles BtnLogIn.Click

If TxtPassword.Text <> "" And TxtFullName.Text <> "" And

TxtUsername.Text <> "" And CbxStatus.Text <> "" And CbxTypeOfUser.Text <> ""
If CheckDuplicate("Select * from useraccount where Username =
'" & TxtUsername.Text & "' ") = False Then

Dim ConfirmSave As String = MsgBox("Are you sure you want

to Add New Account?", 36, "Confirmation")

If (ConfirmSave = vbYes) Then

ExecuteQuery("Insert into useraccount set FullName='"
& TxtFullName.Text & "', Username='" & TxtUsername.Text & "', Password='" &
TxtPassword.Text & "', Status='" & CbxStatus.Text & "', TypeOfUser='" &
CbxTypeOfUser.Text & "' ")
MsgBox("User Account Successfully Added!",
MsgBoxStyle.Information, "System Message")
Call disconnectDB()
Call LoadAccounts("Select * from useraccount order by
UserId desc")
TxtFullName.Text = ""
TxtUsername.Text = ""
TxtPassword.Text = ""
CbxStatus.Text = " "
CbxTypeOfUser.Text = " "

Call disconnectDB()
End If
MsgBox("Sorry, Username already exist in the database.",
MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Message")
End If

End If

Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "System Message")
End Try
End Sub

Private Sub FrmAccounts_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Call disconnectDB()

Call LoadAccounts("Select * from useraccount order by UserId desc")

Call disconnectDB()

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim ConfirmSave As String = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to Update

Status of the chosen Account?", 36, "Confirmation")

If (ConfirmSave = vbYes) Then

Call disconnectDB()
Dim Status = "Inactive"
ExecuteQuery("Update useraccount set Status ='" & Status & "' where
UserId=" & ListView1.FocusedItem.SubItems(0).Text & "")
MsgBox("Status Successfully Updated!", MsgBoxStyle.Information,
"System Message")
Call disconnectDB()
End If

End Sub
End Class

Public Class FrmAddMembers

Private Sub BtnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCancel.Click
Dim ConfirmSave As String = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to Cancel?",
36, "Confirmation")

If (ConfirmSave = vbYes) Then

TxtName.Text = ""
TxtContactNo.Text = ""
TxtAddress.Text = ""
LblMemberId.Text = ""

End If
End Sub

Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


End Sub

Private Sub BtnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSave.Click
Call disconnectDB()
Dim Status = "Active"
Dim dtAdded As String = Format(DtpDateAdded.Value, "MMMMMMMMMM dd,
Dim dtUpdated As String = Date.Now.ToString("MMMMMMMMMM dd, yyyy")

If BtnSave.Text = "SAVE" Then

If TxtName.Text <> "" And TxtContactNo.Text <> "" And

TxtAddress.Text <> "" Then
If CheckDuplicate("Select * from Members where Name = '" &
TxtName.Text & "' ") = False Then

Dim ConfirmSave As String = MsgBox("Are you sure you

want to Save?", 36, "Confirmation")

If (ConfirmSave = vbYes) Then

ExecuteQuery("Insert into Members set Name='" &
TxtName.Text & "', Purok='" & TxtAddress.Text & "', ContactNo='" &
TxtContactNo.Text & "', DateAdded='" & dtAdded & "' , AddedBy='" &
FrmPortal.LblUser.Text & "', Status='" & Status & "'")
Call disconnectDB()

MsgBox("A Member Successfully Added!",

MsgBoxStyle.Information, "System Message")

FrmMembers.BtnUpdate.Enabled = False

TxtName.Text = ""
TxtContactNo.Text = ""
TxtAddress.Text = " "

Call disconnectDB()
Call FrmMembers.LoadMember("SELECT * FROM members
order by MemberId asc ")
Call disconnectDB()


End If

MsgBox("Sorry, Member already exist in the database.",
MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Message")
End If

MsgBox("Please Filled out the Fields! ",
MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "System Message")

End If

ElseIf BtnSave.Text = "UPDATE" Then
Call disconnectDB()

Dim ConfirmSave As String = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to

Update?", 36, "Confirmation")

If (ConfirmSave = vbYes) Then

ExecuteQuery("Update Members set Name='" & TxtName.Text
& "', Purok='" & TxtAddress.Text & "', ContactNo='" & TxtContactNo.Text & "',
DateAdded='" & dtAdded & "' , DateUpdated='" & dtUpdated & "', UpdatedBy='" &
FrmPortal.LblUser.Text & "', Status='" & CbxStatus.Text & "' where MemberId='"
& LblMemberId.Text & "' ")
Call disconnectDB()

MsgBox("A Member Successfully Updated!",

MsgBoxStyle.Information, "System Message")

FrmMembers.BtnUpdate.Enabled = False
TxtName.Text = ""
TxtContactNo.Text = ""
TxtAddress.Text = ""
LblMemberId.Text = ""
CbxStatus.Text = "Active"
Call disconnectDB()

Call FrmMembers.LoadMember("SELECT * FROM members order by
MemberId asc ")
Call disconnectDB()
End If

End If

Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error Message")
End Try
End Sub

Private Sub TxtQuantity_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TxtContactNo.KeyPress
If Not ((Asc(e.KeyChar) >= 48 And Asc(e.KeyChar) <= 57) Or
Asc(e.KeyChar) = 13 Or Asc(e.KeyChar) = 8 Or Asc(e.KeyChar) = 46) Then
e.Handled = True
MessageBox.Show("Please enter NUMERIC characters only!", "System
End If
End Sub

Private Sub TxtQuantity_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e

As System.EventArgs) Handles TxtContactNo.TextChanged

End Sub

Private Sub TxtPrice_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TxtAddress.KeyPress

End Sub

Private Sub TxtPrice_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles TxtAddress.TextChanged

End Sub

Private Sub BtnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles BtnClose.Click
Dim ConfirmSave As String = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to Close?",
36, "Confirmation")

If (ConfirmSave = vbYes) Then

TxtName.Text = ""
TxtContactNo.Text = ""
TxtAddress.Text = ""
LblMemberId.Text = ""

End If
End Sub

Private Sub DtpDateAdded_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal

e As System.EventArgs) Handles DtpDateAdded.ValueChanged

End Sub

Private Sub FrmAddMembers_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object,

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CbxStatus.SelectedIndexChanged

End Sub
End Class


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