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Timesheet must be completed by all contract employees prior to payment

Name: Rafiullah Jawad

Contract Number 95314420P1QA00191

Payroll period from: 1-Jun-20 to 30-Jun-20

Day Enter Regular Annual Total

Sick Leave Holiday LWoP
Date Day Leave
Monday 1-Jun-20 8 8
Tuesday 2-Jun-20 8 8
Wednesday 3-Jun-20 8 8
Thursday 4-Jun-20 8 8
Friday 5-Jun-20 0 0
Saturday 6-Jun-20 0 0
Sunday 7-Jun-20 8 8
Monday 8-Jun-20 8 8
Tuesday 9-Jun-20 8 8
Wednesday 10-Jun-20 8 8
Thursday 11-Jun-20 8 8
Friday 12-Jun-20 0 0
Saturday 13-Jun-20 0 0
Sunday 14-Jun-20 8 8
Monday 15-Jun-20 8 8
Tuesday 16-Jun-20 0 0
Wednesday 17-Jun-20 8 8
Thursday 18-Jun-20 8 8
Friday 19-Jun-20 0 0
Saturday 20-Jun-20 0 0
Sunday 21-Jun-20 8 8
Monday 22-Jun-20 8 8
Tuesday 23-Jun-20 8 8
Wednesday 24-Jun-20 8 8
Thursday 25-Jun-20 8 8
Friday 26-Jun-20 0 0
Saturday 27-Jun-20 0 0
Sunday 28-Jun-20 8 8
Monday 29-Jun-20 8 8
Tuesday 30-Jun-20 8 8
Total Hours 168 0 0 0 0 168
If annual or sick leave is unavailable you will not be paid for days not worked.

I understand that I am responsible for paying all state and local taxes imposed by my goverment. I certify that this
timesheet accurately reflects the days I worked and time off taken during the time period shown

$ 2,833.00 USD.

Time Sheet Prepared By Time Sheet Confirmed By

Rafiullah Jawad Abdul Wahid Sabri

Time Sheet Approved By

Mohammad Ehsan Zia Country Director

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