Personality Development: by Nitin Shekapure

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Nitin Shekapure
 Aim
Promotion of the strategies for the
personality development of the participants.

 Objective
Personality development with regard to the
different behavioral dimensions that have
significance in the direction of organizational

Personality is a build up of Thoughts,

Action and Behavior.
Attributes of a person with good personality

• Good physique
• Pleasing manners
• Personal and professional integrity
• Trustworthiness and reliability
• Good control over mind and body
Types of Personality

1. The Perfectionist
2. The Helper
3. The Achiever
4. The Romantic
5. The Observer
6. The Questioner
7. The Adventurer
8. The Asserter
9. The Peacemaker
Know your Personality

As per modern management concept,

“ Personality is the brand image of an individual. ”

It is made up of three broad aspects namely:

• Character
• Behavioral traits
• Attitude

The person who wants to improve his personality

has to have Desire, Determination and Direction.
“ Reading makes a full man, writing an exact
man and conference a ready man.”

Improving communication skills :

• Receiver orientation
• Attention to the ABC’s
• Appropriateness
• Use of humor
• Use of right appeals
• Repetition
• Effective timing
• Simplifying language
• Effective listening
Body Language
• Eye Contact
• Facial Expression
• Position of head
• Position of arms
• The angle of your body
• Posture
• Hands
• Legs
• Distance
Beauty tips by Audrey Hepburn

For attractive lips, Speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes, Seek out the good in people.

For a slim figure, Share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair, Let a child run his or her fingers

through it once a day.

For poise, Walk with the knowledge you'll never walk


Remember, If you ever need a helping hand,

you'll find one at the end of your arm.
Time Management
Man who postpones today’s work for tomorrow
never meets either today or tomorrow.
Tools for Time Management :

• Planning

• Prioritizing

• Being prepared

• Delegating and allocating resources

• Following up
Anger Management
Anger can lead to physical and psychological problems.
Learn how to control anger by using some anger
management techniques. Anger is not worth it.

Tools for Anger Management

• Meditation
• Forgive others
• Place yourself in someone else's shoes
• Think of doing some innovative things
• Talk to close friends
• Eliminate the cause
• Keep your Ego aside
Leadership Skills

• Have a clear vision of yourself, others, and the world .

• Know and utilize your strengths and gifts .
• Live in accordance with your morals and values .
• Lead others with inclusiveness and compassion .
• Set definitive goals and follow concrete action plans.
• Maintain a positive attitude.
• Improve communication skills.
• Motivate others to greatness.
• Be willing to admit and learn from failures & weaknesses.
• Continue to educate and improve yourself.
Positive Thinking
Negative thinking causes problems,
positive thinking causes solutions.
The power of positive thinking

• Draw a picture of successful person.

• Cancel your negative thoughts.
• Identify your obstacles.
• Do not copy others blindly.
• Get a competent counselor to help you.
• Practice the sentence, “ I can do it .”
• Make the true estimate of your ability.
• God is your creator. He is for you.
• Put yourself in God’s hand.
Work for Society
• Remember that society is ours. We need it.

• Live not only for you but for the society.

• Intelligent and responsible persons look at their

contribution towards society.

• Whatever you want to do, do it with full awareness.

• Delay in decisions will bring failures for you.

• Enroll yourself as a member of institutions engaged

for the betterment of society.

• Don’t be greedy, be generous. Don’t be accumulative

- be sharing.
Good Behavior
• We are always dependent on each other.

• Inculcate the feeling of friendship and togetherness.

• Character can not be developed in isolation.

• We can develop our qualities and capabilities when we

live in society and meet other people.

• People often face failures just because they are unable

to adjust with other people.

• Good behavior and co-operation makes a man popular.

• You should behave with others as you expect others to

behave with you.
Judge People Correctly
• Many times we face failures in life because
we are unable to judge people correctly.

• You should not open the reservoir of your heart on your

friend or someone else.

• Keep important secrets of life to your own self.

• It is useless to believe and hope that everything that

happens will be good.

• Don’t blame fate, others and circumstances.

• Don’t change your words, live up to your promises and

try to complete your work in given span of time.

• Believe in justice for all, avoid favoritism.

How to get well on your job?

• Always be punctual
• Don’t waste materials
• Don’t waste time
• Best of your ability
• Improve yourself on every way
• Take an interest in your work
• Be willing
• Be cheerful
• Acquire relevant skills
• Look ahead too
Ask some questions to yourself

• Do you behave with your family

members in the same manner as
you behave with your master or your boss?

• Would you like to joke even in such a situation when you

know that it would hurt the sentiments of other.

• Do you take care of this that no one is hurt by you?

• Do you take care of the feelings of those who are

younger than you?
Few personality development tips…

1. If you want to progress in life then honestly analyze the

traits of your character.
2. Do not laugh at people when they are in difficulty or
3. Listen to everyone politely, even if their ideas are
baseless or not of your interest.
4. During conversation do not keep talking yourself too
5. When ever somebody brings any gift for you, don’t forget
to praise it.
6. Make other feel that you love them.
7. Keep your moral high in case of defeat and be more
polite on being victorious.
8. Solve your problems in a creative way.
Few personality development tips…

09. Enlist your bad habits and try to get rid of them.
10. We should not uplift our standard of living but also
help others to do so.
11. Be careful of what your say about others.
12. Some people often have a favorite sentence which
they repeat frequently. We should try and get rid of
such a habit.
13. Independence increases qualities & personality.
14. Independent thinking and freedom to work is the only
source of progress and welfare.
15. Love is the greatest magic in this world. You can do
every thing with help of love.
16. Positive attitude is of great importance in our
Few personality development tips…

17. The real beauty of man lies not in his physical

appearance but in his work and good qualities.
18. Every individual should develop the ability to adjust
with others.
19. A self respecting person does not accept favors from
other people even in most difficult time.
20. It is very difficult to understand a foolish or misguided
21. Anyone who is fearless and forgives others is the right
22. We should not be in the same condition when we go to
bed as we were when we woke up.
23. We all know that time in life is limited. Extra time can
not be purchased.
Essential components of Personality Development
• Be polite and speak sweetly.

• Keep away from lies and fraud.

• Believe in healthy competition.

• The importance of positive attitude.

• Anger and irritation are your enemies.

• Spare time for social service.

• Develop your creative power.

• Know the value of time.

• Article on ‘Overcoming negative thinking’, Courtesy
India Express.

• Article on ‘Types of personalities’ by Mr. Rajiv Mishra.

• ‘Personality Development’ by Swami Vivekananda.

• “Theories of personality, Understanding persons”, fifth

edition, by Susan Cloninger.

• “ Training module on personality development”,

Institute of Management in Government, by Dr. C. P.
Sreedhar and Mr. Oommen Mathew.

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