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Story Plot: Naman and Junnu are a happily married couple stays in Mumbai, Priya is an

old college friend of Junnu. Priya initially worked in pune for 3years and she got
transferred to Mumbai.

(The screen slowly displays with phone alarm tone, which is actually, a ringtone…)
Junnu: Hellooooo (says it in a drowsy way…)
Priya: who is the president of india?
Junnu: ahhh! What? … Early morning…… asking me, these kind of questions…. ( says it
drowsy manner only…)
Priya: Youuuuu have to tell me…, Early morning who can call you and eat your brain…
(Junnu Widens her eyes on hearing it…, and understands)
Junnu: Please…. Don’t say that its you…
Priya: Yep, Its me…
(Junnu Gets up immediately from bed)
Junnu: Priyaaaa…., where you been all these days no messages…, no replies…, you wont use
social media… its been soooo long talking with you..
Priya: Yesss, its my point toooo, its been sooo long why to talk on phone. Will come to your
Junnu: What? (she shouts on anxiety..) Are you seriously in Mumbai….
(Naman comes from living area to bedroom , where he is playing with Aarya (their pet dog)
and watching Junnu over anxieties)
Priya: Yes I am, came here, 2days back… and got busy in searching for flat.
Junnu: (She again raises her voice) Are you kidding me? You migrated to Mumbai….
Wooo…. Are going to kill me by raising my heart beat…
Priya: Hahahah! Hold your horses… will come tomorrow to meet you.. share the location
Junnu: Come fast, I want to hit you very badly..( Says it in a sarcastic way…)
Priya: Okay, Bye junnu will come tomorrow by 10a.m
(After, handing up the call Junnu roams all over the house just like that…, having a glow
in her face with silent smiles, unknowingly on her face….)
Naman: (By seeing Junnu, he got the point and goes out intentionally to get food stuffs that
junnu loves to make…)
Next day Sunday Morning:
(Priya reaches to their house and tries to open their metallic gate… and other hand holding
fruits…, The Metal door gate makes sounds, on hearing that Aarya comes running and barks on
the 3rd person to the house. Priya suddenly notices the dog and get scared of it))
Naman: (He raises his voice.. on aaraya..) Aarya goo back… goo back…
(To enter into the living area(hall) Priya need to cross main door, but by watching the dog
she is not daring to enter because of dog is sooo strong, tall and staring at priya’s face)
(Junnu comes out ties up aarya to the pillar.)
(Priya enters slowly into the house as it is the first time coming to their house with a
hesitation feeling on her face…. And her hands were shaking due to fear)
Junnu: (Junnu smoothens her backbone and says…)
Junnu: Nothing… Nothing… Aarya saw you for time know… that why…
Priya: Water… water…
(Naman gets the water from kitchen)
Junnu: Its been sooo long for you to meet me. Its right to happen to you ( says it in a funny
Junnu: Relaxed now! ( In a stronger tone)
(Junnu introduces her to Naman)
Junnu: Naman, she is the only dearest friend i’ve been 12years with.. and Priya he is naman my
(saying hello to eachother..)
Junnu: coffee is on the stove, get it.. once if it is done…
Naman: Yeah sure…
Priya: Junnu how come you growing a dog… we both are having thousands of fearful stories on
Junnu: (she similes and say’s no words…)
[Once the coffee is done, naman brings to serve, while he is approaching…]
Junnu: Naman, did you hear that… she got job location, transferred to Mumbai it seems…
Naman: ohhh nice!
Junnu: Her job location is in Jhuhu only it seems. Actually, we can catch up frequently…. that’s
really great…
Naman: Nicee… ( says it politely and goes to play with aarya soo that, to give private space
for them to talk)
Priya: Junnu, you are sooo lucky, your husband is really a nice guy… doing all kinds of works
with a great ease and not hesitating to do it Infront of strangers…
Junnu: On that note, even I feel I am sooo blessed to have such husband, actually u no what,
naman is more scared than me on dogs, he haven’t let any dog near him till marriage..
Priya: Then how come both of you people, maintaining a dog I am not getting any sense…
Junnu: Actually, I am worried on the current society that we are living in, completely nuclear
families emerging and children are very far from joint families human emotions and cares. In this
busy world, parents are not having time to their own private space only and ruining their
marriage lives. The divorce rates reach the top notch and seeing some close people real time
situation built a fear that, will I also end up in such situations? Naman loves kids a lot, but being
Surgeon in medical department he will be having lot of pressures in dealing the things. Though I
am being a house wife I am not having courage to handle in the initial point. Naman, understood
my concern and came up with idea that “SHALL WE GROW A PET”. So that, to experiment on
ourselves that can we be good parents, we both strongly believe that growing financially and
providing all comforts to kids is not the good parenting nature, which we observed it from most
of the growing families and we decided that not to be one of them.
Junnu: The reason behind choosing dog as pet, among various pet’s dogs require at most
attention, the temper nature in them is very high, the maintenance, the care we show on them
constantly can bring us confidence to do, what we wished for.
Priya: Awwww soooo sweet of you people. Can I talk to your husband for a minute.
Junnu: Ofcourse, I will arrange lunch on the dining table… come fast.
(Priya comes out of the main door and watches the loan)
(Priya goes into the trance, by seeing how aarya and naman are playing with ball in the
lawn outside and she forgets that she is having fear on dogs goes near to them)
Priya: Sir, I don’t know that your Surgeon. Sir, I’ve heard the reason behind growing aarya. Just
felt amazed by your actions…
Naman: I am nothing, Junnu is so much forward thinking, which no families are thinking this
way right now makes me feel like I am luckiest guy to have her and she is small kid inside,
which I love that. You know yesterday after your call, whole day she is sooo much anxious to
meet you and recollecting you people’s memories. I just do things as per actions that get me joy
which finally resulted to ‘”GOOD NEWWS”
Priya: GOOD NEWS??
Naman: YESSS, she is 3months pregnant now! We will be parents soon!!
(Priya Runs and gives a veryyyy tight hugg Junnu)

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