Focused Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Spwla 59 Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

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SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018


M. Bacciarelli, Pedro A. Romero Rojas and P A S Elkington, Weatherford

Copyright 2018, held jointly by the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log particular interpretational needs. This is particularly
Analysts (SPWLA) and the submitting authors.
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPWLA 59th Annual Logging useful for fluid typing from T2-D and T1-T2 in
Symposium held in London, UK, June 2-6, 2018. unconventional reservoirs, noting that the existence
of a theoretically optimum sequence is no guarantee
ABSTRACT that it can be physically realized. This is addressed
with a sophisticated job planning tool and laboratory
Borehole NMR has become an important source of testing of activation sequences. Operationally the
petrophysical information, helped by the sequences may be optimized on a zone-by-zone
development of increasingly sophisticated hardware. basis. Subsequent processing uses the acquired data
In order to address the most fundamental challenge to identify the best trains to pass to the inversion
to the utility of NMR – namely the inherent non- which facilitates the use of new evolving
uniqueness of the inversion – it is necessary to take a simultaneous joint inversion techniques for better
holistic approach in which hardware, job planning, analysis.
inversion and analysis are considered as a whole. It is
especially important to understand the role of signal- Field trials in over 50 wells encompassed diverse
to-noise, and develop strategies to deal with it, borehole and formation environments. Relative to the
recognizing that physics dictates that some of the tool used as a basis for comparison, results
most ambitious interpretation objectives may not be demonstrate step-change improvements in data
compatible with fast logging speeds. quality. Processed results and interpretations are
reviewed relative to data from supporting logs, to
Starting with hardware, a new logging tool has been highlight the benefits of integrating multiple data
developed to maximize signal from the formation sources. The new service significantly improves
and minimize noise from the borehole. Negligible confidence in the commonly delivered NMR
borehole signal and high tolerance to tool orientation petrophysical properties and contributes to a better
error result from focusing the static magnetic field understanding of what can be achieved and how to
within a 90 degree sector. Extremely low coupling achieve it.
between the RF antenna and the borehole allows
power consumption to be kept small. This eliminates INTRODUCTION
the need for fluid excluders, even in very saline
muds, as well as enhancing reliability and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) involves
operational flexibility. Control of the static magnetic absorption and re-emission of electromagnetic
field uniformity along the sensor together with energy by nuclei of atoms with non-zero spin. Its
optimally shaped symmetrical pre-polarization zones potential as an analytical technique for geological
allow for motion-artifact-free logs and accelerated material was recognized soon after the discovery
polarization of fluids with long T1 components. of the phenomenon in 1946. Laboratory NMR
Tight control of phase and amplitude characteristics studies of fluids in rocks and clays started in the
of transmit and receive paths ensure acquisitions 1950’s and the first pulsed RF NMR logging
have negligible levels of systematic echo train technique was patented by Jackson in 1978 which
distortions. Higher gradients allow improved in turn led to the first commercial pulsed RF NMR
characterization of heavy oil and other small well logging services by Numar in 1990s (K. Dunn
diffusion coefficient fluid components, and are a et al, 2002). Since the 1990’s tool design and
factor in addressing the commercial pressures for measurement technology has become more
higher logging speeds in unconventional reservoirs. sophisticated but is constrained by the borehole
environment. Particular challenges are the amount
The operation of the tool is tightly integrated with of power that can be delivered through a wireline,
the design of the data processing and analysis, and the size, shape and composition of the magnet to
manifests itself in highly flexible activation provide the coercivity necessary to generate a
sequences which are capable of being optimized for magnetic field sufficiently deep enough into the
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

formation, and, the necessity to operate at measured and also dependent on the interaction of
temperatures as high as 175°C and pressures up to the fluid and formation matrix.
20 000 psi.
The nuclear spin will precess around the magnetic field
In the oil and gas sector NMR is used to infer or at the Larmor frequency, ω0. This frequency is
measure fluid and pore space properties such as proportional to the applied B0 field and the
fluid type, fluid saturation and distribution, gyromagnetic ratio, γ which is specific for the nucleus
permeability, viscosity, wettability, capillary involved (42.5781 MHz/Tesla for the hydrogen
pressure, porosity, pore size distribution, rock type nucleus). In the B0 field the spins are able to absorb and
and grain size (E. Toumelin et al, 2006). Uniquely emit energy at this specific frequency.
NMR is able to differentiate between clay bound
water (CBW), capillary bound water (BVI), free (1)
fluids (FFI), water and hydrocarbons. It identifies
fluids based on their longitudinal and transverse Once polarized, the formation has a macroscopic
relaxation times T1 and T2 respectively. longitudinal magnetization M0 along the B0 field axis, z:

NMR has found applications in a wide range of (2)

reservoir types but heterogeneous carbonates,
complex lithologies, heavy oil reservoirs, fractured A sequence of high energy RF pulses is used to
or vuggy rocks, and more recently unconventional generate the NMR signal. These RF bursts can be
or organic rich shale reservoirs have required arranged into many different sequences but the tool
specific techniques that have evolved with uses a specific sequence common to NMR logging, the
experience rather than “everyday” NMR (R. CPMG sequence, named after its inventors Carr-
Akkurt et al, 2009 and V. Anand et al, 2017) that Purcell-Meiboom-Gill. An example of this sequence
can be applied to conventional reservoir problems. and its stages is shown in Figure 1.
These more challenging reservoirs can lead to
uncertainties that are a complex function of
activation parameters, formation and fluids as well
as tool noise.

A holistic approach was necessary to improve

signal-to-noise (SNR), involving the hardware,
measurement acquisition, processing and
inversion. Strategies were developed to deal with
improving signal-to-noise, recognizing that
physics dictates that some of the most ambitious
interpretation objectives may not be compatible Fig. 1. Components of a CPMG sequence
with fast logging speeds.
Pulse tipping and free induction decay is achieved
THE NMR MEASUREMENT by application of a precisely measured pulse of an
oscillating magnetic field (B1) oriented
The NMR measurement stimulates hydrogen perpendicular to B0. The frequency of the applied
nuclei (protons) in a formation to generate signals field equals the Larmor frequency and the
that are rich in useful information concerning amplitude and duration is set such that it
fluids and their containing structures. effectively tips the macroscopic magnetization by
90° to a transverse plane (hence the pulse is called
To start a NMR measurement the hydrogen nuclei π/2 pulse).
are polarized by the application of a static
magnetic field B0 that originates from permanent When the B1 field is removed the protons de-
magnets inside the tool. This process gradually phase generating a short burst of RF energy at the
aligns the nuclear spin axis in the direction of B 0. Larmor frequency. This is the Free Induction
The polarization occurs with a time constant, T1 Decay (FID). In downhole tools operating at
specific to the properties of the fluid being relatively low frequencies the FID signal is
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

masked by signals related to imperfections of the diffusivity can be extracted from the signal and
system and is not usable in the present state of the used to deduce information on the fluids and their
technology. pore structure.

Next refocusing is achieved by applying another The observed signal is effectively a distribution of
burst of an oscillating magnetic field at the Larmor all the signals from the sensitive volume, therefore
frequency at time τ from the π/2 pulse but phased the total signal intensity is proportional to the total
and timed such that it reverses the phases of the number of hydrogen nuclei (or Hydrogen Index,
currently de-phasing spins. Since the phase HI) within the fluids in the sensitive volume,
reversal involves rotation by 180° this pulse is assuming all the fluid relaxation times are long
referred to as a π pulse. Molecular interactions and enough to be visible to NMR measurements.
diffusion in an inhomogeneous magnetic field are When the signal amplitude is calibrated this is
the main cause for this loss of phase. equivalent to total porosity in the sensitive volume.

Spin echo detection occurs at a time τ from the The tool is typically calibrated to water at a
application of the π pulse benefiting from the fact reference temperature (assumed to have HI of 1).
that all the spins have re-focused and a burst of RF The hydrogen index of hydrocarbons may differ
energy is emitted at the Larmor frequency. substantially from 1 depending on composition,
pressure and temperature. For example, the HI of
This burst of RF energy is sensed as a voltage by methane at 5,000 ft depth can be around 0.2
the antenna positioned in close proximity to the resulting in an apparent porosity that is much
measurement zone. Since this voltage is in the lower than actual porosity. Therefore a HI
order of nanovolts it is amplified and filtered correction may be required.
before being stored in the NMR tool as an NMR
echo. Phase sensitive detection is used and the Relaxation is the rate at which hydrogen nuclei
echoes are stored as complex numbers. will return to equilibrium. Two relaxation
mechanisms are involved: the T1 relaxation, also
The process of re-focusing is repeated many times known as spin-lattice or longitudinal relaxation,
resulting in a series of echoes, known as an echo and T2 relaxation, sometimes termed as spin-spin
train, in which the amplitudes of consecutive or transverse relaxation.
echoes decay at a rate T2, which is specific for the
fluids and formation properties. The time between Both these relaxation mechanisms are dependent
consecutive echoes equals 2τ and is referred to as on molecular dynamics which in turn depends on
the echo spacing, TE. molecular size therefore on viscosity and
intermolecular forces at the pore surface and
The combination, number, timing and spacing of therefore contain information on both these
these excitation and measurement pulses are properties and therefore T1/T2 ratio will be related
referred to as an activation sequence and are to the molecular mobility of the fluids (B. Nicot et
designed to emphasize desired measurement al, 2016).
parameters such as the different fluid relaxations
and/or diffusivities. An incorrectly designed The relaxation mechanisms work in parallel and
sequence may not be able to measure a specific the effective relaxation times T1 and T2 are
fluid property; for example the lack of attention to expressed as follows:
different gradients and echo spacing would make
obtaining any diffusion measurement very (3)


The NMR information of interest is encoded as the where:

amplitudes of these NMR echoes. The
concentration of hydrogen nuclei, the longitudinal,  T1 is the effective longitudinal relaxation time
T1 and transverse T2 relaxation times and the measured by the NMR tool.
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

 T1B is the longitudinal relaxation time of a diffusivity affects the response of the T 2 relaxation
bulk fluid in a sample so large that the time to the magnetic gradients of the tool and
interaction with its walls would be negligible. those that may be embedded in the formation
 T1S is the longitudinal relaxation component matrix.
resulting from interaction of the fluid with the
pore surface. Fluid typing is one of the main reasons multi-
 T2 is the effective transverse relaxation time as frequency NMR tools were designed. In order to
measured by the NMR tool. extract the maximum information about fluids and
 T2B is the transverse relaxation time of a bulk fluid interactions with the formation, special
fluid in a sample so large that the interaction acquisition sequences are designed with a variety
with its walls would be negligible and which of wait times, gradients and number of echoes to
occurs in a uniform B0 field. take advantage of these type of tool.
 T2S is the transverse relaxation component
resulting from interaction of the fluid with the The dominant component of the surface relaxation
pore surface. times T1S and T2S is often approximated as a
function of the surface to volume fraction of the
The main difference between the two mechanisms pore in which it exists and will be inversely
is the T2D term which is the transverse relaxation proportional to pore size:
component resulting from diffusion of the fluid in
the B0 magnetic field and the magnetic field and (7)
gradient inherent in the formation matrix.

The diffusion related T2 component can be The parameters ρ1 and ρ2 are the surface
described by the following relationship: relaxivities for T1 and T2 respectively and
represent the strength of relaxation at the pore
surfaces. Their values will depend on mineralogy,
(5) pore shape and the interaction of fluid molecules
with paramagnetic impurities on pore surface.
where: Generally sandstones have a stronger effect on
surface relaxation than carbonates.
 D is the fluid diffusion coefficient in [m2/s]
 γ is the gyromagnetic ratio of the proton for 1H In the case of estimates of pore size from T 2 this
measurements in [Hz/Gs] relationship only holds true if the fast diffusion
 G is the gradient of the B0 magnetic field in limit is met, when the surface wall relaxation time
[Gauss/m] is longer than time the hydrogen nuclei can diffuse
 TE is the inter-echo time for the CPMG across the pore (W. Kenyon, 1997).
sequence in [s]
This interaction between fluids and formation
Diffusion is a material property and results from matrix surfaces has the potential to shorten both
random Brownian motion of fluid molecules. The the T1 and T2 relaxation times of the fluids in
diffusion constant is inversely proportional to direct contact or bound to the solids. Water wet
molecular radius, a, and viscosity, η and is useful and oil wet rocks behave differently in this respect.
for distinguishing fluid from gas, which has a very Moreover, magnetic gradients internal to the rock
large diffusivity. It is described by the Stokes- further affect the relaxation times. This provides
Einstein equation: useful information on wettability, pore size
distribution and in some cases grain size.
where T is absolute temperature and k
Boltzmann’s constant. Different fluids have their The sensitive volume is the region of the
own bulk relaxation times broadly related to their formation from which the NMR signal will
viscosity. Mixtures of fluids can present very preferentially be acquired and is relatively precise
complex relaxation times. Moreover, the fluid in its spatial distribution and its geometry. It
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

depends on the shape and magnitude of the B0 The narrow sensitive volume differs from the diffuse
field controlled by the magnet design, and the sensitive volume of other logging measurements which
shape and frequency of the B1 field, which are also often influenced by borehole and mudcake,
depends on the coil array and available power and necessitating correction to arrive at their true values.
the temperature in the logging environment. The
new tool has a sidewall design whose sensitive The NMR measurement itself is shallow, normally
volume is a cylindrical segment shell of a within the flushed zone, with the deepest shell around
thickness of approximately 0.04 inch (1 mm). The 4.3 inches into the formation and the shallowest around
absolute width is influenced by temperature, and 1.7 inches. The shape of the shell makes the
its intrinsic length of 18 inches is related to the measurement sensitive to vertical heterogeneity and this
antenna aperture (Figure 2). When the tool is in should be considered when interpreting NMR data.
motion the effect of the pre-polarizing magnets
modifies the vertical resolution to around 20 Because the measurement is in the flushed zone mud
inches. properties should always be considered. Whether mud
filtrate invasion is a drainage or imbibition event will
depend on the mud type and the wettability of the
formation. In the case of WBM and water wet
formations filtrate invasion may provide a reliable pore
size distribution from the T2 spectrum. However
OBM’s can be more complicated as they can interfere
with the oil signal, and in the case of Invert muds
contain a substantial water phase. For unconventional
reservoirs invasion is often ignored and native fluids
can be expected to be measured unless chemical
alteration or mechanical damage to the rock affects the


Noise is defined as any unwanted disturbance that

Fig. 2. The tool’s sensitive volumes are well obscures or interferes with a desired signal. The relative
defined curved shells 18 inches long. contribution of the true signal to the random
superimposed signal (noise) for a detected signal is
The strength of B0 varies as a function of the distance referred to as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
from the magnet and controls the depth of
investigation (DOI). The definition of DOI adopted The very small NMR signal is extremely sensitive to
in this paper is the distance of the sensitive volume noise. The SNR of the signal is proportional to the
from the tool surface, and includes a 0.5 inch proton concentration, the acquisition time and the
standoff from the borehole wall. A similar shaped magnetic field strength. Increasing the magnetic field
shell of sensitive volume is created for each strength or operating in high porosity rocks will have a
frequency. positive impact on SNR.

A well-focused sensitive volume in front of the One common method to improve the SNR is to average
sensor results in low borehole signal. In the or stack several measurements together at the expense
presence of highly conductive borehole fluids the of some loss of spatial resolution. The SNR increases as
returning signal is attenuated the and therefore the square root of the number of samples in the stack.
decreases the SNR. This contrasts with centralized
NMR tools whose sensitive regions are concentric Noise can come from a variety of sources including the
cylindrical shells. LWD tools tend to have wider tool itself. Coherent noise such as ringing is the residual
toroidal shaped sensitive region as they are near effect of the powerful exciting RF pulse on the
zero gradient tools to make them motion tolerant. electronics of the receiver. The acquisition of the
As both of these tools sense more volume they will echoes as phase-alternate pairs (PAPs) not only helps to
have a better SNR compared to a sidewall tool. eliminate electronics related artifacts (dead time and
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

DC offset) and ringing but reduces random noise by a TOOL DESIGN

factor of square root of 2.
The new NMR tool was developed in collaboration
Thermal or Johnson–Nyquist noise generated from with an oilfield product and technologies development
electronic components in the tool, such the RF antenna company and an exploration and production software
and pre amplifiers, is due to the thermal fluctuations of development company. This partnership was able to
charge distribution in conducting media. Noise or draw on a long history and experience in wire-line,
uncertainty that is attributed to the formation could be LWD and core NMR measurements and operations.
termed geologic noise. For example the NMR signal
amplitude drops off as a function of the inverse of The tool was developed using computer optimization of
absolute temperature (°K). The practical implication of a comprehensive NMR tool model with constraints and
this phenomenon is the reduction of signal-to-noise at goal functions set such that a solution converged on a
high temperatures, necessitating a temperature configuration that matches the needs of today’s market
correction. (Figure 3). The tool is a multi-frequency, sidewall-
focused tool which provides a range of depths of
Interference between externally applied gradients and investigation and has been designed for a wide range of
internal gradients or inhomogeneous magnetic fields hole sizes and borehole fluid types (including high
induced by the magnetic susceptibility contrast between salinity mud) without the need for additional
the solid matrix and pore fluid will depend on the equipment.
magnitude of static magnetic field, B0, the magnetic
susceptibility contrast, pore sizes, and the pore shapes Hardware
of all individual pores (E.L. Fay et al, 2017). This may
lead to a shortening of the T 2 relaxation time and an To ease transport and maintenance the design is
increase in apparent diffusivity. modular and consists of three short sections or subs: the
Sonde sub that includes all the major components of the
“Mathematical noise” can come from the inversion. NMR sensor, the antenna and magnet assembly; the
Inversion uncertainty may be different from each Electronics sub which contains the NMR controller, a
inversion algorithm. Inverse problems involve digital signal processor (DSP) that controls the
predicting some physical property from a series of operation of the tool and the Energy Storage sub which
measurements in this case T2, T1 and D from the provides the required power.
amplitude and decay of the raw echoes trains.
To assist orientation, the tool is equipped with a pair of
NMR inversion is an ill-posed problem, meaning there eccentric standoffs and a bow-spring mounted onto the
is no unique solution. The solution must be constrained Energy Storage sub which helps to reduce the effects of
or regularized. Regularization makes the solution less borehole wall rugosity. A field replaceable sacrificial
sensitive to noise. The price for this stability is a less sleeve is installed over the antenna assembly for
accurate or somewhat uncertain answer. protection. This has the beneficial effect of reducing the
borehole fluid volume in front of the antenna. A tilt
Tool noise mitigation was accomplished by extensive sensor in the Sonde comprises two, 2-axis ±5g MEMS
modeling of the whole system and benefited from early accelerometer units oriented to give 3-axis coverage.
prototyping. Big sources of the noise are the mud and These provide a depth correction and input to a
formation resistivity-related noise, and noise from tool measurement quality indicator.
receiver amplifiers. The tool performs periodic
measurement of the random noise observed in the During the design phase a 3-axis high accuracy
system. The noise is measured in a way identical to the magnetometer probe mounted on a computer controlled
NMR signal acquisition except the transmitter is not motion system allowing 3D mapping of the magnetic
activated resulting in no NMR signal, just noise seen by field around the magnet. This allowed the achievement
the tool’s antenna. of the desired B0 field uniformity to within 1% along
the sensor. The optimally shaped symmetrical pre-
A set of look up tables of single echo noise as a polarization zones allow for motion-artifact-free logs
function of stand-off, pulse type, frequency, borehole and accelerated polarization of fluids with long T 1
size, formation resistivity, mud salinity and temperature components.
were constructed for use in planning and interpretation.
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

Fig. 4. Magnet arrangement and tilt angle.

The resultant wider range of gradients present in the

sensitive volume provided by the tool allows for better
Fig. 3. Tool development process. resolution of diffusivity coefficient in any T1-D or T2-
D inversion, while large gradients can help resolve
The tool exploits the geometry of the static magnetic smaller values of diffusivity coefficient. This is
field (B0) and oscillating RF field (B1) by using shaped important in fluid typing especially when fast decaying
and matched magnets and a special antenna design to components are present such as in the case of heavy oil.
provide a focused measurement. The RF field generated Currently the tool uses 16 different gradient bands, each
by the sensor is shaped by the combined action of the with its own DOI, as shown in Figure 5 and Table 1.
magnetically permeable antenna cores and a high
conductivity screen. This influence of the gradient on the signal is seen in
the Bloch equation:
A pair of identically shaped magnets arranged in such a
way that they are tilted relative to each other in the x-y (9)
plane orthogonal to the longitudinal axis of the tool by a
tilt angle described as: The tilt angle also serves to focus the sensitive volume
such that there is minimal or no undesired signal from
(8) the borehole around the tool. This is especially
important when logging in wells drilled with a bit size
greater than 12-1/4 inches.
The magnitude of this tilt angle has implications for the
gradient, SNR, the borehole signal and DOI; an angle While a more focused sensitive volume excites less
that is greater than perpendicular results in less power formation and therefore will have less SNR, modeling
consumption, increased SNR and a wider span of showed that this effect is far less than the effects of
higher magnitudes of gradients. The value of the tilt unwanted hydrogen and sodium signals from the
angle was optimized by experimentation and borehole. The better SNR permits the higher logging
sophisticated numerical modeling. speeds needed in unconventional wells.

SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018


Fig. 5. Available gradient range and DOI measured

from antenna sleeve. DOI accuracy is 0.05 inch, and
gradient accuracy is 4%.

DOI DOI Gradient (b)

[in] [mm] [G/cm]
0 1.68 43 33.4
1 1.99 51 27.9
2 2.25 57 24.3
3 2.49 63 21.6
4 2.7 69 19.6
5 2.9 74 18
6 3.08 78 16.6
7 3.24 82 15.4
8 3.4 86 14.6
9 3.55 90 13.8 (c)
10 3.68 93 13.1
11 3.81 97 12.5 Fig. 6. Variation of borehole signal (a), frequency (b)
12 3.93 100 12 and SNR (c) with tilt angle at different DOI.
13 4.05 103 11.4
14 4.16 106 11 resulting in low power consumption and eliminating the
15 4.27 108 10.6 need for mud excluders even in very saline muds.

The lower power consumption is important as high

Table 1. Band depths of investigation and gradients. quality NMR data demands short Te acquisitions and
high duty cycle (more echoes) to boost the inherently
The resultant sensitive volume is focused within a 90° low SNR of NMR signals, especially in highly
sector resulting in high tolerance of instrument conductive mud environment. Both factors increase the
orientation errors and no limits in borehole size. The power demand that in some cases approaches 1,500W
design further features the negligible borehole signal averaged over the activation cycle. There are voltage
contribution, both from hydrogen and sodium and very and current limits on the amount of power that can be
low EM coupling of the RF antenna to borehole mud delivered through a wireline.

SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

the duration of π-pulse, which is set to achieve the best

SNR as lower gradient (deeper) bands will have lower

The activation file is arranged by groups and bands. Up

to 16 frequency bands (designated 0 – 15), span
frequencies of 900 to 411 kHz and DOIs of 1.68 to 4.27
inches. Each echo train with a different T W, TE,
Gradient and number of echoes is assigned a group. An
example is shown in Figure 8.

The tool draws on a library of targeted activation files

which can be used to change the survey over different
depth ranges or to provide special sequences suited to
stationary measurements. The tool can store up to 256
activation files.

During data processing the information in the activation

Fig. 7. The focused field. file suggests the best trains to feed into the chosen
inversion based on the actual data and the forward
In large boreholes, both 1H and 23Na have a potential to models to provide more robust fluid information. Since
return unwanted borehole signals. The frame antenna these activation scripts can be changed in real time a
focuses the NMR signal right in-front of the sensor so more ambitious combination of acquisitions can be
that about 90% of the signal is contained within a +/- used in a well to prove a hypothesis.
45° sector (Figure 7).

Activation Sequences Complex Lithology Activation Sequence

The stimulation and measurement pulse sequence (the

activation sequence) is controlled by a microprocessor
(DSP) optimized for digital signal processing tasks that
is contained in the Sonde sub. Its primary functions are
to run activations scripts, generate excitation signals,
acquire the signals for processing and process and
format the acquired data.
Time, ms
Activation scripts are binary code that describes the
NMR pulse sequences and acquisition parameters in
precise detail using basic primitives. Scripts are Fig. 8. Activation sequence example. The timing
downloaded by the microcontroller to the DSP, and diagram is color coded based on TE: blue 400 μs, brown
interpreted by the DSP for execution in real-time. 600 μs, yellow 800 μs, green 1600 μs pink 3200 μs and
red 4800 μs.
Any set of measurement acquisition parameters,
representing a logging objective, such as wait time (T w), The DSP ensures tight control of phase and amplitude
echo spacing (TE), train duration (number of echoes, characteristics of transmit and receive paths, which
Ne), repetition cycle and frequency band are laboratory assures acquisitions with a negligible levels of
tested before creating the activation file. The testing systematic echo train distortion. The ability to provide
processes use a combination of software and firmware very short echo spacing and a wide range of wait times
designed to optimize this sequence in terms of pulse coupled with the low power consumption has led to the
shape, pulse timing, positioning of the π/2 pulse, duty creation of richer activation sequences that support the
cycle, power budget, band cross-talk and SNR use of multi-dimensional inversions that are invaluable
requirements to ensure the activation is deliverable. For to fluid typing studies (T2-D) or unconventional
example band separation needs to be considered due to analysis (T1-T2) or experimental 3D or 4D inversions.
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

Where standard 1D methods provide overlapping and

ambiguous fluid characterization the use of methods such
as Dual Wait Time to exploit highly contrasting fluid T1’s
or Shifted Spectrum to exploit different TE’s to
discriminate fluids on a large diffusion contrast were used.
These methods infer but do not quantify fluid types and
led to the use of 2D methods that can only be achieved
with complex activations and multiple frequencies.


Activation sequence design uses a forward model of

expected formation and logging parameters with the
addition of noise based on tool characterization studies
from the series of Single Echo Noise (SEN) look-up
tables to generate simulated echo trains that can be
subsequently inverted to test the sensitivity to inversion
parameters. The process is summarized in Figure 9.

The modeling software is both a job planner and a

simulator. It reads customer supplied information
directly. To assess the logging environment and
objectives, and to provide the best possible answer
products, it is necessary to gather as much information
as possible about the formation and fluids to be logged
and to decide which activation sequence would be the
most suitable.

While basic reservoir and environmental information is

sufficient to create a model more advanced fluid and
rock information can be provided for a more accurate
model. Ideally knowledge of T 1, T2 and diffusivity of
the fluids to be logged should be entered. Generally
these are unknown so they are estimated from more
standard reservoir parameters such as API, GOR or
viscosity from various industry correlations (Hiraski et
al, 2002). In addition to the standard fluid information
user components can be added for use in
unconventional resource analysis.
Fig. 9. Activation sequence planning workflow
The planner also has the ability to model mud invasion
which can be critical to understanding the best It is important to understand the effect of signal to noise
frequency bands to use in the acquisition. on the interpretation objectives. Figure 10 illustrates
three different realizations of noise.
The software reads a planned acquisition sequence and
adds noise to generate synthetic echo trains using the Many authors have discussed the differences SNR
fluid and reservoir information entered previously. between log and laboratory NMR measurements, the
Noise may be added in 3 ways: as a SNR, as an RMS implications of SNR on logging speed and SNR in low
value, or from the tool-specific Single Echo Noise porosity reservoirs (S. Chen et al 1998, Cao Minh et al,
(SEN) look-up table for the most realistic 2012, Boqin Sun et al, 2016). Typical SNR estimates
representation. Once noise has been added stacking can for logging are commonly below 10, as high as 50 for
be applied and the vertical resolution or logging speed stationary measurements, while core NMR is between
estimated for those conditions. 100 and 200.
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

Once the synthetic echo trains have been created they within contour lines can be evaluated in terms of their
are fed into any of the 1-D, 2-D and 3-D inversions to volumetric fractions, later used to calculate the water
output the most likely T1 and T2 distributions and 2D and hydrocarbon saturations. However, some
fluid maps. Inversion parameters can be varied for the interpretation is necessary as erroneous or conflicting
conditions and the sensitivity to different parameters or results will occur if the underlying model is incorrect,
the best inversion for the expected data quality or for example the effects of restricted diffusion in small
objective can be decided. The models are saved for use pores or paramagnetic and ferromagnetic material
in post processing if a model based inversion approach coating grains.
is employed.
SNR 6 RNS 0.2 Single Echo
Noise Field trials were conducted in over 50 wells in the US,
Canada and Middle East encompassing diverse
borehole and formation environments. Bit sizes ranged
from 6-1/8 to 12-1/4 inches with different mud types
including Invert Mud, OBM, Brine, WBM polymer and
Fig. 10. Three realizations of noise for a complex Water. Mud resistivity ranged between 0.03 and 5.8
lithology activation for expected formation, fluid and Ohm-m at borehole temperatures and low Q conditions
mud parameters. The most representative is the look-up of Rm below 0.06 Ohm-m were met in at least 10 wells.
table Single Echo Noise. The tool performed as expected in conventional clastic
and carbonate reservoirs in acquiring quality porosity-
PROCESSING permeability data. Additionally the more challenging
applications of complex lithology, unconventional and
Field processing focuses on the information needed to heavy oil reservoirs have benefited from the more
support fundamental decisions at the well site, such as focused approach.
selecting good reservoir layers based on permeability,
NMR rock type analysis, and T1/T2 ratios to Complex Lithology Reservoir
qualitatively indicate the presence of volatile fluids.
A complex lithology can be described as a rock
Three different types of inversion are available at the containing several lithologies or rock types rather than
wellsite: a single inversion using a long echo train on one dominant type and can be expected to exhibit both
one of the shallower bands to give a T 2 distribution, a vertical and lateral heterogeneity. Often inter bedded
dual inversion using the same echo train and a repeated lithologies with beds below the vertical resolution of
series of short under polarized echo trains at the the measuring device are described as complex. From
shortest echo spacing (known as burst echoes) on the the standpoint of NMR such a lithology can be
same band to capture fast decaying components such as expected to have a wide range of surface relaxivities
clay bound water and T1T2 inversion which generates a and pore sizes and the sensitive volume may cross
T2 and T1 distribution as projections from T1T2 maps. several rock types which may affect the T 2 distribution.

Post-processing has access to all the recorded data and In the first example the reservoir is best described as a
uses a specific workflow optimized for the new tool. mixed siliclastic-carbonate lithology consisting of
Specific information from the activation files and the shallow marine and tidal channel deposits that result in
noise models is read directly into the software which a complicated, heterogeneous succession of interbedded
includes special routines for phase rotation, radial limestone, shale and sandstone. Porosities are generally
profiling, unconventional analysis, smart stacking and high, 0.15 – 0.2 v/v and the reservoir fluid is light oil
stationary measurements. A comprehensive set of 1-D, with a viscosity of around 10 cp at reservoir conditions.
2-D and 3-D inversions are available for processing. There is a high volume of clay and glauconite is present
in some intervals.
For 2D or higher inversions a Model Oriented
Evaluation (MOE) is used. This uses the underlying Quad-combo logs and a previous generation NMR log
models to define the positions of the expected were also acquired in this well (R. Khamatdinov et al,
components against which the actual data is compared. 2003 provides details of this tool). This enabled a direct
Any spot on the map represents a fluid. The spots comparison between the old and new generation tools.
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

The logging objectives were an accurate porosity- T1 activation sequence and high SNR T2 data
permeability, an estimate of residual hydrocarbon (Figure 11) proved to be very useful to define a
saturation, radial saturation analysis, and integrated reasonable T2 cut-off at 75 ms in this complex
resistivity based saturations and if possible some lithology reservoir.
measure of viscosity.

A special activation sequence was designed such that

one band had a similar depth of investigation as the old
generation tool, which after accounting for 0.5 inch
standoff, equates to a DOI of 3.08 inches and was
obtained from band 6 (a nominal frequency of 555
kHz). For accurate porosity fully polarized long echo
trains (0.7 s acquisition) were placed on two bands with
high SNR and different DOIs. These were
accompanied by a set of burst echoes to resolve both
fast components and long components in the presence
of anticipated clay and glauconite. Multiple wait times
from 10 ms to 6 s with short echo spacings were
designed to map the T1 spectrum while echo trains with
different echo spacing on different frequency bands
were designed to provide a broad range of diffusivity
coverage (see Figure 7 for this sequence). Fig. 11. Complex lithology free fluid cut off
picked from T1-T2 map.
A main and a repeat pass were done with this activation
sequence and a third pass was performed with a Heavy Oil Reservoir
different activation sequence to test the ability to
change activations. This new sequence was designed to SPE defines heavy oil as liquid petroleum of less
enhance diffusivity measurements by a wide range of than 20°API gravity or more than 200 cp viscosity at
TE’s across multiple bands. A comparison of these runs reservoir conditions. No explicit differentiation is
showed consistent results between passes and a made between heavy oil and extra heavy oil (oil
comparison of the real time logs can be seen in the Log sands), although the criteria of less than 12°API
Example 1. gravity and greater than 10,000 cp with a gas oil
ratio (GOR) less than 50 scf/bbl are sometimes used.
At the top of the logged section the hole is washed out
by over 25 mm. It can be clearly seen that the new Without any doubt, the greatest challenge in the
generation tool is unaffected while the older tool NMR analysis of extra heavy oil is its
reads some borehole leading to an overestimation identification from the water signal in BVI or
of capillary bound fluid and porosity. Apart from CBW. Beside the lack of spectral resolution, the
this zone both tools exhibit similar characteristics NMR properties of BVI, CBW and Extra Heavy
and similar total porosities. A comparison of Oil are too similar to separate them when they
processed results from both tools can be seen in overlap in single T1 or T2 spectra or in 2DNMR
the Log Example 2. maps. New approaches based on statistical
analysis and Machine Learning seems very
Deciding what free fluid cut-off to use is a promising (P. Romero, 2009) to separate extra
different, but not uncommon problem for complex heavy oil from water signals.
reservoirs. In a different well the lithology was a
mixture of sandstone, dolomite, limestone and The NMR T2 spectrum of the extra-heavy oil
some shale intercalations. The well was drilled shows a peak at less than 10 ms, which is wider
with brine of a salinity of 120 kppm. Without any compared to light oils because of the presence of
information from the operator the initial NMR T2 dissolved water. The T1, however, can increase 3
cut-off for free fluid was chosen to be 33 ms for to 10 times over T2. The higher the oil viscosity
the sandstone and 92 ms for the limestone. The the more likely is that the oil signal cannot be
high spectral resolution T1-T2 map from a special captured totally by the NMR tool, this implies that
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

the NMR porosity will be less compared to the

reference porosity from Density/Neutron logs.
This under call of porosity will reflect the
remaining oil saturation and is shown on the
example log as Bitumen Indicator (see Log
Example 3).

Apart from the ability to identify heavy oil and

moveable water in the oil sand zones the use of
NMR data to provide information on cap rock
integrity was tested by performing some stationary
measurements in the overburden shale and the oil
sand itself.

The activation sequence needs to ensure good

coverage of T2 spectrum for the fluids expected
and accurate representation of the T2 spectrum to
provide viscosity and permeability indexes and
provide a good comparison for core NMR
measurements – provide cut offs. After entering
the supplied reservoir and fluid parameters into
planning software adjustments was need to the
band selection as shown in Figure 12.

Heavy Oil Activation Sequence


Fig. 13. Clay signal in predominantly shale section in

Time, ms T2D (upper) and T1T2 (lower) maps.

Fig. 12. Heavy oil activation example. The timing Stationary Measurements
diagram is color coded based on TE, blue 400 μs,
brown 600 μs, yellow 800 μs, green 1600 μs pink Stationary data was acquired for radial profiling.
3200 μs and red 4800 μs. Cycle times are in the order of 40 seconds. Figure 14
shows an example stationary activation sequence
It was hoped to identify the bitumen using a range which enables comprehensive data acquisition for
of TE: there should be a decrease in porosity going each individual band from which the volumetric fluid
from a TE of 0.4 to 0.8 ms. fractions and a saturation profile calculated.

The results from a water sand and the oil sand are Stationary measurements are useful for obtaining a
shown in Log examples 4 and 5. The water sand good T1 measurement for calculating the T1/T2 ratio
shows predominantly free water with a small which often assumed, incorrectly, as 1.5, or for
volume of clay and bound water. The oil sand is obtaining a SNR value to guide the stacking of the
mainly bitumen with a small volume of bound continuous logged measurements. Another use of
water and clay. The bitumen signal is very stationary measurements is to assess formation damage
different from the clay signal seen in the water by comparing results on different bands. Figure 15
sand or seen in the shale at 2.5 ms T2 as seen on shows an example of radial profiling and Figure 16
theT2-D the map in Figure 13. shows a stationary measurement.
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

oil shale reservoirs was demonstrated to be of value

(Cao Minh et al, 2012; B. Nicot et al, 2016 and R.
Kausik et al, 2016). More recently T1-T2 interpretation
due to faster measurements and specialized activation
sequences have become popular (Boqin Sun et al, 2016;
V. Anand et al, 2017).

Fig. 14. Stationary activation sequence for radial

profiling. The timing diagram is color coded based on
TE, blue 400 μs, brown 600 μs, yellow 800 μs, green
1600 μs pink 3200 μs and red 4800 μs.

Fig. 16. Stationary measurement example for group 0.

Noise stabilizes rapidly (blue curve) after the indicated
time (magenta line). The 2D maps show progressive
Fig. 15. Stationary measurement profile with band stabilization with time. The final cumulative map is
number and their DOIs adjusted for 0.5 inch standoff used for fluid typing and saturation calculations.
showing fluid invasion on the shallowest band 0; other
bands are stable. The difficulty of distinguishing gas from water for fluid
typing in low permeability or unconventional reservoirs
Unconventional Reservoir with conventional NMR T2 analysis has been discussed
by many authors (M. Mullen et al, 2005). The inclusion
Unconventional reservoirs are often characterized by of T1 is advantageous as T1 is insensitive to diffusion so
fast decays caused by nano and micro pore sizes with the gas signal is clearly separate from water in the T 1
fluid types and distributions obscured by mixed spectrum in these types of reservoirs. Because of the
wettability. difficulty of measuring diffusion in nanopores , the
T1/T2 ratio is preferred to T2-D for differentiating
Early evaluation strategies involved triple combo between oil and water.
measurement for resource identification and cross
dipole acoustic logs for mechanical properties (Q. In this example the calculation of accurate water
Passey et al, 2010 and A. Hameed et al, 2014). saturation was a key part of the reservoir evaluation
Historically the first usage of NMR was NMR porosity strategy in a series of alternating conventional and
combined with density as a TOC indicator and later the unconventional reservoir layers in the Permian Basin.
use of T2-D techniques for interpreting gas shale and
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

Rig time constraints meant that a logging speed of 7 (for bulk relaxation) or pore-size distribution (for
fpm was used. A special activation sequence was Surface/Volume relaxation), whereas water tends to be
designed for the combination of challenging aligned closely to the T1 equal to T2 line. Low
interpretation objective and logging speed, and enabled permeability means that mud filtrate invasion is not
optimized T1-T2 maps to be made at regular spaced problematic.
depth intervals. The NMR porosity comes from the T1
distribution rather than the more usual T 2 distribution. The T1 porosity was found to match the expected values
There was some concern that the short T w values based on core and density-neutron log analysis and T1-
necessary for this logging speed may under call T2 map derived water saturation that includes CBW,
porosity in the better porosity conventional reservoir so BVI and free water. It also agreed with values from
the provision of a polarization correction was made for tested intervals.
these zones.
Changes were made in the processing software to
accommodate multiple components in addition to those A new generation focused NMR service uses a holistic
for the standard hydrocarbons and water ones. These combination of hardware, job planning and processing
components are user defined on the basis of T 1 and T2 to address fundamental challenges in the evaluation of
values or by selecting an area on the relevant map to conventional and unconventional reservoirs.
form the underlying fluid model used to calculate
saturations (Figure 17). The design and operation of the tool is tightly
integrated with the design of the data processing and
The maps are used to compute water saturation on a analysis, and manifests itself (for example) in highly
depth-by-depth level based on a multiple component flexible activation sequences which are capable of
fluid model with appropriate statistical properties. Each being optimized for particular interpretational needs.
spot in the T1-T2 space represents a fluid component
from which a volume fraction is calculated. Integrating This is particularly useful for fluid typing from T2-D
the volume fractions gives the total porosity. and T1-T2 in unconventional or more complex
reservoirs, noting that the existence of a theoretically
optimum sequence is no guarantee that it can be
physically realized.


The authors would like to acknowledge M. Morys, S.

Knizhnik and D. Avdeev, of PetroMar Technologies
Inc., and J. Pumphrey of Logicom E&P for their help
and assistance during this project, and P. Pavalakos of
Weatherford for processing and interpretation
CBW+BVI= 70%
Water: 10%

Akkurt R., Kersey D. and Zainalabedin K. (2009).

Towards everyday-NMR: an operator’s perspective.
Petrophysics, 50, 6, December 2009.

Fig. 17. Additional user-defined hydrocarbon Anand V., Sun B., Mosse L, Mutina A., Jiang T.,
component on T1T2 map in an unconventional Brown R.L., and Crousse L. (2017). Toward accurate
reservoir, with calculated saturations. reservoir characterization from new-generation NMR
logging. SPWLA 58th Annual Logging Symposium,
There are diverse relaxation mechanisms in the paper BBB.
conventional and unconventional layers, and
hydrocarbon spot positions will reflect either viscosity

SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

Chen, S., Ostroff, G., Georgi, D.T., (1998) Improving Nicot B., Vorapalawut N., Rousseau B., Madariaga
estimation of NMR log T2cutoff value with core NMR L.F., Hamon G, and Korb J.P., (2016). Estimating
and capillary pressure measurements. International saturations in organic shales using 2D NMR.
Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, The Petrophysics, 57, 1, February 2016.
Hague, The Netherlands, September 14-16, paper 9822.
Passey Q,R., Bohacs K.M., Esch W.L., Klimentidis R.,
Dunn K.J., Bergman D.J. and Latorraca G.A. (2002). and Sinha S., (2011). From oil-prone source rock to
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Petrophysical and gas-producing shale reservoirs – geologic and
Logging Applications. Pergamon Press. petrophysical characterization of unconventional shale-
gas reservoirs. SPE 131350, Transactions, SPE
Fay E.L., Grombacher D.J., and Knight R.J. (2017). Americas Unconventional Gas Conference.
Investigating the effect of internal gradients on static
gradient nuclear magnetic resonance diffusion Romero P, (2009). Determination of heavy oil viscosity
measurements. Geophysics, 82, 5, pp D293–D301. as a function of the ratio of log means of T1 to T2
NMR relaxation times. International Geophysical
Hameed A., Bacciarelli M. and Williams P.J., (2014). Conference and Exposition, Beijing, China, Volume:
Unconventional reservoir formation evaluation 2009: pp. 269-269.
challenges addressed with deployment-optimized
openhole logging solutions. SPE Eastern Regional Sun B., Yang E., Wang H., Seltzer S.J., Montoya V.,
Meeting held in Charleston, West Virginia, USA, 21– Crowe J. and Malizia T., (2016). Using NMR to
23 October 2014. characterize fluids in tight rock unconventional and
shale formations. SPWLA 57th Annual Logging
Hiraski G.J., Lo S.W. and Bechtel Y.Z., (2002). NMR Symposium, paper PP.
properties of petroleum reservoir fluids. 6th
International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Toumelin E., Torres-Verdin C, Sun B and Dunn K.J.,
Porous Media, Ulm, Germany, September 8-12, 2002. (2006) Limits of 2D NMR interpretation techniques to
quantify pore size, wettability, and fluid type: a
Kausik R., Fellah K. , Rylander E., Singer P.M., Lewis numerical sensitivity study. SPE Journal September
R.E. and Sinclair S.M., (2016) NMR relaxometry in 2006.
shale and implications for logging. Petrophysics 57, 4,

Kenyon W.E. (1997) Petrophysical principles of Mark Bacciarelli is a Principal Research Geoscientist
applications of NMR logging. Log Analyst March- at Weatherford based in the UK, working on a diverse
April 1997. range of subjects including NMR, Well Integrity, Rock
Physics, and Geoscience Software Development. After
Khamatdinov, R., Mityushin, E., Murtsovkin, V., Tiller, graduating from Imperial College, London with a
D., and Jonkers, J., (2003). Field test of a new nuclear degree in petroleum geology he began his career as a
magnetic resonance tool. SPWLA 44th Annual Logging geophysicist before moving to the oilfield. Since then
Symposium, paper AAA. he has accumulated over 30 years oilfield experience in
all aspects of drilling and evaluation, including LWD,
Minh C.C., Crary S.F., Zielinski L. Liu C.B., Jones S. surface logging, wireline and core analysis. For most of
and Jacobsen S. (2012). 2D-NMR applications in his career he has worked internationally with several
unconventional reservoirs. SPE Canadian companies including CGG, Baker Hughes and
Unconventional Resources Conference held in Calgary, Weatherford, and has extensive experience from Asia,
Alberta, Canada, 30 October–1 November 2012. America, Europe, Middle East and Australia.

Mullen M., Gegg J., Bonnie R., Cherry R. and Riggert Pedro Romero has been Principal Research
G., (2005). Fluid typing with T1 NMR: incorporating Geoscientist at Weatherford since early 2017. His prior
T1 and T2 measurements for improved interpretation in professional experience had been as Engineering and
tight gas sands and unconventional reservoirs. SPWLA Petrophysics Chief at Halliburton Technology Center in
46th Annual Logging Symposium, paper III. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and at the Deep Water Reservoir
Group in Houston, Texas. He also worked as Research
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

Scientist and Manager at Baker Hughes Inc. in for managing R&D projects focused on data integration
Houston, Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, and seven and advanced processing. Between 2004 and 2009 he
years at Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA-Intevep), was Weatherford’s Eastern Hemisphere Geoscience
where he started his R&D career in NMR-Petrophysics Manager, and prior to 2004 worked for Reeves Oilfield
in 1996. He received his Doctor of Engineering in Services in R&D, Operational Support, and Commercial
Electrical Engineering (1994) and Diploma in Management. He holds BSc degrees in Geology and
Experimental Physics (MSc.) from the University of Mining Engineering, and a PhD from the University of
Siegen, in Germany. Nottingham, UK for work on rock strength predictions
from logs. He is a Chartered Engineer and Chartered
Peter Elkington is Chief Geoscientist for Weatherford’s Scientist, and has authored or co-authored over 30
Geoscience Development group where he is responsible technical papers and articles.


Log Example 1. Real time NMR data (from groups 0 and 1) from 3 runs over the same interval showing good
agreement. Run 3 used a different activation sequence. NMR resolution and character is comparable with the density
and neutron logs.

SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

Log Example 2. New vs prior generation tool response. The new sidewall tool is unaffected by washouts (top
rectangle) and shows better resolution and fluid definition (lower rectangle) relative to the old tool, even though the
character and porosity of both tools are similar. Both data sets are processed for T2 using the same stacking and a
1D Bspline inversion. The older tool does not resolve the clays as well due to a larger echo spacing of 1.2 ms for the
main echo channel and 0.8 ms for the burst channel compared with 0.4 ms for both the main and burst channels for
the new tool.

SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

Log Example 3. NMR as a bitumen indicator in a heavy oil reservoir.

SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

Log Example 4. T2-D and T1-T2 maps for a stationary measurement in a water sand, giving a T1/T2 of 1.5, shown
alongside a resistivity image spanning about 1.8 m of formation. The red line shows the NMR vertical resolution (18
inches) and the position of the measurement. The log on the left shows the T2 distribution, gamma, neutron, density,
PE, partial porosities and the position of the station. Both T1-T2 and T2-D show a strong water signal at 200 ms and
290 ms respectively and faint spots can be seen on both maps indicating that this zone is predominantly water with very
small volumes of clay and capillary bound water at around 3 ms and 32 ms respectively on T2-D map.

SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018

Log Example 5. T2-D and T1-T2 maps for a stationary measurement in an oil sand, giving a T1/T2 of 2.5 for the
heavy oil and 1.5 for the water, shown alongside a resistivity image spanning about 1.8 m of formation. The red line
shows the NMR vertical resolution (18 inches) and the position of the measurement. The log on the left shows the T2
distribution; gamma, density, neutron, PE, partial porosities and the position of the station. The T2-D map shows some
free water around 308 ms and some bound water at 36 ms. The spot at 0.9 ms is interpreted as heavy oil; it occurs close
to the oil, but some streaking is indicative of some clay signal.


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