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Recording Server


Rev. 1.0.0 / 2014-11-27


Information about copyright, trademarks, design patents

© 2014 Dallmeier electronic

The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of
its contents to others without express authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for
the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or

We reserve the right to make technical modifications.

The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage to property or pecuniary damages arising due
to minor defects of the product or documentation, e.g. print or spelling errors, and for those not
caused by intention or gross negligence of the manufacturer.

Dallmeier electronic GmbH & Co.KG

Cranachweg 1
93051 Regensburg

All trademarks identified by ® are registeres trademarks of Dallmeier electronic.

All trademarks identified by *) are trademarks of the following owners:

Internet Explorer and ActiveX of Microsoft Corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA;

Third-party trademarks are named for information purposes only.

Dallmeier electronic respects the intellectual property of third parties and always attempts to ensure the complete identification of thirdparty
trademarks and indication of the respective holder of rights. In case that protected rights are not indicated separately, this circumstance is
no reason to assume that the respective trademark is unprotected. 2

Table Of Contents

1 Introduction....................................................................................................4
1.1 Validity..............................................................................................................4
1.2 Documents.......................................................................................................4
1.3 Typographical Conventions.............................................................................4
2 General Notes................................................................................................5
2.1 Appropriate Use...............................................................................................5
2.2 Performance Features.....................................................................................5
2.3 System Requirements.....................................................................................5
2.4 Networks With Routers....................................................................................5
2.5 Use Appliance As Proxy...................................................................................6
2.6 Warranty .........................................................................................................6
3 Login...............................................................................................................7
3.1 Login................................................................................................................7
3.2 PService..........................................................................................................7
4 User Interface.................................................................................................9
5 Viewer ActiveX.............................................................................................10
6 Viewer MJPEG..............................................................................................11
7 ActiveX Split.................................................................................................12
7.1 Live................................................................................................................13
7.1.1 Selection Of A Camera..................................................................................13
7.1.2 Selection Of Multiple Cameras......................................................................13
7.2 Playback........................................................................................................14
7.3 Search...........................................................................................................14
7.4 Presets...........................................................................................................15
7.4.1 Save...............................................................................................................15
7.4.2 Activate..........................................................................................................16
7.4.3 Delete............................................................................................................16
8 Download......................................................................................................17 3

1 Introduction

1.1 Validity
This document is valid for the WebConfig 1.2.7 software in conjunction with the preloaded
SMAVIA Recording Server 8.X.6 VideoIP server software.

The images in this document might differ from the actual product.

1.2 Documents
For instructions on using all features of the software
(for operators without technical knowledge)

1.3 Typographical Conventions

This document may contain various warning words and symbols that indicate potential
sources of danger:


NOTICE indicates practices for preventing property damage, incorrect

configurations or faulty operations.

For reasons of clarity and readability, various text formatting elements and types of empha-
sis are used in this documentation:

Instructions are indicated by arrows ().

¾¾ Carry out instructions one after the other in the sequence described.

Expressions in bold/italics generally indicate a control element on the device (switches or

labels) or on its user interface (buttons, menu items).

Paragraphs in italics provide information on basic principles, special features and efficient
procedure as well as general recommendations. 4

2 General Notes

2.1 Appropriate Use

WebConfig is a graphical user interface that is intergrated as a web server in the
SMAVIA Recording Server appliances DMS 2400, IPS 2400, DLS 1600 and VNB II. The
WebConfig interface allows easy viewing of live images and evaluation of tracks in a web

Note that
• certain functions and properties require a paid license.
• a basic license to display an ActiveX*) split is included.
• for simultaneous display of multiple ActiveX splits a floating license is required.d
• the following explanation on the “Networks with routers (NAT)” function is not relevant
for all functions.

2.2 Performance Features

• One access license for the ActiveX viewer included (basic license)
• Display of multi-splits with optional floating license
• Image resolutions up to D1 (720 × 576) possible

2.3 System Requirements

For the various display functions following requirements must be met and the following
ports must be open:
Viewer ActiveX Viewer MJPEG ActiveX Split
Internet Explorer*) 11 Yes No Yes
Dallmeier ActiveX Yes No Yes
Port 80 (http) Yes Yes Yes
Port 443 (https) Yes Yes Yes
Ports 18000 – 18036 Yes No Yes
Port 8080 (ActiveX) Yes No Yes
Port 30000 (DaVid) Yes No Yes

2.4 Networks With Routers

Some (streaming-)functions offer the activation of the Networks with Routers (NAT) func-
tion. This can be required in the following condition:
If the network connection to the device is established via a router/gateway with NAT (Net-
work Address Translation) function, the live video may not be shown in certain circum-
stances. In this case, two solutions are available:
The router/gateway has to be configured for a correct address translation of data packets
sent by the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). 5

UDP is by default used by the streaming function of the device.

An easier solution is to activate the Networks with routers (NAT) checkbox. In this case,
the device switches the protocol of the streaming function to the Transmission Control Pro-
tocol (TCP). To receive the data packets, the port 30000 for the DaVid Protocol and port 80
for the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) must be open.

Note that at data transmission via TCP

• normally no packet loss (lack of images) occurs.
• short-term peaks in network traffic may occur.
• low delays may occur.

2.5 Use Appliance As Proxy

The function Use recorder as proxy allows to establish a camera connection on the appli-
ance. It establishes no direct connection to the camera here.

2.6 Warranty
The terms and conditions valid at the signing of the contract shall apply. 6

3 Login

There are two ways to log into an appliance: directly in the browser or via the Dallmeier
software PService.

3.1 Login
¾¾ Start the web broser.
¾¾ Enter the ip address of the appliance and confirm the input.

The connection to the appliance is made. The login dialog is displayed.

Fig. 3-1 Login WebConfig

¾¾ Enter the password.

¾¾ Click OK.

The graphical user interface WebConfig is displayed.

¾¾ Make the required settings (see below).

3.2 PService
The web configuration of an appliance can also be accessed via the Dallmeier software

Note the documentation “PService” operation.

¾¾ Start PService.
¾¾ Scan the network.
¾¾ Select the required appliance. 7

¾¾ Right-click the appliance.

The context menu is displayed.

Fig. 3-2 PService

¾¾ Select Web configuration.

The connection to the appliance is made. The login dialog is displayed.

Fig. 3-3 Login WebConfig

¾¾ Enter the password.

¾¾ Click OK.

The graphical user interface WebConfig is displayed.

¾¾ Make the required settings (see below). 8

4 User Interface

After the login process, the user interface is displayed in the ground state:

Fig. 4-1

Tab bar:
Hide title bar
Single split view ActiveX
Single split view MJPEG
Multi split view ActiveX Split
Download area

¾¾ Select the desired tab.

¾¾ Make the required settings (see below).
¾¾ Click Logout in order to finish WebConfig again. 9

5 Viewer ActiveX

The Viewer ActiveX function displays the live stream of a camera in different resolutions.

In this mode, only the display of live streams is possible.

The playback of a recording / track is done in the “ActiveX Split” mode.

Note that
• the web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 10) is required.
• the Dallmeier control for ActiveX is required.
• the Dallmeier control for ActiveX can be downloaded and installed via the download
area on the appliance.
• after the connection to the appliance the Dallmeier control for ActiveX can be download-
ed and installed via the internet.

¾¾ Open the WebConfig user interface of the corresponding appliance as described

¾¾ Select Viewer ActiveX.

Cameras selection Options

Live display Resolution selection

Fig. 5-1

¾¾ Activate the following options if required (see chapter “General Notes” on page 5):
• Networks with routers (NAT)
• Use recorder as proxy
¾¾ Select the required camera from the dropdown menu Cameras selection.
¾¾ Select an appropriate resolution if required.
¾¾ Click Logout in order to finish WebConfig again. 10

6 Viewer MJPEG

The Viewer MJPG function allows the display of live images (about 1 frame / second) of a
camera in different resolutions.

In this mode, only the display of live streams is possible.

The playback of a recording / track is done in the “ActiveX Split” mode.

Note that
• the web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer is not required.
• the Dallmeier control for ActiveX is not required.
• no additional software is to be installed.

¾¾ Open the WebConfig user interface of the corresponding appliance as described

¾¾ Select Viewer MJPEG.

Cameras selection

Live display Resolution selection

Fig. 6-1

¾¾ Select the required camera from the dropdown menu Cameras selection.
¾¾ Select an appropriate resolution if required.
¾¾ Click Logout in order to finish WebConfig again. 11

7 ActiveX Split

The ActiveX Split function allows the simultaneous display of live streams from multiple
cameras. The recordings of the cameras (tracks) can be played and controlled.

Note that
• he web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 10) is required.
• the Dallmeier control for ActiveX is required.
• the Dallmeier control for ActiveX can be downloaded and installed via the download
area on the appliance.
• after the connection to the appliance the Dallmeier control for ActiveX can be download-
ed and installed via the internet.

¾¾ Open the WebConfig user interface of the corresponding appliance as described

¾¾ Select ActiveX Split.

The user interface of the ActiveX Split function is displayed in the initial state.

Selection: Cameras Split views Presets Options

Playback control Live display / playback in a split

Fig. 7-1

¾¾ Activate the following options if required (see chapter “General Notes” on page 5):
• Networks with routers
• Use recorder as proxy
¾¾ Make the required settings (see below). 12

7.1 Live
The live stream of one or more cameras can be displayed simultaneously.

7.1.1 Selection Of A Camera

¾¾ Select the required camera from the dropdown box Cameras selection.
¾¾ Select an appropriate resolution if required.

The live stream from the camera is displayed in the first free split.

Fig. 7-2

7.1.2 Selection Of Multiple Cameras

¾¾ Select the required multi split view.
¾¾ Activate the live stream of the first camera as described above.
¾¾ Select a free split.
¾¾ Select from the Cameras selection dropdown box the required camera.
¾¾ Select an appropriate resolution if required.

The new live stream is displayed in the corresponding split.

Fig. 7-3 13

¾¾ Proceed as described above in order to enable other cameras in splits.

7.2 Playback
The recording (track) of one or more cameras can be displayed simultaneously.

¾¾ Enable the display of the live streams of one or more cameras as described above.
¾¾ Select the split of the relevant camera.
¾¾ Click the Track mode on button.

The latest image (end of track) is displayed. The playback control is activated:

Fig. 7-4

A Track mode on / off

B Track start C Fast playback backward
D Playback backward E Single image backward
F Stop
G Single image forward H Playback forward
I Fast playback forward J Track end
K Search L Disconnect

¾¾ Control the playback with the corresponding buttons.

¾¾ Click the Disconnect button in order to finish the playback.

The split is displayed in the live mode again.

7.3 Search
The Search function allows to jump to a specific time of the recording.

¾¾ Activate the playback of the relevant track as described above.

¾¾ Click the Search button. 14

The user interface is extended by the search panel.

Fig. 7-5

¾¾ Enter the required time.

¾¾ Click Start.

The image recorded at the appropriate time will be displayed.

¾¾ Control the playback using the appropriate buttons.

¾¾ Click the Disconnect button in order to finish the playback.

7.4 Presets
Split views with different live streams and / or playbacks can be saved as presets (presets).
Later, these presets can be activated quickly.

Operation Presets:

Fig. 7-6 Detail user interface ActiveX Split

A Presets selection B Activate preset

C Save preset D Delete preset

7.4.1 Save
¾¾ Enable the required live streams and / or playbacks in the corresponding splits as
described above.
¾¾ Click the Save preset button. 15

The dialog for entering the preset name is displayed.

Fig. 7-7

¾¾ Enter an appropriate name for the preset.

¾¾ Confirm with OK.

The current view is completely stored and can be activated under the entered name in the
Presets selection dropdown box.

7.4.2 Activate
Proceed as follows in order to activate a preset:

¾¾ Select the ActiveX Split function.

The user interface is displayed in the initial state.

¾¾ Select from the Presets selection dropdown box the required preset.
¾¾ Click the Activate preset button.

The saved preset is activated.

7.4.3 Delete
Proceed as follows in order to delete a preset again:

¾¾ Select the ActiveX Split function.

The user interface is displayed in the initial state.

¾¾ Select from the Presets selection dropdown box the required preset.
¾¾ Click the Delete preset button.

The saved preset is removed. 16

8 Download

In the download area the Dallmeier control for ActiveX required for the display of live
streams and multi-split views can be downloaded and installed. In addition, other tools and
applications are available for the Dallmeier network.

¾¾ Open the Download dialog via the Download tab.

Abb. 8-1

¾¾ Select the required function.

¾¾ Follow the respective installation dialogs.
¾¾ Note the documentation of the specific tools and applications if required. 17

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