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J ULY 2 6, 2 02 0 09



Seating expanded
to break-out space

[ CLASSROOM ] Seating expanded to attached outdoor court

co-founder, Morphogenesis Mist

Use outdoor spaces

smartly to decongest Indoor occupancy

B 1 BIRD’S EYE reduced by 25%

y March 5, a few months after the but the real advantage of such a space can
coronavirus epidemic broke out only be experienced in outdoor court- utilising the attached
in China’s Wuhan district, 27 out
of 28 states in India and five out of
yards designed for maximum shade,
given our weather conditions. Adaptive
VIEW OF semi outdoor break-out
the eight union territories had strategies such as temporary shading THE SCHOOL spaces as extensions
to classroom Minimise student movement from one class to
announced that all schools would remain devices and mist cooling fans would also another by clustering classrooms with amenities and
shut until further notice. Stay home and enhance student comfort. break-out spaces such as unused auditoriums,
study, children were told even as many Sanitation pods (with an automated libraries and shaded open courtyards
teaching models were tried: home school- sanitiser dispenser and a personal pro-
ing programmes, free online resources, tective gear vending machine, which pro-
public television and radio broadcasting vides gloves, masks on need) have been
channels and online sessions. Not every- placed strategically. Think of this as the
one could attend, of course: many stu- new water-cooler, which allows social
dents don’t own laptops or have good distancing and at the same time
internet bandwith, to start with. Needless doesn’t do away with spaces of
to say, the pandemic has transformed the interaction.
centuries-old chalk–talk teaching model A school that
to one driven by technology. incorporates
This disruption in the delivery of edu- sustainable
cation is now pushing policymakers to design elements
figure out how to drive engagement. like self-shaded internal
Hence a multipronged strategy is neces- courts, baolis (well-shaped seat-
sary to overcome the challenges of navi- ing with steps), sun shading strategies
gation, physical distancing, and sanita- and verandas help connect students with
tion in order to build a resilient Indian nature. The provision of operable win-
education system in the long term. dows with sun shading encourages natu-
So what will the new classroom, and by ral ventilation through the classroom. In
extension, the school, look like? a post-pandemic classroom, a decreased
A design that encourages indoor and dependence on air conditioning is desira- MULTIPLE
outdoor connect can easily be reconfig- ble and natural ventilation design tech-
ured to address the concerns raised by niques will help achieve this. ENTRIES
the pandemic. Our model is based on the Rethinking schools post pandemic is a Create multiple entry and exit
British School, New Delhi, which has subject that requires a multifaceted points for students; stagger 33% students’
five-star rating in the Green Rating for approach, because even the most collabo- arrival time to reduce peak hour
traffic; students should be dropped 33% students ‘ population
Integrated Habitat Assessment, due to its rative technologies with a pedagogical
flexible learning environment provided focus cannot replace organic social off at entry points
by the building design. engagement and play. Therefore, educat-
Our first principle is to disperse ing the students about the pandemic SANITATION
crowds and manage flow of movement. through practical experience is vital.
To that end, we’ve distributed the entry CHAMBERS
across three gates thereby reducing traf- Sonali is a member of various architectural Equip entrances with sanitation mats
fic to 33%. Each entry point is equipped organisations and committees and is an influential for shoes, ultraviolet baggage scan- 33% students’
with sanitation chambers accommodat- speaker for the profession ners for belongings and dispensers population


ing ultraviolet baggage scanner and sani-
Hot air
tation mats. Student movement is chan-
nelled by designating a separate staircase
for each entry floor.
Decreased dependence on air conditioning in classrooms can Hot air
The break-out space near a classroom
– any space that can be converted to suit be achieved through natural ventilation design techniques
our needs using furniture or other design
products – is perfect for reconfiguration. Sets of classrooms with
In our re-imagining of the classroom, dedicated amenities & services
we’ve made good use of an outdoor court Natural Cool air within the cluster
for this purpose. This cuts the density of ventilation
children indoors and evens the spread Jaali for Amenities with staircases &
across the break-out space.
shading lifts dedicated to distinct
Each year group is assigned four to floor levels
six classrooms with an attached break- Operable Sanitisation station
out space. A shaded courtyard can also windows locations
be used as a break-out space for the
extendable classrooms. The various Entry for students and staff
clusters [or sections] can use them at dif- through separate drop-off zones
ferent points in time during the day. The
Occupied seats
indoor classroom itself is reconfigured
keeping social distancing norms of at Stepped
sunken Seats
least 1.8m between students. Transpar- court
ent shields can be employed to reinforce Graphic: Utilisation of
the distancing. Classroom Verandah Shaded courtyard Cool air AARUSHI JUNEJA AND attached semi
Semi-covered areas in outdoor spaces MANISH LOHIA; outdoor with indoor
can easily be converted to classrooms, MORPHOGENESIS


In this 25-acre area, the primary street is overrun with traffic and lacks pedestrian facilities; the four to
MRIGANKA SAXENA & PUNEET KHANNA five storey buildings receive little ventilation and light, have no open areas; dwellings are too small REDEVELOPMENT
founders, City Analytics & Habitat Tectonics Architecture and Redeveloping the plots
Urbanism would mean an increase of
the built-up area, which in

More habitable space turn guarantees greater

habitable space per person.
It would also involve wider

for good quality of life streets with augmented

infrastructure, planned
retail and commercial

s Indian cities battle with Cov- row lanes (three to five-metre wide)
id-19, some of the densest resi- between the buildings that abut the main
dential areas have emerged as street and those on the smaller plots
hotspots. The pandemic high- behind, are unpleasant for residents.
lights the failure of urban planning that What’s more, the four to five-storey high B
has led to the creation of such dense habi- buildings on these plots (which roughly
tation spaces. Take the example of Seel- measure 125 sqm) receive very little light PLOT
ampur, a sub-district in North-East Delhi and ventilation, and do not have any open
and home to migrants. In the absence of space that can be used by the community. AMALGAMATION
timely improvement of basic amenities Even the dwellings are exceedingly small Plots abutting 9m primary street Small-scale plots, accessed by 5m Similar small scale plots, but more Amalgamating plots would
and infrastructure, the housing stock has for the size of families that live there. lacks civic infrastructure, public and 3m lanes, get very limited linear in their form; In the graphic not only create larger dwell-
remained inexpensive. At 54,000 persons Health care and educational facilities, space; In the re-imagined graphic light, have no open space; In the below, we retain these plots to ings, but also neighbourhood
per sq km, its density is more than four too, are almost non-existent. below, we see more built-up area, graphic, we see larger dwellings, showcase the difference in devel-
times that of Delhi. However, through a market-respon- wider streets shared spaces, amenities opment of habitable spaces amenities such as a commu-
By comparison, L’Hospitalet de Llobe- sive urban renewal programme compris- nity hall or educational
centre, and open spaces that
grat, a neighbourhood in Barcelona con-
sidered the most densely populated
ing plot redevelopment, plot amalgama-
tion and street widening, the same den-
RE-IMAGINED PLANNED HIGH DENSITIES can be used by the residents
square kilometre in Europe, has a density sity can be accommodated with better The same 25-acre area can accommodate the same density of people but in more habitable spaces as parks, among other things
of 53,119 persons per sq km, marginally quality of life. Redeveloping the plots through plot redevelopment and amalgamation, as well as improved street infrastructure
less than Seelampur. Yet, Llobegrat is a would mean an increase of the built-up
well-managed neighbourhood that pro- area, which in turn guarantees greater
vides its residents a fairly good quality of habitable space per person. It would also C
life. Despite similar densities, Llobegrat mean wider streets with augmented STREET WIDENING &
has almost twice the number of dwelling infrastructure and planned retail and
units compared to Seelampur, ensuring commercial outlets. Amalgamating plots
much higher per capita availability of would not only create larger dwellings, The existing lanes and alleys
habitable space i.e. the amount of living but also neighbourhood amenities and C should be retained for public
space available to each member of a given open spaces. The existing lanes and alleys access within these reconfig-
household. Llobegrat household size is should be retained for public access A ured plots. At the same time,
only 2.6 persons. At 5.6 persons per house- within these reconfigured plots. The
the existing main street can be
hold, Seelampur has the highest average main street can be given better pedes-
household size of any sub-district in trian facilities, retrofitted with wider
given better pedestrian facili-
Delhi. footways, landscape, and seating for the ties, retrofitted with wider
In our sketch, we show how a colony public, to create a vibrant environment. footways, landscape, and
like Seelampur could be made more hab- seating for the public, to create
itable. In its current form, a nine-metre Mriganka specialises in transit oriented develop- B a vibrant environment
wide road is the primary street, but it ment and mobility, while Puneet leads CityAnalytics,
lacks pedestrian facilities, and it is often working on high-calibre geo-linked analytics for
overrun with traffic and crowds. The nar- Indian cities, identifying behavioural trends Graphic credit: HABITAT TECTONICS ARCHITECTURE & URBANISM
10 hindustantimes SUN DAY HIN DUSTA N TIMES, N EW D E LHI
J ULY 2 6, 2 02 0

of countries. There is greater uncertainty.
chanakya But the more immediate context for India has
also changed.
China is no longer a possible partner; it is a
clear adversary. The military threat is real; the
prospects of global cooperation with Beijing are

or close to a decade-and-a-half, In the early 2000s, under Vajpayee and Singh, limited; the competition in the neighbourhood
broadly between 2000 and 2015, India there was an effort to engage with China pro- is a zero-sum game where China is seeking to
was lucky in having a conducive ductively. There was hope that a solution to the erode India’s influence. The Pakistan-China
international environment for its border dispute could be found. India recognised nexus has only deepened with the Belt and Road
growth and ambitions. It was not just Chinese sensitivities on Tibet; China recognised Initiative. The two-front threat is now a real
luck though. A series of Indian lead- India’s claim over Sikkim. The economic linka- possibility. The neighbourhood has become
ers and bureaucrats ensured that the country ges were deepening. The prevailing narrative more fragile. Political elites in neighbouring
was able to shape this international environ- was of China’s peaceful rise, and a strong view capitals, driven by nationalism and Chinese
ment, within its limited powers, in its favour. emerged that the two countries could grow attention and investment, are open to under-
Think back. The end of the 1990s, under the together. In the neighbourhood, even thought- mining India. And, most critically, the econom-
remarkably far-sighted leadership of Atal Biha- ful diplomats argued that India and China could ic growth that drove the Indian story is today in
ri Vajpayee, saw India conduct nuclear tests. cooperate on projects. There was room for coop- n India — which had a period of relative international security and benign climate — will today have to jeopardy, with a likely contraction in the econo-
This invited international sanctions. But it also eration on global issues — from reform of inter- gear up for a more unstable environment and more hostility GETTY IMAGES my, unemployment, demand deficit, and an
opened the doors for substantive dialogue with national institutions to the climate crisis. PM unpredictable policy environment.
the international community, particularly the Modi too wished to give this framework a points to Delhi in Colombo. Bhutan remained over. All of this means that India — which had a
United States (US), about the underlying logic of chance, which is what his Ahmedabad invita- Delhi’s closest friend, but now within the mod- All of this was, of course, propelled by a period of relative international security and
the relationship between the two countries. The tion to Xi Jinping represented. China, many ern framework of a new treaty, as the country bright Indian economic story — of a large mid- benign climate — will today have to gear up for a
Strobe Talbot-Jaswant Singh dialogue, Bill believed, was not a friend, but it need not be an turned semi-democratic. In Bangladesh, after a dle class, of a huge market, of reforms leading to more unstable environment and more hostility.
Clinton’s visit to India, Vajpayee calling India adversary either. This was a view that many turbulent transition, Sheikh Hasina returned, the unleashing of entrepreneurial energy, of an This is an issue which affects national inter-
and the US natural partners, and the two coun- revised with the rise of Xi, but others held on to with an explicit platform of deepening ties with English-speaking talent pool, of high growth est gravely. To be able to counter it effectively, it
tries moving ahead with the next steps in the it — in hindsight, unwisely so. India, leading to the most-friendly dispensation rates, and of opportunities. India was doing well is crucial that the government and the Opposi-
strategic partnership, fundamentally altered The neighbourhood was suddenly looking in Dhaka in decades. domestically, and the international climate was tion work together, or evolve a broad common
the texture of the relationship. Manmohan more favourable in the 2000s too. India had Pakistan remained the black spot. But this aiding that vibrancy. position on key issues — the relationship with
Singh ably took the baton, signing the defence embraced the idea of South Asian regionalism was due to Pakistan’s own deep State complex, This era is now over. the US, China, Pakistan, and neighbourhood
framework agreement and, of course, the nucle- and connectivity. It had facilitated a historic its ideological construct and identity based on It is over because the global order itself has policy. This does not mean that there can be no
ar deal — over which he staked his government. peace deal in Nepal, bringing an end to a decade- opposition to India, and its irresponsible, dan- changed. The post-1991 order — where the US criticism of government policy. But it means
Narendra Modi too carried forward this legacy, long war, ensuring the entry of the Maoists into gerous patronage of terror groups. But if in the was the clear hegemon, or the post-2008 order, that key stakeholders in national politics are
letting go of the hurt that the US visa ban on him peaceful politics. And there was enormous 1990s, Pakistan had a propaganda advantage in where the US began to coexist, somewhat aware and well-informed of the complexities
must have caused, introducing a new diplomat- goodwill among both the Nepali people and the the West, by the 2000s, the world had come to uneasily, with a rising China, has now given driving policy; the government is more open to
ic style at Madison Square, getting Barack Kathmandu leadership for Delhi — which gave recognise that Pakistan was the problem in way to a post-Covid world order — which marks suggestions; the Opposition is more construct-
Obama as chief guest for Republic Day, and Indian diplomats enormous leverage. In Sri South Asia. Its sponsorship of terror was now a fairly public, intensified degree of competition ive in its approach; and international players
remaining invested in the relationship with Lanka, India had, quietly, helped the govern- globally known. Its Islamist turn was noted, its and conflict between the US and China. The US are unable to exploit India’s internal democrat-
Donald Trump. The US, despite its differences ment bring an end to the civil war, but here, it nuclear assets and the illegal network were itself is no longer as dominant in the interna- ic divisions to suit their interests.
with India, is now a steady partner. was through military means and an outright frowned upon. And while the US may have tional system, with Trump aiding its decline. Get ready for a tougher world out there, with
But while this partnership has deepened, a lot defeat of the Tamil Tigers — some believed that needed Islamabad in Afghanistan, the era of The world is turning inwards, with the rise of a sense of unity.
else has changed. this would erode Indian leverage, but it did give India being hyphenated with Pakistan was protectionism and ultra-nationalism in a range n

the data from Delhi, it does suggest we

sundaysentiments seem to have flattened the curve and, engender
maybe, we are showing a downward
KARAN THAPAR However, there’s still a need for LALITA PANICKER
caution. The trend discernible in July


needs to continue for at least two
weeks more i.e, for a full stretch of 28
days. That, as Dr Guleria points out,
would be two incubation periods. But
if we cross that Rubicon the virus is
“unlikely to spread further”.
Alas, there’s another reason for he coronavirus pandemic has within 20 weeks with the approval of

t last, we have good news and reflection on social media. There were doubt. Delhi’s testing is largely of the hit India’s health systems. As one doctor. But as of now, it is not
it comes from Delhi. Six harrowing videos of hospital wards rapid antigen variety rather than the many services get affected, a applicable. In the case of pregnancies
weeks ago, you would have with dead bodies beside patients and gold-standard RT-PCR. It was 75% on key area of concern has been in unmarried women, there is also
found that hard to believe and distressing accounts of people dying n We still need to be cautious, but the Monday. The problem is such negative reproductive health. This includes the stigma which prevents them from
so, today, if you’re sceptical, that’s for lack of treatment. Panic started to reassuring part is that, as data shows, results aren’t reliable. So although safe abortions. It is vital for women’s seeking medical help in time.
understandable. But the facts speak set in. Delhi may have flattened the curve HT Delhi is regularly testing above 20,000 health that these take place in a prop- Many health care workers who
for themselves and they suggest the The situation is very different a day — except, bizarrely, on Sundays er medical facility under the care of were involved in family planning
dark clouds are parting and we can today. On Friday, Delhi had 128,389 The results of a serological survey when the city presumes the virus qualified professionals. With many awareness and distribution of contra-
spot blue skies and sunshine. cases of which 110,931 had recovered. conducted in late June-early July cor- takes a holiday — and has reached public health facilities having been ceptives are no longer available as
Do you remember June 9, when On Monday, the tally increased by 954 roborate this good news. Over 23% of 47,828 tests per million, is the outcome taken over for Covid-19, and several they have been taken over for Covid-
deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia cases, less than a quarter of the June the city’s population has been affected misleading? Of the 363,172 antigen private health facilities being shut 19-related work. Even where health
said Delhi could have 550,000 Covid-19 23rd figure. It was 1,025 on Friday. For by the coronavirus. They’re asympto- tests done till the 21st, 93% are nega- down as a result of a shortage of staff facilities are available, many women
cases by the end of July? At the time, the last 14 days, the daily increase has matic and, hopefully, the antibodies tive. With 23% sero-positivity can that and the lack of supply chains for med- are fearful of going to them as they
Delhi had 31,309 cases. A day later been under 2,000; for eight days under they carry will retard the spread of the really be the case? icines, there is a real danger of wom- fear exposure to the virus.
health minister, Satyendra Jain, made 1,500. virus. We don’t know how long their These doubts cannot be wished en having to resort to back alley The choices before women in such
a more disturbing pronouncement. The best part is this is not just the immunity will last and they’re way away but nor can you dismiss the fact methods for abortion. The fact that a situation are limited. Continuing
With the authorities unable to trace surface image. The underlying picture short of the 50/60% levels needed for that new cases are about a third of contraception is not easily available with an unwanted pregnancy has a
the source of infection in more than is equally reassuring. On July 1, Delhi herd immunity, but it’s still good news what they were a month ago. For now, and that they are unable to travel to a profound impact on the woman and
50% cases, he believed community had 27,007 active cases. On Friday, that almost a quarter of the city has let’s hold on to that and hope it doesn’t medical facility even if it is within the family. At a time when there are
transmission was underway. In other that was down to 13,681. On July 1, been exposed to the virus. change. But we also can’t allow confi- reach adds to the problem. huge job losses, the lack of a woman’s
words, there was no real check on the 5,892 beds in Covid-19 hospitals were So, has Delhi passed its peak and is dence to make us complacent. If the Unsafe abortions can result in ability to work as a result of an
spread of the virus. It was surging occupied. On Friday, that figure stood the spread of the virus declining? Ran- black clouds return they’re likely to fatalities or permanent health prob- unwanted pregnancy could impact
through the city’s population. Not sur- at 3,210. Much the same is true of Cov- deep Guleria, the director of the All presage more than monsoon rain. lems for women. The lack of services the economic condition of the family.
prisingly, on June 23, Delhi recorded id-19 patients isolating at home. On India Institute of Medical Sciences, Karan Thapar is the author of means that there will be an increase In such a situation, it is likely that the
3,947 cases in one day. July 1, the number was 16,703. On July seems to agree. This is what he’s said Devil’s Advocate: The Untold Story in unwanted pregnancies as well. A woman could approach a quack for
These grim facts found a disturbing 24, it halved to 7,778. to The Indian Express: “If you look at The views expressed are personal recent report from the Foundation for abortion services. A botched abortion
Reproductive Health Services India can result in physical damage to the
estimates that the pandemic could reproductive organs and psychologi-
result in at least an additional 834,042 cal issues such as depression and
unsafe abortions and 1,743 maternal stress. It is important, therefore, to

FROM THE UNSC, A TALE OF sion creep” was restrained, as all sides
agreed that UNMIN succeeded in its
mission. And so, in 2010, the Govern-
acts of the UNSC during our term. The
Hindustan Times reported this as a
major victory for India.
deaths, though the figure could be
The cost of preventive measures
identify facilities within the public
health system which can safely con-
duct abortion services and ensure

INDIA, NEPAL AND JEEPS ment of Nepal made a strong case to

the international community to end
UNMIN. The UNSC adopted a resolu-
Back to the jeeps.
As UNMIN wrapped up, the UN was
keen to ship the Indian jeeps to anoth-
for the coronavirus, in terms of medi-
cal equipment for workers and sani-
tation measures, also means that the
that these can be strengthened in
terms of staff and medical equipment.
Perhaps, an offer of subsidised
UN Mission in Nepal (UNMIN). I was tion ordering the winding up of er UN mission in Africa. We were cost of services in private medical transport to women in need can also
MANJEEV India’s deputy permanent representa- UNMIN by May 15, 2010 (the opera- clear: These should be handed over to facilities will go up since they will be considered. Medical consultations
SINGH PURI tive to the UN at the time. tions ended only on January 15, 2011). the Nepal Army as they would contin- pass the financial burden to patients. online can be beefed up, and the sup-
In November 2006, the Government The surrendered weapons were to ue to deal with the rebels and carry on This will hit underprivileged women ply chain for medicines for pregnant
of Nepal and the Maoists signed a be handed over to the Nepal Army, the arms monitoring work of UNMIN. most. A delay in getting medical women prioritised.
Comprehensive Peace Agreement to which irked UNMIN for it was seen as The undersecretary-general’s call intervention is crucial as this means The lack of safe abortion facilities
end a civil war that had wracked the a force supposedly representing the to me that Saturday in January 2011 a surgical procedure as opposed to a will have an impact on both health
country for over a decade. To disarm status quo. Indeed, I recall at least two was a last-ditch effort to retain the drug-induced one. An abortion after and family planning long after the
the rebel army, on Nepal’s request, the visits by UNMIN’s head of mission to vehicles with the UN, even choosing to the second trimester becomes all the coronavirus crisis is overcome, both

anuary 15, 2011, was a Saturday. UNSC established UNMIN. see me in New York and repeatedly give me a small lesson in the ways of more difficult as the law requires the in terms of unwanted pregnancies
It was snowing in New York, but This was a political — not peace- emphasise the unsuitability of the the world: Gifts are not returned. approval of two doctors. The Medical and unsafe abortions. Planning for
I perked up when I was told that keeping — mission to monitor the dis- Nepal Army as a monitor for the arms Years later, I was posted to Nepal as Termination of Pregnancy (Amend- this now is the only option.
the United Nations’ (UN) under- arming of the rebels and help with and the need for its size to be cut. India’s ambassador. Imagine my sur- ment) Bill, 2020, was introduced in
secretary-general for political affairs elections for a new constituent assem- The idea of closure did not go down prise when I found a few UNMIN jeeps Parliament in March. This provides n
wanted to speak to me. Being new on bly. As a goodwill gesture, India pro- well with the UNMIN with the head of in the embassy compound. Apparent- for a pregnancy to be terminated The views expressed are personal
the UN Security Council (UNSC), I vided many jeeps (Tata vehicles, the mission in her report noting possi- ly UNMIN returned these to the
braced myself to deal with a matter of Mahindra Scorpios etc) to help bilities of renewed civil war, presiden- embassy in 2008 — after the elections;
grave importance for international UNMIN with its transport needs along tial rule and even a military coup in years before the mission wound up,
peace and security. The call was about
India served on the UNSC from 2011
with containers for arms storage.
UNMIN’s mandate was extended
several times — UN officials with
Nepal once UNMIN left. This dooms-
day conjecture was roundly criticised
by all parties in Nepal.
finding them surplus to their need. So
much for the ways of the world!
(This is the first in a series of monthly articles till
to 2012, a time which saw much hap- peacekeeping and political mandates Through 2009 and 2010, India had the end of the year on India at the UNSC
pening on the world stage including have a tendency to find new reasons to also been active with important gov- and stories of high diplomacy)
This refers to Chanakya’s Decoding the crisis in the Congress (July 19). The infra-
the Arab Spring and the start of the stretch their mission, often believing ernments on the Nepali interest to Manjeev S Puri is former ambassador and
structure of the Grand Old Party is now worn out. This has resulted in younger
conflict in Syria. India’s first major act that they are responsible for “run- wind up UNMIN. We were happy to India’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN
leaders rebelling within the party as they see no future for themselves. The
as a part of the UNSC was to end the ning” the country. In Nepal, this “mis- see its winding up as one of the first The views expressed are personal
Rajasthan fiasco illustrates how meritocracy can’t thrive in the Congress. For its
survival, the old guard must now make way for the new.


The Congress party is one that has its This refers to Karan Thapar’s The
THE WEEK 8 NAXALITES SHOT DEAD IN ALL SYSTEMS 'GO' AS APOLLO-15 roots in India’s national movement. Congress needs to look at its own
JULY 30: Prime INDIA JAIL BREAK ATTEMPT WORLD STREAKS TOWARDS MOON Today, the party seems to be in grave history (July 19). Since the Congress
Minister Indira Gandhi JULY 25: Eight prisoners were JULY 27: America's Apollo-15 crisis. This crisis isn’t about just ceded ground to the BJP, it has lost
drawing the lots for killed and 36 others injured explorers rocketed out of the Rajasthan or Madhya Pradesh. The its moorings. A fresh, new leadership
the Inter-Zone Davis when the warders opened fire earth's orbit today and streaked crisis has been brewing for a while. It could help get things back on track.
Cup semi-final to prevent the Naxalites from towards the moon on another is high time that the party looks A K GUPTA, DEHRADUN
between India and breaking open the gate of the search for lunar secrets. They are
within, restructures nationally and at
Romania at her Hazaribagh Central Jail today, to conduct man's first driving
the state-level.
residence in New Delhi according to an official report expedition on the surface

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J ULY 2 6 , 2 02 0 hindustantimes 11

BACK ON THE ROAD The Sporting Life

The problem of
Has Covid-19 cancelled India's vacation plans for 2020? It depends on who you ask. A trip sounds
scary to most right now. Others are itching to dart out of the house, even if just for a weekend
getaway nearby. For those who do take off, a new layer of safety precautions awaits

plenty in cricket
You know it’s gone too far when there are too many World
Cups. Cricket needs to clear the pitch. Start with the T20
here was a time when a cricket World Cup

T came around every four years. You could

get excited about it. Each edition brought
with it its own unique buzz, left behind its
own special legacy. Some were odes to the
great teams of the time, testaments to long,
Hospital-ity powerful reigns — the West Indies in the ’70s,
Likely destinations “In pre-Covid
days, hospitals
Australia in the 2000s. Some introduced
abrupt shifts in the narrative, pointing in new,
 Less-frequented destinations approach the ho would unexpected directions — India in ’83, Sri
within driving distance will trump manage housek itality industry to Lanka in ’96. And some were simply about the
eeping; now it is
Who wiltrlies still discourage
packed flights to hotspots. Hill other way roun the people — Imran Khan and the late great Mar-
d,” sa
stations like Shimla, Manali, Dharam- School of Hospita ys Puri of Indian tin Crowe in 1992, or Sachin Tendulkar being
un lity.
Many co l travel, the fear of shala, Rishikesh, Lonavala and The Four Seas
carried on Virat Kohli’s shoulders after the
sse n ti a Mahableshwar will likely be popular tied up with John in New York has final at Wankhede in 2011.
no n -e there
io n re mains, and even early choices for those in the metros. s
guidance and tra Hopkins for Now, there’s a World Cup every year. At
infect , and
second t ining. In India, ITC
might be a f the pandemic. Bu
least there will be between 2021 and 2023, if all
eo  Travelling by car is safest. So drive has an initiative
accredited by th goes to plan. That’s two T20 World Cups and
, w av d to
th ird
of being co
nfin e or rent, and pack your own snacks National Accredi
tation Board fo
e Work a one 50-over one. And the inaugural Test
the angst r months means for the journey so you don’t have to Hospitals & Healt r nd pla
the home s will be seeking a
n stop at food courts. (NABH), for hosp
hcare Providers
ital-level hygi-
 Wha
change you do on vac
World Championship, its points counter tick-
ing again already, with the West Indies tour of
many India n as the option ene standards. . Picnics a
o  “Avoid public restrooms and use Trav open-a and day tion will England marking the return of cricket after
break as so ilable and viable. are offering Covid el agencies ir
co m e s av a rest stops that are well-ventilated,” -19 cover. museum sites will repla s at scenic its pandemic-enforced break.
b e ffice  The knick-kna s and to ce Does this packed calendar run the risk of
bring the o says Dr Vishal Rastogi of Fortis cks have been  Work urist at
“You can d a wedding Escorts, New Delhi. “Rigid hand reduced in man
y ho
vacatio ations will lik
s. devaluing the significance of a World Cup? n West Indies celebrate after winning the
home, atte make anything hygiene is a must; it is impossible to to make deep cle tel rooms, ns. ely repla
Can fans keep up with this competitive T20 World Cup in 2016. Does the cricket
nd aning easier.
virtually, a ugh a computer avoid touching surfaces.”
 ‘Do y
o onslaught? Has cricket overstretched itself? world really need a T20 Cup though?
happen th olidays can’t be
 “Just becaus
e yo the new u have free w It’s not a new question, but it is an impor-
th  Check out medical infrastructure in on vacation, do u’re going if
Expect ‘Do you have i?’ will be
screen, bu ys Ramesh advance. “If someone develops Covid guard down. Co
n’t let your work to a spa?’
tant one. Those who play the game and those I am tempted to say that perhaps the time
digitised,” , chairman and vid
doesn’t take brea -19
p ersonal overlap who watch it have been debating this for for 50-over cricket is gone, but then I think of
Ra m a n ath an
symptoms, you need to know where ks,” says the lock life, just as it with years, and yet there is no let-up in cricket’s the 2019 World Cup, and I have to hold my
has duri
director, St to go locally,” says Dilip Puri, founder Dr Rastogi of Fo d ow n. ng drive to diversify and intensify. tongue. Now that was a legacy tournament if
managing rts. rtis Escorts,
so and CEO, Indian School of Hospitality. New Delhi. England would have hosted the inaugural ever there was one. No one’s going to forget
Holiday Re 100 by now if not for the pandemic, South that tied final in a hurry. That’s just the kind
Africa has 3TC — three-team cricket! There of mayhem a sport needs.
are T10 leagues in many nations, and of course Is it time, then, to give T20 over to the lea-
T20 leagues lurk at every street corner. gues? Is there any real need for cricketing
I can’t think of another major team sport nations to play the shortest format, or orga-
with as many variations on a theme. It’s as if nise a World Cup in it? Why not just let it be a
cricket does not have an essence, or does not thing that exists in leagues around the world,
trust its own essence. generating its own local excitement in India or
TEXT: Is there a way to simplify things, retain the the Caribbean or the Big Bash Down Under,
VANESSA sanctity of major tournaments like the World with a large floating population of players
VIEGAS Cups, and not have so much cricket in so many from all cricketing nations — young and old,
different guises? unknown and well-established — mingling
There is little disagreement that the heart together in a solid cricketing ecosystem?
of the game lies in the longest format, so let’s Of course, that’s exactly what happens
leave that be; the newly introduced World already in these T20 leagues, and almost all of
Test Championship may make a difference in them are successful, all of them create vast
bringing people back to the red ball. And it is opportunities for players, make for great tele-
easy to predict that we will see a lot more of vision, and create excellent fan bases — all
Day-Night Tests in the near future, another things that a good league system is supposed
measure that may help fill stands and to do. Why not make more space for it by drop-
increase viewership. ping T20s from the international calendar?


Two paintings

From: Packing your
Hotels Buffets Check-in
and a love story
set to In the Rashtrapati Bhavan library sits an unlikely art work
change that tells the tale of an artist in conflict, in hiding, in love
To: Packing your Driving Vacation Socially distanced Online, Pre-booked Flexible Getting work
ost workplaces are inherently dull and himself, for this space.

masks and there rentals dining, sometimes contactless time slots bookings done on the
sanitiser too in glass cubicles booking hotel wifi utilitarian. Working from home trans- I did a little digging and discovered that,
lates mostly into a search for the grayest before embarking on the Rashtrapati Bha-
and most staid spaces to serve as back- van project, Lutyens worked on Mulberry
grounds for video meetings. Rarely does a House in Westminster, London. He collabo-
Always At The Movies workplace take you back in time and reveal
hidden connections. But Rashtrapati Bha-
rated with two artists on works for the draw-
ing room of that residence — Charles Sar-
ANUPAMA CHOPRA van, the official residence of the President of geant Jagger, who created a bronze sculpture
India, provides this unique opportunity. titled Scandal, featuring a naked couple

The brilliant Ms Balan

Tucked away in a corner of the imposing amid outraged onlookers; and Glyn Philpot,
main building is a library. In a building full of who created murals on silver foil titled The
rooms that serve multiple purposes and are Loves of Jupiter.
forever changing their function, where ball- Jagger would later design the elephant-
rooms are used for officious conferences and shaped pillars that still greet visitors to Rash-
n The Creation of dining rooms double as meeting halls, this trapati Bhavan. For the library, Lutyens
Vidya will soon be seen in the role of the math genius Shakuntala Devi. The Man by the library has remained, for almost a century, envisioned a masterpiece along the lines of
British artist a space for silent contemplation. That alone Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam. Philpot,
actor has a superpower too - she is always convincing, always entertaining Glyn Warren is remarkable. with his finely detailed portraits and reli-
Philpot shows a Inside are some old secrets hidden in plain gious leanings, seemed a perfect choice for
ab amazing ho sakti hoon, toh normal the Everywoman also makes her a disrup- male figure in sight. Over a fireplace hangs a painting titled that work.

“J kyun banoo,” Vidya Balan, playing

math genius Shakuntala Devi, asks
in the trailer of her upcoming film.
She could be speaking of her own pioneering
tor; she has consistently proven that female-
led narratives are equally worthy. The suc-
cess of The Dirty Picture, in fact, forged the
path for many female-led Hindi films.
In 2013, Vidya was invited to serve on the
repose, two
hands reaching
down, and fire
engulfing him
from above.
The Creation of Man. It’s a naked male figure
in repose,with two hands reaching down
from the heavens towards his head, and fire
engulfing him from above. It’s a distinctly
odd choice for a Presidential library, espe-
What Lutyens couldn’t have known was
that Philpot was changing. He was becoming
more open about his homosexuality. And,
since homosexuality was still a crime in
England, he was expressing a lot of his con-
In June, the actor celebrated 15 years in prestigious competition jury at the Cannes It combines cially considering that the painter, Glyn flict, longing and angst through paintings of
the Hindi film industry. Her last film, Mis- Film Festival. In 2017, the festival celebrated new artistic Warren Philpot (1884-1937) was an acclaimed the naked male form.
sion Mangal, grossed over ₹200 crore. She its 70th edition. Critics from all over the influences from portrait painter. The Creation of Man, then, combines new
has 44 credits on IMDb and, even when the world were invited to contribute a chapter Philpot’s Even more intriguing is that fact that, artistic influences from Philpot’s travels
films were clunkers (Hamari Adhuri on a year that was significant to them, for a travels, and unlike most of the other art at Rashtrapati around the world, and reflects his own
Kahani or Begum Jaan), it was hard to find book that would be published to commemo- his internal Bhavan, the paintings in the Library were struggles. And so we have at Rashtrapati
fault with her performance. Vidya’s normal rate the occasion. struggle with commissioned for the building, when it was Bhavan a rapturous creation born of internal
has always been amazing. I chose to write about 2013, when the festi- his own still being constructed. So, this painting was conflict.
As I watched her gleefully rattling off val celebrated the 100th anniversary of homosexuality. commissioned specifically by Edwin Lutyens Quite unexpectedly, Philpot’s story con-
numbers as Shakuntala Devi, my mind went Indian cinema (Amitabh Bachchan was tinues in another painting in the library. This
back to The Dirty Picture (2011), a film invited, along with his Great Gatsby co- one is titled The Invention of the Printing
loosely based on the life of the ’80s soft-porn star Leonardo DiCaprio, to declare the festi- Press, and it is not so much the art as the art-
star Silk Smitha. val open). ist that is pertinent. Vivian Forbes (1891-
Vidya played the lead role and it was the I interviewed Vidya about her experience 1937) first met Philpot while serving in World
first time I saw a Hindi film heroine aim to at the festival that year. She spoke frankly War 1. They had a long and intimate relation-
look unattractive on screen — folds of belly about feeling ignored by the foreign press; ship from 1923 to 1935, intermittently sharing
fat were on display, as a sign of Silk’s down- n Balan as Shakuntala Devi. No matter who her fallout with Sabyasachi, who styled her a home and studio in London. Forbes had
ward spiral. Silk was both master and vic- she’s playing, the actor always manages to (the traditional outfits were criticised); the been a businessman in Egypt but, encour-
tim of her sexuality. humanise the woman, take you into her challenges of the routine — watching sev- aged by Philpot, became an artist. It is likely
The role, which required Vidya to fake an inner life, struggles and desires. eral films each day and also being red-carpet that Philpot urged Lutyens to commission a
orgasm onscreen, was a courageous leap of ready. She said that when her husband work by Forbes for the library too.
faith. I can’t recall another A-list heroine in the character and gives her dignity. Siddharth Roy Kapur joined her toward the Six years after work on Rashtrapati Bha-
Hindi cinema attempting anything like it. Vidya has never depended on the staples end of the two weeks, she saw him and burst van was completed, in 1937, Philpot died from
But Vidya was so persuasive that the film of the traditional Hindi film heroine — into tears. a brain haemorrhage in England. Heart-
became a monster hit and she won a beauty and glamour. In fact, her characters Vidya also spoke of how enriching the broken, Forbes took an overdose of sleeping
National Award. are often determinedly dowdy. Not Shakun- deliberations had been (co-jurors included pills and died by suicide, in the same room,
Vidya’s superpower is that she makes us tala Devi, though (in an interview, Vidya Ang Lee and Nicole Kidman), how that proc- the following day.
care for her characters, whoever they are. told me she so rarely gets to dress up that ess opened her mind to new ways of seeing The really evocative bit? In the Rashtra-
She takes you into the inner lives of these when it was announced the film would go films, and how, when she introduced Sid- pati Bhavan library, in a country neither
women, their struggles and desires, but she straight to streaming, her hair and make-up dharth to jury president Steven Spielberg, ever visited, Forbes and Philpot’s two paint-
doesn’t forget to deliver, as Silk so memora- team called to commiserate because they he said, “Your wife is very frank and forth- ings still face each other, tracing a story you
bly put it, “entertainment, entertainment, had worked so hard on her look). right.” That honesty is what comes through can only see if you know where to look. Who
entertainment”. Whether the person is a Vidya combines a keen intelligence with in her work. says workplaces can’t be interesting?
porn star, a housewife-turned-RJ (Tumhari joie de vivre. She has an effervescence that I think Vidya Balan constitutes her own Praveen Siddharth is Private Secretary to the
Sulu; 2017) or a scientist, Vidya humanises connects with audiences. Her ability to be genre. I hope she continues to conquer. President of India at Rashtrapati Bhavan

1800 103 1800 011-66561389/66561161




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GHITORNI MINI farm plot Avail- VIKAS PURI Ujjwal Apartments,
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Sq Ft, Freehold 3 BHK, 2 Baths, D/D,
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investment. Call Sunny 9911122247 Bank etc. Cont. Owner 8130540291
VASANT KUNJ New Allotment 1
BHK 75 lac, 2BHK 95lac,3BHK 1.75cr. FOR SALE UGF 131 Sq Yds 3BHK &
Near New Located Metro Stn.Ganga 3rd Floor with Terrace, Lift, Stilt,
FLOORS: WESTEND 1200yd First 3BHK 8th floor Roof top. Sunny Price 1.55Cr & 1.35Cr Sunder Vihar,
floor 5 Bedrooms 5400sqft Separate Makkad 9891124400, 9310224500 Nr. Raddison Hotel, Paschim Vihar,
Driveway & Lift and Westend 800yd N..Delhi. # 9873656699
Basement + Ground Floor @ 22cr.

Best Builder #SR Prop. 9999996796

FOR SALE 3bhk, Freehold Wooden

Flooring, Module Kitchen. Fall
DLF CITY III available 316, ceiling, power backup, Ro plant,
400, 500syd Plots and kothies @ 602/B3, Sunny Velley CGHS, Sector-
reasonable price. Sumindra REAL BARGAIN Vasant Kunj Nan- 12, Dwarka. Owner 9870331877
Properties DLF-III 9810165528 gal Dewat 4BHK Luxury Flrs 2200sft.
9810165532 2Car Parks, Park Fac, Safe Locality
VASANT VIHAR 800 SF 600/400/ of Bureaucrats & Lawyers, Ideal for
250 BMT +GF/ FF/ SF Anand Niketan Work From Home #9873340866. CENTRAL DELHI
S. LOK-2 (Golf Crs Rd) 500 yd 400/250/200 Bmt+GF/ FF/SF,Shanti
ultra Luxury 4BHK 3000ft builder Niketan Kothi 800Yds,600 FF, West- LAJPAT NAGAR-III, Basement
end 800/500 All Flrs. & 9899755500 NAVRATAN TENANTED
floor, ready to move, AC, LED, 300yds, newly built corner, wide Property in Connaught Place Rent
100% PBU. 2 Cr onwards. Comm road, Lift, ample parking, best 10.15L smaller unit of 1.5Lac
2%. 9810011187 location front entry with xtra ROI 6% Lease 9 years Lock-in
space. Contact: 9811150390. 3 Years. Call: 9873340866
SARVODYA ENC 200y SF Park fac
3BR, Lift, Stilt 3.25; Safdarjung 300y


FF 4BR, Lift, Stilt 4.75; Hauz Khas
250y Corner TF+Tr, Lift, Stilt @ 4.25.
RV Homes 9953101010, 9811227622
RAJ NAGAR Extn. Distress Sale
VASANT VIHAR, 400 sq yards Comml.Plot,782 Yds, Prime Loc,Wide
available park facing luxurious First Rd facing, Multi-use activity allowed,

Floor 4 bedrooms attach Bath Suits Builder/ Investors. Flexible
COMMERCIAL LOCATION, 307 Living cum Dining. Salwan Real Terms. Tarun 9953249292
syd, on Golf Course Extn. Rd 3 side Estate 9810062871, 9810063891
Corner, 90mtr wide road Excellent
YOUR DREAM Home Godrej Sum-
for Rental income,S.Lok-1 215yd Plot VALUE FOR Money Aradhana Encl-


North 12mtr Park facing.9811763339 mit Sec-104 Dwarka X-way Gurgaon
ave adjoining Chankyapuri, Apart- 1500sft. 3BHK, 300 fmly happily sta-
ment in best Residence Multistory ying, Pool/tennis court, Dream come
Building of South/Central Delhi, FLOORS : Vasant Vihar 800yds Crnr True, Value for Money 9873340866
Builtup 2200ft 6.95Cr.#9625244883 Park/Facing Ground Floor @15.5Cr

& 600yds Second Floor 4 Bedrooms
Separate Parking and Lift @11Cr. REAL & Fantastic Investments Agri-

Best Builder #SR Prop. 9999996796 cultural Land at Moradabad 35Acre
& Mathura 2.5Acre (multiple usage)
on main NH-2, adj. Big Bazar, PVR &
Wave City GZB 193yd. 9873340866
CORNER TWO Side Open Kothi YOUR DREAM Farm on NH-24 at
DLF 2-300Yd 5Bhk Duplex Nicely Lo- WANTED FURNISHED/ Raw Indirapuram 0.5 - 2.5 acres Beautiful
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/DLF 1-110Yd 5BHK Kothi Best Price. GOLF LINKS 375 Yds, 2½ Storied Fresco or similar budget in Gurgaon. 50years old trees, A Different World,
Saudagar Prop 9718511207 Clear Title Park facing House; Jor Immediate Full Cheque Payment.
Bagh 575 Yds, 3rd Floor with Terrace clear title Contact 9873340866
Contact- Rohit #7291988898
Garden, Independent Driveway. Des-
raj9811072035, S.Kumar9811031558
267 Sq. Yards – Confirm Plot –
Immediate Sale Rajesh REAL ESTATE PVT. LTD. (SINCE 1980)

9810014771. BREATH FRESH air, live better
life. Invest in properties in Chandig-
arh Tri-City. The oldest and best WE HAVE NO BRANCH.
FOR SALE & RENT property services of Chandigarh.
Subhash Mangat & Co. 9872099999


KOTHI : Golf Link 1250y; P'Shil Park Green Park, SDA 200 - 300 - 500
1000/800; Jor Bagh 575 Corner P/F; Newly Built Builder Floor, rich

Maharani Bgh 800; Vasant Vhr 600/ specifications, 2 car Parkings inside. URGENT SALE Plot Area 250yds
400; Hauz Khas Enc 1400;GK-II, 560; Rajat Seth 9810877429 East & Park Facing C-227, Garden
Niti Bagh 325y P/F. SR 9999996725 City, DLF, SGPGI Lucknow. Cont. only
4TH Floor, 4 B/D, D/D 6.30 pm to 8 pm # 6386050860
Whtsap 9999014634
Brand New Basement+Ground Brokers Welcome
Floor, First Floor, Second Floor & SOUTH DELHI SOUTH DELHI SOUTH DELHI
Third Floor with Terrace for Sale,
Ready. Gagan Gujral 9650516999
Rajesh 9810014771
TO-LET AZAD APPT (IIT) 2/3 BR's with
Study Room, lift Park view, Car Prkg,
FOR RENT: Gautam Nagar N.Delhi
1St Floor 3Bhk+2T, Semifurnished,
C-23, PAMPOSH Enclave (GK-I)
Second Floor, 3 Bedrooms,
PANCHSHEEL PARK Booking N- Nicely Decorated Gated Society Lift,Security @ 43K & 2Bhk+2T @ Drawing Dining , Attached Baths,
Block Best Loc. 800yd Bsmt+G.Flr+ Immediate avbl More options also 25K Adjacent To Aiims Hospital & 2 Car Parking, in Stilt, SQ. Call
Duplx,First Flr/Second Flr/Third Flr Avbl # 9810766532, 9811766532 Metro # 9811424343, 9811292897 7982519998.
+Terr. 4Bedrooms Sep D'way & Lift. WEST DELHI CENTRAL DELHI
Best Builder #SR Prop. 9999996796 FOR RENT : Sunder Nagar, Near ANAND NIKETAN First Floor
Zoo. One BHK above garage. One E- BLOCK East of Kailash, 2 Bed- 4 Bedrooms Attached Baths, D/D
Bedroom, One Living room, One room, D/D, Fully Furnished, Modular kitchen, Servant Qtr and Also
Kitchenette, 1 bathroom. Fully Kitchen, Loaded, 2 ACs, Lift. Near Ground Floor 3BHK Indian Family.
FOR SALE South City 1 Independent furnished with AC. # 9910335585 Metro. 3 Star Living Rent@ 35K. # Call Dogra 9811087358
500yds Kothi with 2 Duplexes, 5BR Owner: 84486 33185.
DLF GALLERIA Shop/s for Sale F.F yards, 5 bedroom D/D, 5000 sq feet,
each / Park /East Facing, Prime M-6 HAUZ Khas-Aurobindo Marg, PANCHSHEEL ENCL. Basement,
Fountain facing , Double Ht, Corner, SUSHANT LOK-2, E blk, plot Block # Indo Scottish 9990009777 Office F.Flr 2000 sft above RBL Bank WANTED/ AVAILABLE Houses/
1000 yds on 12 mtr road @ builder floor with stilt parking, 900 sq.ft, park facing, Suits Profes-
Two side, Near Lift, High visibility, amazing investment, great price. lift, Power Back-up, Well Maintained Bungalows/ Flats for Foreigners/ sionals, Designers, Photographers,
Adjoining shops 607 and 538 sq.ft 55000, just 90 seconds from Golf Building, Ample Parking, 2.50L PM
Course Road. Comm to brokers Salwan 9810062871, 9810063891 MNC's/ Ltd. Co. in South Delhi Cont. Ample Parking. Ajay 9810445335.
Call: 9810020202.
2%. 9810011187
FARIDABAD Owner 9313740765, 011-26569498 Anil Makhijani 9811047035 Kajal
150 SQ yds Independent duplex JOR BAGH, 375 sq yards, Park FACTORY / Godown / Offices/- 9811647035, 29833953 / 29833188
SALE/ RENT Magnum Tower-2, Facing, Clear title Two and a half Warehouse in Indl./Coml. & Resi. PRIME COMMERCIAL SDA Mar- GURUGRAM
Golf Course Extn Road 1) Area 8200 house in Malviya Nagar. East facing FANTASTIC DEALS BPTP flr at Naraina, Mayapuri, Kirti Ngr., ket Opp IIT Main Gate Adjcnt Metro
sq.ft, 7th Floor with 8 Car Parking. & freehold. Excellent location with storey Bungalow for Immediate Faridabad. 2 Adjoined Plots of Stn, Ground Flr 100 Sq Ft & Ground VASANT KUNJ A/A, F'hold, 5BHK,
Sale. Confirmed Deal. D.Salwan Rama Rd., Shivaji Marg etc. Shivam II/III flr, 3 Baths, 4balconies, Servant OFFICE SPACE for Lease in
2) Area 1170 sq.ft, Second Floor. ample parking. Cont: 9810047487 & 504 sq.yds /Jaypee Wishtown Plot Flr 900 Sq Ft & Mezzanine Flr 200
9910034566 Prop. 98100-06330, 98731-11900. qtr, fully renovated, suitable for Gurgaon 2800 Sq.Ft. JMD Megapolis
Contact : 9899700095 9810419829 239 sq.yds. Happily Well Habitated Sq Ft & Basment Flr 1100 Sq Ft Avlb
Contact: 9873340866 togther/ sprtly, 3 side open, Power Company Guest House/Big family. Sohna Road and 5000 Sq.Ft.
VASANT VIHAR G.Floor+Basement Back Up, Ample Prkng. 9711009346 Mob:9868952682, 9971967734 DLF Corporate Green.
5400 sqft 4Bedrooms, 5Bath, Contact: Owner: 98990 30811.
D/D, Servant Qtr, Stilt Car Parking, NORTH DELHI FOR RENT Sultanpur Estate, 500 LAJPAT NAGAR (Amar colony)
Wide Road Freehold. Jointly & sqyd, independent duplex house, 2BHK, 900 Sq. Ft. Semi Furnished OAKWOOD ESTATE Tastefully
Seprately Call: Dogra 9811087358 SOUTH DELHI gated complex, green environment, with Attached Bath, 3A/C, 3rd Floor Furnished 4 Bedroom with all
SUSHANT LOK-I 418 yds brand 24x7 security, five min to metro Furniture, gadgets, Wooden
New Floor with lift stilt Car parking with Lift, Park facing Near Metro.
GK2 217Y TF+Trc 3br sq lift stilt 3.25 station, 3BR, living/dinning, lounge, Contact # 9811161639. Flooring . Company lease, expats.
@ 2.25Cr, 300 syd Top Floor with servant qtr : 9811540559. Contact: Kohli 9811155195
terrace @1.75Cr. multiple options Noida-46, 200mtr livable plot 1.90
available. 9070-30-9070 CR Prk 125y SF+Trc crnr frihold 1.40 FLRS : Sarvp. Vihar 360y Cnr P/F TF+ 11/1 SARVAPRIYA Vihar corner
LUXURY BUILDER FLOORS DLF Shop CR Prk GF rented 35,000 @1.15 UDYOG NAGAR Industrial Area, THE ONE & the only one best
1,2,4 S. lok -1 , South city -1, Brand CRPrk 160yGF 3br 1.60. 9810017982 Terr 5.5cr; Gulmohar 300 SF @5.25; Peeragarhi Chowk, 20,000 Sq ft, independent house facing park located industrial unit of IMT
new floors with lift and Stilt . ( 3-4-5 WANTED 1800 MTR building or GK-II, 350y FF @5.6; NFC 500y TF+ New Construction, Heavy Duty Basement GF FF SF Single party for Manesar, Gurgaon on 1acre plot
Bhk) Also plots available of all Sizes plot at IMT Manesar, Gurgaon South Terr @7.5; Hauz Khas Enclave 430y whole house 9811142840 East facing on 200ft road already
Goods lift, Ample Parking, Suits
in DLF , S.Lok -1 9999404040. City Properties 9810980800 C-1/9 VASANT Vihar- G+B 7.25cr. SR Prop. 999-999-6725 Warehouses/Offices 9810167894 9999797996 builtup 64000 sqft RCC BGF is
600- Ready First Floor, 4 Bed, GTB NAGAR /275yd Kothi @8cr & now all set to complete 90000
D/d, Immediate Sale Rajesh 3BHK @3cr Civil Lines & BD Estate/ MOHAN CO-OPERATIVE Ready OFFICE SPACE Available for sqft in next 6months to a ready
9810014771, Amrit 9810019279. 3rd+Terrace 4BHK @3.50cr Model FOR RENT WareHouse/Gdwn/comp. to move-in Office Space 1500 sq.ft Lease/Rent in DLF South Court to move in facility on long lease:
Town. Deals family settlement auth service centre2200yds,1800yds to 12000 sq.ft. Close to Metro Mall, Saket. Area 830 sq.ft., Fully cont. for booking : 98-118-118-80.
deals/collaboration. 9873255806 covrd shed/plot no. 7/12 & 1/13 station, Modern Cafeteria, Parking Furnished on First Floor. Prime
OKHLA, MOHAN Cooperative Kirari main rd, Nangloi, Nr. Railway Contact: 9810167894 Location. Contact: 9810109682
Lease/Sale/Rented/Corporate Office PRIYADARSHANI APART- Crossing.9810084703, 9811772693 FOR RENT South City 1 Duplex
/ Warehouse/Service Centre/ Plot/ Floor in 500 yds Kothi, 4BR, A/c,
Reasonable Price. Manral & Associ- MENT Drawing + 3 Bed + 2 Toilet + SPACE AVAILABLE 16500 ft base- KAILASH HILLS, IInd Floor, 2 BHK Park, Servant Room, 100% Power
ates. 9810073960, 9899424066 2 Side + Parking, 20 Lac, Sec-31, FOR RENT 500 sqy. 4+1 BHK , top ment 6500 GF 6500 with double Attached Toilet/Bath, 140 Sq.Yds.
height 3000 1st flr in Mohan coop on back-up # Info Scottish 9910327133
MUST SELL Today Plot No. 3153P Rohini. Bisht Properties Pvt. Ltd. floor with terrace, lift, parking for 2 2 Side Balcony, Park Facing,
CONF PLOT DLF-1&2. 500, 400 Golf DEFENCE COLONY Corner 400 9650045100, 9999784468 cars,new fully renovated floor,J-12/ 100mts wide road with ample parking
Sector-46 @ 1.35k, Plot B-11 South Yds, First/Second Floor, 4 Beds, Vastu Perfect, No Brokerage.
rd, 502y @1.15, 500y 360 park &18m
City-1 @ 1.20K. Also Rented Guest VASANT VIHAR 600 - 26 Rajouri Gdn. Rent75,000/-month opp Tugabad Metro st #9811083833 Call: 9312369333, 9871861885. DLF − SUSHANT LOK
300,270,215y 500 pair 12mtr, S.City- Double Story Independent House D/D, 3 Car Parking; 325 Yds, B+GF/
Houses - many options, Contact FF/ SF/ TF with Terrace. S. Kumar # 9999880295, 9350506464
1 500 cner park 360 @ 1.12 360 wide
Deep (Punjabi Bagh) 9810444293 Immediate Sale. Rajesh WEST DELHI KALKAJI FULLY furnished 3 BHK,
Rd, 275, N/E 240. # 9811162648 9810014771, Amrit 9810019279. 98110-31558, Desraj 98110-72035 3 att. b/rooms, 4 ACs, well-equipped RENT : New UGF Luxury builder
kitchen, fridge, piped gas, m/wave, Appt. DLF-2, Gurgaon. 4 BHK, D/D
CENTRAL DELHI RO. Inverter. Wifi. Park fac. Walk in Stilt parking. High end fixtures, AC.
GREATER KAILASH 300Yds from Metro. Owner: 7428425993. Stilt room for office or recreation
Top Flr + Terr 4 beds d/d lounge den also available. # 9910335585
FOR RENT (1) Indraprakash Bldg.
qtr. parking lift N/E facing 7star Fully Furnished 431 sq.ft. (2) C-42, SAKET DLF South Court Mall,
const going cheap ready Pavneet 1st Floor 332 sq.ft with mezzanine 1st floor, Commercial Office Space
9811036030, 9999926224 Fully Furnished. (3) Himalaya House
856 sq.ft 9th floor. # 9899700095
930 Sq.ft., Fully Furnished, Prime
Location, Ample Parking for Rent More
/Lease. Contact: 9810109682
DLF 1-2-3-4 Builder floor in
200-500 yrds, 3-5 Bhk lift, Parking,
18,32,33, 34,35, 44 INFO City & Pace
ANAND LOK 400 Yd @26CR
Aradhna (opp.Hyatt) 370 @16CR
FLR : Anand Nikten 1000y G+B@18.5;
V.Vhr 800 B+G 14cr; Niti Bagh 800
PUNJABI BAGH West, Plot Area
280 sq.yards, East Facing Double
FOR RENT 431 sq. ft. comm. fully
furnished flat in Ashoka Estate CP on S 27, GK-1, One BHK, Kailash
Classified Ads
City Dharuhera / Bawal 1000 to 1 Friends Col.(E) 600yd @ 32CR
Modern interiors. Also available
DLF- S.Lok Plots in 250,300,400,
500 yds Sabharwal 9811081738
Lac Sqft For Rent, Many Rented
Options. URBAN 9810010681
Safdarjung 500 Yd @ 26 CR
Sterling Realtors 98100-81588
P/F TF+T @17.25; Geetanjali Enc 900
FF @11.5; Anand Lok 400 Corner P/F
FF/SF+Ter @15.5. SR 999-999-6725
Storey House on road no. 62.
Immediate Sale. D. Salwan :
6th floor & also one flat 827 sq. ft. in
Vishal Bhawan Nehru Place on 4th
floor. # 9999411000, 7678592373
Hill 177 One BHK, Kailash Hill 88
Three BHK all fully Furnished
contact owner : 9999852015
on Page 14
J ULY 2 6 , 2 02 0 hindustantimes 13
We’ll protest at ised at another cabinet meeting
later on Saturday.
who were trying to crush the
Constitution,” he said.
aware of the developments. HT
reported last week, citing people
PM Modi’s According to the law laid
down by the Supreme Court, the
The BJP denies the Congress’s
claim that it is behind the Rajast-
familiar with the matter, that the
two armies have amassed almost
house, warns governor notifies the holding of han turmoil and says the crisis 100,000 soldiers in their forward
a session on the recommenda- was triggered by an internal feud and depth areas.
Gehlot tion of the council of ministers.
Former Chief Justice of India
in the Congress. Pilot, for his
part, says he has no plans of join-
Joshi’s comments came a day
after the Working Mechanism for IDEAS,PASSEDTHEMOFFAS
Mishra was yet to take a final P Sathasivam said normally, as ing the BJP. Consultation and Coordination
call on convening the session till per the Constitution, the advice Gehlot has the support of 101 (WMCC) on India-China border
late Saturday night. Officials in of the council of ministers is members (though this does not affairs reviewed the situation in
his office, who did not want to be binding on the governor, but include speaker CP Joshi). Pilot the border areas and the disen- Check out today’s HT City
named, said a “considered” view when there is a dispute about has 18 other Congress MLAs and gagement process in the western
was being taken on the fresh pro- issues such as the number of law- three independents in his camp, sector of the LAC.
posal and a decision will be makers supporting a chief minis- taking his tally to 22. The BJP At the meeting, the two sides
announced at an “appropriate” ter, then it is a special case. and its ally Rashtriya Loktrant- agreed that another meeting of
time. “The governor can exercise rik Party have 75 seats. Bhan- corps commanders “may be held
“The fresh proposal has been his discretion. He can then sum- warlal Meghwal, one Congress soon so as to work out further
prepared with keeping legalities mon MLAs to Raj Bhavan [gov- MLA said to be close to Pilot, is steps to ensure expeditiously
and provisions in mind, and ernor’s house], make inquiries, indisposed. If Pilot’s tally is complete disengagement and
approved by the cabinet before it and have discussions with vari- added to that of the opposition de-escalation” along the LAC, the
was sent to Raj Bhavan,” a minis- ous MLA groups, etc. So the gen- alliance, it takes their number ministry of external affairs said
ter in the Gehlot government eral rule that the governor is up to 97. A three-member swing in a statement on Friday.
said, a day after Mishra sought to bound by aid and advice of the from the Gehlot camp to the Pilot The meeting is expected to be
know the emergency for sum- council of ministers might not be camp or to the BJP could lead to held next week but no dates have
moning the session and its relevant in the Rajasthan mat- the government falling in the been finalised yet.
agenda. ter,” said Sathasivam, who has event of a floor test. Joshi said disengagement was
Facing protests by legislators also served as Kerala governor. Meanwhile, a delegation of 15 initiated after four rounds of
backing Gehlot, Mishra, who Earlier in the day, a CLP meet- BJP leaders, including state talks between senior Indian and
was in the BJP before becoming ing was held at a luxury hotel on party president Satish Poonia Chinese military commanders,
the governor, also asked why the the Jaipur-Delhi highway, and MLAs from Jaipur City, met and it was being verified on the
chief minister was pushing for a where MLAs backing Gehlot the governor in the evening and ground to “ensure its veracity
floor test even though no one had have been camping since July 13. expressed displeasure at chief and correctness.” He said de-es-
put forth such a demand and how “We will not let the BJP conspir- minister Gehlot’s Friday calation of the border conflict
the government was planning to acy to succeed. If required, we remarks that the people of the would begin after achieving com-
protect the MLAs in the back- will go to the Rashtrapati Bha- state could gherao Raj Bhavan if plete disengagement.
drop of the Covid-19 outbreak. van and stage dharna; if neces- the Mishra did not convene a ses- The ground situation remains
“We have proposed calling the sary, we will protest outside the sion. unchanged in the Ladakh sector
session from July 31, giving suffi- PM’s house,” a senior Congress “The pressure on the gover- where both armies have amassed
cient time for MLAs to reach and leader quoted CM Gehlot as say- nor to get a decision in their almost 100,000 soldiers in their
attend the assembly. The gover- ing. “This fight is to save democ- favour is a derogatory attempt to forward and depth areas.
nor is also informed of the impor- racy.” threaten constitutional institu- During a visit to Ladakh on
tant bills and business to be Congress general secretary tions,” they said in a memoran- July 17, defence minister Rajnath
tabled in house,” the minister Avinash Pande said the high dum that was shared with the Singh indicated that the negotia-
quoted above said. He added that command made efforts so that media. tions to resolve military tensions
the Rajasthan Epidemic Dis- members can freely talk about along the LAC were complex. He
eases Ordinance 2020, notified in
May for strict enforcement of
issues if they had complaints.
“...but unfortunately, they
Disengagement said progress in negotiations
should help resolve the border
Covid-19 restrictions, also
needed to be tabled in the House.
became puppet in the hands of
BJP and I don’t think that there
complex, our dispute but added that he
“couldn’t guarantee to what
Rajasthan is facing a political
crisis due to a rebellion by
return is possible from there,” he
said, apparently referring to the
aim is status extent the situation will be
former deputy chief minister
Sachin Pilot and a section of leg-
Pilot camp.
Congress spokesperson Ran-
quo ante: Army On Wednesday, Singh asked
the Indian Air Force to stay pre- DIRECTORATE OF SPORTS &
islators backing him. The Gehlot deep Singh Surjewala praised reducing border tensions despite pared for any eventuality.
camp, which is confident of its the “unity and collectiveness” intense negotiations at the mili- The disengagement process
numbers and feels a floor test shown by the MLAs at Friday’s tary and diplomatic levels, and has barely made progress after T.T. Nagar Stadium, Bhopal-462003
may be its best bet to end the demonstration. “ the future, the disengagement process at the last round of meeting between Phone : 0755-2761448, 2778151
political crisis, says the gover- it will be remembered how 102 some points has virtually senior Indian and Chinese com- Fax : 0755–2775256, Website:
nor is delaying convening a ses- people together defeated those stopped, according to people manders on July 14. E-TENDERING NOTICE (First Call)
sion due to pressure from the
BJP-led central government. htweather The Director, Directorate of Sports & Youth Welfare,
Mishra denies the charge and M.P. Bhopal invites bids from Individuals/organizations with
says he will follow constitutional
ALMANAC TEMPERATURE relevant background and experience for Supply of Fitnees
norms to convene the House.
Today is
26th July 2020 IN FOUR METROS Equipments for Sports Training & Fittness Centers.
“He had queries. We have l 4 Dhul Hijjah 1441

l Shravana, Shukla
Delhi 2. The bids will be received through electronic tendering mode
replied to them,” a second minis-
Paksha, 6
36°c I 26°c only. The details regarding participation in the e-tendering
Generally cloudy sky Thunderstorm Generally cloudy sky Mumbai
ter. The proposal has been sub- with light rain with rain with moderate rain
l Samvat 2077
process can be obtained on If
mitted after consultation with
Sunset: Sunday 30°c I 26°c
at 07:15 p.m. any queries regarding participation through e-tender
the speaker, he said. Sunrise: Monday Kolkata
at 05:39 a.m. process interested bidder may contact on Toll Free
The draft proposal was pre- 33°c I 27°c
36°c I 26°c 35°c I 27°c 34°c I 27°c Moonrise: Monday
No. 18002588684.
pared at a cabinet meeting that at 00:21 p.m.
3. The corrigendum and agendum issued (if any) related to
• • Moonset: Tuesday 36°c I 28°c
began at 10pm on Friday night at 00:03 a.m. this bid will be published on e-tendering portal only.
and stretched to 1am, Congress
M.P. Madhyam/98023/2020 DIRECTOR
functionaries said. It was final-

Directorate of Skill Development, Government of Madhya Pradesh (Name of Authority Inviting Bids)
Global Skills Park-City, Govindpura ITI Campus, Bhopal-462023 Corrigendum No.-I
In continuation to this office NIT issued vide letter No. SE-XV- -TENDER-PMGSY-II/2019-20- 5861-5940 dated 22.07.2020 for re-inviting the tender for the Package No.
Tender Notice HP-12-175 & HP-12-177 (PMGSY-II Batch - I for 2019-20), the dates of downloading, Bid submission and opening dates are as under:-
The Project Director, MADHYA PRADESH SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, invites online bid for
Sr. Division/ Package Name of work Estimated Cost (Rs. in lacs) Total Cost Bid Security Starting Date for Closing date & time
following services No. District No. (Rs. Lakh) (Rs. in lacs) downloading Bid for submission
Construction Maintenance
S. Tender Brief Description Start Date of Pre-bid Start Date Last Date of Bid
No. Number tender Document Meeting of Bid of Bid 1 Bharwain/Una HP-12-175 MRL01-Nehri 910.24 52.87 963.11 19.27 24.07.2020 07.08.2020
Mairi Jowar Road at 10.30 AM
Download Submission Submission
1 RFP No./ Request for Proposal 27/07/2020 07/08/2020 14/08/2020 31/08/2020 2 Bharwain/Una HP-12-177 MRL03-Shivbari 1026.49 71.60 1098.09 21.97 24.07.2020 07.08.2020
MPSDP/ (RFP) From Branding, to Dawali upto at 10.30 AM
CBF/ Communication and Event NH503
ET12 Management Agency The bids will be opened on 07.08.2020 at 11.00 AM. The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders from the department website
Tender documents along with terms & Conditions, Date and Time of Tenders Opening and
(Er. N.P. Singh)
submission is uploaded on the website . Interested/Qualified bidders may Superintending Engineer
apply strictly as per terms and conditions mentioned in the tender documents available on the website DPR HP-1833 15th Circle, H.P.P.W.D, Una-174303 . For any queries, Please contact on 0755-2926671 during working hours.
Project Director

I F¹FFÊ»F¹F ¸Fb£¹F Ad·F¹Fa°FF,

»Fû.d³F.d½F., SF¿MÑe¹F SFªF¸FF¦FÊ ´FdSÃûÂF, SF¹F´FbS (L.¦F.)
EI eIÈ °F ´FaªFe¹F³F ´Fi¯FF»Fe Aa°F¦FÊ°F ÀFÃF¸F ßFZ¯Fe ¸FZÔ ´FaªFeIÈ °F NZ IZ QFSûÔ ÀFZ d³F¸³Fd»Fd£F°F d³F¸FFʯF I F¹FÊ
WZ °Fb AFG³F»FFBÊ ³F (Online) d³Fd½FQF AF¸FadÂF°F I e ªFF°Fe W` :-
Ii . d³F.AF.ÀFc. dÀFÀM¸F I F¹FÊ I F ³FF¸F I F¹FÊ I e d³Fd½FQF Ii ¹F
Ii ./ AFBÊ O e A³Fb¸FFd³F°F I S³FZ I e
dQ³FFaI Ii . »FF¦F°F Aad°F¸F d°Fd±F
1. 10/CE/NH/ 2020_ Strengthening of Ambikapur Rs. 22-08-2020
TC/44-05/ MoRTH_ Ramanujganj Garwa Road N.H. 343 from 1753.48
2020, 572591_1 Km. 58/8 to 59/8 & Km. 61/6 to 65/10 Lacs
(2nd Call) (Intermediate Lane) & from Km. 59/10
Dt. to 61/4 & Km. 66/2 to 81/6 (2 Lane)=23
21-07-2020 km (total sanction length 22.20km) in
the state of Chhattisgarh on EPC mode.
2. C´FSû¢°F d³F¸FFʯF I F¹FûË I e d³Fd½FQF I e ÀFF¸FF³¹F VF°FZË, ²FSûWS SFdVF, d½FÀ°FÈ°F d³Fd½FQF d½FÄFd´°F, d³Fd½FQF
½FZ¶F ´FûMÊ »F ÀFZ OFD ³F»FûO I e ªFF ÀFI °Fe W` Ü
¸Fb£¹F Ad·F¹Fa°FF
»Fû.d³F.d½F., SF¿MÑ e¹F SFªF¸FF¦FÊ ´FdSÃûÂF, Office of the Chairman, NEET PG Medical & Dental Admission/Counseling Board-2020 and
G-82536/4 SF¹F´FbS (L.¦F.) Principal, Govt. Dental College Subhash Nagar, Behind T.B. Hospital, Jaipur
Phone: 0141-2280090, Websites: I
No. State PG Counseling Board/2020/ Dated: 24.07.2020
dk;kZy; vf/k'kklh vfHk;Urk] xzkeh.k vfHk;U=.k foHkkx] ckxir
I F¹FFÊ»F¹F I F¹FÊ´FF»F³F ¹FaÂFe, »FûI d³F¸FFʯF d½F·FF¦F, ÀFa·FF¦F Qd°F¹FF (¸F.´Fi.) dk;kZy; dk irk%& fodkl Hkou f}rh; ry ckxir
State Medical & Dental P.G. Seats Allotments-2020 (Mop-up Round, off-line)
Phone No. 237622, Fax No. 238787, Email Address : eSU;woy fufonk dh izsl lwpuk ¼vYidkyhu fufonk½ The allotment process (Mop-up Round) to various PG Medical and Dental courses, for Rajasthan State registered candidates, will be carried out off-line as per the
i=kad& 474 @xzk0v0fo0@fufonk i=kyh@2020&21@ fnuakd% 17-07-2020 schedule given below:
Ii ¸FFaI 145/MZ ¯OS/2020-21 d³Fd½FQF ÀFaVFû²F³F ÀFc¨F³FF dQ³FFaI 23.07.2020 egkefge jkT;iky] m0iz0 dh vksj ls vf/k'kklh vfHk;Urk] xzkeh.k vfHk;U=.k foHkkx] iz[k.M ckxir ds }kjk xzkeh.k vfHk;U=.k foHkkx m0iz0 esa ,]ch]lh]Mh ,oa
bZ ¼tSlh fLFkfr gks½ esa dk;Z dh ykxr ds lhek ds vuq:i iathd`r fufonknkrkvksa ls eSU;woy fof/k ds ek/;e ls izfr'kr nj ds vk/kkj ij uhps n'kkZ;s x;s dk;Z gsrq
d³F¸³FF³FbÀFFS I F¹FÊ I e d³Fd½FQF NIT No. 06/2020-21/Datia Date 01-07-2020 ½FZ¶FÀFFBÊ M fufonk vkeaf=r dh tkrh gSA fufonknkrk fdlh ,d dk;Z vFkok lHkh dk;ksZa ds fy, fufonk ns ldrk gSA S. No. Event MD/MS MDS
1- dk;Z ls lEcaf/kr fooj.k fuEuor~ gS%& ´FS AF³F»FFBÊ ³F AF¸FadÂF°F I e W` Ü d³Fd½FQF I F ´FiI FVF³F ÀF¸FF¨FFS ´FÂFûÔ ¸FZÔ ³F Wû³FZ IZ 1. MOP-up Round (fresh application); 24.07.2020 to 28.07.2020, 12.00 noon 24.07.2020 to 28.07.2020, 12.00 noon
vuqekfur fufonk izi= dk dk;Z iw.kZ
fcM fldqfjfV (a) Deposition of the counseling fee
I FS¯F dQ³FFaI ûÔ ¸FZÔ ÀFaVFû²F³F dI ¹FF ªFF°FF W` Ü Ø0 tuin
la0 dk uke
dk;Z dk uke
¼yk[k :0
ewY; th-,l-Vh-
lfgr ¼;fn
djus dh
vof/k o"kkZ (b) On-line registration & information form filling by NEET 24.07.2020 to 28.07.2020, 2.00 pm 24.07.2020 to 28.07.2020, 2.00 pm
¼yk[k esa½ 2020 qualified fresh candidates from throughout India
4 5
vko';d gks½ ¼:0esa½
_rq lfgr
7 (who are not yet registered in State)
(»FF£F ¸FZÔ) SFdVF xzke D;keiqj es f'ko eafnj ds ikl pkSiky fuekZ.k 500+225+41= 2. Publishing of merit list (mop-up round) 28.07.2020 28.07.2020
2020_PWDRB_ 233.75 2,33,750.00 15000.00 1 Ckkxir 8.482 0.170 4 ekg
QdS¹FF´FbS ÀFZ ÀFFÀFbd°F ¸FF¦FÊ d³F¸FFʯF »Fa. 5.00 dI ¸Fe dk;Z ¼fo0[k0 ckxir½ fo0fu0 766 3. Publishing of vacant seats matrix (mop-up round) 28.07.2020 after 5.00 pm 28.07.2020 after 5.00 pm
96306_1 xzke ehryh es jfonkl eafnj ds ikl fLFkr 4. Mop-up Round; Seat allotment (off-line) and reporting 30.07.2020, 8.00 am 29.07.2020, 1.00 pm
2 Ckkxir lkeqnkf;d dsUnz ds izkx.k es lh0lh0 b0ykS0Vk0 8.377 0.170 4 ekg before the Board at the venue Govt. Dental College (as per schedule to be made available at (as per schedule to be made available at
2020_PWDRB_ ·ûQ´FbS F ÀFZ ¶FF¦FQZW e ¸FF¦FÊ d³F¸FFʯF »Fa. 3.80 dI ¸Fe 171.05 1,71,050.00 12500.00 ¼fo0[k0 ckxir½ lka0fu0 766
96307_1 (GDC), Shastri Nagar, Jaipur At the spot on the same day the website) the website)
xzke fla?kkoyh vghj es gfjtu cLrh es izk0 Ldwy along with submission of all original document and other
2020_PWDRB_ 217.02 2,17,020.00 15000.00 500+225+41=
COÞ e³FF ÀFZ R °FZW ´FbS ¸FF¦FÊ d³F¸FFʯF »Fa. 4.70 dI ¸Fe 3 Ckkxir u0&2 ls lq[kiky gfjtu ds edku rd lh0lh0 9.770 0.200
4 ekg documents as listed in instruction booklet
96308_1 b0ykS0Vk0 dk;Z ¼fo0[k0&fiykuk½ lk0fu0 Completion of all other formalities, deposition of
2020_PWDRB_ ´FNSF ÀFZ AFÀFZS ¸FF¦FÊ d³F¸FFʯF »Fa. 3.60 dI ¸Fe 166.63 1,66,630.00 12500.00 xzke [kV~Vk izgykniqj es pkanhuxj ekxZ ij
500+225+41= prescribed admission fee, at the desk of concerned
96309_1 4 Ckkxir gfjtu cLrh es fLFkr vEcsMdj Hkou dh 5.386 0.110 4 ekg college at GDC, Jaipur on the same day
pkjnhokjh dk;Z ¼fo0[k0&fiykuk½ lka0fu0 5. Residual seats allotment and reporting 31.07.2020 31.07.2020
2020_PWDRB_ ´F½FS WFCÀF ·FF¯OZ S ¸Fb£¹F ¸FF¦FÊ ÀFZ ¶FOÞZ S F ¸FF¦FÊ d³F¸FFʯF »Fa. 62.85 62,850.00 10000.00 xzke jBkSMk es Jh Hkksiky okfYedh ds edku ls
96310_1 Residual seats filling only for Govt. Colleges, WC Residual seats filling only for Govt. dental
1.40 dI ¸Fe 5 Ckkxir
Jh f'ko dqekj 'kekZ iq= Jh nhipUn ds edku
4.310 0.090
3 ekg Jhalawar and RUHS CMS, Jaipur (venue - Govt. College (GDC) (venue - Govt. Dental
2020_PWDRB_ Ib ¸WdS¹FF ÀFZ Ib OÞ e»FF ÀFSI FS Wû°FZ Wb E d»F²FüSF ¸FF¦FÊ 333.49 3,33,490.00 15000.00 rd b0ykS0Vk0 dk dk;Z ¼fo0[k0&NijkSyh½ fo0fu0 677
Dental College, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur) at the spot College, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur) at the spot
96311_1 xzke cklkSyh es gfjtu pkSiky dk fuekZ.k dk;Z 500+225+41=
d³F¸FFʯF »Fa. 7.00 dI ¸Fe 6 Ckkxir 7.300 0.150 6 ekg on the same day along with submission of all on the same day along with submission of all
¼fo0[k0&NijkSyh½ lka0fu0 766
2020_PWDRB_ 65.77 65,770.00 10000.00 original documents and completion of all other original documents and completion of all other
²F³F´Fe´FSe ÀFZ Pe¸FS´FbS F ¸FF¦FÊ d³F¸FFʯF »Fa. 1.30 dI ¸Fe xzke lkdjkSn es Jh /keZohj iq= LoZ0 Jh frydjke
500+225+41= formalities, deposition of prescribed admission formalities, deposition of prescribed admission
96312_1 7 Ckkxir ds edku ls feUVw iq= Jh nsosUnz ekLVj ds edku 9.44 0.190 3 ekg
766 fee. fee.
2020_PWDRB_ ÀFSÀFBÊ ÀFZ ¸FF²Fü¶FF¶FF ¸FF¦FÊ d³F¸FFʯF »Fa. 2.30 dI ¸Fe 109.24 1,09,240.00 12500.00 rd b0ykS0Vk0 dk;Z fo0fu0
Residual seats in private colleges to be filled on Residual seats in private colleges to be filled
96313_1 xzke lykoriqj [ksMh es ckYehfd pkSiky dk 500+225+41=
8 Ckkxir 9.05 0.181 6 ekg 31.07.2020 at the level of concerned medical on 31.07.2020 at the level of concerned dental
fuekZ.k dk;ZA fo0[k0&fiykuk lka0fu0 766
2020_PWDRB_ dÀF»FüSe ÀFZ ±ü»Fe ¸FF¦FÊ d³F¸FFʯF »Fa. 2.64 dI ¸Fe 143.67 1,43,670.00 12500.00 xzke ehjkiqj jktokgs ij Jh ftrsUnz ds [ksr ds 500+225+41=
college (candidates eligible for joining on residual college (candidates eligible for joining on
96314_1 (dõ°Fe¹F AF¸FaÂF¯F) 9 Ckkxir 9.54 0.191 4 ekg seats to contact the concerned medical college residual seats to contact the concerned dental
ikl iqy dk fuekZ.k fo0[k0 cMkSr fo0fu0 766
directly). college directly).
Ib »F ¹Fû¦F 1503.47 »FF£F xwaxk [ksMh es [kljk u0 116 es cjkr?kj dk 500+225+41=
10 Ckkxir 8.67 0.174 6 ekg
fuekZ.k fo-[ka0 cMkSr fo0fu0 766 The candidates must read the following instructions/information carefully:
1. d³Fd½FQF AF³F»FFBÊ ³F ´FiÀ°Fb°F I S³FZ I e Aad°F¸F dQ³FFaI 31.07.2020 ÀF¸F¹F 17.30 °FI Ü ddMhiqj es iou@gjchj flag ds edku ls 500+150+27= Candidates who get allotment in round 2 and either resign or do not join the college allotted to them will not remain eligible for participation in mop-up/residual
11 Ckkxir 3.63 0.08 3 ekg
2. I F¹FFÊ»F¹F ¸Fb£¹F Ad·F¹Fa°FF CØFS ´FdSÃûÂF »FûI d³F¸FFʯF d½F·FF¦F ±FFMe´FbS ¦½FFd»F¹FS (¸F.´Fi.) IZ I F¹FFÊ»F¹F ¸FZÔ ·Füd°FI ø ´F ÀFZ rstiky@Hkoj flag ds edku rd lh0lh0 jksM 677 allotments in Rajasthan State.
¸Fc»F A¸FF³F°F SFdVF E½Fa A³¹F QÀ°FF½FZªF ´FiF´°F I S³FZ I e Aad°F¸F d°Fd±F dQ³FFaI 04.08.2020 W` Ü dI ÀFe NZ IZ QFS IZ õFSF AF³F»FFBÊ ³F 2- fufonk foØ; dh frfFk%& 05-08-2020 ls 07-08-2020 dks nksigj 16%00 cts rd dk;kZy; vf/k'kklh vfHk;Urk xzkeh.k vfHk;U=.k foHkkx iz[k.M ckxir] v/kh{k.k Candidates allotted and joined a college through any other counseling including All India PG counseling are not eligible to participate in mop-up/residual allotments
vfHk;Urk xzkeh.k vfHk;U=.k foHkkx ifje.My esjB] ,oa ftykf/kdkjh tuin ckxirA in Rajasthan State.
A¸FF³F°F SFdVF ªF¸FF I SFBÊ ¦FBÊ W` °Fû ·Füd°FI ø ´F ÀFZ QÀ°FF½FZªF ´FiÀ°Fb°F I S³FF Ad³F½FF¹FÊ ³FWeÔ W` Ü dªFÀF NZ IZ QFS IZ ´FÃF ¸FZÔ d³Fd½FQF 3- fufonk izkIr djus dh vfUre frfFk%& 10-08-2020 vijkUg 12%00 cts rdA
À½FeIÈ °F I e ªFF°Fe W` , CÀFZ d³Fd½FQF IZ ÀF¸F¹F ÀIZ ³F dI ¹FF ¦F¹FF VF´F±F ´FÂF A³Fb¶Fa²F IZ ÀF¸F¹F ´FiÀ°Fb°F I S³FF Ad³F½FF¹FÊ Wû¦FFÜ 4- fufonk [kksyus dh frfFk ,oa le;%& 10-08-2020 dks vijkUg 12%30 ctsA Submission of original documents
uksV& vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy, d`i;k fu;ksDrk dk;kZy; vFkkZr vf/k'kklh vfZHk;Urk xzkeh.k vfHk;U=.k foHkkx iz[k.M ckxir esa lEidZ djsaA All eligible candidates willing to participate in mop-up/residual allotments must present physically alongwith all the original documents, fee and other requirements
3. d³Fd½FQF AF³F»FFBÊ ³F £Fû»F³FZ I F dQ³FFaI 05.08.2020. to confirm admission.
A³¹F ªFF³FI FSe C´FSû¢°F ½FZ¶FÀFFBÊ M ´FS QZ£Fe ªFF ÀFI °Fe W` Ü (¸F³Fe¿F CQZd³F¹FF) ¼tokgj flag½
The candidates are advised to read the notification, instruction booklet, etc. given on the website, very carefully and also visit the websites regularly. Chairman
UP-153669, Dt. 22.07.2020 vf/k'kklh vfHk;Urk
ªFe-12774/20 I F¹FÊ´F»FF³F ¹FaÂFe, »Fû.d³F.d½F. ÀFa·FF¦F Qd°F¹FF (¸F.´Fi.) Website : xzkeh.k vfHk;U=.k foHkkx] iz[k.M&ckxir Dipr/c/5746/2020 NEET PG Medical & Dental Admission/Counseling Board-2020

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