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Name: Kathrina Apple Bawat

Section: BEED 3A

To The Young Womenof Malolos by. Jose P. Rizal

This letter, written by Rizal in response to the request of M.H. del Pilar,
while he was residing in Paris, was about the courageous actions of
twenty young women of Malolos. This is the story; During the time of
Governor-General Weyler, twenty young women of Malolos petitioned
the governor-general to open a night school so they can study Spanish
under Teodoro Sandiko. Upon knowing this, a friar, Fr. Felipe Garcia,
expressed disapproval of the idea. Due to this, the governor-general
turned down them petition. However, still determined, the young
women bravely continued their purpose. This caused a great stir in the
political and social scene, not only in the Philippines but also in Europe.

In the letter, Rizal tackled the many evils of the friars. They, who
introduced us to Christianity, are also those that wreaks on it sanctity.
Those that taught us to leave a life of simplicity are those who live a life
of vanity and extravagance. They taught us that going to heaven
would be easier if we were not rich are those that make themselves as
wealthy as possible. Those that taught us service are those that accept
bribery. What an example they made. If what they do are of God's will,
then it would be better to turn our back on that god.

Faith is not merely reciting prayers and wearing religious pictures. It is

living the real Christian way with good morals and manners.In recent
times, it seems that these qualities are gradually lost in the way Filipino
women conduct themselves. There are oftentimes moments where
mothers forget their roles in rearing their children because of the
overriding idea of having to earn for the family to supplement their
husband’s income. Although there is nothing negative about working
hard for the welfare of the family, there must always be balance in the
way people go through life. Failure in the home cannot be
compensated for by any amount of wealth or fame.

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