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Subject: ESSAY WRITING & BUSINESS CORRES Time / Day: 9-12:00/MTW
Instructor: ELENA E. ROMERO

“To the Young Women of Malolos”

By Jose Rizal

In my own opinion, Jose Rizal begin his essay through a brief anecdote. Because he wrote
his letter based on the real life situation of the Filipinos against the friars. Dr. Jose Rizal pointed
out the unholiest during the time of Spaniards such as the ignorance of the Filipino, qualities of
Filipino mothers have. His letter was a hope restoring the dignity and worth of all the Filipinos
especially the women. He wrote everything he wishes for his countrymen.

Dr. Jose Rizal end his letter to connect and relate every readers to a real life situation of
individuals. Which he warned that the country will never be free and flourishing as long as children
and the women remain ignorant. With this, the education of the children should not be limited to
religious activities. He also stressed obedience and reason as the highest virtues that one must
possess. In the letter, Rizal enunciated his great desire for Filipino women to enjoy the privileges
in education along with men. Moreover, he appealed to women to be heedful of their rights and
not to be docile towards many injustices forced upon them. Men and women are born equal. God
did not create men and women to be slaves, nor did he embellish them with reason only to be
blinded by others.
“Return To the Primitive”
By: Salvador P. Lopez

For me, Salvador Lopez started his essay based on contrast between image and reality about
the Filipino nationality versus the foreign influence. Some Filipino are not patronage their own
nationality. Salvador essay wanted to have a progressive Filipino intellectual to bring back the
importance our own heritage.

Salvador Lopez end his essay by combining all the statement in the beginning to expand one
conclusion. His essay end to give remind us that we must love our own nationality. And be proud
that we are true Filipino in heart and in blood. And let us love and accept our own cultures.
As a Filipino citizen, we must promote our Filipino family values. Being hospitality one of the
most famous qualities of ours, respect as often observed not just by younger people but also by
people of all ages, strong family ties, generosity and helpfulness.
“Of The Greatest Men”
By: Michel de Montaigne

In his essay can serve as a true life lesson, to make sure the readers will
continue to read the whole essay content.
Montaigne begins his essay to know man by noticing that the same human behaviour can have
opposite effects, or that even opposite conducts can have the same effects, by diverse means we
arrive at the same end”. Human life cannot be turned into an object of rational theory. Human
conduct does not obey universal rules, but a great diversity of rules, among which the most accurate
still fall short of the intended mark. Human reason is a tincture infused in about equal strength in
all our opinions and ways, whatever their form.

He end his essay by cultivates his liberty by not adhering exclusively to any one idea, while
at the same time exploring them all. In exercising his judgment on various topics, he trains himself
to go off on fresh tracks, starting from something he read or experienced. For Montaigne this also
means calling into question the convictions of his time, reflecting upon his beliefs and education,
and cultivating his own personal thoughts. His language can be said to obey only one rule, that is,
to be an effect of judgment and sincerity, which is the very one that he demands from the pupil.
His language bears an unmistakable tone but contradicts itself sometimes from one place to
another, perhaps for the very reason that it follows so closely the movements of thought.
“Against Idleness”
By: Michel de Montaigne

Montaigne composed this essay about the concept of idleness has a great significance. He
had a keen appreciation of the role of odium in the culture of ancient Rome and regarded leisure
as an inner spiritual quest for self-knowledge. According to Montaigne, idleness permits self-
directedness, and it is an ideal form in which to practice the freedom of thought that brings about
consistency in writing, living and reality, in all of which Montaigne finds one general property-
complete inconstancy. Were all brought to bear on the concept of idleness and made Montaigne’s
intellectual and literary experimentation in the essays possible.

He end his essay as an experiments in ideas of the readers. He strengthen the weakness of
the readers because his essay give us some important information in a real life situation if you
really have a headful understanding. Montaigne also end to trying out a new idea or a method in
order to see what it is like and what effects it has.

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