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The Big Story

-George Loveridge

Point of view:  Third person

Character: Ernie Gibson, Truelove, John Vollmer, Mr. & Mrs. Vollmer, Margie Vollmer,
Officer Trask, Counter man.

Protagonist: Ernie Gibson because his is in the entire story.

Antagonist: Truelove because Ernie doesn’t like him.

Ernie Gibson because he wants the big story and is working hard to get it.

Setting: Small town, Willow Lake, Past, Wartime, U.S.A.

Conflict: A man named John Vollmer who was an army officer was drowned in the Willow
Lake and when Ernie hears the news he quickly rushes to the Willow Lake to get the news
first before Truelove.
Ernie Gibson vs. Truelove/ Self Gibson vs. Gibson

Rising Action: One day in the Half-moon coffee shop the counter man tells Ernie about the
drowning event and goes to the Willow Lake before Truelove gets there.

Climax: Ernie goes to the Cargill Street to search more information about the victim, John
Vollmer. He lies to the victim’s parents. He gathers all the information and data’s about the
victim. He nervously waits for a knock on the door and a ring from the telephone which
would tell them the man lied to them and also Ernie took the photo of John Vollmer.

Falling action: After the body was found, Ernie gave all the information to the news office
and his photo so that Ernie can publish a real story and prove Truelove about his abilities.

Resolution: Ernie returned the photo of John. When Ernie arrived at the house, the police
were informing John’s parent’s that John was dead or had drowned. Ernie drops the photo
into the mailbox and runs off.

Theme: A person who really wants something is highly motivated and may be dishonest.

Interesting Details: Ernie returned the photo of John to his parents. When Ernie arrived at
the house; the police were informing John’s parents that John was dead or had drowned.
Ernie drops the photo in the mailbox and runs off.

IRONY: You think that a person would die in the war not in a lake at home.

The Ethic Code of Conduct of a Newspaper Reporter

 Seek truth and report it.

 Journalist should be honest, fair and courage’s in gathering, reporting and interpreting
 Minimize harm and respect people.
 Act decently

 Be accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers and each other.

Character Sketch

Ernie Gibson: Ernie Gibson is the protagonist in the story, he is an ambitious man and he
wants to be a newspaper reporter. He doesn’t respect his boss. He wants his boss to quit or
die. He is a real liar and does not respect the code of conduct for reporters. He is determined
and absolutely sure of his abilities. He is a bit jealous too. He also has a good side where he
feels guilty of lying and also returns the photo.

Truelove: He is the antagonist of the story. Although he is the boss of Ernie. Ernie is against
Truelove. Truelove is a good reporter and he is experienced, active, and observant and a
sensitive man as he always covers the big story on the front page which the public find
interesting to read. He is a good boss but a little bit unfair to his juniors. He has the habit of
covering all the front page stories and at times, he should give his juniors a chance to learn
from him. In general, he is good reporter since he does not go against the code of conducts.

Officer Trask: He is a police man and works in drowning case. He is a dedicated and takes
his work very seriously. He is very sincere man the patriot to his country.

Mr. Vollmer: He is the father of John Vollmer. He must have been a good father and
wonderful husband for his family. He is tall and grey haired.

Mrs. Vollmer: She is the mother of John Vollmer. She is a very good mother and like all
mothers do, she worried about her son who was in the middle of the war overseas. She is
rather fat in her physical looks.

John Vollmer: He is an Army officer. He is the victim of the drowning at Willow Lake. He
was a good service man a good son to his parents. He would send money to his sisters to buy
presents. It was a foolish of him to go swimming all alone.

Margie Vollmer: She is the sister of John Vollmer. She is a pretty girl of 18. She seems kind
and adoring and loved by all.

Counter man: The counter man must have been a kind and fair man to give the news to
Ernie instead of giving it to the newspaper office.


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