6 Week Squat Program by Mathew Bertrand

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6 Week Squat Program by Mathew Bertrand

To read the whole article about the program go to "6 Weeks of Squatting Insanity".

In this program you will squat 6 days per week.

Week 1:
Do 10 singles @ 80% of max for six days straight. (The table in the original article says one set of 10
reps. This is wrong according to the author. It would also be impossible for most people)

Week 2:
Max out. then drop 20lbs and do 2 sets of 2 reps. If you can't get 2 reps drop another 10 lbs. Do this on all
six days. 

Week 3:
87% for 10 singles every day.

Week 4:
Same as week 2.

Week 5:
Monday: 4 doubles @ 80%
Tuesday: Single @ 80%
Wednesday: 4 doubles @ 80%
Thursday and Friday: Single @ 80%
Saturday: Max out powerlifting meet style or compete.

Week 6:
Do whatever you want but keep squatting.

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