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Construction stage
Stage 1 Steel beam erect and deck laid. No shear stud
Stage 2 Concrete pour
Stage 3 Concrete 7 days strength
Stage 4 Structure under construction
Stage 5 Structure in service

Beam span, L 6800 mm
Beam spacing 3300 mm

Concrete self weight 25 kN/m3
fck 30 MPa
Ecm 32000 MPa
Slab Depth 120 mm
Top Reinforcement area 318 mm2/m H9-200
Bottom Reinforcement area 0 mm2/m
fyd 500 MPa
Steel self weight 78 kN/m3
Type of beam Roll Roll or weld
Beam weight 31.0 kg/m I or H section only
Breath, b 164.0 mm
Depth, h 306.0 mm
tf 7.4 mm
tw 5.0 mm
r 7.6 mm
Area 3940 mm2
Second moment of area, Ixx 65540000 mm4
Second moment of area, Iyy 5440000 mm4
Plastic section modulus 476000 mm3
Elastic section modulus 428000 mm3
Torsion constant 63000 mm4
Warping constant 121000000000 mm6
Young modulus, E 200000 MPa
Shear modulus, G 80000 MPa
fy 355 MPa
Deck type Bondek
Thickness BMT 0.6 mm
Deck self weight 8.52 kg/m2
Shear stud f 19 mm
Number shear stud 15 Distribute evenly

fu 450 MPa
Rib height, hp 52 mm
Stud length, hsc 90 mm
bo 168 mm Rib distance
nr 1 No of stud betweem ribs

Non comp. construction load 1.5 kPa
Superimposed Dead Load 1.0 kPa
Live Load 5.0 kPa
Total dead load 13.50 kN/m
Total live load 16.50 kN/m
Total vibration 15.15 kN/m
Total ultimate 8.06 kN/m Stage 1
Total serviceability 5.42 kN/m Stage 1
Total ultimate 21.20 kN/m Stage 2
Total serviceability 15.15 kN/m Stage 2
Total ultimate 42.98 kN/m Stage 5
Total serviceability 30.00 kN/m Stage 5

Design actions
Bending moment, Med 47 kNm Stage 1
Shear force, Ved 27 kN Stage 1
Bending moment, Med 123 kNm Stage 2
Shear force, Ved 72 kN Stage 2
Bending moment, Med 248 kNm Stage 5
Shear force, Ved 146 kN Stage 5

Stage 1 Design EN 1993-1-1

Mcr 43 kNm
lLT 1.982
h/b 1.866
Buckling curve b
aLT 0.340
fLT 2.243
cLT 0.254
gM1 1.0
Mb,Rd 43 kNm EC3 C6.3.2
Ultilisation 1.083 < 1 Not Ok
gM0 1.0
Vpl.Rd 314 kN EC3 C6.2.6
Ultilisation 0.087 < 1 Ok

Deflection 11.511 mm
Span ratio L/x 591 Ok

Stage 2 Design EN 1993-1-1

gM0 1.0
Mc,Rd 169 kNm EC3 C6.2.5
Ultilisation 0.725 < 1 Ok
gM0 1.0
Vpl.Rd 314 kN EC3 C6.2.6
Ultilisation 0.230 < 1 Ok
Deflection 32.186 mm
Span ratio L/x 211 Precamber

Stage 5 Design EN 1994-1-1

beff 1700 mm Ok
Rc 1965 kN
Rs 1399 kN
Rw 517 kN PNA in steel flange
Rw 1104 kN PNA in steel web
PNA - Plastic Neutral Axis In Concrete not in steel web PNA
Mpl,Rd 348 kNm PNA in concrete
Mpl,Rd 383 kNm PNA in steel flange
Mpl,Rd 371 kNm PNA in steel web
True Mpl,Rd 348 kNm
Ultilisation 0.714 < 1 Ok
Vpl.Rd 314 kN
Ultilisation 0.466 < 1 Ok
a 1.000
PRd 82 kN Stud failure
PRd 82 kN Concrete failure
kt,max 0.85 T 6.2
kr 0.85
nf 20 Min stud for full composite
Rq 1041 Partial composite
h 0.744 Degree of stud connectors
Min h 0.454 Ok
MRd 302 kNm
Ultilisation 0.822 < 1 Ok
Transverse reinforcement
q 26.5 ⁰
Ved 2.252 MPa

Asf/Sf 176 mm2/m Ok
u 0.528
fcd 17 MPa
ufcdsinqcosq 3.584 MPa Ok
Confine shear capacity 275 kN/m Ok
Min bottom reinforcement 0 mm2/m Ok
n 18.75
r 0.034
Ic 205224373 mm4
Ratio Comp/Steel 3.131 2<X<4.5 Second moment of area
Deflection 20.351 mm
Precamber 0 mm
Span ratio L/x 334 Not ok
Natural frequency 5.614 >4 Ok

Alterations & Additions
WRX Engineers Pte Ltd
NTU Simtech Tower


Construction stage
Stage 1 Steel beam erect and deck laid. No shear stud
Stage 2 Concrete pour
Stage 3 Concrete 7 days strength
Stage 4 Structure under construction
Stage 5 Structure in service

Beam span, L 6490 mm
Beam spacing 3410 mm
Number of secondary beam 1

Concrete self weight 25 kN/m3
fck 30 MPa
Ecm 32000 MPa
Slab Depth 120 mm
Reinforcement area 667 mm2/m H13-200
fyd 500 MPa
Steel self weight 78 kN/m3
Type of beam Roll Roll or weld
Beam weight 31.0 kg/m I or H section only
Breath, b 164.0 mm
Depth, h 306.0 mm
tf 7.4 mm
tw 5.0 mm
r 7.6 mm
Area 3940 mm2
Second moment of area, Ixx 65540000 mm4
Second moment of area, Iyy 5440000 mm4
Plastic section modulus 476000 mm3
Elastic section modulus 428000 mm3
Torsion constant 63000 mm4
Warping constant 121000000000 mm6
Young modulus, E 200000 MPa
Shear modulus, G 80000 MPa
fy 355 MPa
Deck type Bondek
Thickness BMT 0.6 mm
Deck self weight 8.52 kg/m2
Shear stud f 19 mm
Number shear stud 20 Distribute evenly
Alterations & Additions
WRX Engineers Pte Ltd
NTU Simtech Tower

fu 450 MPa
Rib height, hp 52 mm
Stud length, hsc 90 mm
bo 168 mm Rib distance
nr 1 No of stud in a rib

Non comp. construction load 1.0 kPa
Superimposed Dead Load 1.0 kPa
Live Load 1.5 kPa
Total dead load 13.94 kN/m
Total live load 5.12 kN/m
Total vibration 14.46 kN/m
Total ultimate 5.76 kN/m Stage 1
Total serviceability 3.89 kN/m Stage 1
Total ultimate 19.34 kN/m Stage 2
Total serviceability 13.94 kN/m Stage 2
Total ultimate 26.50 kN/m Stage 5
Total serviceability 19.06 kN/m Stage 5

Design actions
Bending moment, Med 30 kNm Stage 1
Shear force, Ved 19 kN Stage 1
Bending moment, Med 102 kNm Stage 2
Shear force, Ved 63 kN Stage 2
Bending moment, Med 140 kNm Stage 5
Shear force, Ved 86 kN Stage 5

Stage 1 Design EN 1993-1-1

Mcr 46 kNm
lLT 1.917
h/b 1.866
Buckling curve b
aLT 0.340
fLT 2.136
cLT 0.272
gM1 1.0
Mb,Rd 46 kNm EC3 C6.3.2
Ultilisation 0.659 < 1 Ok
gM0 1.0
Vpl.Rd 314 kN EC3 C6.2.6
Ultilisation 0.060 < 1 Ok
Alterations & Additions
WRX Engineers Pte Ltd
NTU Simtech Tower

Deflection 6.847 mm
Span ratio L/x 948 Ok

Stage 2 Design EN 1993-1-1

gM0 1.0
Mc,Rd 169 kNm EC3 C6.2.5
Ultilisation 0.602 < 1 Ok
gM0 1.0
Vpl.Rd 314 kN EC3 C6.2.6
Ultilisation 0.200 < 1 Ok
Deflection 24.574 mm
Span ratio L/x 264 Precamber

Stage 5 Design EN 1994-1-1

beff 811 mm Ok
Rc 938 kN
Rs 1399 kN
Rw 517 kN PNA in steel flange
Rw 76 kN PNA in steel web
Plastic Neutral Axis Steel flange not in steel web
Mpl,Rd 311 kNm PNA in concrete
Mpl,Rd 295 kNm PNA in steel flange
Mpl,Rd -490 kNm PNA in steel web
True Mpl,Rd 295 kNm
Ultilisation 0.473 < 1 Ok
Vpl.Rd 314 kN
Ultilisation 0.274 < 1 Ok
a 1.000
PRd 82 kN Stud failure
PRd 82 kN Concrete failure
kr 1.00
nf 11 Min stud for full composite
Rq 1633 Full composite
h 1.000 Degree of stud connectors
Min h 0.445 Ok
MRd 295 kNm
Ultilisation 0.473 < 1 Ok
Ved 2.125 MPa
Asf/Sf 332 mm2/m Ok
n 18.75
r 0.071
Alterations & Additions
WRX Engineers Pte Ltd
NTU Simtech Tower

Ic 162886156 mm4
Ratio Comp/Steel 2.485 2<X<4.5 Second moment of area
Deflection 13.515 mm
Precamber 0 mm
Span ratio L/x 480 Ok
Natural frequency 5.897 >3 Ok

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