1901 - TRI - W44 - Dome Design Sheet - Rev6.1

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Tank component Design

Tank capacity 1100000 ltr or = 1100 m3

Height of tower from G.L. 21.0 m foundation from G.L. = 3.00 mtr
Live load on Dome 1.50 kN/m2 Finishes load = 0.10 kN/m2
Intencity of wind 1.50 kN/m2 wt of water = 10 kN/mm3
Noumber of columns 12 No. Bearing capcity of earth= 140 kN/m2
Conrete M- 30 wt. of concrete = 24 kN/mm3
scb 7 N/mm2 m = 13
sct 5 N/mm2 Q = 1.000
Steel HYSD fy 500 N/mm2 Tensile stess = 150 N/mm2
Resistance to cracking scb 1.2 N/mm2 scb = 1.7 N/mm2
Nominal cover 25 mm Effective cover = 50 mm

2 Design Constants:-For HYSD Bars Cocrete M = 30 wt. of concrete = 24 kN/mm
for water Tank sst = N/mm2 2
150 sst = 230 N/mm
scb =
7 N/mm m = 13
k = 0.378 k = 0.283
J = 0.874 J = 0.906
R = 1.156 R = 1.669
3 Dimention of tank:-
D = Inside diameter of tank Assuming the average depth = 0.75 D
We have, p x D2 3
x 0.75 D = 1100 m D "= 15.000 Say 15.00 m
\ Height of cylindrical portion of tank = 0.35 x 15.00 = 5.25 m
Depth of conical Dome D/5 or D/6 = 15.00 / 6 = 2.10 m
Diameter of supporting tower = 10 m
Spacing of bracing = 3.5 m

4 Design of top dome :-

Thickness of dome slab = 100 mm or = 0.10 m
Self load of dome = 0.10 x 1 x 1 x 24 = 2.4 kN/m2
Live load = 1.50 kN/m2
finishes = 0.10 kN/m2
Total load = 4.00 kN/m2

If R = radious of dome D = diameter of Tank = 15.00 m r = central rise = D/6= 2.10 m

D/22+r2 7.50 2+ 2.10 2

the radius rtop is given by, R = = or = 14.44 m
2r 2 x 2.10
cos f = 5 / 14.44 = 0.36 or f = 69 degree
p xR1 4.00 x 14.44 =
Meridional thrust at edge 'T'= = 42.40 N/m
1 + cosf 1 + 0.36
1.00 1.00
Circumferential force =wR cose f - = 4.00 x 14.44 x 0.36 - = -21.37 kN/m
cos f 1.36
42.40 x 1000
Meridional Stress = = 0.42 N/mm2 < 5 N/mm2 Safe
100 x 1000
-21.37 x 1000
Hoop stress = = -0.21 N/m2 < 5.00 N/mm2 safe
1000 x 100
The stress are with in safe limit. However provide minimum reinforcement @ 0.3 % of area in each direction.
\ Ast = x 1000 x 100 = 300 mm 2
3.14xdia 3.14 x 10 x 10
using 10 mm bars A = = = 78.5 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
Spacing of hoop Bars = 1000 x 78.5 / 300 = 262 say = 260 mm
Hence Provided 10 mm F bar, @ 250 mm c/c in both circumferenially and meridionally.

5 Design of top ring Beam :-

T1 cos f- D 42.40 x 0.364 x 15.00
Hoop tension'=F1= = = 115.60 kN
2 2
Permissible stress in high yield strenth deformed bars = 150 N/mm2,
115.60 x 1000
Ast = = 771 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 12 x 12
using 12 mm bars A = = = 113 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of hoop Bars = 771 / 113 = 7 No. say 8.0 No.
Hence Provided 8 No. 12 mm F Ring bar, for symetry.
Actual , Ast = 8 x 113 = 904 mm2
If Ac = cross section of ring beam Equivelent area of composite section of beam
115.60 x 1000
= 1.2 ,\ Ac = 84577 mm2
Ac + m x 904
Provide ring beam 450 x 450 = 202500 mm2
Provide 8 mm f strirrups @ 300 mm c/c to tie the 8 x 12 mm f ring beam.

6 Design of Bottom Ring Beam :-

Load on ring beam:
(A) Load due to top dome = (Meridional trust x sin f )
= 42.40 x sin 69 = 42.40 x 0.934 = 39.58 kN/m
(B) Load due to top ring beam = 0.45 x 0.45 x 24 = 4.86 kN/m
© Load due to cylendrical wall = 0.30 x 5.25 x 24 = 37.8 kN/m
(D) Self load of Ring beam
Assuming Beam 0.80 x 0.45 = 0.80 x 0.45 x 24 = 8.64 kN/m
Total = 90.88 kN/m say 91.00 kN/m
Horizontal force = H = V1 cot f = 91.0 x 1 = 91.00 kN/m
\ Hoop tension Hg =((H x D )/2 =( 91.00 x 15.00 )/ 2.00 = 683 kN/m
Hoop Tension due to water pressure =(( wh.d.D)/2 )
Hw =( 10.00 x 5.25 x 0.45 x 15.00 ) / 2 = 177.188 kN/m
Total Hoop tension = Hg + Hw = 683 + 177.2 = 755.00 kN/m
This to be rested entirely by steel hoops, the area of which is Ash= 2
755 x 1000 / 150 = 5033 mm
3.14xdia 3.14 x 16 x 16
using 16 mm bars A = = = 201 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of hoop Bars = 5033 / 201 = 26 No. say 26 No.
Hence Provided 26 No. 16 mm F Ring bar, for symetry.
Actual , Ast = 26 x 201 = 5225 mm
The 10 mm f distribution bars (vertical bars) provided in the wall @ 150 mm c/c should taken
round the above ring to act as strirrups.

7 Design of Bottom Sperical Dome:-

Thickness of Dom slab is assume = 150 mm
Diameter at base of slab = D = 10.00 m
Central rise (1/5 x D) = 2 m
If R = radious of dome D = diameter of base = 10.00 m r = central rise = D/5= 2.00 m
D/22+r2 5.00 2+ 2.00 2
the radius is given by, R = = or R = 7.25 m
2r 2 x 2.00
Self weight of Dome slab = 2x 3.14 x 7.250 x 2.00 x 0.150 x 24.00 = 328.00 kN
Volume of water above the dome is =
2 2
2 6.28 x 7.25 x 2.00 3.14 x 5.00 x
= 3.14 x 5.00 ( 7.4 )- -
3.00 3.00
( 7.25 - 2.00 ) = 494 mm3
\ Weight of water = 494.0 x 10.00 = 4940 kN
\ Total load on dome = 328.0 + 4940 = 5268 kN
Load / unit Length V2 = 5268 / ( 3.14 x 25.00 )= 68 kN/m
Meridional thrust = T = wR/1+cosf cos f = 5.25 / 7.25 = 0.724 \ f = 44 Degree
68 x 7.25
\ T2 = = 286.00 kN/m
1 + 0.724
Meridional Stress = 286.00 x 1000 ) /( 150 x 1000 )= 1.91 < 5.00 N/mm2 safe
Circumferential force = wR x cos f -
1+ cosf

wR = 68 x 7.25 x 0.724 - = 71.06 kn/m
\ Hoop strss =( 71.06 x 1000 ) /( 150 x 1000 )= 0.47 < 5.00 N/mm2 safe
0.30 2
Provide nominal reinforcement = x 150 x 1000 = 450 mm
3.14xdia 3.14 x 10 x 10
using 10 mm bars A = = = 79 mm

4 x100 4
Spacing of hoop Bars = 1000 x 79 / 450 = 174 say = 170 mm
Hence Provided 10 mm F bar, @ 125 mm c/c curmferentially and along the meridians.

8 Design of foundation:-
A circular girder with raft slab is provided for tower foundations.
Total load on foundation = 820 x 12 = 9840.0 kN
Self weight of foundation @ 10% = 984.0 kN
Total Load = 24148.00 kN FROM STAAD
Sefe bearing capacity of soil at site = 140.00 kN/m2
\ Area required = 24148 / 140 = 173.00 m2
Providing a raft slab with equal projections on either sideof a circular ring beam and if
\ b = width of raft slab, then = 3.14 x 12 x b = 173.0 or b = 4.59 m
Adopting a raft slab having inner diameter = 10.00 - 5.50 = 4.50 m say b = 5.50 m
and Outer diameter = 10.00 + 5.50 = 15.50 m

Design of circular girder of raft slab

Total load on circular girder = 24148.00 kN
Load per meter run of girder = 24148.00 / ( p x 12 )= 641 kN/m
Refering to moment coeffiecents given in table 4.1, the maximum moment in the circul;ar girder is computed.
maximum negative moment at support. K1.W.R. = 0.0037 x 24148 x 5 = 447 kN.m
maximum positive moment at MID span. K2.W.R. = 0.0014
x 24148 x 5 = 170 kN.m
maximum Torsional moment (at 8.50 from support 0.0017 x 24148 x 5 = 206 kN.m
641 x 5.00 x p/4
Shear force at support section is V = = 1258 kN
Shear force at section of maximum torsion is
641 x p x 4 x 8.50
V = 1258 - = 878.00 kN
The support section is designed for maximum moment
maximum negative moment M = 878.00 kN.m Shear force V = 1258.00 kN
Assuming the width of section = 900 mm
M = 878.00 V = 1258 kN
878 x 1000000
\ d = = 988 mm
1.000 x 900
Adopt depth = 1000 mm cover = 100 mm Over all depth = 1000 mm
Mc 878 x 1000000
Ast = = = 4216 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.906 x 1000
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using 25 mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 4216 / 491 = 9 No.
Actual , Ast = 9 x 491 = 4416 mm2
1258 x 1000 2
tv = = 1.40 N/mm
900 x 1000
100 Ast 100 x 4416
% of steel used = = = 0.4906 % \ tc = 0.29 N/mm2
bxd 900 x 1000
Since tc < Tv 0.29 < 1.40 Shear reinforcement required
0.29 x 900 x 1000
Shear taken by concrete = = 261 kN
Balance shear = 1258 - 261 = 997 kN

Using 12 mm f 4 legged strirups, spacing is,

230 x 4 x 113.04 x 1000
sv = = 104 mm
997 x 1000
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 100 mm c/c center near supports.

Steel required for mid span

Mc 170 x 1000000
Ast = = = 816 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.906 x 1000
0.85 x b.d 1 x 900 x 1000
But minimum steel Ast = = = 1844 mm2
fy 415
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using 25 mm bars A = = = 491 mm

4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 1844 / 491 = 4 No.
Actual , Ast = 4 x 491 = 1963 mm2

The section subjected to maximum torsional moment and shear should be design for the following forces.
T = 206 kN.m D = 1000 mm
V = 878 kN b = 900 mm
M = 0 d = 1000 mm
1 + D/b 1 + 1000 / 900
Mt = T = 206 x = 256.00 kN.m
1.7 1.7
\ Me1 = M + M1 = 0 + 256 = 256 kN.m
Mc 256 x 1000000
Ast = = = 1229 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.906 x 1000
0.85 x b.d 1 x 900 x 1000
But minimum steel Ast = = = 1844 mm2
fy 415
3.14xdia 3.14 x 25 x 25
using 25 mm bars A = = = 491
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 1844 / 491 = 4 No.
Actual , Ast = 4 x 491 = 1963 mm2
Equivalent shear Ve = V +1.65T/b = 878 + 1.6 x( 206 / 0.9 )= 1245 kn
1245 x 1000 2
Tv = = 1.38 N/mm
900 x 1000
100 Ast 100 x 1844
% of steel used = = = 0.2049 % \ tc = 0.19 N/mm2
bxd 900 x 1000
Since tc < Tv 0.19 < 1.38 Shear reinforcement required
0.19 x 900 x 1000
Shear taken by concrete = = 171 kN
Balance shear = 1245 - 171 = 1074 kN
Using 12 mm f 4 legged strirups, spacing is,
4 x 113 x 230
sv = = 87 mm
1.38 - 0.19 )x 1000
Hence Provided 12 mm F 4 legged strirrups @ 80 mm c/c center near supports.
Design of Raft Slab:-
Maximum projection of raft slab from face of coloum
5.50 - 1.38
= = 2.058 m
Soil pressure = = = 140 kN
p x( 7.75 2 - 2.25 2)
Considring one meter width of raft slab along the circular arc.
w L2 140 x 2.058 2
Maximum Bending moment = = = 297 kN.m
2 2
297 x 1000000
\ d = = 545 mm
1.000 x 1000
Adopt depth = 550 mm cover = 50 mm Over all depth = 550 mm
Mc 297 x 1000000
Ast = = = 2593 mm2 say = 3890 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.906 x 550
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 20 x 20
using 20 mm bars A = = = 314 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100

Spacing of bars = 1000 x 314 / 3890 = 81 say = 80 mm

Hence Provided 20 mm F bar, @ 80 mm c/c to reduce shear stress Ast = 3925 mm2
actual steel used = = 1000 x 314 / 80 = 3925 mm
0.12 x 550 x 1000 2
Distribution steel = = 660 mm
3.14xdia 3.14 x 12 x 12
using 12 mm bars A = = = 113 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
of bars
Bars = 1000 x 113 / 660 = 171 mm
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 170 mm c/c to reduce shear stress

Shear force at a section 550 mm from face of columns

V = 140 x 1.5083 x 1.000 = 212 kN.m
212 x 1000
tv = = 0.385 N/mm2
1000 x 550
100 Ast 100 x 3925
% of steel used = = = 0.71 % \ tc = 0.34 N/mm2
bxd 1000 x 550
Since tc < Tv 0.340 < 0.385 Shear reinforcement required

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