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Elastic compute cloud is the Vitual computing environment available at

internet which can increased or decreased as per requirement(Elastic)
If we have same number of vcpu in
General purpose and Compute
optimized the it means that later has
newer generation processor
similarly if we have same memory
(RAM) in General purpose and
Memory optimized instance then
means that later has faster RAM
If vcpu/thread is even
like 8,16 etc then we
have core = vcpu/2 and
if we have odd vcpu say
1 then we have same
number of core
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Instance ID : it is unique identifier of the istance created

Public DNS: is the domain name which will covert to ip address at which
server is running

Public DNS (Ipv4):

IPv4 Public IP:

Private domain name corresponding to private ip is used for internal network

Private DNS:

Private Ips :

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