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Interaction of chemical and structural components

providing defences to sea pansies Renilla reniformis
and Renilla muelleri
a a b
Etiene E.G. Clavico , Bernardo A.P. Da Gama , Angélica R. Soares , Keila Mara
c a
Cassiano & Renato C. Pereira
Departamento de Biologia Marinha, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil
Núcleo em Ecologia e Desenvolvimento Sócio Ambiental de Macaé (NUPEM),
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Departamento de Estatística, Instituto de Matemática, Universidade Federal
Fluminense, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

To cite this article: Etiene E.G. Clavico , Bernardo A.P. Da Gama , Angélica R. Soares , Keila Mara Cassiano & Renato C.
Pereira (2013): Interaction of chemical and structural components providing defences to sea pansies Renilla reniformis
and Renilla muelleri , Marine Biology Research, 9:3, 268-275

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Marine Biology Research, 2013; 9: 268275


Interaction of chemical and structural components providing defences

to sea pansies Renilla reniformis and Renilla muelleri


Departamento de Biologia Marinha, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2Núcleo em Ecologia
e Desenvolvimento Sócio Ambiental de Macaé (NUPEM), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Macaé, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, and 3Departamento de Estatı́stica, Instituto de Matemática, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil
Downloaded by [Etiene Clavico] at 14:21 06 December 2012

Chemical and structural defence mechanisms are reported to co-occur in both terrestrial and marine systems. Among
benthic marine organisms, the common co-occurrence of secondary metabolites and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in soft
corals provides an opportunity for testing synergistic interactions between these traits. Defensive properties of crude
extracts, chemical fractions and CaCO3 sclerites from two sympatric species of soft corals, Renilla reniformis and R.
muelleri, from Guanabara Bay, southeastern Brazil, were examined against fishes. To evaluate a potential interaction
(secondary metabolites versus sclerites), both crude extracts and sclerites were evaluated as isolated defences and in
combination in field assays against generalist fishes during the austral summer of 2007. While neither sclerites nor
crude extracts from R. reniformis deterred feeding when offered individually in artificial food, both traits from R. muelleri
offered individually provided effective defence. For both species, however, the combination of secondary metabolites
and sclerites significantly deterred feeding, indicating that these traits are more effective in combination than in

Key words: Chemical defence, physical defence, synergism, sea pansies

Introduction Octocorals produce several types of compounds,

including sesquiterpenes, diterpenes and acetogen-
Biological interactions are important aspects regu-
ins (Blunt et al. 2011), which seem to play important
lating marine populations and chemical mediations
roles in protecting their respective colonies against
are known to be important principally in the main-
generalist consumers (e.g. Kelman et al. 1999; Koh
tenance of benthic marine communities (Paul et al.
et al. 2000). For example, of 32 species of Caribbean
2007; Hay 2009). Predatorprey interactions are
gorgonians evaluated, all yielded active extracts
common ecological processes often driven by sec- against predation (O’Neal & Pawlik 2002).
ondary metabolites (Paul et al. 2011). Structural skeletal components of marine inverte-
Defensive chemicals are commonly present among brates have also been investigated as potential
marine invertebrates from low (Freeman & Gleason defensive mechanisms against predation (Harvell
2010) to high latitudes (McClintock et al. 2010), et al. 1988), but the results are sometimes contro-
and appear to be most common among vulnerable versial. For example, purified calcitic sclerites from
species living under high predation, such as sponges the gorgonian Pseudopterogorgia acerosa inhibited
(Leong & Pawlik 2010), sea slugs (Takagi et al. feeding (Harvell et al. 1988), although it has been
2010), tunicates (Nunez-Pons et al. 2010) and soft found that sclerites from 30 out of 32 Caribbean
corals (Changyun et al. 2008). gorgonian species (including P. acerosa) were pala-

*Correspondence: Renato C. Pereira, Departamento de Biologia Marinha, Universidade Federal Fluminense, PO Box 100.644, 24001-
970, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. E-mail: or
Published in collaboration with the University of Bergen and the Institute of Marine Research, Norway, and the Marine Biological Laboratory,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

(Accepted 10 September 2012; Published online 3 December 2012; Printed 10 December 2012)
ISSN 1745-1000 print/ISSN 1745-1019 online # 2013 Taylor & Francis
Chemical and structural defences in sea pansies 269

table to fish (O’Neal & Pawlik 2002). These contra- fish and crabs in laboratory assays (Barsby &
dictory results have been attributed to factors such as Kubanek 2005). Ecological research conducted
methodological differences and chemical aspects with R. muelleri from Guanabara Bay revealed
(O’Neal & Pawlik 2002). Sclerites contain CaCO3 significant phenotypic plasticity on its sclerites that
that may act as a chemical deterrent (Hay et al. act as a physical defence against an array of generalist
1994; Schupp & Paul 1994), because it would act to fishes in field assays (Clavico et al. 2007).
neutralize the low pH of some fish guts and the large The main goal of this study was to investigate
amount of carbon dioxide released in the process the potential chemical and physical defences of
could act as a chemical feeding deterrent. Thus, the R. reniformis and R. muelleri against fishes in field
term mineral defence would help to distinguish the feeding assays. In addition, we also evaluated the
chemical effect from that of CaCO3 acting as a potential interaction of physical and chemical traits
hardening agent (Schupp & Paul 1994). to provide increased protection from predatory
Chemical and structural defences have been re- fishes. We thus hypothesized that the combined
ported to co-occur in several benthic marine inverte- inhibitory effect of both traits on fish predation is
brates (e.g. Harvell et al. 1988; Harvell & Fenical greater than the effect of either trait alone.
1989; Van Alstyne & Paul 1992; Van Alstyne et al.
1994; Koh et al. 2000; Puglisi et al. 2000, 2002).
Depending on the effect, the interactions between Materials and methods
these agents can be additive, synergistic or antag- Organisms and collection sites
Downloaded by [Etiene Clavico] at 14:21 06 December 2012

onistic. Interactions are additive if the joint action of

the agents does not differ from the sum effect of each The soft-bodied, umbrella-shaped sea pansies
agent in isolation (Berenbaum 1988), and synergistic Renilla muelleri and R. reniformis are brightly
and antagonistic interactions occur when the joint coloured and often found on mud or sandy mud
action of different substances is significantly greater substrata. They are well known to exhibit biolu-
or less than their sum effect (Wilkinson 1973). minescence. The colonies of R. muelleri and
Potential synergisms between CaCO3 structures R. reniformis used in this study were collected at
and chemical defences could be widespread given the Guanabara Bay, a prominent coastal bay located in
frequent co-occurrence of these two characteristics the southeastern coast of Brazil (22841?23806?S
among benthic marine organisms. Despite this, sy- and 43802?43818?W) in November 2006 by hand
nergistic phenomena have received limited attention during scuba (as on p. 4) dives.
by chemical ecologists. Evidence for synergism be-
tween chemical defences and CaCO3 in feeding
studies has been reported for the green seaweeds Extraction of chemicals and isolation of sclerites
Rhipocephalus phoenix and Udotea cyathiformis (Hay et After collection, all samples were placed in seawater
al. 1994), the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata (Ger- and returned to the laboratory where volumes
hart et al. 1988), and has also been found in some (determined by water displacement in a graduated
species of sponges (Hill et al. 2005; Jones et al. 2005). cylinder) and wet masses were recorded before being
Pennatulacean octocorals belonging to the genus frozen for storage (the work was based on volumetric
Renilla are very conspicuous members of sublittoral amounts rather than on the number of colonies).
soft-bottom communities (Morin et al. 1985). Spe- Before the extraction process, the relationship be-
cies of Renilla produce secondary metabolites (Keifer tween wet weight and volume was set to ensure that
et al. 1986; Barsby & Kubanek 2005) and also the aliquots of extract or sclerites added to the
possess structural components, providing a valuable artificial food were performed at volumetrically
opportunity to evaluate the action of these compo- natural concentrations.
nents as defensive strategies against consumers. After defrosting, sea pansies were repeatedly ex-
Species of Renilla, such as R. muelleri Koliker, 1872 tracted (successive extraction, 3 times, during 7 days),
and R. reniformis (Pallas, 1766), are more character- with pure acetone. A multiple of 20 ml by volume was
istic members of the tropical subtidal fauna of used for extraction, which is the volume of the
shorelines exposed to ocean swell (Kastendiek Plexiglas mould for artificial food pellets, according
1976). At Guanabara Bay, Brazil, sympatric R. to the relationship previously set between weight and
reniformis and R. muelleri are two of the dominant volume. Multiple Renilla colonies were extracted in
sessile macroinvertebrates present (Da Gama et al. order to prepare each food pellet set. Although this is
1995). However, ecological research with these the standard procedure used in the vast majority of the
organisms has rarely been performed. Recent studies studies in marine chemical ecology, the ideal form
show that briarane diterpenoids from the genus would be that each colony generated one pellet.
Renilla protect this sea pansy from predation by However, the colonies from both Renilla species are
270 E.E.G. Clavico et al.

too small to allow individual extraction. The only 2000). Our field experiments were conducted in a
practical consequence of this is that possibly variable similar fashion at Cabo Frio Island, Arraial do Cabo
individual concentrations of compounds or sclerites (Rio de Janeiro state, 22859?S42800?W), in the
were averaged, perhaps generating less variability on austral summer of 2007, at 36 m depth. Although
the stimulus side, but this would not necessarily elicit a Renilla colonies were collected from Guanabara Bay,
different response in the measured variable, i.e. fish this organism also occurs at Arraial do Cabo.
consumption between controls and treatments (see Artificial food pellet preparation was performed
Feeding assays). according to Pawlik et al. (1995) and modified
The extracts were filtered and solvents eliminated in according to Clavico et al. (2006, 2007), i.e. basically
a rotary evaporator under reduced pressure. Bioassay- tuna fish substituted squid mantle. In order to
guided fractionation was performed through a reproduce the same concentrations of chemicals
liquidliquid partition with methanol (MeOH):hex- and sclerites as found in the sea pansies, volumetric
ane 1:1 and again with aqueous MeOH:dichloro- calculations were employed. The sample volume was
methane (DCM) 1:1 (MeOH:H2O:DCM 0.5:0.5:1). determined by water displacement in a graduated
Although the study of Renilla feeding deterrent cylinder, i.e. the colonies were added to a graduated
compounds by Barsby & Kubanek (2005) used a 2:1 cylinder filled with distilled water until the desired
mix of MeOH:DCM, we opted to first use acetone, a volume was obtained. This volume was then ex-
rather polar solvent, and later refine the extraction tracted to obtain sclerites and extracts (see Extraction
with wider polarity mixtures. Even though the first of chemicals and isolation of sclerites). The amount
Downloaded by [Etiene Clavico] at 14:21 06 December 2012

extraction was performed with acetone only, possibly of extract or sclerite material was thus added to the
missing very non-polar (or even very polar) com- artificial food at volumetrically appropriated levels.
pounds, acetone has been successfully used to extract The artificial food pellets for all field experiments
active compounds from octocorals (e.g. D’Armas et were prepared according to the following general
al. 2008), and activity was indeed recorded with protocol: a mixture composed of 0.625 g of carra-
acetone extracts (see Results). geenan powder, 5 ml of tuna fish and 15 ml of
The sclerite content was obtained by placing the distilled water yielded a final volume of about 20 ml.
colonies in 50-ml tubes containing 0.25 N NaOH, This mixture was heated to the boiling point, stirred
following the work of Alonso (1979). This solution and allowed to cool down to about 408C (in order to
was then heated to the boiling point. The sclerites avoid thermal degradation of compounds) prior to
from each sample were rinsed at least five times with the addition of (i) extract, (ii) fraction, (iii) sclerite, or
distilled water to remove any traces of NaOH, dried (iv) extract plus sclerite aliquots. The mixture was
by heating to 1008C until a steady dry weight was then vigorously stirred again and poured into a
obtained. rectangular Plexiglas mould (5.05.0 0.5 cm,
internal dimensions) for pellet preparation (2.5 
1.0 0.5 cm). As each mould makes 10 pellets, this
Feeding assays procedure was performed twice to yield a total of 20
A total of 8 field experiments were performed, replicates for each of the 8 field experiments; there-
namely: for Renilla muelleri: (1) chemistry versus fore each set of 20 replicates contained either extract,
control, (2) sclerites versus control, (3) chemistry sclerites, extract and sclerites, or fraction obtained
plus sclerites versus control, (4) MeOH fraction from 20 ml of Renilla colonies. Each pellet had a fine
versus control, (5) DCM fraction versus control for natural fibre line inside for later attachment to EU
R. reniformis: (6) chemistry versus control, (7) nylon ropes. Control pellets, to be paired in each
sclerites versus control, (8) chemistry plus sclerites nylon rope, were made in the same way but without
versus control. No experiments with fractions from the addition of crude extract, fraction or sclerites. In
R. reniformis were performed because experiment 6 order to ensure uniformity of factors related to
has not shown any chemical deterrence. For each predation in field assays, the same amount of solvent
experiment, a set of 20 replicated experimental units used to dissolve the extract or fraction into treatment
(EU) was prepared, each consisting of double-baited foods was added to their respective control foods.
ropes as further described below. This is usually necessary to ensure that no residual
Previous studies addressing chemical and struc- effect of solvents could possibly be confused with the
tural defences in octocorals have offered test fishes a experimental treatments.
choice between one treatment (chemical and/or Each EU consisted of a nylon rope with a lead
structural components) and a control in paired weight (50 g) at one end and a pair of artificial food
assays (e.g. Pawlik et al. 1987; Harvell et al. 1988; pellets (a control and a treatment) at the other
Fenical & Pawlik 1991; Pawlik & Fenical 1992; Koh (upper) end. These pellets were always one control
et al. 2000; Puglisi et al. 2000; Epifanio et al., 1999, and one of three types of treatment: (a) secondary
Chemical and structural defences in sea pansies 271

metabolites (crude extract or fraction; CE or F), (b) follow the assumption of normal distribution (Zar
sclerites (S), and (c) a combination of sclerites plus 1999). However, t-tests were also performed (with
crude extracts (CES). The pairs (controltreat- transformed data whenever needed) to double-check
ment) were then tied to the nylon ropes (N20 results, always leading to the same inference (data
replicates per experiment) and set on the seabed at not shown). Differences among treatments were
least 2 m apart from each other early in the morning, considered to be significant only when p B0.05
so as to be exposed to generalist consumers (fish) (a5%). For empirical comparison of effectiveness
long enough to observe a measurable consumption between individual traits (chemical defences, struc-
(usually about 3 h). For this purpose, experiments tural defences) and combined traits, effect sizes (ES)
were continuously monitored by divers from a were calculated for each experimental result accord-
distance great enough to avoid deterring fish from ing to post-hoc power analysis for t-tests for depen-
approaching the pellets, but close enough to allow dent samples (Faul et al. 2007; Gerrodette 2011).
observation (about 5 m for average underwater Statistica 7 and G*Power 3 softwares were employed
conditions). After this period all EUs were removed for statistical tests and ES calculations, respectively.
and the remaining pellets measured with a caliper
and converted to percent of mass eaten for graphical
purposes only. Despite the use of 20 replicates at the Results
beginning of each field experiment, the final number Chemical analyses
of replicates retrieved ranged from 9 to 20 depending
The determination of the chemical profiles of the
Downloaded by [Etiene Clavico] at 14:21 06 December 2012

on the experiment, as indicated in each graph (see

Results). This was usually due to changing weather crude extracts from Renilla muelleri and R. reniformis
conditions during experiments, which changed un- by 1H NMR revealed the presence of sterols and
derwater conditions and caused poor visibility. glycosyl compounds as major components in both
The main generalist fishes at Arraial do Cabo extracts. Terpenes were also observed, although
which might have been able to consume the pellets as minor components. The 1H NMR spectrum of
are Abudefduf saxatilis (Linnaeus, 1758), Haemulon the active MeOH fraction obtained from the first
aurolineatum (Cuvier 1829), H. steindacneri (Jordan partition of R. muelleri crude extract showed
& Gilbert, 1882), Halichoeres poeyi (Steindachner, characteristic signals of glycosyl compounds as
1867) and Chaetodon striatus (Linnaeus, 1758) major components. The deterrent DCM fraction,
(Floeter et al. 2003). The food pellets were watch- obtained from the second liquidliquid partitioning
ed by scuba divers, and the natural assemblage (MeOH:H2O:DCM 0.5:0.5:1) detected the pre-
of fish consumers was closely observed. As reef sence of terpenes as major components. NMR
fishes (Abudefduf saxatilis, Haemulon aurolineatum, spectra of crude extracts and fractions from both
H. steindacneri, Halichoeres poeyi, Chaetodon striatus) Renilla species are available online as Supplementary
usually exhibit territorial behaviour (e.g. Low 1971) Material.
the minimum distance between food pellets (2 m)
was set taking this into account, so that consumption
of one food pellet was independent of the consump-
tion of the others.
Field feeding assays
plus chemicals
 chemicals, sclerites, and sclerites

Both crude extract and sclerites from Renilla muelleri

Chemical analyses of anti-feeding compounds were shown to deter fish predation in field assays
(Wilcoxon test, p 0.03 and p0.003, respectively;
All the crude extracts and fractions obtained were Figure 1). In addition, evidence of an interaction
investigated by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) between sclerites and crude extract enhancing de-
(Merck, silica gel GF254) and by 1H NMR (300 fence against fish predation were found for R.
MHz) spectroscopy (Pavia et al. 2001; Shachar- muelleri (Wilcoxon test, p B0.001; Figure 1).
Hillm 2001). The liquidliquid partition (MeOH:H2O:DCM
0.5:0.5:1) performed using R. muelleri crude extracts
revealed deterrent properties against fish from the
Statistical analysis
DCM fraction (Wilcoxon test, p B0.05; Figure 2).
As in each field experiment the data were obtained in Both assays conducted with crude extract alone
a paired form (i.e. each treatment food had a control and sclerites alone from Renilla reniformis did not
on the same nylon rope), the results from the field deter consumption by generalist fishes (Wilcoxon,
experiments were analysed by the Wilcoxon signed p 0.05; Figure 3). Therefore, no chemical fractio-
ranks test, a nonparametric equivalent to the t-test nation was conducted with the extract from this
for dependent samples, as variables generally did not species. However, when sclerites and crude extract
272 E.E.G. Clavico et al.
Treatment 90
Treatment N=9
80 Control
80 Control N.S.
70 N = 12
60 p = 0.03 N = 19 N = 18
60 N = 10
p < 0.001 p < 0.001
% eaten

50 N.S.

% eaten
N = 17 50
40 p = 0.003 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Chemistry Sclerites Chemistry+Sclerites Chemistry Sclerites Chemistry+Sclerites
Renilla muelleri Renilla reniformis

Figure 1. Treatment effects (chemistry, sclerites and chemistry Figure 3. Treatment effects (chemistry, sclerites and chemistry
plus sclerites) from Renilla muelleri on feeding by generalist fishes plus sclerites) from Renilla reniformis on feeding by generalist
in field assays. j Treatment and h Control. Data are expressed as fishes in field assays. j Treatment and h Control. Data are
mean% eaten plus standard error (SE). N number of replicates expressed as mean% eaten plus standard error (SE). N number
retrieved per experiment, and p-values are from Wilcoxon signed of replicates retrieved per experiment, and p-values are from
ranks tests. Wilcoxon signed ranks tests. NS, non-significant result.
Downloaded by [Etiene Clavico] at 14:21 06 December 2012

from R. reniformis were combined, there was a Creed & Coull 1984; Keifer et al. 1986; Barsby &
significant inhibition of consumption (Wilcoxon Kubanek 2005; Clavico et al. 2007 for exceptions),
test, pB0.01; Figure 3). The combined effect sizes although there are over 700 papers reporting studies
of chemistry and sclerites were higher than effect on, or applications of Renilla bioluminescence. Our
sizes of either trait isolated for R. muelleri (Figure 4). research results with sympatric Renilla reniformis and
For R. reniformis, there was also a strong effect size of R. muelleri from Guanabara Bay (Brazil) suggests
combined traits (Figure 5), while isolated traits did that both species were protected from fish predators
not deter fish feeding. through a combination of structural defences 
CaCO3 sclerites  and chemical defences. Both traits
appear to play a joint role in Renilla protection.
Discussion Data from the feeding experiments, using the
The genus Renilla comprises distinct and ancient natural crude extract and sclerite concentrations
pennatulacean octocorals. Despite their conspicuous found in living colonies, revealed that crude extracts
presence in sublittoral soft-bottom environments, or sclerites alone provided significant protection to
these animals have rarely been studied from an
ecological standpoint (see Kastendiek 1976, 1982;

90 MeOH
80 Control
R. muelleri

70 N = 20 C+S *
N = 17
% eaten

50 p < 0.05
Sclerites *
30 Chemistry *
-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Effect size
MeOH DCM Figure 4. Estimated effect sizes (ES) of distinct Renilla muellerii
Renilla muelleri defensive traits. Positive ES indicates that the trait inhibited
consumption by fishes in field assays, while negative ES indicated
Figure 2. Treatment effects from semi-purified metabolites that such a trait actually stimulated consumption. * indicates
(MeOH and DCM fractions) from Renilla muelleri on feeding by significant effects (p B0.05) according to Wilcoxon signed ranks
generalist fishes in field assays. j Treatment and h Control. Data tests comparing treatment and control consumption. C S 
are expressed as mean% eaten plus standard error (SE). N treatment containing crude extracts (Chemistry) and Sclerites.
number of replicates retrieved per experiment, and p-values are MeOH and DCM refer to methanol and dichloromethane
from Wilcoxon signed ranks tests. NS, non-significant result. fractions, respectively.
Chemical and structural defences in sea pansies 273

larger, less densely packed sclerites of R. muelleri

C+S * exhibited defensive properties and thus do not
support the idea that different sclerite densities can
provide different degrees of anti-predatory protec-
R. reniformis

tion (Clavico et al. 2007), but the reduced sclerites

from R. reniformis could reduce their defensive
properties, despite their high densities. It is therefore
noteworthy that these sclerites only deterred fish
Chemistry feeding when combined with crude extracts.
The defensive strategy of marine invertebrates of
-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 the subclass Octocorallia is frequently linked to
Effect size secondary metabolites, especially to terpenoidic
compounds (Sammarco et al. 1987; Harvell et al.
Figure 5. Estimated effect sizes (ES) of Renilla reniformis defen-
sive traits. Positive ES indicates that the trait inhibited consump- 1988; Harvell & Fenical 1989; Sammarco & Coll
tion by fishes in field assays, while negative ES indicated that such 1992; Barsby & Kubanek 2005). In fact, terpenes
a trait actually stimulated consumption. * indicates significant have been detected as conspicuous compounds in
effects (p B0.05) according to Wilcoxon signed ranks tests R. muelleri through 1H NMR analyses. Our work
comparing treatment and control consumption. C S treat-
suggests, in agreement with other studies (e.g.
ment containing crude extracts (Chemistry) and Sclerites.
Barsby & Kubaneck 2005), that they can also be
Downloaded by [Etiene Clavico] at 14:21 06 December 2012

responsible for the deterrent properties found in

R. muelleri against predation by generalist fishes. In
R. muelleri. The bioassay-guided fractionation of the
addition, the defensive properties of sclerites and
crude extract from R. muelleri yielded a DCM active
crude extracts when tested together were slightly
fraction, shown to be rich in terpenoidic com-
higher than when evaluated individually. In contrast,
pounds. According to 1H NMR analyses, terpenes
it has been shown that neither chemical nor physical
have also been detected in the crude extract from
structures alone provided defence against fish
R. reniformis. However, deterrent properties were
predation to the congeneric sea pansy R. reniformis,
not observed when this extract was tested in isola-
although they significantly deterred fish feeding
tion. The absence of activity from the chemical
when tested together.
defences of R. reniformis could be due to qualitative
Chemical and physical defences of marine sessile
and/or quantitative differences of the active com-
organisms have long been a subject of ecological pounds, when compared to the extract of R. muelleri.
research (e.g. Bridwell 1918; Janzen 1969; Pennings Interactions between physical and chemical agents
& Paul 1992). Although the use of secondary can be additive (Berenbaum 1988) or synergistic
metabolites by octocorals as defensive agents against (Gerhart et al. 1988), depending on the defensive
predation has been well established in the literature result shown by the interaction of the components.
(Harvell & Fenical 1989; Pawlik 1993; Bolser & Hay Clearly, analyses of only one defensive characteristic
1996; Koh et al. 2000; Barsby & Kubanek 2005), the (such as sclerites or crude extracts) in isolation can
role of calcite sclerites of octocorals as defensive lead to a misunderstanding about anti-predator
agents against potential predators remains unclear defences in benthic marine invertebrates. Our data
(see Sammarco et al. 1987; Harvell et al. 1988; have shown that the combination of chemical
Harvell & Fenical 1989). compounds and sclerites from both species of
Beyond being utilized as a defensive strategy, other octocorals, although acting differently, provides
functions are often attributed to alcyonacean scler- defence against predation by decreasing fish feeding.
ites. For example, the primary function of sclerites is In experiments with R. reniformis, when neither
structural support for Sinularia colonies, leaving the crude extract nor sclerites deterred predation (tested
defensive function to the secondary metabolites (Van in isolation), one could conclude that this octocoral
Alstyne et al. 1994). Our results indicate that in is not defended, although our data showed that this
isolation neither secondary metabolites nor sclerites is not true. The joint defensive property from
of R. reniformis are able to provide defence against R. reniformis was not attributable to the isolated
predation. action of structural components or secondary meta-
Both large and densely packed sclerites have been bolites, but our data suggest that the combination of
suggested to turn octocorals less palatable to pre- the chemical and structural components of this
dation than shorter, less dense ones (West 1998). species exhibited a synergistic effect. These results
Previous research indicated that sclerites of are similar to previous studies, which have shown
R. reniformis are smaller but more densely packed that chemical and physical components of octocorals
than sclerites of R. muelleri (Clavico et al. 2007). The of the genus Leptogorgia do not deter feeding when
274 E.E.G. Clavico et al.

offered separately to fishes, but act together to deter 1872 (Anthozoa, Pennatulacea) na Baı́a de Guanabara, Rio de
Janeiro, Brasil. VI Colacmar, p 86.
fishes when offered in combination (Gerhart et al.
D’Armas H, Bermúdez D, Méndez B. 2008. Isolation and
1988). Our results expand this finding to Renilla and structural characterization of a new triterpene from the
indicate that, at least for R. reniformis, the sclerites octocoral Plexaura flexuosa lamoroux. Interciencia 33:68086.
and crude extract interact synergistically to defend Epifanio RA, Gabriel R, Martins D, Muricy G. 1999. The
sesterterpene variabilin as a fish-predation deterrent in the
sea pansies against predation by generalist fishes.
western Atlantic sponge Ircinia strobilina. Journal of Chemical
Some previous investigations have shown that Ecology 25:224754.
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