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A Survey and Comparative Study of Statistical

Tests for Identifying Differential Expression
from Microarray Data
Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, Saurav Mallik, and
Anirban Mukhopadhyay

Abstract—DNA microarray is a powerful technology that can simultaneously determine the levels of thousands of transcripts
(generated, for example, from genes/miRNAs) across different experimental conditions or tissue samples. The motto of differential
expression analysis is to identify the transcripts whose expressions change significantly across different types of samples or
experimental conditions. A number of statistical testing methods are available for this purpose. In this paper, we provide a
comprehensive survey on different parametric and non-parametric testing methodologies for identifying differential expression from
microarray data sets. The performances of the different testing methods have been compared based on some real-life miRNA and
mRNA expression data sets. For validating the resulting differentially expressed miRNAs, the outcomes of each test are checked with
the information available for miRNA in the standard miRNA database PhenomiR 2.0. Subsequently, we have prepared different
simulated data sets of different sample sizes (from 10 to 100 per group/population) and thereafter the power of each test have been
calculated individually. The comparative simulated study might lead to formulate robust and comprehensive judgements about the
performance of each test in the basis of assumption of data distribution. Finally, a list of advantages and limitations of the different
statistical tests has been provided, along with indications of some areas where further studies are required.

Index Terms—Differentially expressed transcripts, parametric and nonparametric tests, multiple testing corrections, power of test


D NA microarray is a useful technology for measuring the

activity levels of thousands of biomolecules (such as
genes/miRNAs) [1], [2] simultaneously over different exper-
It has been noticed that for small number of samples, the
choice of any statistical test for identifying differentially
expressed transcripts in the microarray data is too much
imental conditions or tissue samples. It is used to gain novel contradictory. Inaccurate choice of any statistical test may
biological insights about a biological system through cluster- lead to incorrect p-values. Thus, the estimation of differen-
ing [3], [4], biclustering [5], classification [6], [7], differential tially expressed genes/miRNAs may be incorrect and the
gene selection [8], [9], [10] single nucleotide polymorphism resulting gene/miRNA list might be different for different
(SNP) detection [11], cancer subtypes selection [4], etc. The test. The distribution of data for each group/population
aim of differential expression (i.e., DE) analysis is to identify should be also taken into account, which might make
the transcripts whose expressions change significantly impact on the performance of the test. There are many latest
in terms of mean and/or standard deviation across different articles [13], [14], [15], [16], [17] which has provided the sur-
types of samples or experimental conditions. It may be noted vey of different statistical tests for microarray data. Murie
that DE of transcripts is closely related to the choice of the et al. [17] presented the comparison of different statistical
statistical testing method adopted. Many genes/miRNAs tests for small number of samples in microarray data. But,
are abnormally expressed (deregulated) under diseased con- this paper does not provide any validation of resulting
ditions. Many genetic and epigenetic factors are responsible genes/miRNAs. The number of tests covered in the survey
for such deregulations. Microarray experiments are carried paper is too small. Moreover, in the above mentioned sur-
out to recognize such aberrations in expressions [12] between vey papers, either the large number of testing methods has
two or more groups. Such differentially expressed genes/ been reviewed neglecting the individual special phenomena
miRNAs are also called discriminator genes/miRNAs. of each test or a couple of tests have been covered up focus-
ing on the individual special phenomena of each test. But,
both of those are not covered in a single study. Therefore, in
 S. Bandyopadhyay and S. Mallik are with Machine Intelligence Unit, our paper, we have tried to elaborate both these aspects.
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 700108, West Bengal, India.
Here, we have reported a comprehensive survey of different
 A. Mukhopadhyay is with the Department of Computer Science and Engi- parametric and non-parametric testing [13], [14], [15], [16],
neering, University of Kalyani, Kalyani 741235, India. [17], [18], [19], [20] methodologies used for finding differen-
E-mail: tially expressed genes/miRNAs [21] from microarray data
Manuscript received 2 Nov. 2012; revised 30 July 2013; accepted 6 Nov. 2013; sets. We have provided a comparative study of the perform-
date of publication 19 Nov. 2013; date of current version 7 May 2014. ances of several testing methods based on three miRNA
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference the Digital Object Identifier below. expression data sets of Lu et al. [22] and two mRNA expres-
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TCBB.2013.147 sion data sets to identify differentially expressed miRNAs
1545-5963 ß 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

and genes, respectively at 0:05 p-value cutoff. Thereafter, Due to the low variance of the gene, sometime lower p-
miR-Ontologies of the top five significant miRNAs for each value is produced which seems to be significant, but actu-
test are described. For validating the resulting differentially ally it is insignificant. If overall variance filtering proce-
expressed miRNAs, we used the standard miRNA database, dure is applied before using t-test, then discoveries due
PhenomiR 2.0. Some special phenomena of testing methods to the small number of samples can be avoided. In Limma
are also described briefly. Subsequently, we have prepared t-statistic [19], the overall variance filter is already merged
different simulated data sets of different sample sizes (from with it to avoid discoveries with small effect sizes. Actu-
10 to 100 per group/population) and thereafter the power ally, filtering increases the number of discoveries. It is
of each test has been calculated individually. The compara- helpful if the false positive (FP) rate is controlled cor-
tive simulated study may lead to formulate robust and com- rectly. In fact, certain nonspecific filters may invalidate
prehensive judgements about the performance of each test type I error control, as the filter statistic is not based on
on the basis of assumption of data distribution. The above the sample class-labels. Inappropriate filtering affects
methodologies provide a highly convenient and robust way adversely the type I error rate control. Suppose, the data
to mark differentially expressed genes/miRNAs which are matrix is of size m  n, where m denotes the total number
very useful for biological and clinical analysis. A table has of genes and n denotes the total number of samples. Let,
been provided indicating the summary of the comparative the data for a gene i are Yi ¼ ðYi1 ; . . . ; Yin Þt . Therefore, if
study of different statistical tests on the basis of the experi- Yi1 ; . . . ; Yin are fully independent and normally distrib-
mentally calculated power for normally distributed data as uted for each i 2 H0 , then both the overall variance and
well as non-normally distributed data. Finally, a list of overall mean filter statistics are marginally independent
advantages and limitations of the different statistical tests of the 2-sample t-test for the gene (where, H0 denotes set
are provided, and some directions in which further investi- of indices for true nulls); i.e., the unconditional distribu-
gation is needed are indicated. tions before filtering and the conditional marginal distri-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 butions of test statistics after filtering are same. Thereby,
contains a description of different statistical testing meth- the unadjusted p-values after both filtering and test statis-
ods for identifying differential expression and other tic will be the correct. When the number of samples is
related issues such as multiple testing corrections. Sec- large, the utilization of an empirical null distribution pro-
tions 2.5 and 2.6 describe the different types of errors in vides a potential solution that the effects of conditioning
statistical tests and the performance metrics used for eval- can be correctly incorporated.
uating the performance of different tests, respectively. In fact, the filter and test statistics are not necessary to be
The data sets on which these statistical tests are applied, independent on each other when the null hypothesis is false
are mentioned in Section 4.3. The results are described in (i.e., the corresponding gene is differentially expressed).
Section 4. A discussion on the results of the different tests Moreover, positive correlation between the two statistics
is provided in Section 5. Finally, the conclusions are pre- under the alternative hypothesis is needed for increment of
sented in Section 6. detection power by filtering.
Another type filtering is fold change filtering. This type
of filtering is combined with the test statistic in volcanoplot.
It is available online at:
DIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSION bioinfo/ref/mavolcanoplot.html. Here, the genes which
In this section, we provide a review on different statistical have fold changes greater than a certain threshold value
methods for determining differentially expressed genes/ (i.e., lower cutoff) or less than another threshold value (i.e.,
miRNAs in microarray data. upper cutoff), are considered to be filter-passed genes.
There is another software which is available for making the
2.1 Analysis of Pre-Test necessary pre-filtering computations in the “genefilter”
Before applying any statistical test, it is mandatory to utilize package for Bioconductor which is available online at:
some pre-filtering processes, normality test and normaliza-
tion respectively to obtain result with reduced error. genefilter.html.
There is also a filter which is developed on the basis of
the maximal within-class mean. Suppose, there are two
2.1.1 Pre-Test Filtering Processes [23] groups/classes. For simplification of the strategy, it can be
In high-dimensional data, multiple testing is necessary for assumed that the data follow Gaussian distribution, and all
adjustment of error during different statistical tests; but the genes have known common variance s 2 , by which
multiple testing may produce the result with low statistical s 2 ¼ 2s 2 =n becomes the variance for the within-class means.
power. There are different filtering processes have been The filter statistic is that choose the genes whose max{Y i;1g ,
used to assess the differential expression before applying Y i;2g } exceeds the user-defined cutoff u .
any statistical test. One fundamental procedure is to check
overall variance of the data according to each gene (i.e.,
row) and filter out the genes having very low variance. This 2.1.2 Normalization
is an example of nonspecific or unsupervised filters. There After pre-filtering process, it is necessary to prepare the
are a Matlab function “genevarfilter’ by which some user- data of each gene from different scales to a common scale.
defined percentile (say, 5 or 10 or 20 percentile) of the genes Thus, a normalization method (viz., zero-mean, min-max,
having low variance can be removed from gene list. median, sigmoid, statistical column normalization [24],

quantile normalization [25], variance stabilizing normali- we can say that we found a statistically significant differ-
zation or VSN [26] techniques) should be applied gene- ence between the two groups. Suppose, for each gene/
wise on the data. (For details, see supplementary file miRNA g, group 1: n1 treated samples, with mean x1g and
“RSurvey-supplementary3.pdf”, which can be found standard deviation s1g ; and group 2: n1 controlled sam-
on the Computer Society Digital Library at http://doi. ples, with mean x2g and standard deviation s2g  
x1g  x2g
t  statistic : t ¼ : (1)
2.1.3 Normality Test
Here, seg denotes the standard error of the groups’ mean,
After normalization, normality tests are necessary to utilize pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
on data of each gene to determine whether it follows a nor- thus, seg ¼ sP ooled  n11 þn12 , where sPooled is the pooled esti-
mal distribution or not for each group/population. There mate of the population standard deviation; i.e., sP ooled¼

ðn1 1Þs21g þðn2 1Þs22g
are different methods are available for the normality tests . Here, df is degree of freedom of the test. It
(viz., Jarque-Bera test [27], the Anderson-Darling test [28],
is stated as df ¼ ðn1 þ n2  2Þ. This strategy is used assum-
Lilliefors test [28], Shapiro-Wilk test [28], etc.).
ing that variance of two groups are equal. Assuming equal
After normality test, we can apply different parametric
variability of two groups is known as “Behrens Fisher”
tests on the genes which follow normal distribution and dif-
problem [32]. It occurs when somebody wants to make
ferent nonparametric tests on the genes which do not follow
inferences about the means of two normally distributed
normal distribution. For very small number of samples (say,
groups without assuming the equal variability. For recovery
1-3 samples), we may apply fold change method only as no
from this, it is necessary to check whether the variance of
statistical test can make sense on this data.
two groups are equal to each other or not. If equal, then use
earlier mentioned t-statistic, otherwise use the following t-
2.2 Fold Change rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 s2 s2
Fold change is a fundamental method for identifying differ- statistic: t ¼ x1g  x2g Þ= n1g1 þ n2g2 Þ. Here we use unpooled
entially expressed genes/miRNAs. According to literatures, estimates of the population standard deviations. It’s called
there are two definitions about fold change. The standard as Welch’s t-test [32].
definition of the fold-change (F C) of gene/miRNA (g) is the Now, there is a special case where normality assump-
ratio of the means between two groups [29] (i.e., F C ¼ x1g2g
, tion in t-test may become incorrect. Let, all genes have
where x1g is the mean of samples of group 1 and x2g is the known common variance s 2 , so that s 2 ¼ 2s 2 =n becomes
mean of samples of group 2). According to Choe et al. [30], the variance for the within-class averages. The filter sta-
F C is the tistic is to compare UgI = max{x1g , x2g } to the user-defined
 of the means between two groups (i.e.,
F C ¼ x1g  x2g ), specially when all the values are log2- threshold u and to choose those genes whose UgI
transformed values. Thus, standard deviation of the groups exceedspffiffiffi the threshold. The test statistic is: Ug = (x1g 
is not considered here. It is not always a good estimation of x2g )/ 2s, which is analogous to standard t, but applies
the known variance in the denominator.
differential expression of microarray data, especially when
According to Fig. 2a, in the unconditional distribution
examining the expression of less abundant transcripts.
(i.e., the dotted curve) of the test statistic, within-class
mean m is much above u ; and in the conditional distribu-
2.3 Parametric Tests
tion of the statistic, m is either near to u (see the dashed
Parametric Tests are called as classical tests. In parametric curve) or far below u (see the solid curve). Initially, for
tests, it is assumed that the data follow a normal distribu- the dotted curve, the distribution of the statistic for the
tion and they also show the same variance property of the non-differentially expressed genes is a standard normal or
groups. If these assumptions do not apply, non-paramet- Gaussian. But, whenever non-normality and size of tails
ric tests must be utilized. Parametric tests normally relate increase gradually, then at first m reaches at the level of u
to data expressed [31] in absolute numbers or values and then gradually goes down far below u . When m
rather than ranks. Different types of popular parametric exceeds highly the threshold u , then the conditional null
tests, by which we are able to identify the significantly distribution has much heavier tails. It is actually the most
differentially expressed genes/miRNAs, are described extreme stage. Here, the genes produce the non-normal
below in brief. conditional distributions. At that moment, such genes can
rarely pass through the filter-stage due to producing low
2.3.1 T-Test m in both classes. The genes which have m closer to u ,
The t-test [16] is the most commonly used statistical test. pass with appreciable frequency and can be able to pro-
The “two-sample t-test” compares the difference between duce significantly non-normal conditional distributions.
two means in relation to the variation in the data. It Therefore, the normality assumption for the last two cases
allows us to measure a p-value using the t-test statistic. is totally inappropriate for calculating t-statistic. The
The p-value is calculated from t-table or cumulative dis- quantity s controls the range of values of m that has a rea-
tribution function (cdf). This p-value indicates the proba- sonable chance of passing the filter and producing prob-
bility of observing a t-value as large or larger than the lematic conditional distributions for UgII . Thus, the range
actually observed t-value where the null hypothesis is of values of m and the relevance of the simulation example
given true. By convention, if there is less than 5 percent for controlling the actual error rate contracts as either the
probability of getting the observed differences by chance, number of samples (i.e., n) increases or variance (i.e., s)

decreases. In Fig. 2b, a simulated example has been pre- groups, where group 1 includes n samples, with expression
sented where there is a skewed (unsymmetric) data distri- value x, with mean x and standard deviation sx , and group
bution which recommends to use any non-parametric test, 2 has n samples, with expression value y, with mean y and
not any parametric test like t-test. standard deviation sy . Pearson’s correlation coefficient
(commonly denoted as r) between two variables is
2.3.2 ANOVA 1 Test described as the covariance of the two variables divided by
ANOVA 1 (Analysis of Variance 1) [16] is such a statistical the product of their standard deviations (i.e., r ¼ covðx;yÞ
sx sy ,
test in which the means of several groups/populations where covðx; yÞ ¼ ni¼1 ðxi  xÞðyi  yÞ). This test can predict
might or might not be all equal, and thereby infers t-test to whether two variables are connected. It is not capable to
more than two populations. Doing multiple two-sample t- indicate that the variables are not connected. If one variable
tests will produce a result that has a high chance of making depends on another, i.e., there is a causal relation, then it is
type I error [33], [34]. Therefore, ANOVA 1 is useful to always possible to get some kind of correlation between the
compare the means of two, or more groups. It makes the two variables. However, if both the variables are depending
comparison among the group means by estimating com- upon a third variable, then they will produce a sizable cor-
parisons of variance estimates. The purpose of analysis of relation with no causal dependency between these. We can
variance is to determine the differences in means of groups compute a t-statistic for the correlation coefficient (r) using
for making statistical significance. This is carried out by 2
t ¼ srr , where sr ¼ 1ðrÞ
n2 and df ¼ n  2 as there is only
analyzing the variance, i.e., the variance is partitioned into
the component which is caused by random error (i.e., Sum one df for each group.
of Square within groups) and the components that are
caused by the differences between means of groups. The 2.4 Nonparametric Tests
latter variance components are then tested for statistical Nonparametric tests do not assume any particular distribu-
significance. If the significance is true, we reject the null tion. Some of the popular nonparametric tests which have a
hypothesis of no differences between means and accept major role for identifying differentially expressed genes/
the alternative hypothesis that the means (in the popula- miRNAs, are described below.
tion) are different from each other. ANOVA 1 is based on
the fact that two independent estimates of the population
variance can be obtained from the sample data. A ratio has 2.4.1 Permuted T-Test (perm)
been formulated for the two estimates that is denoted by A permutation t-test (also called an exact test, a randomi-
F . Suppose, for group 1: n1 treated samples, sum of group zation test or re-randomization test) is a kind of t-test in
1 values ¼ T1 , mean X1 and for group 2: n2 controlled which a permutation or an rearrangement is done in the
samples, sum of group 2 values ¼ T2 , mean X2 . Now, total labels on the observed data points of each individual
number of groups¼ P (here, P ¼ 2), total number of gene/miRNA. Normally, 100 permutations are applied
P P here by default. If number of permutations exceed above
values in two groups = N ¼ Pj¼1 nj and T ¼ Pj¼1 Tj . Let,
P Pnj 2 PP Tj2 1,000, it needs to be set to 1,000. The next steps of this test
I ¼ TN II ¼ Pj¼1 ð i¼1 xij Þ, III¼ j¼1 ð nj Þ. Thus, sum of are similar to t-test. Permutation t-test is a subset of non-
Squares between groups ðSS between Þ ¼ III  I and sum of parametric statistics. The inversion of this test to recog-
Squares within groups ðSS within Þ ¼ II  III and moreover nize confidence regions/intervals needs even more com-
SS total ¼ II  I. Now, degree of freedom between groups putation. Permuted t-test [36] is very useful when
ðDf between Þ ¼ ðP  1Þ and degree of freedom within groups distribution of data is unknown. The permutation t-test
PP P has the same pitfall as the Student’s t-test (i.e., the
ðDf within Þ¼ j¼1 ðnj  1Þ. Here, Df total ¼ Pj¼1 nj  1;
SS between
“Behrens Fisher” problem).
V ariancebetween ¼ MeanSquarebetween ðMS between Þ ¼ Df between ,
SS within
V ariancewithin ¼ MeanSquarewithin ðMS within Þ ¼ Df , 2.4.2 Wilcoxon Ranksum Test (RST) [37]

MS between Whenever the groups are not normally distributed, spe-

F ¼ : (2) cially for small sample sizes, then the result of t-test
MS within
might not be valid. RST is an alternative test which can
be utilized for such case. Since it operates on rank-trans-
2.3.3 Pearson’s Correlation Test (corr) formed data, it appears to be a robust choice for microar-
Correlation is such a degree to which two variables are co- ray data, which are often non-normal and may have
varied. It is either positive or negative. It is assumed that outliers. To perform the rank sum test, the combined sam-
the data are from a bivariate normal population. Correlation ples are first ranked. Thereafter, the summation
P of the
coefficients are applied in statistics to measure how strong a ranks is computed for group 1 (i.e., T1 ¼ ranksgroup1 ),
relationship is made between two variables. Pearson’s cor- and the summation of the ranks for group 2 (i.e., T2 ). If
relation is a correlation coefficient commonly applied in lin- the number of samples for two groups (viz., n1 and n2 ,
ear regression. Pearson’s correlation [35] coefficient is an respectively, where n1 < ¼ n2 ) are equal, the RST statistic
estimation of the intensity of the linear association between T is the minimum of T1 and T2 (i.e., T ¼ minðT1 ; T2 Þ). If
variables. It may be possible to have non-linear associations. these are unequal, then we have to find T1 equal to the
If any association exhibits linearity, it is needed to examine sum of the ranks for the smaller sample. Thereafter, we
the data closely to determine. Suppose, there are two compute T2 ¼ n1 ðn1 þ n2 þ 1Þ  T1 . T is the minimum of

T1 and T2 . Sufficiently small values of T cause rejection of

the null hypothesis that the sample means are equal. Sig-
nificance levels are tabulated for small values of n1 and
n2 . Here, p-value of each gene/miRNA is calculated from
minð2  minðT1 ; T2 Þ; 1Þ in case of two-sided test. For large
n1 and n2 , the z-statistic is given below:
ðjT  meanw1 j  0:5Þ
z¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; (3)
where varw1 ¼ n2  meanw1 =6 ¼ n1  n2  ðn1 þ n2 þ 1Þ=12
and meanw1 ¼ n1  ðn1 þ n2 þ 1Þ=2. RST is equivalent to the
Mann-Whitney test. RST is very slower than t-test.

2.4.3 Modified Wilcoxon Ranksum test (ModRST or

First of all, modified RST prepares a list of ranks of the
2.4.5 Linear Models for Microarray Data (Limma)
gene/miRNA expression values for each gene/miRNA
across all experiments in ascending, and then tests for In microarray data analysis, sometimes there are few num-
equality of means of the two ranked samples. For data sets ber of arrays/samples, resulting in highly variable estimates
where both n1 and n2 exceed 8, normal approximation of of the standard deviation for each gene. In this situation, if
the p-values can be used (Walpole and Myers, 1993 [38]). there are large number of genes in the data, then the prob-
ðu meanu1 Þ lem of dimensionality arises. To handle such problem, an
According to Troyanskaya et al. [39]: z ¼ 1pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi . where
empirical Bayes approach is considered in Limma test. It is
varu1 ¼ n1  n2  ðn1 þ n2 þ 1Þ=12 and meanu1 ¼ n1  n2 =2. implemented in the R-package Limma (Smyth) [19]. It
Here, u1 ¼ T1  n1  ðn1 þ 1Þ=2 and T1 ¼ ranksgroup1 . depends on the methods proposed by L€ onnstedt and Speed
[40]. The empirical approach assumes a priori knowledge
2.4.4 Significance Analysis of Microarray (SAM)[15] on the unknown gene/miRNA-specific variances to be a
inverse-gamma distribution (G1 -distribution) (i.e., before
Avoiding the pitfall of small variance of t-stat is a great
data of each gene/miRNA is observed).
challenge. For this, SAM uses a statistic which is some-
Suppose, there are m number of genes and n number of
what similar to t-stat. At low expression levels, the abso-
lute value of tg may be very high because of small samples. The linear model is in the following: Eðyg Þ ¼ Xag ,
values in seg . The limitation of the t-test is that due to where yg denotes the expression vector of each gene g (here,
the low expression levels, genes/miRNAs with small g ¼ 1; . . . ; m) across all arrays/samples, X is a design matrix
sample variances have a big chance of being predicted of full column rank and ag is the coefficient vector. Certain
as differentially expressed genes/miRNAs. Thus, SAM contrasts of the coefficients which are assumed to be of bio-
chooses to add a small positive constant s0 (stated as logical interest for a particular gene g are stated as
“fudge factor”) to solve this limitation. The SAM statistic bg ¼ C T ag . Although the methodology can analyse any
by Tusher et al. [29] is
  number of contrasts, only two samples have been compared
x1g  x2g so that bg may be stated as the log fold change ðlx ^ 1g  lx
^ 2g Þ,
tsam ¼ ; (4)
seg þ s0 where lx ^ 1g and lx
^ 2g denote the means of the two groups’
where seg is the standard error of the groups’ mean, i.e., logged expression values. Now, the contrast estimators
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ^ g ) are assumed to be normally distributed; the resid-
(i.e., b
seg ¼ sP ooled  n11 þn12 . Here, sP ooled is the pooled
estimate of the population standard deviation (i.e., ual sample variances (i.e., s2g ) are assumed to follow scaled

ðn1 1Þs21g þðn2 1Þs22g chi-squared distribution (i.e., x2df ) and gene-specific vari-
sP ooled ¼ ð Þ). Here, df is degree of free-
df ance (i.e., s 2g ) to follow G1 -distribution. Therefore, this
dom of the test. It is stated as df ¼ ðn1 þ n2  2Þ. It is ^g js 2  Nðbg ; s 2 Þ (where N is stated as
statistic is as: b g g 2
assumed that the variance of the two groups are equal. s
the normal distribution), s2g js 2g  dgg x2dg , and
The principle used when setting the value of s0 is that
the variability of tsam should be independent of the level  
d0 d0 s20
of seg . This is achieved by estimating the variability of s 2g  G1 ; : (5)
tsam as a function of seg in windows across the data. The 2 2
median absolute distance (MAD) is used to estimate the Under this hierarchical model, the posterior sample variance
variability and 100 windows with equal number of data d0 s20 þdg s2g
(i.e., s~2g ) for the gene g becomes: s~2g ¼ d0 þdg , where d0 ( < 1)
points are used by default. With MADk equal to the
computed variability of tsam (i.e., yak ) within the kth win- and s20refer to the prior degrees of freedom and variance
dow, s0 is chosen so that the coefficient of variation of respectively, and dg ( > 0) and s2g denote the experimental
MAD1 ; . . . ; MAD100 is as small as possible. The approach degrees of freedom and the sample variance of a particular
of determining s0 is demonstrated in Algorithm 1 (Chu, gene g, respectively. Since we have used only two sample
Narasimhan, Tibshirani, and Tusher -2002). comparisons, so dg is always equal to n  2. The two prior

parameters, d0 and s20 are stated as the degrees of freedom and completely eliminates the genes having low variance
variance of the prior distribution, respectively. The prior from the consideration.
parameters d0 and s20 are determined by fitting the logged Here, the Limma model has used two hyperpara-
sample variances to a scaled F distribution. These two param- meters: d0 and s20 which are formulated from the set of
eters are estimated by equating empirical to expected values standard gene-level variance estimates s2g . The underdis-
in case of the first two moments of logðs2g Þ. Since the moments persion of the s2g can lead to an estimate of d^0 which
becomes 1. The underdispersion is constructed by the fil-
of logðs2g Þ are finite in case of any degrees of freedom, and dis-
tering-attached misfit between the conditional distribu-
tribution of logðs2g Þ is more nearly gaussian than s2g , thus tion of the s2g and the Limma model. There are two
logðs2g Þ is utilized instead of s2g . The sub-procedure of estimat- consequences for estimating d^0 ¼ 1. First, it makes the
ing these two parameters are described in the Algorithm 2. gene-level error variance estimates to be totally ignored,
and the moderated t-statistics for each gene will have the
same denominator, which creates an analysis based on
fold change rather than a t-statistic that is not expected.
Second, when the true values of both dg and d0 are low,
but d^0 ¼ 1, then the correct null distribution is to be
heavy-tailed, but the moderated t~g are inappropriately
compared to a standard gaussian/normal distribution
(see Fig. 3a). As a result, the p-values are calculated using
an inappropriate null distribution, determining too many
true-null p-values that are closed to zero (i.e., the loss of
type I error rate control). Under this circumstance, the
violation of the G1 -distribution has been illustrated.

2.4.6 Shrink-t
The moderated t-statistic developed by Rhein and
Strimmer [42] is based on the James-Stein ensemble
shrinkage estimation rule. After the use in the genes/
miRNAs-specific variance estimators s21 ; . . . ; s2G , the
results of the rule in adjusted estimators are stated as
^ 2 þ ð1  Þs
s~2g ¼ s ^ 2 , where ^ is called as the estimated
0 g
PG d2
varðsg Þ
The moderated t-statistic in Limma can be defined as pooling parameter, i.e., ^ ¼ minð1; PGg¼1 2 2 2 Þ. The esti-
ðsg s0 Þ
^g g¼1
1 b
t~g ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; (6) mator s20
is the median of s2G ; :::; s2G , and varðs d2 Þ is mea-
1 1 s~g g
ðn1 þn2 Þ P2 Pnj ðxijg xjg Þ
n n 3 2
1 2 n1 þn2 2 2 2
sured by
ðn1 þn2 1Þ3 j¼1 i¼1 ð n1 n2 
ðn1 þn2 Þ2 g
s Þ . The
where n ¼ n1 þ n2 . The associated probability of the two- D
shrink-t statistic is then defined as: t~g ¼ pgffiffiffi~ffi ; where Dg is
sample moderated t-statistic under the null hypothesis is s2 g
determined by reference to the t-distribution with d0 þ dg the difference of means between two groups.
degrees of freedom.
The conditional distribution of the test statistic might be
2.4.7 Softthreshold-t (Soft-T)
affected by the nonspecific filters. It is already known that
the Limma t-statistic is depended on an empirical Bayes This testing is stated as L1 penalized t-statistics which was
approach which models the gene-specific error variances proposed by Wu [7]. Suppose, group 1: n1 treated samples,
(i.e., s 21 ; . . . ; s 2m ) with a G1 -distribution. In Limma, overall with mean x1g , standard deviation s1g and corresponding
variance filtering is integrated in Limma test-statistic. Since degree of freedom (df1) = n1  1; and group 2: n1 controlled
the within-class variance estimator (s2g ) and the overall vari- samples, with mean x2g , standard deviation s2g and corre-
ance are correlated, then the filtering on overall variance sponding degree of freedom (df2) = n2  1. Thus, pooled
will deplete the set of genes with low s2g . standard deviation for each gene/miRNA is defined as:
The moderated t-statistic and overall variance filtering ðss1þss2Þ
s12 ¼ ðdf1þdf2Þ  ðdf1þ1Þ 1
þ ðdf2þ1Þ 1
, where ss1 ¼ rowSums
in Limma select the genes which have more variance in
the data. Here, t~g shrinks the within-class variance esti- ððx1g  x1g Þ2 Þ, and ss2 ¼ rowSumsððx2g  x2g Þ2 Þ. Now, D,
mates (s2g ) towards a common s^20 , that has the effect of the shrinkage parameter is described as: D ¼ x1g  x2g .
decreasing the denominator of the t-statistic for the Therefore, the numerator of this t-stat is defined as
genes having large variance. Thus, it has been directed
to bias the t-statistics away from zero. In case of the D  sgnðDÞ  ; if absðDÞ > ;
numetator ¼
genes having small variance, the denominator of the t- 0; if absðDÞ < ¼ ;
statistic is increased, and the corresponding t-statistic is
where, sgnð:Þ is the sign function: sgnðzÞ ¼ 1 if z > 0,
trying to bias towards zero. Overall variance filtering
sgnðzÞ ¼ 1 if z < 0 and sgnðzÞ ¼ 0 when z ¼ 0. Also we

Type I Error and Type II Error

resampling-based approach. ID is stated as a theoretical

gene/miRNA which is maximally expressed in all group 1
samples and minimally expressed in all group 2 samples.
The strategy selects the genes/miRNAs which have the
highest Pearson’s correlation to the ID and justifies the sig-
nificance by comparing Pearson correlation score of each
gene/miRNA for true data to the best Pearson’s correla-
tion score from 50,000 random column permutation of
Fig. 1. The classification tree of different statistical tests. data. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS test) [44] is
another useful nonparametric test applied for the equality
take  ¼ 2n1 mg sd12 which denotes the penalty factor, of continuous, one-dimensional probability distributions
where mg ¼ n1  ðn þn 1 which can be applied to compare samples of two groups.
1 1 Þ. The t-stat is then defined as
The KS statistic determines a distance between the empiri-
numerator cal distribution function of the sample and the cumulative
t ¼ r ffi : (7) distribution function of the reference distribution, or
s12 þ ðdf1þdf2Þ between the empirical distribution functions of two sam-
ples. It is too much sensitive to differences in both shape
and location of the empirical cumulative distribution func-
2.4.8 Other Nonparametric Tests tions of the two samples. The asymptotic p-value becomes
The Kruskal-Wallis test (KW test) [43] was proposed by very much accurate for large sample sizes, such that
Kruskal and Wallis. It is a non-parametric test which is ðn1  n2 Þ= ðn1 þ n2 Þ >¼ 4, where the sample sizes of two
applied to decide whether samples follow from the same groups are n1 and n2 , respectively.
distribution or not. It is used for comparing more than two The classification tree of the tests is presented in Fig. 1.
samples that are independent. The parametric equivalence
of the Kruskal-Wallis test is ANOVA 1. Another popular
test is Ideal discriminator (i.e., ID) method [39], which is a 2.5 Testing Errors and Performance Metrics
In this section, we have described different types of testing
errors followed by the performance metrics used for evalu-
ating different test methodologies.
In statistics, two popular error types are type I and
type II errors [45], [46] which describe particular flaws in
a testing method. Suppose, there are m number of genes
(or null hypotheses) and n number of samples (or condi-
tions) and number of rejected null hypotheses is R.
According to Table 1, a type I error occurs when one
rejects the null hypothesis H0 when it is originally true.
The probability of this error is the level of significance of
the test of hypothesis, and is denoted by alpha. There are
four categories of Type I error rates (Shaffer [47]): (i) per-
Fig. 2. (a) The conditional null distribution of the test statistic UgII for non- comparison error rate (PCER) as the expected value of the
differentially expressed genes, where m is greater than a threshold u number of Type I errors divided by the number of
(denoted by dotted curve), is identical to unconditional null distribution. hypotheses, (i.e., P CER ¼ EðF P Þ=m); (ii) per-family error
As m is coming close to the threshold u (denoted by dashed curve) and
then passes below u (denoted by solid curve), the non-normality and rate (PFER) as the expected number of Type I errors, (i.e.,
excess-enlargement in the tails have been formed; (b) Simulation exam- P F ER ¼ EðF P Þ); (iii) family-wise error rate (FWER) as
ple of skewed (unsymmetric) distribution: data distribution having 600 the probability of at least one Type I error (i.e.,
samples (550 in one group and 50 in another group), mean of data ¼ F W ER ¼ P rðF P  1Þ); and (iv) false discovery rate
0.4088, standard deviation ¼ 1.7168, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test p-value
¼ 3.0030e-004 which is less than 0.05, so, normality assumption incor- (FDR) of Benjamini and Hochberg as the expected propor-
rect; thus recommend to use non-parametric test. tion of Type I errors among the rejected hypotheses

(i.e., F DR ¼ EðF P =ðT P þ F P ÞÞ, if R > 0). Basically, in unadjusted p-value is less than or equal to a=m, where m
case of the multiple testing process, P CER  F W ER  denotes total number of miRNAs/genes or null hypothe-
P F ER. Therefore, P F ER procedure is more conservative ses. The single-step Bonferroni adjusted p-value (i.e., p~g
than F W ER, and also F W ER is more conservative than for each gene g) is obtained by: p~g ¼ minðm~ pg ; 1Þ. Now,
P CER; i.e., P F ER generates larger number of false posi- the strong control of the F W ER follows Booles inequal-
tives than F W ER and similarly F W ER generates larger ity. Suppose, m0 denotes the number of true null hypoth-
number of false positives than P CER. eses and Pg denotes random variable for unadjusted p-
A type II error occurs when one rejects the alternative value of the gth hypothesis/miRNA/gene. Therefore,
hypothesis H1 when the hypothesis is true. The probabil- according to Booles inequality,
ity of a type II error is denoted by beta. The power of a !
test is ð1  betaÞ; i.e., the probability of choosing the [
F W ER ¼ P rðF P  1Þ ¼ P r fP~g  ag
alternative hypothesis H1 when the alternative hypothe-
sis is correct.
There are two important statistical measures, viz., sensi-  P rðP~g  aÞ
tivity and specificity. These are called as classification func- g¼1
tions. Sensitivity measures the proportion of actual positives
which are correctly identified. Specificity measures the pro-
m0  a  m0 a
portion of negatives which are correctly identified. These  P r Pg   ;
two measures are closely related to the ideas of type I and g¼1
m m
type II errors. In Table 1, type I error, type II error, sensitivity,
specificity and other related terms are defined. where the last inequality follows from P rðPg  xjHg Þ  x,
The Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) [48] is a where x 2 ½0; 1 .
quality-based measure for two-class classifications. It
takes into account true and false positives and negatives. 2.6.2 Bonferroni Step-Down (Holm) Correction [50]
This MCC is stated as a balanced measure which can be
This correction is very similar to the Bonferroni, but a little
used even if the classes are of very different sizes. This
less stringent. Improvement in power may be achieved
MCC is also very useful in case of imbalanced data set.
by step-down procedures. Here, the genes/miRNAs
It returns a value between 1 and þ1. A coefficient of
are ranked in ascending order of p-values. Let, pr1 
þ1 signifies a prediction which is perfect, 0 implies no

 prm refer to the ranked observed unadjusted p-
better than random prediction and 1 indicates total dis-
values and let Hr1 ; Hr2 ; . . . ; Hrm denote the corresponding
agreement between prediction and observation. This sta-
null hypotheses. According to Holm (in 1979), index
tistic is also known as the phi-coefficient. The MCC can
g ¼ minf g : prg > a=ðm  g þ 1Þg and reject the hypotheses
be formulated as
Hrg , where g ¼ 1; . . . ; g  1. Now, if there exists no such g ,
then reject all hypotheses. The Holm adjusted p-value is
ðT P  T NÞ  ðF P  F NÞ obtained by
MCC ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi :
ðT P þ F P ÞðT P þ F NÞðT N þ F P ÞðT N þ F NÞ  
prg ¼ max fmin ðm  t þ 1Þprt ; 1 g: (9)
(8) t¼1;...;g

Since it is less corrective as the p-value increases, this correc-

tion is less conservative than Bonferroni correction.
2.6 Post-Test Processes: Different Corrections on
p-Values in Different Statistical Tests
2.6.3 Westfall and Young Permutation [51]
Multiple testing correction implies the repetition of calcula-
tion of the probabilities obtained from a statistical test In both Bonferroni and Holm methods, each p-value is cor-
which is repeated multiple times. For retaining a family- rected independently. In many times, the unadjusted p-val-
wise error rate a (i.e., FWER) in an analysis involving more ues may be dependent on each other. In this case, for DNA
than one comparison, the error rate for each comparison microarray expression study, some groups of genes have a
must be more stringent than a. These multiple testing cor- tendency to be highly correlated. Westfall and Young [51]
rections adjust p-values which are obtained from different proposed a method as less conservative multiple testing
statistical tests to make correction for the occurrence of FPs. procedure than the other two for determining the adjusted
At the time of testing, each gene/miRNA is considered p-values, where the dependency among test statistics is con-
independently from one another. The false positives is pro- sidered. Here, p-values are determined for each gene/
portional to the number of tests performed and the p-value miRNA based on the data set. The p-values are then ranked.
cutoff. According to GeneSpring, there are mainly four cate- The permutation method produces a pseudo-data set by
gories of multiple testing corrections: dividing the data into artificial control and treatment
groups. The p-values for all genes/miRNAs are calculated
on the pseudo-data set. The successive minima of the new
2.6.1 Bonferroni Correction [49] p-values are taken and then compared with the original
Bonferroni procedure is a useful in multiple testing cor- ones. This technique is repeated a large number of times.
rections for strong control of the F W ER at the level a. The proportion of re-sampled data sets in which the mini-
This procedure rejects the null hypothesis Hg whose mum pseudo p-value is less than the original p-value, is

stated as adjusted p-value. The single-step min P adjusted p-

values are defined by
p~g ¼ P r min Pl  pg jH0C ; (10)

where H0C refers to the complete null hypothesis, and Pl

denotes the random variable for the unadjusted p-value of the
l-th hypothesis. The alternative way is to determine single-
step max T adjusted p-values defined as p~g ¼ P rðmax1lm
jTl j  jtg jjH0C Þ, where Tl refers to the non-identically
distributed test statistics of the l-th hypothesis (i.e., t-statistics
Fig. 3. (a) The overall variance filtering preferentially discards the genes
of the lth hypothesis with different degrees of freedom) with small variance s2g , due to the relative-shifting of the gene-level stan-
This method generates the greatest power among the meth- dard deviation estimates s2g of the genes passing the filter to the uncondi-
ods for F W ER control. But, it is very slow processing method tional distribution or standard normal distribution of the data (dashed
as permutations are included here. Therefore, it is not nor- curve). Here, when an estimate of d20 is equal to 1, then the G1 -distribu-
tion (solid curve) model cannot able to produce a good fit to the si pass-
mally useful. ing the filter and instead of that, the test-statistics are inappropriately
compared to a unconditional distribution (see dashed curve) [23]. (b)
Relationship between Fdr(z) to fdr(z) [41]: Heavy curve plots numerator
2.6.4 Benjamini and Hochberg False Discovery Rate of Fdr (i.e., p0 F0 ðzÞ) versus denominator (i.e., F(z)), where fdr(z) is slope
(BHFDR/BHFdr) Correction [52], [53] of tangent and Fdr slope of secant.
This correction is the least stringent among the all four cor-
rections. It suffers from more false positives. At first, the p- p0 F0 ðzÞ=F ðzÞ, where empirical cdf (of z values)
values of genes/miRNAs are ranked in ascending order. F ðzÞ ¼ #fzi  zg=N; p0 is chosen as 1 and a control level q
The largest p-value remains the same. The second largest p- is set as 0.1. Then declare those genes as nonnull having z-
value is multiplied by the total number of genes/miRNA in values zi which satisfies zi  z0 ; [here, z0 is the maximum
gene list or miRNA list divided by its rank and if less than value of z satisfying F drðz0 Þ  q ]. The expected number of
0.05, it is significant: Corrected p-value ¼ p-valueðn=n  1Þ null genes is be not greater than q. Storey [53] pointed out
< 0:05, if so, gene/miRNA is significant. For the third larg- the necessity of some Bayesian interpretation.
est one: corrected p-value ¼ p-valueðn=n  2Þ < 0:05, if Densities are more natural than tail areas for Bayesian fdr
so, gene/miRNA is significant, and so on. methodology. From the mixture density:
The four methods are listed in order of their stringency,
with the Bonferroni being the most stringent, and the Benja- fðzÞ ¼ p0 f0 ðzÞ þ p1 f1 ðzÞ: (12)
mini and Hochberg Fdr being the least. The stringency sig-
Bayes rule provides fdrðzÞ P rfnulljZ ¼ zg ¼ p0 f0 ðzÞ=fðzÞ,
nifies that less false positive genes are coming out. Now, for
for the probability of a gene of the null group where z-score is
better intuition, we have to go through the Fdr details. Actu-
given. Here fdrðzÞ is the local false discovery rate (Efron
ally, Fdr is basically the ratio of #False-discovery/#total-dis-
et al.) [56]. The relationship between F drðzÞ and fdrðzÞ is:
covery; i.e., FP/(TP+FP) [for the notations, see Table 1]. It
F drðzÞ ¼ Ef ffdrðZÞjZ  zg, where Ef indicates the expecta-
was first started with Benjamini and Hochberg [54]. This
tion with respect to the mixture density fðzÞ, F drðzÞ is the
was derived for the strong control of the Fdr for indepen-
mixture average of fdrðZÞ for Z  z. Basically, fdrðzÞ
dent test statistics. Suppose, pr1  pr2 

 prm refers to
decreases when jzj increases. F drðzÞ will be smaller than
the observed ordered unadjusted p-values. To control of the
fdrðzÞ. If we consider to label all genes with zi which is less
Fdr at level a, g is defined as maxfg : prg  ðg=mÞag and
than some negative value z0 as nonnull, then fdrðz0 Þ, the false
reject hypotheses Hrg where g ¼ 1; . . . ; g . If there is no such
discovery rate at the boundary point z0 , will be greater than
g , then reject no hypothesis. The adjusted p-values are
F drðz0 Þ. Then the average false discovery rate goes beyond
n m o
the boundary. The Benjamini-Hochberg Fdr control system
p~rg ¼ min min prk ; 1 : (11)
k¼g;...;m k denotes an upper bound on the secant slope (see Fig. 3b).
In the empirical Bayes approach of Robbins and Stein
(1955), an appropriate prior distribution is to be estimated
For large-scale situations, the Fdr based on an empirical from the data (see Efron (2003) [55]). For local fdr calcula-
Bayes method [55] is very useful, where a versatile tech- tions, N must be large (i.e., N  100), but the zi is not neces-
nique for both size and power are considered instead of sary to be independent. For estimating the local false
strong Bayesian or frequentist assumptions. Let, there are N discovery rate fdrðzÞ ¼ p0 f0 ðzÞ=fðzÞ, we assume the null dis-
null hypotheses to consider simultaneously, each with its
ffi eð1=2Þz2 . Here, the z-values have
tribution: f0 ðzÞ ¼ ’ðzÞ p1ffiffiffiffi
own test statistic. Suppose, the N cases (i.e.,“genes” for 2P
microarray studies) are subdivided into two types of class- been found by transforming the usual two-sample t statistic
labels/hypotheses, either null or nonnull with prior proba- comparing treated and control expression labels for the gene
bility p0 or p1 ¼ 1  p0 , and with z-values having density i, to a standard normal scale through zi ¼ F1 ðF100 ðti ÞÞ,
f0 ðzÞ or f1 ðzÞ (where p0 ¼ P rfnullg if f0 ðzÞ is null and where F and F100 are the cdfs of standard normal and t100
p1 ¼ P rfnonnullg if f1 ðzÞ is nonnull). Let, F0 ðzÞ and F1 ðzÞ be distributions respectively. When p0 is taken, the prior proba-
the cumulative distribution functions corresponding to bility of a gene becomes null. Benjamini and Hochberg [54]
f0 ðzÞ and f1 ðzÞ, respectively. According to them, F drðzÞ ¼ took p0 ¼ 1. An upper bound for F drðzÞ has been provided.

This leaves us with only the denominator fðzÞ to calculate. number of genes, where each xi ¼ ðxi1 ; . . . ; xin ÞT refers to
From the definition of Eq. (12), as fðzÞ is the marginal density the vector of normalized expression for gene i. Let us
of all N zi s, we can utilize all the data to calculate fðzÞ. The assume that y ¼ ðy1 ; . . . ; yn ÞT is a vector of length n denot-
local fdr algorithm is available as a R function locfdr from the ing the primary variable of interest. Now, generality
CRAN library at the following link: http://cran.r-project. model xij ¼ mi þ fi ðyj Þ þ eij , where mi is the baseline level
org/web/packages/locfdr/index.html. of expression, fi ðyj Þ ¼ Eðxij jyj Þ  mi provides the relation-
Let, the z-values have been binned, producing the bin- ship between the measured variable of interest and gene
counts yk ¼ fzi in bin k}, where k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K (K is total i, and eij is random noise with mean zero. Fo example, for
number of bins). The nonnull counts yk ¼ ½1  fdr dk yk , a dichotomous outcome yj 2 f1; 1g, we can utilize the
linear model xij ¼ mi þ bi yj þ eij ; and calculate mi and bi
which is the estimated fdr value at the center of bin k (where
d k Þ). As (1-fdr
dk ¼ fdrðx dk ) approximates the nonnull prob- by least squares. After that, we can perform a standard
ð1Þ test of whether bi ¼ 0 or not for each gene i. This hypothe-
ability for a gene in bin k, the yk is a significant estimate for sis test is totally equivalent to performing a test of differ-
the expected number of nonnulls. ential expression between the two class labels. Suppose,
Power diagnostics are estimated from comparisons of there are L biologically meaningful UMF s in a microarray
fdrðzÞ with the nonnull histogram (i.e., it is equal to the analysis, and gl ¼ ðgl1 ; . . . ; gln Þ is an arbitrarily complex
expected nonnull fdr). There is an indication of high power function of the lth factor towards all n arrays/conditions,
dk is relatively small where yð1Þ is large. The definition where l ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; L. Hence, the expression
if fdr k P model for
of the power diagnostic [41] is: Efdr d ð1Þ ¼ PK yð1Þ fdrdk = gene i on array j is: xij ¼ mi þ fi ðyj Þ þ Ll¼1 g li glj þ eij ,
k¼1 k
PK ð1Þ d ð1Þ where g li is a gene-specific coefficient for the lth UMF . If
k¼1 yb . To obtain high power, it is necessary that Efdr
k unmodeled factor l does not influence the expression of
should be small, (near 0.2), so that a typical nonnull genes gene i, then g li glj ¼ 0. As there are n number of arrays
will come out. Suppose, any data set has Efdr d ð1Þ ¼ 0:72,
and the expression of each gene can be represented by at
therefore it indicates low power. Efron [41] discusses most n linearly independent factors, so any dependence
about the power analysis for microarray data. The details between genes can be modeled using L  n vectors. For
about the empirical Bayes Fdr method is described in thisPformulation, the inter-gene dependent eij is replaced
Efron [57]. There is another Fdr control method suggested by Ll¼1 g li glj þ eij . Here, eij is the true gene-specific noise
by Benjamini and Yekutieli (i.e., BY) in 2001 [58]. which is now independent across genes. In other sense,
the error eij isP divided into two sub-parts, where the first
sub-part (i.e., Ll¼1 g li glj ) denotes the dependent variation
2.7 Data Dependency across genes because of UMF s; and the second sub-part
2.7.1 Surrogate Variable Analysis (SVA) [59] (i.e., eij ) denotes gene-specific independent fluctuations.
It has been observed that gene expression levels can be As the direct calculation of the unmodeled gl is not possi-
affected by multiple factors including genetic, environ- ble, thus it is replaced by an orthogonal set of vector hk
mental, demographic and technical factors. Expression (where, k ¼ 1; . . . ; K; (K  L) which has a same linear
heterogeneity (i.e., EH) can decrease power, and can space as gl . The vector hk is also called as SV . The coeffi-
produce unwanted dependency among genes and sour- cient g li is also replaced by the mutually orthogonal coeffi-
ces of spurious signal to many genes because of unmod- cient kiP . Hence, the new model should be: xij ¼ mi þ
eled factors (i.e., UMF s) (viz., age, gender, etc.). It also fi ðyj Þ þ K 
k¼1 ki hkj þ eij . The SV A algorithm can be
increases the variability of the ranking of genes in divided into two subparts which are described in the
expression levels and distorts the null distribution. Thus, followings:
SV A has been applied to overcome the problems because (a) Detection of unmodeled factors: At first, we should
of EH. If there is only one surrogate variable (i.e., SV ) in make the estimates m ^ i and f^i by fitting the model
an analysis, then the accuracy of it can be determined by xij ¼ mi þ fi ðyj Þ þ eij and determine rij ¼ xij  m ^ i  f^i ðyj Þ
correlation. But, there are more than one UMF or more to eliminate the effect of the primary variable on expression.
than one SV , then multiple regression should be applied Make the m  n residual matrix R, where rij is the ði; jÞth
and coefficient of determination (i.e., R2 ) must be esti- element of R. Thereafter, calculate the singular value
mated. SV A can correctly rectify the genes which are decomposition of R ¼ UDV T . Let, dl be the lth eigenvalue,
affected by the UMF . If the UMF and the primary vari- which is the lth diagonal element of D, for l ¼ 1; . . . ; n; df is
able are correlated to each other, the null p-values the degree of freedom of the model fit m ^ i þ f^i ðyj Þ. Now, for
become very small and it tends towards zero. If these eigengene k ¼ 1; . . . ; n  df the observed statistic becomes:
are uncorrelated, the null p-values become very high d2
Tk ¼ Pndf
. Thereafter, a matrix R has been formed by
and are biased towards one. SV A calculates properly the l¼1
unobserved factor, and it also generates a correct Uni- permuting each row of R independently for omitting any
form distribution of null p-values. SV A can be useful for structure in the matrix. Suppose, rij be the ði; jÞth entry of
time course, disease class, and gene expression. It can R . Therefore, fit the model rij ¼ mi þ fi ðyj Þ þ eij and deter-
able to enhance the consistency, reproducibility and bio- mine the corresponding residuals r0ij ¼ rij  mi  fi ðyj Þ to
logical accuracy in genome-wide expression analyses by make the m  n model-structured null matrix R0 ; and
making adjustment for surrogate variables. determine the singular value decomposition of the centered
Suppose, Xmn ¼ ðx1 ; . . . ; xm ÞT is a normalized m  n and permuted expression matrix R0 ¼ U0 D0 V0T . So, for
expression matrix with n number of arrays/samples for m eigengene k, the corresponding null statistic becomes:

d2 from the primary variable. It has been noticed that high

Tk0 ¼ Pndf
, where d0l is the lth diagonal element of D0 .
d20l throughput multiple hypothesis testing is very difficult in
Repeat the steps of permutation by B times to get null statis- the presence of systemic effects and other latent variables.
tics Tk0b for b ¼ 1; . . . ; B and k ¼ 1; . . . ; n  df. Thereafter, Those variables can change the level of tests and make cor-
calculate the corresponding p-value for eigengene k as relations among multiple genes/tests. They alter the order-

ing of significance levels among genes and make a poor
# Tk0b  Tk ; b ¼ 1; . . . ; B rankings. Therefore, it is necessary to isolate the latent varia-
pk ¼ : (13)
B bles from the primary. It has been noticed that LEAP P pro-
0 0
When eigengene k (here, k > k) is significant, then auto- duces better ranking of genes than SV A and
matically k is significant. Therefore, the monotonicity EIGENST RAT . Now, we describe LEAP P in short. Sup-
among the p-values has been conservatively forcefully pose, Y IRmn denotes a response matrix and gIRn refers to
forced. Thus, pk ¼ maxðpk1 ; pk Þ, where k ¼ 2; . . . ; n  df. a variable of interest or primary variable, where m and n
(b) Construction of SV s: First, we should make the esti- denote #gene and #samples respectively. The linear associa-
mates m ^ i and f^i by fitting the model xij ¼ mi þ fi ðyj Þ þ eij tion through the m  n matrix ggT should be considered,
and determine rij ¼ xij  m ^ i  f^i ðyj Þ to eliminate the effect of where g is the variable, g be a vector of N coefficients. Here,
the primary variable on expression. Make the m  n residual g will be sparse, when most of the genes are not related to g.
matrix R, where rij is the ði; jÞth element of R. Thereafter, cal- It is needed for adjustment due to covariates X (e.g., sex)
culate the singular value decomposition of R ¼ UDV T . Sup- per sample which is other than g. The total covariate term is
pose, ek ¼ ðek1 ; . . . ; ekn ÞT is the kth column of V , where bX T , where b has coefficients. The product form UV T
k ¼ 1; . . . ; n. The ek are the residual eigengenes and show should be considered due to the latent variables. Here, both
orthogonal residual expression heterogeneity signals inde- terms U and V are not observable. An sample-wise constant
pendent of the signal because of the primary variable. There- noise with the variance has been considered to be different
after, K ^ has been set as the number of significant eigengenes
for each gene. The model for LEAP P is: Y ¼ ggT þ
obtained from the above algorithm. Here, significant eigen- bX T þ UV T þ SE, where U and V refer to the latent non-
genes refers to the eigengenes which have a greater propor- random rows (e.g., genes) and latent independent rows
tion of variation than expected by chance. Thus, k ¼ 1; . . . ; K ^
(e.g., samples); here, E  N ð0; Im Þ In Þ which is noise, and
for each significant eigengene ek . Regress ek on the xi , where S ¼ diagðs 1 ; . . . ; s m Þ which denote standard deviations. The
i ¼ 1; . . . ; m and then determine a p-value testing for an asso- above function is rewritten as
ciation between each genes expression and the residual
eigengene to measure the strength of the association. Calcu- Yij ¼ g i gj þ bTi Xj þ UiT Vj þ s i "ij ; (15)
late the number of genes associated with the residual eigen-
gene, as m ^ 1 ¼ ½ð1  p^ 0 XmÞ , where p0 is the proportion of where 1  i  m, 1  j  n. Here, bi and Ui denote the
genes whose expression is not truly associated with ek , and ith rows of b and U, respectively, as column vectors.
^ 0 is an estimate to be formed according to [60]. Let
p Similarly, Xj and Vj are the jth rows of X and V , s i is
s1 ; . . . ; sm^ 1 be the indices of the genes where there are m ^1 the ith diagonal element of S and "ij is the ij element of
smallest p-values from this test. Now the size of the expres- E. LEAP P algorithm is depended on a series of reduc-
sion matrix is reduced to m ^ 1 Xn. Thus, the new matrix tions. However, the key-point is to split the whole data
Xr ¼ ðxs1 ; . . . ; xsm^ 1 ÞT . Thereafter, calculate the eigengenes of into two parts, one of which is totally free from the pri-
Xr (i.e., erj for j ¼ 1; . . . ; n). Suppose, j ¼ argmaxð1jnÞ mary variable. Thereafter, some characteristics of the
corrðek ; erj Þ and set h^k ¼ erj ; i.e., the estimate of the surrogate latent variable model should be calculated from the pri-
variable (h^k ) becomes equal to the eigengene of the reduced mary-free data. The estimated quantities in the part of
matrix (erj ) which is most correlated with the corresponding the data, that have the primary variable to identify genes
residual eigengene (ek ). This is the ideal technique to esti- related to the primary variable, should be applied. More-
mate SV . The model is over, in general, ordering (i.e., ranking) of genes is better
in LEAPP than other two due to the better calibration
K of p-values. An R package for LEAP P is available at:
xij ¼ mi þ fi ðyj Þ þ ki h^kj þ eij ; (14)

which represents
P as an estimate of the ideal model xij ¼ 2.7.3 Batch Effect
mi þ fi ðyj Þ þ K
k¼1 ki h kj þ e 
ij . Here, singular value decom-
It is found from different literatures that the microarray
position is applied in the SV A algorithms. As the singular
expression analysis suffers from the problem of
value decomposition gives the uncorrelated variables
unwanted variation (i.e., Uvar). The biological factors
which decompose the data through an additive linear
of interest (i.e., F OI) are the researcher, the influence of
way having the aim of minimizing the sum of squares, it
observed gene expression levels (i.e., GExs). One example
seems to be the most appropriate decomposition. The
of Uvar is a batch effect, which is happened when some of
R package of the SV A method is available online at:
the samples are processed differently than the remaining.
The relevant factors for the batch effect might be differ-
ent laboratory, different day, different technician, etc.,
2.7.2 Other Methods for Dependency Removal [61] (see [59], [62], [63], [64]). To eliminate the Uvar, two tech-
There are many methods except SV A. These are LEAP P niques can be useful. First one is global adjustment
[61], EIGENST RAT [61], etc., to distinguish latent variable procedure (viz., Quantile-Normalization/QN). Second

technique is to use negative control genes (i.e., Gct ), interval, whereas the p-values of the genes associated
which is totally application specific. The Gct are those with the F OI becomes nearly zero. Therefore, a histogram
whose GExs are known a priori not to be truly differen- of the p-values becomes ideally be nearly uniform, with a
tially expressed to the F OI. Conversely, positive control spike near zero. In fact, it is uncommon, as Uvar tends to
genes (i.e., Gþct ) are genes whose expression levels are bring up dependence across measured gene expression
known a priori to be truly associated with F OI. For levels. The adjustment for the Uvar remove this depen-
example, CyclinE is a positive control if the F OI is the dence resulting the p-value histograms closer to the ideal
presence or absence of ovarian cancer. Gct are harder to [59], [62]. (c) Relative Log Expression (RLE) Plot: RLE plots
identify with certainty. Housekeeping (HK) genes are are boxplots which are used to obtain the overall quality
example of Gct . The variation in the expression levels of of a data set and also identify bad chips. If the chip has
the Gct is to be Uvar. Lucas et al. [65] has utilized Gct good quality, then the plot should be in the center posi-
for making adjustment of Uvar. It is called as Remove tion around zero and its width (interquartile range)
Unwanted Variation, 2-step (RUV-2) [66]. For applying should be around 0.2 or less.
any adjustment procedure, it should be known whether it
is helping or hurting. Sometimes, it may be actually
2.8 Generation of Non-Normal Data Sets [67], [68]
ambiguous. If Uvar is roughly orthogonal to the F OI,
Different approaches have been developed for preparing
then Uvar will show itself as additional noise that obscure
non-normally distributed data. The approaches discov-
the true association between GExs and F OI. Thus, an
ered by Fleishman in 1978; and Vale and Maurelli are
effective adjustment increases the number of discovered
basically used to prepare multivariate non-normal ran-
genes. But, if Uvar is correlated with the F OI, then it pre-
dom numbers in 1983. Skewness and kurtosis are two
pares unauthentic associations between the F OI and
measures of the degree of asymmetry/inhomogeneity
GExs. So, an effective adjustment method will decrease
and degree of peakedness, respectively. Mattson pro-
the number of discovered genes. In fact, if the rate of mis-
posed an approach to generate data on the latent varia-
classification is higher at with using the adjustment
bles with controlled kurtosis and skewness of the
method than without adjustment, then the adjustment
observed variables in case of inhomogeneity of data dis-
method is hurting. It may be equally happened that the
tributions among different groups in 1997. Population
adjustment method is working correctly, but, the result-
skewness (viz., g 1 ) and kurtosis (viz., g 2 ) are defined as
ing batch effects may effect the classification if experi- 3=2
g 1 ¼ m3 =ðm2 Þ and g 2 ¼ ðm4 =m22 Þ  3, respectively. Accord-
mental samples were processed in batches. There are
ing to him, three different approaches can be applied to
three techniques [66] (for evaluating the quality of an
transform a univariate random variable as input to Matt-
adjustment) which are described below:
sons methodology. For the first one (by Burr in 1942),
(a) Control Genes or Gene Rankings: Gþct are useful to
non-normal distributions have been simulated using the
evaluate the quality in Differential Expression (i.e., DE)
equation given below:
analysis. At first, p-values are determined for genes and 1 1
rank of the genes are calculated in ascending order of ½ð1  uÞk  1 c m
Y ¼  ;
their p-values. Gþct must be toward the top of the list, s s
and so we can choose some number of them (e.g., the top
25). If any adjustment substantially increases the number where u is uniformly (0,1) distributed, m, s are the location
of top-ranked Gþct , it seems to be effective. Here, the and scale parameters respectively, c and k denote the shape
ranks of the p-values are used, not the p-values. Any parameters. The last four parameters are used for selected
good adjustment might increase or decrease the p-values values of kurtosis and skewness. In the second one, Fleish-
of Gþct based on the characteristics of the Uvar. The ambi- man (1978) developed a polynomial transformation with
guity can be resolved by this ranking. But, sometimes it is specific values of kurtosis and skewness:
better to consider the p-values themselves than ranking
Y ¼ a þ bX þ cX 2 þ dX3 ;
p-values. But, for very small number of Gþct , if their rank-
ings do not change substantially after the adjustment,
then the p-values of both positive and negative controls where Y is a non-normal variable, X is a random deviate
(i.e., P valþct and P valct respectively) may be checked. If which is normally distributed with zero mean and unit
the P valþct substantially decrease and the P valct do not, variance ðNð0; 1ÞÞ, may be used to obtain non-normal dis-
then adjustment seems to be helpful. If the P valþct and tributions. The constants a, b, c, and d may be chosen
P valct both decrease substantially, then the adjustment is such that Y has a distribution with specified moments of
an artifact. Similarly, if the P valþct and P valct both the first four orders, i.e., the mean, variance, skewness,
increase, then the result is ambiguous. A better scheme is and kurtosis. (For details, see [67].) In the third approach,
to utilize two different groups of Gct , one for making a generalized Lambda distribution, which is applied (by
adjustment and other for the use in assessing the quality Ramberg in 1979), is mentioned below:
of the adjustment. For example, spike-in controls can be
used for making an adjustment, and HK genes may be u3  ð1  uÞ4
Y ¼ 1 þ ; (16)
utilized for assessing the quality of the adjustment or vice 2
versa. (b) The p-value distribution: In a DE analysis, the dis-
tribution of the p-values of the genes which are unassoci- where u is uniformly (0, 1) distributed, 1 and 2 are the
ated with the F OI, is uniformly distributed over the unit location and scale parameters respectively, 3 and 4

signify shape parameters. The four parameters (viz., 1 , have taken gamma distribution for the first group and
2 , 3 , and 4 ) are used for selected values of kurtosis exponential distribution for the second group (see supple-
and skewness (see [68]). mentary file ‘‘s0 simulation:m00 , for details). Note that that
Two strategies, SAS (by Clark & Woodward in 1992) and we have selected different distributions for the two
PRELIS (by Joreskog & Sorbom in 1996), have been devel- groups as it will help to make asymmetry/inhomogeneity
oped to compute the z-scores for kurtosis and skewness not only in data distribution for each group, but also
(see [68]). According to SAS methodology, between two groups.

n Xn
ðxi  xÞ3
ðn  1Þðn  2Þ i¼1 s3
Our goal is to identify correctly the differentially expressed
and up- and down-regulated genes/miRNAs [69], [70]. We have
used Matlab and R softwares for our experiments. As input,
nðn þ 1Þ Xn
ðxi  xÞ4
sample kurtosis ¼ the expression values of treated and control samples of
ðn  1Þðn  2Þðn  3Þ i¼1 s4 specified miRNAs are taken from Lu’s data sets. To do so,
ðn  1Þðn  1Þ the following approach should be used.
3 : (18)
ðn  2Þðn  3Þ Suppose, a input matrix is given whose rows indicate
genes and columns denote samples/arrays. Use some
pre-test filtering procedures. Here, we have determined
Now a days, different Matlab functions (e.g., ‘gamrnd’ the overall variance of each gene without considering
function for ‘gamma’ distribution) and R functions are their class-labels/samples and filtered out the genes hav-
available online for generating the non-normally (e.g., ing low variance (briefly described in Section 2.1.1). We
skewed, bimodal, chi-square, gamma, exponential) distrib- have utilized ‘genevarfilter’ Matlab function to do so.
uted data. Another pre-test filtering procedure is fold change filter-
ing. This fold change filtering is merged with p-value fil-
tering in volcanoplot which will be described next. After
3 DATA SETS FOR EXPERIMENTS pre-test filtering, normalization procedure should be
For experiments, we have used Lu’s [22] miRNA expression applied on the expression values of each miRNA/gene
data sets of 217 miRNAs for each of the colon, breast and in the data sets. Here, we have utilized zero-mean nor-
uterus samples. For the colon data set (denoted by Dc ), malization (described in Section 2.1.2). After normaliza-
10 samples are treated and five samples are control. For the tion, normality test should be applied on the normalized
breast data set (denoted by Db ), six samples are treated and data (See Section 2.1.3). We can use parametric tests on
three samples are control. For the uterus data set (denoted the data which follow normal distribution, and utilize
by Du ), such numbers are 10 and nine respectively. These non-parametric tests on the data which do not follow
three data sets are available at: normal distribution as the parametric tests are well-fitted
nature/journal/v435/n7043/pdf/nature03702.pdf. in normally distributed data and the non-parametric tests
Besides miRNA expression data sets, we also utilize are well-suited in data with non-normal distribution.
two mRNA expression data sets. The first one is the Thereafter, different statistical parametric and non-
Uterine Leiomyoma mRNA expression data set (data parametric tests can be applied according to the require-
set’s NCBI ref. id: GSE31699) (denoted by D1) belonging ment. Matlab software package is utilized for one way
16 uterine leiomyoma tumor and 16 normal myometrial ANOVA, Wilcoxon ranksum, modified ranksum and
samples where total number of mRNAs are 48,803. The Pearson’s correlation test. R Bioconductor package can be
second one is mRNA expression data set of cigarette used for fold change, t-test, Welch’s t-test, Limma, SAM,
smokers of lung adenocarcinoma (data set’s NCBI ref. shrink t, softthreshold t, permute t-test and other tests
id: GSE10072) (denoted by D2) having 24 current (described in Fig. 1). The corresponding p-value of each
smoker and 16 never smoker samples for Tumor cate- gene/miRNA is estimated for each test. After that, volca-
gory. It has a total of 22,283 mRNAs. noplot is applied to identify differentially expressed up-
In addition to the five real data sets, we have prepared and down-regulated miRNAs rankwise separately. We
simulated data sets of different sample sizes (viz., 10, 15, 40, already mentioned that volcanoplot is such a plot where
60 and 100 samples per group individually) taking 1,000 two filtering (viz., fold change filtering and p-value filter-
genes under two different assumptions. In the first assump- ing) are integrated together. Here, log2 ðfoldchangeratioÞ is
tion, gene expressions for the experimental and control/ plotted in horizontal axis and flog10 ðpvalueÞg is plotted
normal groups are taken from the assumption of normal/ in vertical axis, where the fold change ratio refers to the
gaussian distributions having same variance (i.e., ratio of mean of expression values of experimental sam-
sd1 ¼ sd2 ¼ 2), but different means (i.e., m1 ¼ m2 þ 2). ples to mean of expression values of control samples.
The second assumption is that the data of two groups After all, multiple testing corrections should be used. For
are both drawn from non-normal distributions having same independent data, Bonferroni, Holm and Fdr corrections
variance (i.e., sd1 ¼ sd2 ¼ 2), but different means (i.e., are suitable as these are considered data of each gene
m1 ¼ m2 þ 2). There are other distributions like skewed, individually. Moreover, for dependent variables, SVA
bimodal, chi-square, gamma, exponential distributions, method should be utilized (described in Section 2.7.1).
etc. Any of these distributions can be considered. We The data dependency can be checked by Pearson’s

Number of Differentially Expressed miRNAs Using the Different
Statistical Tests with Local fdr Correction (Local
Fdr Cutoff ¼ 0:2) for Dc , Db and Du

Fig. 4. (a) The steps of applying any statistical test on Dc , Db and Du .

(b) #Differentially expressed miRNAs in the different statistical tests for
Dc , Db and Du , consecutively. (here, ‘DS’ refers to ‘Data set’.)

correlation test. Subsequently, the corresponding heat-

maps of differentially expressed miRNAs are observed
individually. The ideal application procedure of different our target is to get the number of true positives (TPs), true
statistical tests on any gene/miRNA expression data to negatives (TNs), false positives and false negatives (FNs)
identify differentially expressed miRNAs/genes for individually in the cases of up- and down-regulated miR-
microarray data is presented in Fig. 11. NAs for the data sets. Using PhenomiR 2.0 database, we
have checked whether information of the differentially
expressed miRNAs obtained by the different tests exists for
4.1 Experiments and Results for Real miRNA the same tissue type (e.g., colon, breast or uterus) and also
Data Sets for the same type regulation (e.g., up- or down-regulation).
For the three real miRNA data sets, Dc , Db and Du , pre-test The calculated positive predictive rate (PPR), negative pre-
filtering (i.e., miRNAs having low variance removal), zero- dictive rate (NPR), sensitivity, specificity and MCC of each
mean normalization, application of statistical tests, multiple test are reported in the supplementary file “RSurvey-sup-
testing corrections (if required), identification of differen- plementary4.pdf” in the case of down-regulation in breast
tially expressed miRNAs by volcanoplot through both p- data set. Brief information about the ranks and miR-Ontolo-
value filtering and fold-change filtering are performed con- gies of top 5 up- and down-regulated miRNAs from the tests,
secutively. The steps used for the three data sets are pre- and PhenomiR-verified down-regulated miRNAs in the tests
sented in Fig. 4a. The number of differentially (up + down) for the breast data set can be found in supplementary file
regulated genes identified using different statistical tests are entitled as “RSurvey-supplementary2.pdf” available online.
shown in Fig. 4b (without applying any correction), Table 2 For miR-Ontologies, we have used miR o i.e., the miR-Ontol-
(with Bonferroni, Holm and FDR corrections), and Table 3 ogy Database (
(with local fdr correction). Fig. 5 shows a volcanoplot for Dc
using Welch’s t-test. All the volcanoplots and clustergrams 4.2 Experiments and Results for Real mRNA
for the data sets are presented in the supplementary file Data Sets
“RSurvey-supplementary1.pdf” available online. For details, For the two real mRNA data sets, D1 and D2, at first pre-test
see “RSurvey-supplementary4.pdf” available online. filtering (i.e., 20 percent miRNAs having lowest variance
Besides these, the outcomes (i.e., the number of up- or
down-regulated miRNAs for each specified tissue) of
each test are also compared with the information of each
miRNA of a standard miRNA database, PhenomiR 2.0
( Now,

Total Number of Differentially (i.e., Up þDown-Regulated)
miRNAs in the tests at 0.05 p-value cutoff for Dc , Db and Du .

(For the each data set, the correlation is not applicable due to inequality Fig. 5. Volcanoplot for identifying differentially expressed genes using
of number of samples between two groups.) Welch’s t-test from Dc .

Total Number of Differentially Expressed Genes in the Statistical
Tests at 0.05 p-Value Cutoff for D1 N, D2 N, D1 NN and
D2 NN. (For D2 N and D2 NN, the Correlation
is not Applicable due to Inequality of Number
of Samples between two Groups.)

(No differentially expressed gene is found by shrink t-test for all the sub-
data sets with the three corrections.)
Fig. 6. #Differentially (up + down) regulated genes using different statisti-
cal tests for (a) D1 N and (b) D2 N. For (a), the numbers of differentially
regulated genes using Pearson’s correlation and softthreshold t-test are normalization, application of statistical test, multiple test-
very low (i.e., 304 and 119, respectively) as compared to that of others. ing p-value correction (if required) and making the vol-
For (b), the number using softthreshold t-test is also very lower (i.e., 59)
than that of others.
canoplot to identify differentially expressed genes
through both p-value filtering and fold change filtering
are consecutively performed. Thereafter, the power of
removal), zero-mean normalization and Jarque-Bera nor-
each test is calculated. This procedure has been applied
mality test have been performed. After normality test, each
for different sample sizes (viz., 10; 15; . . . ; 100). Finally, a
data set has been divided into two sub-data sets, one follow-
comparative study has been done on the basis of the
ing normal distribution (D1 N and D2 N) and the other
power of each test. Fig. 8 shows the steps of our experi-
comprising the remaining mRNAs, i.e., non-normally
mental approach on the simulated data. Here, before
distributed data (D1 NN and D2 NN). Thereafter, applica-
applying any multiple testing correction, Pearson’s corre-
tion of statistical tests, multiple testing corrections (if
lation is used to identify the dependent data/genes. We
required), identification of differentially expressed genes by
have obtained very few dependent genes for each simu-
volcanoplot through both p-value filtering and fold-change
lated data (approximately 0.034-0.048 percent in all the
filtering are followed. The number of differentially (up þ
studies). The rest of the genes are independent. Bonfer-
down) regulated genes identified using different statistical
roni, Holm and FDR based p-value corrections are uti-
tests are shown in Figs. 6a, 6b, 7a, and 7b (without applying
lized on the independent genes.
any correction), and Table 4 (with Bonferroni, Holm and
The comparison of the power of the statistical tests is
FDR corrections).
presented in Fig. 9. As seen in Figs. 9a and 9b, For small
number of samples (up to 15 for each group), some
4.3 Experiments and Results for Simulated Data power difference among the tests can be observed for
Sets both the normality and non-normality assumptions.
As stated in Section 3, two categories of simulated data When sample size increases, the power of test increases,
sets, one following normal distribution and the other fol- but the power difference is minor. For such cases, any
lowing non-normal distribution, have been generated for test either parametric or non-parametric is recommended.
different sample sizes. Pre-test filtering (i.e., removal of In case of normality assumption and small sample
10 percentile of genes having low variance), zero-mean sizes (viz., 10 and 15 in Fig. 9a), the performances of t-
test and SAM are average; but, Limma and Shrink t-test

Fig. 7. #Differentially (up + down) regulated genes in different statistical

tests for (a) D1 NN and (b) D2 NN. For (a), the numbers of differen-
tially regulated genes using Pearson’s correlation and softthreshold t-
test are very low (i.e., 46 and 40, respectively) as compared to that of
others. For (b), the number using softthreshold t-test is also very lower Fig. 8. The steps of applying any statistical test on simulated data in our
(i.e., 21) than that of others. experiment.

Fig. 9. (a) Comparison of power of the statistical tests on the simulated data for normality assumption (denoted as ‘N’ in figure) for the different sam-
ple sizes (viz., 10; 15; . . . ; 100) (e.g., ‘10 þ 10’ refers to 10 samples for group 1 and 10 samples for group 2.); (b) comparison of power of different tests
on the simulated data for non-normality assumption (denoted as ‘NN’ in figure) for the different sample sizes (viz., 10; 15; . . . ; 100); (c) difference of
power with t-test for normality assumption of the data for the different sample sizes and (d) difference of power with t-test for non-normality assump-
tion of the data for the different sample sizes.

produce much better performance. Here, Wilcoxon’s produces best performance for both the data distribution
ranksum, modified ranksum and permuted t-test pro- assumptions. The performances of t-test and one way
duce poor performance here. However, for non-normal- ANOVA are almost similar for all situations.
ity assumption, performances of both ranksum tests and The summary of the different tests used here are repre-
permute t-test are quite satisfactory. For the same num- sented in Table 5 on the basis of the power of these.
ber of samples, Limma and SAM provide better power
for the non-normality assumption of data than the nor-
mality assumption. These signify that the non-parametric 5 DISCUSSION
tests have less power than parametric tests for normally Based on our experiments, some significant observations
distributed data. For 10 samples per group, Limma have been made which are described below:

Summary of Different Statistical Tests (Here, Pearson’s
Correlation and Softthreshold t-Test Are Not Mentioned
As Both Provide Extremely Poor Performance
for All the Situations)

“ Here, ‘ þ’, ‘ þþ’ and ‘ ’ denote good, better and poor performances,

Observation 1) Normality test should be utilized before Fig. 10. Barplots: Comparison of power of t-test with corrections and
applying any statistical test for identifying differentially without correction on the simulated data for normality assumption.
Observation: BHFDR has more power to identify differentially expressed
expressed transcripts specially for small number of samples. transcripts than other multiple testing correction methods specially for
Otherwise, p-value may be misleading due to the assump- small sample sizes.
tion of incorrect distribution.
Observation 2) Limma and Shrink t-test are both per-
forming well in all conditions specially for small sample Observation 3) Nonparametric tests are less powerful
sizes, but Limma is the best performer in all cases (for small than parametric tests that assume normal distribution (see
and large sample sizes) for simulated data (e.g., they gener- the performances of Limma, SAM, Wilcoxon’s ranksum,
ally perform better than or equal to t-test presented in modified ranksum and permuted t-test for the normal data
Figs. 9a, 9b, 6a, 6b, and 4b). distribution assumption in Fig. 9a); here, p-values have a
The performances of t-test and ANOVA 1 are quite simi- tendency to be higher, making it more difficult to detect real
lar as can be seen from Fig. 9 (for the simulated data sets) differences.
and Figs. 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b and 4b (for the real data sets). Observation 4) For large number of samples (say, > 40),
For small sample size, performance of Welch’s t-test is the differences in powers of the tests are very low (viz.,
poorer than standard t-test for both normality and non- Figs. 9a and 9b). Thus, any test, either parametric or non-
normality assumptions of data distribution in most of parametric, can be used.
the cases, especially when the variance of the data of Observation 5) The performances of Pearson’s correla-
two groups are the same (e.g., Figs. 9a and 9b, for simu- tion and softthreshold t-test are much poorer than those of
lated data sets). the others for both the distributions and all sample sizes.
Our experiments show that SAM generally performs For the simulated data, the range of power of Pearson’s
well, even for small samples sizes [see Figs. 4b (for Dc and correlation method is [0.023-0.048], which is very low as
Du ), 6b, 7a and 7b]. However, it has been pointed out in [71] compared to that of the others (see Figs. 9a and 9b). Again,
that SAM may sometimes fail for small sample sizes. for the D1 N (mRNA) data set, while most of the other
The sample standard error correction in SAM is not methods identify around 1,500 differentially expressed
model-motivated where unstable variance estimate is cor- genes, Pearson’s correlation approach provides only about
rected using Error fudge Factors. Therefore, it is very diffi- 304 genes (see Fig. 6a and Table 4). Similarly, for the
cult to know when it will fail. D1 NN data set, the number of differentially expressed
It can be observed from our results that the performance genes are 46, which is much lower than that of others (see
of SAM and Limma are comparable. However, as men- Fig. 7a and Table 4).
tioned earlier, the performance of SAM may not be consis- Figs. 6a, 6b, 7a and 7b demonstrate the poor performance
tent for small sample sizes and it may produce more false of softthreshold t-test for both distributions for all sample
discoveries [71]. Moreover, the smoothing in Limma (done sizes. Similar behaviour has been found for the simulated
using a Bayesian approach) is more than that in SAM data sets.
(which is controlled by a fudge factor s0 ) [71]. Wilcoxon ranksum and modified ranksum tests perform
The performance of permuted t-test is satisfactory in case inconsistently. Generally, they produce much poorer perfor-
of non-normal distributions for all types of sample sizes mance than t-test especially for small sample sizes for both
(e.g., Figs. 7a, 7b and 9b). But, in case of normal distribu- the distributions (presented in Figs. 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b and 9a).
tions, it works poorly (viz., Fig. 6a), especially for small But, for non-normally distributed data, it is better than the
sample sizes. case of normally distributed data (viz., Fig. 9b).
To summarize, it can be stated that for small number of To summarize, softthreshold t-test, Pearson’s correlation,
samples (e.g., 10; 11; . . . ; 40), Limma is very useful for both Wilcoxon ranksum and modified ranksum tests are gener-
the distribution assumptions. Besides this, Shrink t-test, ally not useful for identifying differentially expressed
SAM and permuted t-test can also be applied for only non- genes/miRNAs except some special situations (described
normal distributions. in Table 7).

Choice of a Parametric (i.e., Param) or Nonparametric
(i.e., Nonparam) Test

check between two populations is simply ignored. The

property “number of replicates” [72] is another important
condition. It is observed that when there are only two
replicates of miRNAs, the Regularized t-test (Welch’s t-
test) performs the best. Except for two replicates, the
Fig. 11. The ideal approach of applying any statistical test on microarray Shrinkage t-test performs the best. It is also noticed that
data. when there are 50 or more replicates, the choice of the
test method becomes less important, as all of the methods
perform similarly. The usefulness [7], [16], [19], [37], [39]
Observation 7) FDR produces more power to identify dif- and pitfalls [14], [15], [32], [73] of different statistical tests
ferentially expressed transcripts than the other correction are listed in the Table 7.
methods specially for small sample sizes (viz., Fig. 10, and Different new testing methodologies have been pro-
Tables 2 and 4). For large sample sizes (viz.,  100 according posed in recent times like LEMMA [74], LPE [17], Var-
to Fig. 10), all correction methods produce almost the same Mixt [75], RVM [76], SMVar [77], WAME [78], cyber t-
power. test [17], BRB t-statistic [17], etc. These methods are not
In addition to the above observations, some more points discussed in this paper as the performances of VarMixt,
need to be mentioned. Independent pre-test filtering LEMMA, WAME, BRB t-statistic are quite similar to that
increases the power of identifying differentially expressed of Limma, while SMVar and RVM provide similar per-
genes. Filtering on overall gene-wise variance is better than formance with Wilcoxon ranksum test (see [79]).
filtering on overall mean as the latter removes many signifi-
cant genes, while the former retains them. If the data are
dependent sample-wise (due to batch-effect or other 6 CONCLUSIONS
unwanted variations), the p-values of the genes will be In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of differ-
incorrect. SVA and LEAPP corrections are ideal for solving ent parametric and non-parametric approaches for identify-
sample-wise dependency due to batch-effect. ing differentially expressed transcripts. A number of
Nonparametric methods can be useful for dealing with statistical tests have been applied to identify differentially
unexpected outlying observations, that might be problem- expressed miRNAs/genes at 0.05 p-value cutoff for four
atic with a parametric approach. In Table 6, some assump- real-life miRNA expression data sets and two mRNA
tions are listed for parametric/nonparametric tests for expression data sets. For the computational verification of
large/small number of samples. Nonparametric tests have the resulting differentially expressed miRNAs, evidence is
bias towards hypothesis testing than estimation-effects. collected from PhenomiR 2.0 database, and a list of miRNAs
Obtaining nonparametric estimates and related confidence categorized as true positives is created.
intervals are not straightforward. Tied values might be Subsequently, we have prepared different simulated
problematic here if these are common. Thus, adjustments to data sets of different sample sizes (from 10 to 100 per
the test statistic is necessary. group/population), and thereafter, the power of each
In variance tests [71], using their own variance esti- test has been calculated individually. The comparative
mates, each method computes a t-statistic, either based simulated study might lead to formulate robust and
on equal variances (SAM, t-test or t-statistic, Limma, comprehensive judgements about the performance of
Shrinkage-t) or unequal variances (Welch’s t-test). If data each test on the basis of assumption of data distribution.
comes from two normal populations with the same var- We observe that the selection of the differentially
iances, the two-sample t-test is as powerful as or more expressed up- or down-regulated transcripts totally
powerful than Welch’s t-test. However, Welch’s t-test is depends heavily on the choice of the statistical testing
approximation-based and its performance with small methodology. The performances of these testing methods
number of samples may be questionable. Limma is based are affected by certain preliminary conditions like sam-
on a model where the variances of the residuals vary ple size, distributional assumption, the variance struc-
from gene to gene and are assumed to be drawn from a ture, number of replicates of genes/miRNAs, etc. Hence,
chi-square distribution. In case of fold change, variability for obtaining the reliable testing results to identify


Advantages and Pitfalls of Different Statistical Tests for
Detecting Differentially Expressed miRNAs (Here, ‘corr’, The supplementary materials are available at: https://www.
‘ranksum’ and ‘soft-t’ Denote Pearson’s Correlation, Wilcoxon and
Ranksum and Softthreshold T-Sstat, Respectively)

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" For more information on this or any other computing topic,
Inspired Measure for Coexpression Analysis,” IEEE/ACM Trans.
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Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 929-942,
July/Aug. 2011.

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