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CAPE Physics 2008 Unit 2 Paper 1 — (Not Trinidad) Physical Constants: Speed of light in free space Permeability of free space Permitivity of free space Elementary charge ‘The Planck constant ‘Unified atomic mass constant Rest mass of electron ‘Rest mass of proton Aceeleration duc to gravity” 1 Atmosphere Avogadro's number . 6 Fe er fe 3.005 10° mst 4a x Hm 885 x10? Pm? 1.60 x 10°C 683x103 5 1.66 x10 kg 9.1L x 107! kg 167x107 kg 98ims? 1.00 10° Nav? 6.02-x 19 per mole Item 1 refers to the followinig diagram, 3 40. ae | Figure Figure2 ‘The resistors in Figure 1 can be replaed by ane resister as shown in Figure. 2. What is the resistance of R,? ) @) © o) 169 39 4a wa item 2 refers to the following graphs of current versus p.d. y : j i ¥ HK _~ a ‘Which row BEST corresponds to the graphs ebove? x y Zz ] (4) | tamp [Metal wire [Diode | @) | Diese [Lamp [Mest wire | © _| Metal wire | Diode Lamp} (0) [waar saeil naa ose | A torch bulb uses a 3V supply and takes a CurTent of 0.2 A. It ie awitched on for one ‘minute, How much eletical energy is used? Ww O65 6) os © 36s ©) 1007 A battery of emf. 1.5 V has a terminal Potential difference of1.25 V when aresister 0f25 £2 isjoined tot. The intemal resistance of the battery ie w 429 ® soo © 6a © 20 ‘Liem S refers to the following diagram, sa yoo 22 What isthe value oF Resistor X in the above Wheatsione bridge whoa the galvanometer ads 2070? “19 @ © @) Which of the following is @ unit of peanitiviny?| (A) Nove B) Nec ©) GN ae (0) am ‘An oll drop of mess 2.4 10% kp eo ing a charge Q. If ie drop is stationary & seen wo parallel pates 20 mm apart ith a otetial difference of $00 betwee: hem, then the value of Qis sxe ® axis (exc @) axle ‘A small postive charges placed near late What fs earthed. “Which diagram sho.-s the ‘omect direction nf the eeete field? as © = / is A storage cepacitor on a computer mem chip has a capacitance of 65 x 10°S F. The capacitor is charged to 5.0 V, How much ‘cnergy is stored on the capacitor? fA) 192 x10"F BY 63x 10F (Cy B13 x 104] ®) 63x tory Item _10 refers to the diagram below which shows a junction in s circuit. the following equations j we) Labrie, fds eed a @) 12, Which ofthe following sketches comely Shows the magnetic field due to the flat cisealar coll carrying a current inthe direction 14. @) 15. 15.4 current flows ia conductor fom Eas to West. The direction of the magnetic field at ® point above the conductor is (A) towards the North GB) towarcis the South (©) towards the East D) towards the West ‘What will be the spproximate tat: of the paths 1, where 1, and rare thet ius of the path ‘of che ‘proton and ¢ -ctroa Fespectively? w 1 @) 11806 © asl ©) 1800;3 ‘Why does & traseformer have a co: of ron? made (A) Iron has «high melting point @) trons. conductor af deen © tron is s conductor of heat, ©) bonis ernagnetic material can. 16 refers 10 the following diagram. Do | 16. Which of the following graphs shows bow the current varies with time for the efrcuit shown above? w oe Te ® or aee pare cya Br, | ©) 7. 18, 39. Item 19 refers ic be which shows the gopletion jayer ats © ABDEF ABCEF ABCDE ABDC 22V voltage is Denmas.value € iowing dis, When s battery is comecied sewoes ii Forward bias direction. the sepletion lay (a) @) © ) 5s widened void of el we tam, 24) ess 10 the following diegrann, * mi abave represents AL edinde "By a teansisror AC) 3 fell wave rectifier FD) animener mm 21 refers 10 the following diagram, pin 21 Inthe wireuit above, the value oF Vs \ BY «1 -a5v ‘Biv 22, What is the gain of above? on B © oy ‘The diagratn Seiow oxows the # jueney response of a tynivet Cp-Avap. Gain oy Ss Lovo He @) @— 20 900 He © 600 Tyee @) eos sana coe © 26. the potential di der 4s cold its resistence is 1OKQ. As its temperature rises, its resistance decreuses and potential at P changes from (A) OY toanegative value - BY 0Vito a positive value {© - -3Vitoe lerger va “@y ~ Heim 27 reftts to che following dingram The signal below shows the input to two T- type bistables in series which are tiggerd by 27. Ifthe inpuis at. -ad R in the combination a downward pulse, shove are all at jogic 1, what are the fea ae ee aaa ‘The comect sequence foromputsXandYis (A) dg : @ 0 1A) a eK oa © } oj; 0 o 0 @ 6 0 1jo 1] a Tate} ela 0 1 Les RG) eee tea We aya OLY, Z oy 0 oo Opa ofa ee i |e ho et Items 28 = 30 refer to the following diagram. F R Qo 8 28. The correct ruth table for component X is “| @® © [rislt (TsTz] Isyr TI fiir 1 1 a Ed BO Type} | ilo{o | tte) ROS at 1fofil t ofifo Feft[o ofifa, T Cpt berets). theo 0 29. Ifthe inputs to P and Q are both held at logic 1 then‘te sites Sf R, § ond Tare Ros f rosea ttiren at BY Au east c) } 0 Ciro 30 ‘The symbol for the logic gate which has the equivaleit action to this complese circuit is

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