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For which of the following functions is f(a+b)=f(b)+f(a) for all positive numbers a and b? 
A. f(x)=x^2  
B. f(x)=x+1  
C. f(x)=√x  
D. f(x)=2/x  
E. f(x)=-3x 


An object thrown directly upward is at a height of h feet after t seconds, where h = -16 (t -3)^2 + 150. 
At what height, in feet, is the object 2 seconds after it reaches its maximum height?  
A. 6  
B. 86  
C. 134  
D. 150  
E. 214 


If a, b, and c are constants, a > b > c, and x^3-x=(x-a)(x-b)(x-c) for all numbers x, what is the value of 
A. -3 
B. -1 
C. 0 
D. 1 
E. 3 


If xy = 1, what is the value of   ? 

A. 2 
B. 4 
C. 8 
D. 16 
E. 32 

5. (skip question) 

If x#0 and x#1, and if x is replaced by 1/x everywhere in the expression above, then the resulting 
expression is equivalent to 

b. (x+1)2

c. (x​2​ + 1)/(1- x​2​)

d. (x​2​ – 1) / (x​2​ + 1)

e. ​- { (x-1) / (x + 1) }​2


If xy+z=x(y+z), which of the following must be true? 

A. x=0 and y=0 
B. x=1 and y=1 
C. y=1 and z=0 
D. x=1 or y=0 
E. x=1 or z=0 


The mean of (54,820)^2 and (54,822)^2 = 

(A) (54,821)^2 
(B) (54,821.5)^2 
(C) (54,820.5)^2  
(D) (54,821)^2 + 1 
(E) (54,821)^2 – 1 


If a(a + 2) = 24 and b(b + 2) = 24, where a ≠ b, then a + b = 

(A) −48 
(B) −2 
(C) 2 
(D) 46 
(E) 48 


Mr. and Mrs. Wiley have a child every J years. Their oldest child is now T years old. If they have a child 
2 years from now, how many children will they have in total?  
(A) ​1 + J  
(B) ​JT​+1 
(C) ​(​J/T)​+ (​1/​T​) 
(D) ​TJ​−1 
(E) (​T​+​J) / J


If x^4 + y^4 = 100, then the greatest possible value of x is between 

A. 0 and 3 
B. 3 and 6 
C. 6 and 9 
D. 9 and 12 
E. 12 and 15 


If H = [(x^3) - 6(x^2) - x + 30] / (x-5)and x ≠ 5, then H is equivalent to which of the following? 

A. (x^2) - x - 6 
B. (x^3) + 3(x^2) + 3x 
C. (x^3) - 25 
D. (x^3) - 5(x^2) - 3x 
E. (x^2) + x + 10 


999,999^2-1 equals: 
(A) (9^6)(11^6) 
(B) (10^6)(10^5 -2) 
(C) (10^6)(10^6 -2) 
(D) (10^5)^2 
(E) (10^6)^2 


If k is an integer, and (35^2-1)/k is an integer, then k could be each of the following, EXCEPT  
A. 8 
B. 9 
C. 12 
D. 16 
E. 17 


If the perimeter of square region S and the perimeter of rectangular region R are equal and the sides of 
R are in the ratio 2:3 then the ratio of the area of R to the area of S 
A. 25:16 
B. 24:25 
C. 5:6 
D. 4:5 
E. 4:9 

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