List Common Mistake To Avoid in Reviewing The Literature

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1. List common mistake to avoid in reviewing the literature.

There are some common mistakes that can be done in reviewing the literature but can be
also avoided if you take extra caution and attention. These common mistakes includes the usage
of data or information from unreliable source. One must see to it that the literature and studies
that will support your main idea must totally came from respectable and scientific base sources
such as science direct, published books, scopus, etc. Another common mistake that can be
avoided is the usage of literature and studies that are too outdated and obsolete. The researcher
must see to it that he/she only utilized information and data from updated and recent literature or
studies which contains a lot more accurate and detailed content.

2. What is a theoretical framework?

Theoretical framework discusses the review of related studies related to the chosen area
or study. It is also second to the four frameworks approach in scientific research. To create a
good review of related literature and studies, the researcher should follow the following: relevant
sources such as books and journals, save this source and then read, understand and create the
literature review. 

The creation of theoretical framework begins in constructing thoughts and ideas of

specific studies wanted to be explored. As discussed, it is necessary to understand what is known
so far and what needs to be further explored to contribute to the existing body of knowledge. By
reading enough information regarding the chosen field of study, the researcher could discover
more of what he or she really wanted to know and to contribute to what is already known. By
doing this, the researcher is already creating his or her conceptual framework as he or she is
creating concepts of the study. While the keyword created will lead the researcher to his
theoretical framework.

3. Give some pointers in writing the literature review.

First, the researcher should know where to find his or her materials in doing literature
review. World wide web or online library is available specifically to all universities worldwide
who are aggressive in doing scientific research in their respective countries. This research
material can be accessed traditionally through entering keywords to the search box like the topic
for the chosen area, this method is also called a Boolean search process. The database usually
shows all the journal articles available in the specific institution whether the end user is a
bonafide student of the institution or not. Usually, the material searched through this Boolean
research process is available in digital format readily available to be downloaded anywhere in the
world. But sometimes, it is also good if the researcher would try to contact the authors of
scientific research to humbly ask for their copies as long as it is permitted and proper
acknowledgment will be the top most important. Secondly, the researcher should know how to
create the theoretical framework correctly. Theoretical framework is just one of the four
frameworks approaches used in doing scientific research. 

4. How to prevent plagiarism in the literature review?

The study of literature indicates that the area of science for a scholar has a good history in
the past. This should prevent repetition, promote originality and clearly offer variations and
similarities between concepts, problems and theories. The researchers will discover what is
missing in further analysis and investigation by creating connections between current beliefs,
hypotheses and specific contexts, conditions or incidents in past and present. Given this
definition, it is clear that the researcher could prevent plagiarism by simply acknowledging
someone's work or idea. International organizations already provide standards on how really the
researcher could acknowledge the work of authors of a given research. By simply putting their
names together with the title of their work, is a simple thank you gesture from the researcher.
Doing this would clean the name of the researcher as he or she acknowledged that the idea or
work is not purely from him or her.

5. What is the importance of literature review?

Literature review proves that a researcher’s area of study has a strong background and
support from existing research of the past. It could avoid duplicity, promote originality and
simply provide the differences and similarities of ideas, topics and theories. By establishing links
of the existing views, theories and different circumstances, situations or events of the past and
the present, the researcher could find what is lacking that needs further study and exploration.

Reviewing relevant literature gives the researcher a sight for flaws in an existing paper
which may not be possible to be resolved in the past given maybe by data gathering difficulties
and the lack of information validation. Literature review could also direct the researcher for more
profound ideas that may lead to new relevant discoveries.

6. Cite some activities that need to be consider in writing literature review.

Start by searching studies and literature that features major development and siginificant
contribution to your chosen field of study. Find resources from respectable and scientific base
websites and database only. These resources includes books, published journals, conference
papers, published magazines and trusted websites. For example, knowing that all universities in
the world that perform academic work in their own respective countries are open through the
worldwide web or public archive. You may historically access this research content by entering
search box keywords like the chosen field topic, often called a Boolean search method.The
database usually shows all the journal articles available in the specific institution whether the end
user is a bonafide student of the institution or not. Usually, the material searched through this
Boolean research process is available in digital format readily available to be downloaded
anywhere in the world. Then, the researcher should know how to create the theoretical
framework correctly.

7. Questions to be considered when conducting a literature review.

Questions are essential to ask to oneself when conducting review of literature not only to
make sure it is deemed related to your chosen topic or idea but also to make sure it is totally
relevant. Some of the question that can be ask are the following:

1. Does the author clearly defined the problem and if it bear significance?

2. Could this problem be address in a different manner or approach?

3. How does the author interpreted and evaluated the literature relevant to the problem?
4. Does the author's theoretical perspective meet the research demand?

5. How good is the research design and does the outcome accurate and valid?

6. In what way could the study provide impact and contribution to the topic you are trying to

8. How to locate sources for literature review?

Be extra careful and mindful when selecting related literature to be utilized in your
research. Start by searching studies and literature that features major development and
siginificant contribution to your chosen field of study. It is important to make sure that you are
only utilizing information and data from updated and recent literature or studies which contains a
lot more accurate and detailed content while avoid literature or studies that are too outdated and
obsolete. Find resources from respectable and scientific base websites and database only.These
resources includes books, published journals, conference papers, published magazines and
trusted websites. Also, one thing to consider is to find influential articles related to your topic
that has been cited many times by other researcher which will largely contribute to your research.

9. What is the difference between a quality and a poor literature review?

In writing the literature review, ensuring quality is the top most important. A quality and
good literature review contains ideas and informations that are well synthesized and evaluated by
proper selection and utilization of existing reliable sources related and relevant to your topic. On
the other hand, poor literature review can be describe as a mere collection of sources that may be
related but has no significance to your study. Including of outdated and obsolete literature or
studies as well as sources from unreliable platforms are some examples of poor literature review.

10. List at least five purposes of literature review. Discuss briefly.

To established support and guidance to your topic. This will prove that the study has a
strong background and support from existing research of the past that were based from scientific
consensus and observations.

To distinguish areas of the topic that are already known and identify what needs further
study. This is to avoid duplicity, promote originality and simply provide the differences and
similarities of ideas, topics and theories.

To evaluate and identify essential methodologies and research techniques to be utilized in

your study. This is to give insights and guidance to the researcher on how to perform and
conduct the research needed in collecting the data and results necessary to arrive with conclusion
to the research problem.

To generate different perspective and ideas on the topic. Literature review could also
direct the researcher for more profound ideas that may lead to new relevant discoveries.

To evaluate the significance of your study.This is one of the most important purpose of
the literature as it will highlights the research problem you are trying to address and seek solution
to this problem which is basically the very foundation of all research. With this, it defines how
your research will influence and contribute to the body of knowledge.

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