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COM Database & Directory Publishing in the USMarch 2019   1

Find and replace: Revenue will continue to

decline as customers migrate to the internet
This report was provided to
Edeska (2129455405)
by IBISWorld on 08 July 2019 in accordance with their license agreement with IBISWorld

IBISWorld Industry Report 51114

Database & Directory
Publishing in the US
March 2019 Devin McGinley

2 About this Industry 16 International Trade 28 Key Statistics

2 Industry Definition 17 Business Locations 28 Industry Data
2 Main Activities 28 Annual Change
2 Similar Industries 19 Competitive Landscape 28 Key Ratios
3 Additional Resources 19 Market Share Concentration 29 Industry Financial Ratios
19 Key Success Factors
4 Industry at a Glance 19 Cost Structure Benchmarks 30 Jargon & Glossary
21 Basis of Competition
5 Industry Performance 21 Barriers to Entry
5 Executive Summary 22 Industry Globalization
5 Key External Drivers
7 Current Performance 23 Major Companies
9 Industry Outlook 23 Dex Media Holdings Inc.
11 Industry Life Cycle
25 Operating Conditions
13 Products and Markets 25 Capital Intensity
13 Supply Chain 26 Technology and Systems
13 Products and Services 26 Revenue Volatility
14 Demand Determinants 27 Regulation and Policy
15 Major Markets 27 Industry Assistance | 1-800-330-3772 | info

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About this Industry

Industry Definition This industry includes companies that directly to customers by the publisher or
publish organized compilations of offered through online services or
information or facts. These collections third-party vendors. However, businesses
may be published in print or electronic that publish solely on the internet are
form. Electronic versions can be provided excluded from this industry.

Main Activities The primary activities of this industry are

Selling advertising space
Publishing business and telephone directories
Maintaining and selling databases
Publishing mailing lists

The major products and services in this industry are


Similar Industries 32311 Printing in the US

Companies in this industry print on apparel and textile products, paper, metal, glass, plastics and other
materials. Such printing is done without publishing databases and directories.

51113 Book Publishing in the US

Companies in this industry publish encyclopedias.

51121 Software Publishing in the US

Companies in this industry publish computer software.

51911 News Syndicates in the US

Companies in this industry supply information to news media such as news reports, articles, pictures and

51913b Internet Publishing and Broadcasting in the US

Companies in this industry operate websites that use search engines to generate and maintain extensive
databases of internet addresses and content.

51913a Search Engines in the US

Companies in this industry operate websites that use search engines to generate and maintain extensive
databases of internet addresses and content.

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About this Industry

Additional Resources For additional information on this industry
Association of Directory Publishers
Local Search Association
LSA Insider

IBISWorld writes over 1000 US

industry reports, which are updated
up to four times a year. To see all
reports, go

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Industry at a Glance
Database & Directory Publishing in 2019

Key Statistics Revenue Annual Growth 14–19 Annual Growth 19–24

$7.0bn -2.8% -5.9%
Profit Wages Businesses

$279.2m $974.8m 2,443

Revenue vs. employment growth Print advertising expenditure
Market Share
Dex Media 8 -2
Holdings Inc.
30.7% -4

% change

% change


-32 -10
Year 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Year 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Revenue Employment
p. 23
Products and services segmentation (2019)

Key External Drivers 4.8%

Print advertising
Percentage of services
conducted online
Corporate profit
Total advertising
expenditure Databases


p. 5


Industry Structure Life Cycle Stage Decline Regulation Level Light

Revenue Volatility Medium Technology Change Medium
Capital Intensity Medium Barriers to Entry High
Industry Assistance Low Industry Globalization Low
Concentration Level Low Competition Level Medium


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Industry Performance
Executive Summary   |   Key External Drivers   |   Current Performance
Industry Outlook   |   Life Cycle Stage

Executive Summary The decline of the Database and Declining demand for print advertising
Directory Publishing industry over the has curbed industry revenue, and growth
past five years has been driven by the in online revenue has only slightly
sustained migration from print to digital mitigated this decline. Additionally, this
advertising, as the industry historically transition has negatively affected
generated the majority of its revenue industry profitability, as operators have
from the sale of advertisement space in been forced to lower advertising prices to
printed publications. Print advertising compete with more popular digital media
expenditure, which drives demand for platforms for advertising revenue.
advertising space in directories, is Declining profitability has forced
expected to decline at an annualized rate enterprises from the industry, driving
of 4.5% over the five years to 2019. down industry participation. Remaining
Forced to increase its digital presence, operators have cut labor costs to protect
the industry has experienced intense profit margins, causing both employment
and wages to fall significantly.
The industry is forecast to continue to
competition will rise, but improved decline over the next five years, as both
advertising demand will slow the businesses and consumers will
continually turn to digital alternatives for
industry’s decline information and advertising
opportunities. Consequently, demand for
competition from online substitutes, ad space in traditional print publications
limiting the industry’s digital is anticipated to decline, hurting industry
advertisement sales. In particular, performance. As online publications’
industry operators are enduring high share of industry revenue continues to
external competition from online search expand, industry operators will be
engines, such as Google, and social media increasingly forced to compete in the
platforms, such as Facebook. As a result, digital advertising market largely
over the five years to 2019, industry dominated by search engines and social
revenue is expected to fall an annualized media platforms. Nevertheless, operators
5.9% to $7.0 billion, including a projected will benefit from improving overall
drop of 2.3% in 2019. demand for digital products and services,
Demand for printed directories has helping to temper the industry’s decline.
fallen over the past five years, as Over the five years to 2024, industry
institutional clients and consumers have revenue is projected to fall at an
continued their shift to online resources. annualized rate of 2.8% to $6.1 billion.

Key External Drivers Print advertising expenditure digital publication advertisements. Such
Database and directory publishers a shift has negatively affected industry
generate the majority of their revenue revenue and forced operators to
from the sale of print advertising space. increasingly publish online, where they
Due to changing consumer preferences, endure significant competition from
digital media has increasingly replaced search engines and social media sites for
print media as a source of news and digital advertisement spending. In 2019,
entertainment. Consequently, businesses print advertising expenditure is
have reduced investment in print anticipated to decline, posing a potential
advertisements, shifting their focus to threat to the industry.

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Industry Performance

Key External Drivers Percentage of services conducted online market base through advertising.
continued References to print yellow pages will Corporate profit is expected to rise in
gradually decline as people increasingly 2019, representing a potential
turn to competitive webpages to search opportunity for the industry.
for information. This shift diminishes the
attractiveness of advertising in printed Total advertising expenditure
directories. Additionally, leading internet Database and directory publishers
search engines and social media generate the majority of their revenue
platforms are focusing on local from the sale of advertising space. While
commercial search initiatives and are print advertising expenditure has
expected to gain market share from declined, overall advertising expenditure
companies within this industry. The has increased, driven by the expansion of
percentage of services conducted online the digital advertising market.
is expected to increase in 2019. Consequently, as businesses invest in
online advertisements, industry operators
Corporate profit will focus more of their efforts on digital
Business spending on advertising is publications as a means of generating
closely linked to a company’s broader revenue from the sale of advertisement
performance. Advertising costs are often space. However, such revenue growth will
the first items to be scaled back when be mitigated by strong competition from
earnings decline. Conversely, higher search engines and social media sites. In
profitability permits businesses to direct 2019, total advertising expenditure is
more resources toward expanding their anticipated to rise.

Print advertising expenditure Percentage of services conducted online

-2 25

-4 20
% change

-6 15

-8 10

-10 5
Year 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Year 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


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Industry Performance

Current The migration of advertising from

printed directories to online media has Industry revenue
Performance slashed Database and Directory
Publishing industry revenue over the past
five years. Both the share of services 0
conducted online and consumers’ use of
the internet to retrieve information have -6

% change
significantly increased over the past five
years, causing demand for printed -12

telephone directories to decline. As a

result, over the five years to 2019,
IBISWorld expects industry revenue to -24
fall at an annualized rate of 5.9% to $7.0 Year 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
billion, which includes a projected
decline of 2.3% over 2019 alone. Industry SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM

profitability is also expected to decline, as

operators have been forced to sell advertising enables operators to better
advertising space at lower prices to target their audience. However, industry
compete for digital ad revenue with operators endure enormous competition
popular alternative platforms, including from internet search engines and social
generalized search engines and social media platforms for viewership. Given
media sites. the popularity and widespread use of
Industry operators provide several search engines and social media, these
products, including: directories, such as present substantial competition for
yellow and white pages; databases; and advertising dollars. As a result, the
mailing lists. Advertising dollars have decline of print advertising and
been increasingly directed toward substantial competition for digital
internet-based, digital products rather advertising have weighed heavily on
than printed products, as internet industry performance.

The decline of print Directory and database publishers earn information in recent years, including
advertising the majority of their revenue by selling search engines and social media and
advertising space to businesses. As a electronic books, causing demand for
result, industry revenue moves in line printed books, newspapers and other
with business expenditure on marketing, publications to decline.
which is sensitive to the level of overall While most industry operators have
economic activity in the United States. increasingly shifted to digital forms of
While total advertising expenditure is directories, databases and mailing lists,
expected to rise over the five years to the revenue generated from the industry’s
2019, expenditure on print advertising is digital publications has been limited.
anticipated to decline during the period Namely, the market for digital
at an annualized rate of 4.5%. The advertisements is saturated with a range
primary cause of this decline has been of online-only directory publishers (which
the growing importance of the internet are excluded from this industry) and other
and digital media for the retrieval of websites, such as Yelp, that provide more
information. Consumers have accurate targeted advertising
increasingly turned to digital forms of opportunities than industry participants

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Industry Performance

The decline of print for small- to medium-size businesses. on Google or Facebook as a matter of
advertising continued More importantly, industry operators convenience. Since search engines and
endure overwhelming competition for social media sites act as more convenient
internet ad expenditures from leading substitutes for industry services, industry
search engine providers and popular operators have struggled to attract
social media pages, which tend to be less advertisement expenditure, as their sites
generalized but provide consumers access are becoming increasingly unpopular
to much of the same information. with consumers. As revenue from print
Additionally, search engines and social media has continued to fall and revenue
media sites offer stiff competition in from digital media has been limited by
terms of service. Rather than visiting a strong search engine and social media
digital directory site to conduct business competition over the five-year period,
searches, consumers are increasingly the industry has responded through
bypassing these sites entirely, opting increased consolidation and cost-
instead to perform the same search while cutting measures.

Industry participation Historically, the industry was

dominated by a few of the leading Operators have slashed
and profit
telephone companies, such as AT&T digital advertising space
and Verizon Communications.
However, as demand for industry goods prices, cutting into margins
and services declined, these companies
spun off their publishing businesses, Industry profitability is expected to
which now largely combined in the decrease over the five years to 2019. As
industry’s sole major player. The industry operators increasingly opt to
industry’s then largest player, YP increase their digital presence to capitalize
Holdings, was the former advertising on an expanding market for digital
solutions segment of AT&T. That advertising space, they have been forced
company had itself spun off its print to adjust to competitive pressure from
media business in 2014, only for its well-established, popular alternative
remaining digital operations to be platforms, such as search engines and
acquired in 2017 by Dex Media Inc. social media sites. In an effort to increase
(Dex Media), historically the second- their attractiveness, industry operators
largest directory publisher. Dex Media have slashed digital advertising space
was formed from a merger of Dex One selling prices, cutting into their margins
and Supermedia, and previously was during the period. IBISWorld anticipates
part of Verizon. Dex Media and YP that industry profit has declined as a share
Holdings are now combined into of revenue, from 5.2% in 2014 to 4.0% in
DexYP, which accounts for just under 2019. To minimize profit contraction,
one-third of the industry, with the operators have opted to reduce
remainder of the industry consisting operational costs. For example, companies
mainly of niche players without have substantially cut labor costs,
significant revenue. Overall, over the reducing both industry employment and
five years to 2019, the number of wages. Over the five years to 2019, the
enterprises operating in the industry is industry’s workforce is expected to
expected to decline at an annualized contract at an annualized rate of 11.9% to
rate of 7.2% to 2,443. 14,700 employees.

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Industry Performance

Industry Over the five years to 2024, the Database

and Directory Publishing industry is
social media platforms, leading to slow
digital advertisement sales growth. As
Outlook anticipated to continue its downward more consumers are expected to conduct
trajectory. Advertising revenue from business searches on sites such as Google
printed directories will further decline as or Facebook as a means of convenience,
small and large businesses turn to digital industry sites will experience falling
advertisements for better returns on viewership, forcing them to lose out on
investment. As online advertising advertisement spending. Even players
expenditure increases in the upcoming that maintain traffic to online directories
years, more industry participants will will experience the problem that has
focus on developing their digital services plagued print publishers over the past
and products. As a result, an increasing decade: due to heavy price competition
number of operators are expected to exit and programmatic ad markets, digital
the industry in favor of online-only consumers are never as valuable as print
operations. The remaining operators are consumers. Over the five years to 2024,
expected to experience intensifying industry revenue is projected to fall at an
competition from search engines and annualized rate of 2.8% to $6.1 billion.

Print advertising Print advertising expenditure is expected

spending falls to continue declining over the next five Decliningprint advertising
years. During the period, IBISWorld
projects a 5.4% annualized decline, even
expenditure will be driven
as total advertising expenditure rises an by the continued shift to
annualized 2.7%. Although growth in digital and online forms
consumer spending and private
investment will boost spending on
advertisements overall, declining print viewership is expected to increase
advertising expenditure will be driven by relative to print. As a result, industry
the continued shift in consumer operators will be forced to combat
preference to digital and online forms. intense competition from online search
Over the next five years, digital media engine and social media companies.

Digital shift plagues Revenue from printed directories is Competition from search engines and
industry projected to decline over the next five social media sites will remain the greatest
years, principally driven by intense challenge to industry revenue growth.
price-based competition among print For example, operators in the Search
directory publishers, competition from Engines industry (IBISWorld report
alternative advertising media and 51913a), such as Alphabet Inc., the parent
plummeting expenditures on print company of Google, have a competitive
advertisements. Such strong competition advantage in terms of attracting digital
is forecast to erode industry profit during advertising expenditure, as it has the
this period. In response to lower margins, technological capabilities to advertise to
smaller niche directory publishers will very specific consumer segments,
follow industry leaders in offering online appealing to a range of businesses
products and services. looking to spend on advertisements.

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Industry Performance

Digital shift plagues Similarly, social media sites like advertising prices. Accordingly, directory
industry continued Facebook have invested in similar operators in this industry will focus on
advertisement-targeting capabilities. improving their online offerings to
Additionally, both search engines and protect their revenue bases.
social media sites are expected to As a result of declining print
continue to limit industry advertising advertisement spending, along with fierce
market share. As a matter of convenience, digital advertising and service competition,
more consumers are expected to conduct an increasing number of industry
business searches while on Google, companies are expected to exit the
Facebook and similar general-interest industry, either by pivoting to online-only
sites, rather than visiting a digital services or shuttering altogether. Over the
directory or database to yield similar next five years, the number of active
results. Thus, changing consumer database and directory publishers is
preferences will result in increasingly forecast to fall at an annualized rate of 5.8%
tough competition from search engines to 1,808 companies. Similarly, employment
and social media, forcing industry in the industry is projected to drop an
companies with digital databases to lower annualized 5.0% to 11,381 workers.

Ongoing Publishers are anticipated to continue

consolidation merger and acquisition activity as the Publishers
are anticipated
leading operators try to boost
performance by acquiring smaller
to continue M&A activity as
competitors that possess valuable the leading operators try to
trademarks and patents. As the industry boost performance
becomes more digitized over the
upcoming years, fewer companies will be
involved with publishing directories, help decelerate the decline of industry
leading to a highly competitive landscape profitability, though price pressures are
that is dominated by a few operators. likely to continue gradually eroding
Consequently, the number of margins. However, consolidation also
establishments is expected to fall at a presents the possibility that a prominent
slightly slower rate than the number of pivot to online-only operations could
enterprises. Moreover, consolidation will cause steeper drops in industry revenue.

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Industry Performance
Life Cycle Stage Industry value added is anticipated
to fall over the 10 years to 2024
The industry endures intense competitive
pressure from digital alternatives
Industry participation is expected to
decline over the 10 years to 2024

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Industry Performance

Industry Life Cycle The Database and Directory Publishing popular social media sites, such as
industry is in the decline phase of its life Google, and popular social media
cycle. Over the 10 years to 2024, industry platforms, such as Facebook, have grown
Thisindustry is value added (IVA), which measures the in popularity and are anticipated to
in D
 ecline industry’s contribution to the overall benefit from the overwhelming majority
economy, is anticipated to decline at an of revenue derived from digital
annualized rate of 8.1%. By comparison, advertisements. Although companies and
US GDP is projected to grow at an local businesses will allocate a greater
annualized rate of 2.1% during the same share of advertising expenses to online
10-year period. Along with an IVA that is advertisements, this industry’s digital
forecast to substantially underperform advertisement revenue gains will not be
the economy, several other factors point sufficient to reverse losses from declining
to the decline of this industry. print advertising expenditure. Given the
During this 10-year period, industry declining revenue, many companies have
revenue is expected to erode, primarily been forced to exit the industry, either
due to a consistent decline in print shuttering entirely or pivoting into
advertising expenditure. As a result, the online-only services that are beyond the
industry has been forced to adapt to scope of the industry. During the 10-year
alternative, more efficient modes of period, the number of companies
online advertising and directory service. participating in the industry is projected
However, leading search providers and to decline at an annualized rate of 6.5%.

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Products & Markets

Supply Chain   |   Products and Services   |   Demand Determinants
Major Markets   |   International Trade   |   Business Locations


44-45 Retail Trade in the US
Local retailers purchase ad space from industry operators to advertise their business.
54181 Advertising Agencies in the US
Companies in this industry purchase mailing and industry lists from database and directory
54182 Public Relations Firms in the US
Industry players supply mailing and business/industry operator lists to public relations
54186 Direct Mail Advertising in the US
Direct mail advertisers require the mailing lists that database and directory publishers produce.
54189 Promotional Products in the US
Virtually all marketing campaigns purchase information about people and businesses in their
targeted region.


42411 Paper Wholesaling in the US
Paper producers supply publishers with paper to produce printed directories.
51711c Wired Telecommunications Carriers in the US
Companies in this industry supply listings information to database and directory publishers.
51711e VoIP in the US
Carriers of wired telecommunications provide listings information to publishers of database
and directories.

Products and Services Products and services segmentation (2019)




Print directories information and conducting a variety of

Print directories are anticipated to activities online. This has driven industry
account for 56.4% of industry revenue in participants to increasingly focus on
2019. The shift of consumer preferences online publications. Furthermore,
has led to the decline in print publications, websites such as Yelp, search engines like
as more consumers are searching for Google and leading social media platforms

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Products & Markets

Products and Services such as Facebook have replaced the need internet listing service, and this
continued for both printed and online directories segment’s contribution to the industry
and databases. For example, consumers is increasing steadily. Nonetheless, the
are no longer limited to combing industry endures heavy competition
advertisements in directories for local and from companies that operate strictly
small businesses, as an internet search bar online, which are not included in the
yields almost immediate results. Over the industry. While online publications
next five years, print publications’ share of have not yet displaced print
revenue is forecast to further decline as publications, their share of industry
websites operated by both industry revenue is anticipated to continue
participants and competitors continue growing during the upcoming years.
obtain share of the overall market for
database information and advertisements. Other
In addition to its two main product
Online publications offerings, databases and directories, the
Online databases have become industry has several smaller ancillary
increasingly important for customers, revenue streams. Miscellaneous products
as accessible and timely data becomes a and services account for an estimated
necessity. This segment’s share of the 4.8% of industry revenue and include
industry has substantially increased to rental of mailing lists, licensing of
38.8% in 2019. Many providers of intellectual property and contract
printed directories also offer an printing services.

Demand The information and services provided by print and online products are enduring
Determinants the Database and Directory Publishing increasing competition from internet
industry are often considered essential and search engines and social media
necessary promotional tools by local and platforms, such as Google and Facebook.
regional businesses. This idea is reinforced Demand for business directories has two
by the promotions and advertising interrelated components: the provision of
undertaken by directory publishers. Unlike information for consumers and the
most other forms of advertising, changing provision of advertising for suppliers.
economic conditions do not significantly
alter industry revenue since directory Business and residential
advertising is viewed as a necessity for telephone directories
many businesses. Small- and medium-size Households and businesses use business
businesses (SMBs) account for a large directories as a source of information for
percentage of directory advertising service and product providers. Pursuant
spending, and a recent proliferation of to state public utilities commission
large retail chains appears to have harmed requirements, telephone companies must
some SMBs’ financial performance and publish and distribute white pages
negatively affected demand for directory directories of certain residences and
advertising from SMBs. businesses that order or receive a local
Websites are capturing a growing telephone service. Telephone companies
share of the classified advertising market, often outsource the publication and
and this is a factor slowing growth in distribution of directories.
printed advertising, including in The business model of telephone
directories. Also, directory companies’ directory publishers is largely based on

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Products & Markets

Demand generating advertising revenue from the businesses (mainly SMBs) are the
Determinants providers of listed information such as predominant source of directory
businesses, governments and nonprofit advertising spending. Directory
organizations. These providers use local publishers charge varied prices for
directories to advertise special events and advertisements, depending on the size
promote their organizations, although and placement of the advertisement.

Major Markets Major market segmentation (2019)




Advertisers revenue in 2019. Revenue generated

The sale of advertising space is expected to from sales and subscriptions is expected
comprise 54.3% of industry revenue in 2019. to decline over the coming years, though
Since the industry relies heavily on revenue not as much as advertising. Both
from advertising sales, any downturn in segments will likely decline relative to
advertising has a negative impact on industry other miscellaneous services, as demand
operators’ bottom lines. As print advertising for the industry’s core services declines
has continued to decline over the five years to and operators strive to offset losses
2019, the industry has more aggressively through ancillary services like mailing
targeted online, digital advertising. Thus far, list rental and third-party printing.
revenue from online advertisements has not Many clients that purchase
been enough to offset the decline of revenue subscriptions want to have their desired
from print advertisements. Consequently, data available at all times and updated
advertisements’ share of revenue has prudently. The online publication of
declined since 2014. databases and directories has fulfilled
this demand better than any other
Subscribers technological advance that the industry
General sales and subscription sales has seen, raising its popularity and share
make up an estimated 40.9% of industry of industry sales.

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Products & Markets

International Trade Database and directory publishers do not pages directories are tied with
engage in international trade. Operators telecommunications companies that only
in this industry typically focus on serving service consumers and businesses in a
local and regional markets. Many yellow limited geographic region.

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Products & Markets

Business Locations 2019

0.3 New
Great Mid- 0.6

Lakes Atlantic 1 2
NY 3
WA MT ND 7.3
5 4
2.8 0.6 MN
0.4 2.2
OR Mountains SD
Plains 1.9 MI
1.9 ID IA OH 9 8
0.5 WY 4.7
3.8 0.8 3.8

West NV
2.4 0.4
1.0 NC
1.7 CO KS 2.0 1.8
2.5 1.4 TN
CA 1.5
1.9 0.4 AL 2.7
AZ MS 0.8
1.5 NM
0.3 Southwest 0.5

1.5 FL
7.8 6.1

West Establishments (%)

HI Less than 3%
0.6 Additional States (as marked on map) 3% to less than 10%
1 VT 2 NH 3 MA 4 RI 10% to less than 20%
0.4 0.6 1.8 0.4 20% or more

5 CT 6 NJ 7 DE 8 MD 9 DC
1.7 2.9 0.1 1.4 0.4


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Products & Markets

Business Locations The Database and Directory Publishing

Distribution of establishments vs. population
industry is highly concentrated in areas
that are densely populated. Industry
establishments are also located near
downstream customers. The head office
locations of major telecommunications 20
companies are also critical to industry
players, which source their information

from such companies. 10
The largest region for the industry is
the Southeast, which accounts for 21.5%
of total industry establishments. The 0
West and the Mid-Atlantic regions also


Great Lakes


New England


Rocky Mountains


account significant shares of industry
establishments, at 17.6% and 15.5%,
respectively. Industry establishments are
concentrated in a few states, including Establishments
California (10.8% of establishments), Population
Texas (7.8%), New York (7.3%) and SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM

Florida (6.1%). Many directory publishers

were previously located in regions close less important for operators because the
to telecommunications and advertising internet has enabled operators to
clients. Proximity to clients has become communicate over long distances.

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Competitive Landscape
Market Share Concentration   |   Key Success Factors   |   Cost Structure Benchmarks
Basis of Competition   |   Barriers to Entry   |   Industry Globalization

Market Share The Database and Directory Publishing SuperMedia in 2013 and the acquisition
Concentration industry exhibits a low level of of much of the Yellow Pages’ operations
concentration. In 2019, only one in 2017. Still, the market remains
company holds a market share greater relatively fragmented because although
than 5.0%, with Dex Media Holdings Inc. general directory publishing has
Concentration in expected to control 30.7% of industry consolidated, many specialized
this industry is L ow revenue. Market share concentration has directories and databases remain in
been on the rise, however, since Dex operation, operating in a niche and
Media Holdings is the result of mergers failing to individually account for a
over the years, including its purchase of substantial market share.

Key Success Factors Development of new products is important to ensure continued

Companies must be able to develop new ownership of these assets.
products, such as specialized directories
IBISWorld identifies and internet services, to maintain market Possession of accurate information
250 Key Success share in a declining industry. A company must ensure that the
Factors for a information it provides is accurate to
business. The most Product differentiation retain customers and advertising clients.
Due to the competitive nature of
important for this
market for databases and directories, Access to highly skilled workforce
industry are: operators must differentiate their It is important for companies to hire
products and services. experienced sales, marketing and
development professionals to develop
Protection of intellectual property/ differentiated products and drive sales.
copyrighting of output
Trademarks, service marks, database and Securing sales contracts
software copyrights and other intellectual Companies that obtain sales contracts
property can be material assets for with the leading telephone companies
businesses in this industry. Therefore, it benefit from a reliable source of revenue.

Cost Structure Profit next five years, industry profit is expected

Benchmarks Industry profit, measured as earnings to contract further, though declines will
before interest and taxes, is anticipated to likely be more modest as the industry
account for 4.0% of revenue in 2019, continues to adjust to an increasingly
representing a decline from 5.2% in 2014. digitally focused market.
This profit contraction has been primarily
driven by the declining popularity of print Purchases
media. To generate revenue from a Costs associated with the production of
contracting print publications market, both physical and online directories are
industry operators have been forced to anticipated to account for 12.1% of
lower selling prices for print advertising revenue in 2019. Purchase costs are
space, adversely influencing profit expected to be on the decline. The price
margins. Nonetheless, profit margins vary of paper, one of the largest inputs into
drastically from company to company. As industry directories, is expected to
the industry continues to decline over the increase at an annualized rate of only

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Competitive Landscape

Cost Structure 1.1% over the next five years. various services to customers. To save
Benchmarks Furthermore, the cost to print and costs, companies will outsource or hire
distribute physical directories has temporary workers, which has affected
declined due to lower volumes and lower the average wage of the industry as well.
contract services costs. Additionally, This trend is forecast to persist over the
distribution costs have decreased as the next five years, as employment becomes
industry has gradually moved online, more competitive and labor shifts from
lowering costs for industry operators. humans to computers.

Wages Other costs

In 2019, wages are expected to account Other costs that are incurred by the
for 14.0% of industry revenue, industry include depreciation,
representing a decline from 2014. Over amortization, research and development,
the past five years, employment has marketing and costs associated with
declined due to the growing importance mergers and acquisitions (M&A), among
of online publications and the lesser need others. The industry has undergone
for manual labor. With revenue significant M&A activity over the past five
generated from online directories years, causing some of the leading
accounting for an increasing share of companies to operate at a loss due to the
total industry revenue, operators have high costs associated with purchasing
had to hire a range of professionals and restructuring an independent
including IT specialists and advertising company. Publishers rely on patents and
analysts to create websites and provide trademarks to ensure exclusive use of

Sector vs. Industry Costs

Average Costs of
all Industries in Industry Costs
sector (2019) (2019)
4.0 n Profit
n Wages
18.3 14.0 n Purchases
80 n Depreciation
12.1 n Marketing
26.7 2.3 n Rent & Utilities
3.3 n Other
Percentage of revenue

60 3.3

4.3 61.0


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Competitive Landscape

Cost Structure intellectual property. Due to the growing increased in recent years, causing
Benchmarks importance of online publications, amortization’s share of revenue to
patent and trademark ownership has consequently grow.

Basis of Competition Internal competition External competition

Directory and database publishers usually Printed telephone directories compete
compete within specific geographic or for advertising sales with other
Level & Trend niche marketing areas based on price, mediums, such as the internet,
C in breadth of circulation and distribution, newspapers, magazines, billboards, TV
this industry is presentation and user perception and and radio. Emailing list services also
Mediumand the experience. Virtually all independent compete directly with the industry’s
directory publishers compete aggressively sales of mailing lists, especially because
trend is I ncreasing
on price to increase market share. their demographic details are getting
Furthermore, print publishers generate increasingly specific and are easier to
revenue from advertising services and modify. References to print directories
therefore compete to offer the most in the United States are projected to
attractive prices for advertisement spaces. decline further, mainly due to a
Competition within the directory market migration to digital and interactive
is decreasing due to the decline in the media delivery devices for local
number of industry operators over the five commercial search information.
year-period. The industry’s largest database Online competition comes from the
and directory publishers have been able to websites of online-only directory
protect profit margins from falling industry publishers and search engines, such as
revenue by engaging in large-scale Google. Search engines in particular are
divestitures and mergers, as well as focusing and placing a high priority on
acquiring smaller directory operations. local commercial search initiatives
Along with decreased competition, these through location-specific advertising.
activities have contributed to some This is making them a closer substitute to
consolidation in the industry. printed or specialized directories.

Barriers to Entry The primary barrier to entry for the

Database and Directory Publishing Barriers to Entry checklist

Level & Trend industry is the declining nature of this Competition Medium
industry. Industry revenue is estimated Concentration Low
 arriers to Entry
B to decline at an annualized rate of 5.9% Life Cycle Stage Decline
in this industry are over the five years to 2019. Consequently, Capital Intensity Medium
Highand S teady the number of enterprises and Technology Change Medium
establishments have decreased Regulation and Policy Light
substantially, discouraging prospects Industry Assistance Low
from pursuing a directory and database
publishing business. Therefore, barriers SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM

to entry into this industry are high.

Other barriers to entry include the directory production typically requires a
costs associated with establishing a combination of internal technology and
publishing operation. Database and outsourced printing and distribution.

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Competitive Landscape

Barriers to Entry Large directory publishers are able to from scratch can be significant.
continued leverage economies of scale to negotiate Additionally, the market is crowded and
lower costs for the printing and the industry has experienced growing
distribution of directories. The cost of competition from publishers that
industry-specific technology (e.g. operate strictly online.
database organizational software and Existing operators can also capitalize
hardware) can be substantial and deter on their market recognition. They often
prospects from entering the industry. win sales by virtue of the recognition of
Building a directory or database their brands by advertisers and through
publishing business can be difficult national accounts. As a result, new and
considering the high initial costs, in small directory businesses are at a
addition to strict regulations that disadvantage in attracting advertisers
protect consumer privacy. The time and due to a lack of brand recognition and a
costs involved in building databases small readership.

Industry There is a low level of globalization in services in other countries. Most major
Globalization the Database and Directory Publishing operators involved with databases and
industry. Many yellow pages directories mailing lists also only service the
Level & Trend are still associated with large domestic domestic market. These factors
telecommunications companies but contribute to the low level of
G in this only a few have established similar globalization in the industry.
industry is L owand
the trend is S  teady

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Major Companies
Dex Media Holdings Inc. | Other Companies

Major Players
(Market Share)


Dex Media Holdings Inc. 30.7%


Player Performance Dex Media Holdings Inc. (DexYP) is the company benefits from a prominent brand
most recent iteration of a longtime in the Yellow Pages, it has shared in the
directory publisher that has experienced struggles of the overall industry,
Dex Media Holdings several mergers in recent history. The experiencing sharp declines and frequently
Inc. company was initially formed in 2002 to operating at a loss over the past five years.
Market Share: 30.7% acquire QwestDex, the directory publishing In 2016, the company filed for bankruptcy,
arm of now-defunct telecom giant Qwest the company and its predecessors’ fifth
Communications International. In 2013, it bankruptcy in a period of only seven years.
acquired SuperMedia, the directory Although it emerged from bankruptcy
publishing business formerly affiliated with proceedings relatively quickly, its
Verizon Communications. Most recently, it underlying challenges of declining print
merged in 2017 with most of the operations advertising and low consumer demand for
of the Yellow Pages to become DexYP, the print phone books remain.
sole major player in the industry.
In 2017, the most recent year for which Financial performance
full financial data is available, DexYP Over the five years to 2019, DexYP’s
generated total revenue of $1.3 billion and industry-relevant revenue is expected to
consisted of a workforce of about 2,800 increase at an annualized rate of 3.4% to
sales employees. The company publishes $2.1 billion. However, this overall
about 2,000 directory titles in 48 states, growth belies consistent declines in
with a circulation of about 116.0 million, organic revenue. The acquisition of YP
according to financial filings. Although the Holdings in 2017 boosted revenue over

Dex Media Holdings Inc. (US industry-specific segment) - financial

Revenue Operating Income
Year ($ million) (% change) ($ million) (% change)
2014 1,815.0 N/C -4.0 N/C
2015 1,500.3 -17.3 53.1 N/C
2016 1,909.9 27.3 -151.6 N/C
2017 1,318.2 -31.0 -171.8 N/C
2018 2,157.2 63.6 170.5 N/C
2019 2,144.8 -0.6 122.7 -28.0


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Major Companies

Player Performance the following two years, including 63.6% over-year period since 2014. Moreover,
continued growth estimated in 2018. However, the the company has struggled with
company’s industry-relevant revenue profitability, operating at a loss through
has declined in each comparable year- much of the period.

Other Companies There are no other significant players in spun off from these telecommunications
the Database and Directory Publishing giants, they already had national
industry. The existing major company is customer bases. The remainder of the
the amalgamation of several companies industry consists mostly of much smaller
with roots as divisions of telephone businesses that publish directories and
services. When they entered the industry databases in a geographic or business-
as independent operators after being specialty niche.

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Operating Conditions
Capital Intensity   |   Technology & Systems   |   Revenue Volatility
Regulation & Policy   |   Industry Assistance

Capital Intensity The Database and Directory Publishing

industry exhibits a medium level of Capital Intensity
Capital units per labor unit
capital intensity. Using wages as a proxy
for labor and depreciation as a proxy for 0.5
The levelof capital capital, IBISWorld estimates that for
intensity is M
 edium every dollar spent on labor in the 0.4

industry, $0.16 is invested in capital. This 0.3

figure represents a slight increase from
an estimated $0.15 in 2014. Labor plays a 0.2

more significant role in selling 0.1

advertising space and organizing the
details of printing and publishing. Also, 0.0
Economy Information Database &
compiling, checking and updating Directory
mailing list details tend to be more Dotted line shows a high level of capital intensity
labor-intensive tasks. However, as the SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM

industry has cut labor costs over the past

five years amid weak demand, and as the increased relative to labor expenses over
industry has strived to digitize to the past five years, raising the industry’s
compete, capital investments have level of capital intensity.

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Operating Conditions

Technology and The directory publishing business is technology and other software. These
Systems subject to changes arising from developments improve the ability of
developments in technology, which clients to access and obtain information
Level influences information distribution for the compilation of mailing lists and
methods and user preferences. The use of for sales and marketing leads. The
The level
of the internet and wireless devices by information can be provided in either
technology change consumers as a way to transact commerce raw or custom form. Advances in
is M
 edium is resulting in new technologies and information technology and
services that compete with industry fragmentation of the media, combined
products and services. For example, with increasing amounts of raw data
leading search companies like Google have and changing demographics, have
continued to develop a high stake in local influenced the transition from
commercial search activities. traditional mass media to targeted
In the mailing list area, operators are one-to-one marketing. In particular,
increasingly combining business and the internet has emerged as an ideal
marketing information with online one-to-one marketing channel.

Revenue Volatility The Database and Directory Publishing of its revenue. The growth of social media
industry exhibits a moderate level of platforms and ecommerce websites has
revenue volatility. Industry revenue is caused companies to allocate an
directly linked to changes in advertising increasing proportion of their
The level
of volatility spending, advertiser preferences and advertisement expenditure to digital
is M
 edium trends in online information retrieval. mediums. While the leading industry
Advertising spending in the United States participants all offer digital solutions, this
is sensitive to economic conditions such line of business only accounts for a small
as unemployment and consumer share of their total revenue. Moreover, the
spending, which have improved over the online classified advertising and directory
five-year period. market is even more crowded than the
The industry’s shift toward online printed directory market, making it
directories has exacerbated the volatility difficult for industry participants to obtain

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Operating Conditions

Revenue Volatility significant share of the online market. advertising has partially offset the
continued Nevertheless, operators’ involvement in declining revenue from print business
internet directories and online and telephone directories.

Regulation and Policy This industry is subject to a light but payment for the same costs) associated
increasing level of regulation as it is with listings. The FCC has indicated that
affected by state public utilities while telecommunications companies can
Level & Trend commission requirements, rules charge more than these set rates, their
 he level of
T stipulated by the Federal Communications reasons must be justified and approved of
Regulation is L ight Commission (FCC), privacy regulations by the commission.
and the trend and legislation. Pursuant to state public The industry is subject to federal and
utilities commission requirements, state privacy laws that are becoming more
is I ncreasing
telephone utilities must publish and stringent. These include both limitations
distribute white page directories of certain on the improper disclosure of information,
residences and businesses that order or the right to inspect information and the
receive a local telephone service. right of consumers to forego disclosing
Telephone companies often outsource the their personal information with third
publication and distribution of directories. parties. Another instance of tightened
In March 2002, the FCC handed down regulation is a 2010 city ordinance in
a decision that was intended to open up Seattle that requires yellow page
competition in this industry. The FCC publishers to pay a $0.14 fee on each
attempted to establish a reasonable rate commercial phone book delivered in the
for the purchase of business-listing entry city. Publishers are subject to a $125.00
details by independent directory fine for delivering unwanted yellow pages
companies from telecommunications to residents or businesses and a $100.00
companies. The rate was capped at $0.06 annual licensing fee. Although AT&T and
per listing for updated details. In this Dex One Corp. have filed lawsuits against
particular test case, telecommunications this ordinance on the grounds of free
companies were seeking to charge $0.65 speech, there is a growing dissatisfaction
per listing to independent directory from environmentalists and residents
companies. The order also prohibits any across the country that do not want to
double recovery of costs (i.e. double receive yellow pages.

Industry Assistance The industry does not engage in Publishers (ADP). The LSA services the
international trade and therefore, does industry by publishing industry research,
not receive direct assistance from the advocating for public policy issues on
Level & Trend government in the form of import tariffs. behalf of the industry and holding annual
 he level of
T However, publishers receive indirect industry conferences. The ADP provides
Industry Assistance assistance from trade organizations, such a range of services, including protecting
is L owand the as the Local Search Association (LSA) publishers’ competitive rights and
and the Association of Directory advocating on behalf of the industry.
trend is S teady

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Key Statistics
Industry Data Industry Print advertising
Revenue Value Added Establish- Wages Domestic expenditure
($m) ($m) ments Enterprises Employment Exports Imports ($m) Demand ($b)
2010 14,236.4 4,197.3 6,106 5,380 45,954 -- -- 3,139.6 N/A 46.5
2011 13,052.2 3,725.1 5,404 4,815 39,378 -- -- 2,842.5 N/A 45.3
2012 11,541.0 3,133.9 4,631 4,165 33,520 -- -- 2,418.1 N/A 44.1
2013 9,274.0 2,803.2 4,118 3,738 29,645 -- -- 2,040.4 N/A 42.0
2014 9,465.4 2,652.7 3,885 3,549 27,669 -- -- 1,872.2 N/A 39.1
2015 8,936.5 2,541.4 3,368 3,118 24,750 -- -- 1,816.5 N/A 37.4
2016 8,366.3 1,570.4 3,001 2,808 17,521 -- -- 1,193.6 N/A 35.7
2017 7,951.8 1,605.2 2,814 2,663 16,948 -- -- 1,137.6 N/A 34.3
2018 7,143.6 1,471.7 2,692 2,577 15,330 -- -- 1,012.8 N/A 32.7
2019 6,980.0 1,409.3 2,555 2,443 14,700 -- -- 974.8 N/A 31.1
2020 6,738.4 1,350.7 2,417 2,309 13,866 -- -- 923.9 N/A 29.6
2021 6,546.4 1,294.0 2,276 2,171 13,211 -- -- 883.6 N/A 28.1
2022 6,380.9 1,239.6 2,155 2,053 12,541 -- -- 843.4 N/A 26.7
2023 6,246.4 1,197.2 2,023 1,922 12,026 -- -- 812.1 N/A 25.5
2024 6,055.5 1,140.8 1,905 1,808 11,381 -- -- 772.2 N/A 23.6
Sector Rank 31/37 31/37 22/37 13/37 30/37 N/A N/A 31/37 N/A N/A
Economy Rank 564/694 604/694 458/694 430/694 604/694 N/A N/A 570/694 N/A N/A

Annual Change Industry Establish- Domestic Print advertising

Revenue Value Added ments Enterprises Employment Exports Imports Wages Demand expenditure
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
2011 -8.3 -11.3 -11.5 -10.5 -14.3 N/A N/A -9.5 N/A -2.6
2012 -11.6 -15.9 -14.3 -13.5 -14.9 N/A N/A -14.9 N/A -2.6
2013 -19.6 -10.6 -11.1 -10.3 -11.6 N/A N/A -15.6 N/A -4.7
2014 2.1 -5.4 -5.7 -5.1 -6.7 N/A N/A -8.2 N/A -6.9
2015 -5.6 -4.2 -13.3 -12.1 -10.5 N/A N/A -3.0 N/A -4.5
2016 -6.4 -38.2 -10.9 -9.9 -29.2 N/A N/A -34.3 N/A -4.4
2017 -5.0 2.2 -6.2 -5.2 -3.3 N/A N/A -4.7 N/A -3.9
2018 -10.2 -8.3 -4.3 -3.2 -9.5 N/A N/A -11.0 N/A -4.9
2019 -2.3 -4.2 -5.1 -5.2 -4.1 N/A N/A -3.8 N/A -4.9
2020 -3.5 -4.2 -5.4 -5.5 -5.7 N/A N/A -5.2 N/A -4.9
2021 -2.8 -4.2 -5.8 -6.0 -4.7 N/A N/A -4.4 N/A -4.9
2022 -2.5 -4.2 -5.3 -5.4 -5.1 N/A N/A -4.5 N/A -4.9
2023 -2.1 -3.4 -6.1 -6.4 -4.1 N/A N/A -3.7 N/A -4.7
2024 -3.1 -4.7 -5.8 -5.9 -5.4 N/A N/A -4.9 N/A -7.2
Sector Rank 33/37 34/37 37/37 37/37 35/37 N/A N/A 35/37 N/A N/A
Economy Rank 657/694 670/694 685/694 685/694 680/694 N/A N/A 673/694 N/A N/A

Key Ratios Imports/ Exports/ Revenue per Share of the

IVA/Revenue Demand Revenue Employee Wages/Revenue Employees Average Wage Economy
(%) (%) (%) ($’000) (%) per Est. ($) (%)
2010 29.48 N/A N/A 309.80 22.05 7.53 68,320.49 0.03
2011 28.54 N/A N/A 331.46 21.78 7.29 72,184.98 0.02
2012 27.15 N/A N/A 344.30 20.95 7.24 72,139.02 0.02
2013 30.23 N/A N/A 312.84 22.00 7.20 68,827.80 0.02
2014 28.03 N/A N/A 342.09 19.78 7.12 67,664.17 0.02
2015 28.44 N/A N/A 361.07 20.33 7.35 73,393.94 0.01
2016 18.77 N/A N/A 477.50 14.27 5.84 68,123.97 0.01
2017 20.19 N/A N/A 469.19 14.31 6.02 67,122.96 0.01
2018 20.60 N/A N/A 465.99 14.18 5.69 66,066.54 0.01
2019 20.19 N/A N/A 474.83 13.97 5.75 66,312.93 0.01
2020 20.04 N/A N/A 485.97 13.71 5.74 66,630.61 0.01
2021 19.77 N/A N/A 495.53 13.50 5.80 66,883.66 0.01
2022 19.43 N/A N/A 508.80 13.22 5.82 67,251.42 0.01
2023 19.17 N/A N/A 519.41 13.00 5.94 67,528.69 0.01
2024 18.84 N/A N/A 532.07 12.75 5.97 67,849.93 0.01
Sector Rank 36/37 N/A N/A 14/37 31/37 31/37 29/37 31/37
Economy Rank 502/694 N/A N/A 210/694 420/694 451/694 201/694 604/694

Figures are in inflation-adjusted 2019 dollars. Rank refers to 2019 data. SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM

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Industry Financial Ratios

Apr 2016 - Mar 2017 by company revenue
Apr 2013 - Apr 2014 - Apr 2015 - Apr 2016 - Small Medium Large
Mar 2014 Mar 2015 Mar 2016 Mar 2017 (<$10m) ($10-50m) (>$50m)

Liquidity Ratios
Current Ratio 1.5 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.1
Quick Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Sales / Receivables (Trade Receivables
Turnover) 9.2 9.2 8.8 9.1 12.2 7.9 6.6
Days’ Receivables 39.7 39.7 41.5 40.1 29.9 46.2 55.3
Cost of Sales / Inventory (Inventory Turnover) 13.4 16.2 22.5 18.0 110.4 9.0 19.6
Days’ Inventory 27.2 22.5 16.2 20.3 3.3 40.6 18.6
Cost of Sales / Payables (Payables Turnover) 9.6 11.5 9.4 9.9 13.3 9.0 8.1
Days’ Payables 38.0 31.7 38.8 36.9 27.4 40.6 45.1
Sales / Working Capital 11.5 8.7 14.7 21.3 21.1 18.6 29.6

Coverage Ratios
Earnings Before Interest & Taxes (EBIT) /
Interest 3.9 4.9 5.5 4.7 4.9 2.7 5.4
Net Profit + Dep., Depletion, Amort. / Current
Maturities LT Debt 2.3 2.0 2.7 2.2 n/a 2.7 1.9

Leverage Ratios
Fixed Assets / Net Worth 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.3 12.4
Debt / Net Worth 2.4 2.1 2.3 3.1 2.5 1.5 -999.9
Tangible Net Worth 10.2 14.4 12.0 5.6 -4.0 25.3 -2.1

Operating Ratios
Profit before Taxes / Net Worth, % 14.4 17.1 18.5 20.4 26.5 14.0 28.0
Profit before Taxes / Total Assets, % 5.1 6.8 5.5 6.3 7.0 4.3 7.2
Sales / Net Fixed Assets 25.7 28.1 27.8 32.7 94.8 24.2 16.8
Sales / Total Assets (Asset Turnover) 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.4 1.6 1.3

Cash Flow & Debt Service Ratios (% of sales)

Cash from Trading 53.0 53.5 55.5 57.8 60.3 61.2 48.8
Cash after Operations 7.7 7.7 8.7 7.8 7.8 7.3 12.1
Net Cash after Operations 7.7 7.2 9.0 7.7 8.1 6.0 9.6
Cash after Debt Amortization 2.3 1.9 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.0 5.8
Debt Service P&I Coverage 2.4 3.8 2.6 3.5 3.8 3.6 3.2
Interest Coverage (Operating Cash) 5.8 8.0 7.9 9.4 6.9 13.1 10.7

Assets, %
Cash & Equivalents 14.1 15.5 15.6 15.7 19.5 14.4 10.5
Trade Receivables (net) 21.9 22.0 23.0 24.8 25.8 23.4 24.9
Inventory 14.1 15.3 11.5 13.9 14.4 16.8 9.4
All Other Current Assets 5.1 5.8 3.6 3.6 3.2 4.5 3.3
Total Current Assets 55.2 58.6 53.7 58.1 62.8 59.1 48.1
Fixed Assets (net) 15.4 13.3 14.3 12.3 10.9 14.6 12.1
Intangibles (net) 18.4 18.1 19.6 17.1 11.3 17.5 27.4
All Other Non-Current Assets 11.0 10.0 12.3 12.5 15.1 8.9 12.3
Total Assets 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Total Assets ($m) 9,340.4 9,010.9 8,757.1 7,514.7 238.6 1,527.4 5,748.7

Liabilities, %
Notes Payable-Short Term 6.4 5.7 5.7 8.1 12.8 5.9 2.4
Current Maturities L/T/D 3.8 2.9 2.6 3.2 3.6 2.9 2.7
Trade Payables 11.9 11.2 12.0 13.8 14.1 13.8 13.3
Income Taxes Payable 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.3 1.0
All Other Current Liabilities 17.3 16.9 20.0 21.8 25.7 17.1 20.5
Total Current Liabilities 39.7 37.0 40.7 47.2 56.2 40.0 39.9
Long Term Debt 19.6 14.3 17.9 18.1 21.5 10.6 21.2
Deferred Taxes 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 n/a 0.6 0.7
All Other Non-Current Liabilities 11.6 15.7 9.4 11.6 14.9 5.9 12.9
Net Worth 28.6 32.5 31.6 22.7 7.3 42.8 25.3
Total Liabilities & Net Worth ($m) 9,340.4 9,010.9 8,757.1 7,514.7 238.6 1,527.4 5,748.7

Maximum Number of Statements Used 289 284 274 236 105 73 58

Source: RMA Annual Statement Studies, RMA data for all industries is derived directly from more
than 260,000 statements of member financial institutions’ borrowers and prospects.
Note: For a full description of the ratios refer to the Key Statistics chapter online.

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Jargon & Glossary

Industry Jargon INDEPENDENT DIRECTORYA directory without ties to YELLOW PAGESDirectories that list businesses
a telephone operating company. according to the product or service they provide.
WHITE PAGESDirectories that alphabetically list the
names, addresses and phone numbers of residential,
professional and business phone customers.

IBISWorld Glossary BARRIERS TO ENTRYHigh barriers to entry mean that INDUSTRY REVENUEThe total sales of industry goods
new companies struggle to enter an industry, while low and services (exclusive of excise and sales tax); subsidies
barriers mean it is easy for new companies to enter an on production; all other operating income from outside
industry. the firm (such as commission income, repair and service
CAPITAL INTENSITYCompares the amount of money income, and rent, leasing and hiring income); and
spent on capital (plant, machinery and equipment) with capital work done by rental or lease. Receipts from
that spent on labor. IBISWorld uses the ratio of interest royalties, dividends and the sale of fixed
depreciation to wages as a proxy for capital intensity. High tangible assets are excluded.
capital intensity is more than $0.333 of capital to $1 of INDUSTRY VALUE ADDED (IVA)The market value of
labor; medium is $0.125 to $0.333 of capital to $1 of labor; goods and services produced by the industry minus the
low is less than $0.125 of capital for every $1 of labor. cost of goods and services used in production. IVA is
CONSTANT PRICESThe dollar figures in the Key Statistics also described as the industry’s contribution to GDP, or
table, including forecasts, are adjusted for inflation using profit plus wages and depreciation.
the current year (i.e. year published) as the base year. This INTERNATIONAL TRADEThe level of international
removes the impact of changes in the purchasing power of trade is determined by ratios of exports to revenue and
the dollar, leaving only the “real” growth or decline in imports to domestic demand. For exports/revenue: low is
industry metrics. The inflation adjustments in IBISWorld’s less than 5%, medium is 5% to 20%, and high is more
reports are made using the US Bureau of Economic than 20%. Imports/domestic demand: low is less than
Analysis’ implicit GDP price deflator. 5%, medium is 5% to 35%, and high is more than
DOMESTIC DEMANDSpending on industry goods and 35%.
services within the United States, regardless of their LIFE CYCLEAll industries go through periods of growth,
country of origin. It is derived by adding imports to maturity and decline. IBISWorld determines an
industry revenue, and then subtracting exports. industry’s life cycle by considering its growth rate
EMPLOYMENTThe number of permanent, part-time, (measured by IVA) compared with GDP; the growth rate
temporary and seasonal employees, working proprietors, of the number of establishments; the amount of change
partners, managers and executives within the industry. the industry’s products are undergoing; the rate of
technological change; and the level of customer
ENTERPRISEA division that is separately managed and
acceptance of industry products and services.
keeps management accounts. Each enterprise consists
of one or more establishments that are under common NONEMPLOYING ESTABLISHMENTBusinesses with
ownership or control. no paid employment or payroll, also known as
nonemployers. These are mostly set up by self-employed
ESTABLISHMENTThe smallest type of accounting unit
within an enterprise, an establishment is a single
physical location where business is conducted or where PROFITIBISWorld uses earnings before interest and tax
services or industrial operations are performed. Multiple (EBIT) as an indicator of a company’s profitability. It is
establishments under common control make up an calculated as revenue minus expenses, excluding
enterprise. interest and tax.
EXPORTSTotal value of industry goods and services sold VOLATILITYThe level of volatility is determined by
by US companies to customers abroad. averaging the absolute change in revenue in each of the
past five years. Volatility levels: very high is more than
IMPORTSTotal value of industry goods and services
±20%; high volatility is ±10% to ±20%; moderate
brought in from foreign countries to be sold in the
volatility is ±3% to ±10%; and low volatility is less than
United States.
WAGESThe gross total wages and salaries of all
dominance of the top four players in an industry.
employees in the industry. The cost of benefits is also
Concentration is considered high if the top players
included in this figure.
account for more than 70% of industry revenue.
Medium is 40% to 70% of industry revenue. Low is less
than 40%.

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