Tuning Area View Description

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Tuning Area View Description

Shared Pool V$sql SQL statement text and statistics

for all cached SQL statements
including I/O, memory usage, and
execution frequency
Shared Pool V$sqlarea Similar to V$SQL , but displays only
information for SQL statements that
are cached in memory, parsed,
and ready for execution
Shared Pool V$sqltext The complete text of the cached SQL
statements along with a
classification by command type
Shared Pool V$sql_plan Execution plan information for each
cached SQL Statement
Shared Pool V$db_object_cache This view can be used to determine
what types of database objects are
being referenced by the
application’s SQL statements. By
selecting the TYPE and EXECUTIONS
columns from this view, you can
obtain a listing of how often the
application SQL has referenced each
of the database object types
SELECT type, COUNT(executions)
FROM v$db_object_cache
Generic V$session Information about currently logged
on user session. Usually joined with
v$process to get more information
about user sessions
Generic V$process

3. V$sysstat
4. V$filestat
5. V$rollstat
6. V$undostat
7. V$session
8. V$process
9. V$transaction
10. V$lock
11. V$locked_object
12. V$system_event
13. V$logfile
14. V$log
15. V$sgastat
16. V$pgastat
17. V$sga
18. V$pga
19. V$instance
20. V$database
21. V$tablespace
22. V$datafile
23. V$librarycache
24. V$buffercache ??
25. V$session_longops
26. V$operation
27. V$querystat
28. V$latch
29. V$waitstat
30. V$session_wait
31. V$sessstat
32. V$sqltext
33. V$sql
34. V$sqlarea
35. V$sql_plan
36. V$db_cache_advice
37. V$event_name
38. V$session_event
39. V$statname
40. V$object_usage  identified unused indexes
41. V$rowcache
42. V$db_object_cache
43. V$shared_pool_reserved
44. V$db_cache_advice
45. V$cache
46. V$BH
47. V$buffer_pool
48. V$buffer_pool_statisctics
49. V$shared_server
50. V$queue
51. V$shared_server_monitor
52. V$dispatcher
53. V$dispatcher_rate
54. V$circuit
55. V$tempfile
56. V$latchholder
57. V$open_cursor

58. Dba_tables
59. Dba_views
60. Dba_data_files
61. Dba_tablespace
62. Dba_roles
63. Dba_role_privs
64. Dba_rollback_segs
65. Dba_users
66. Dba_logs
67. Dba_tab_columns
68. Dba_indexes
69. Dba_tab_indexes
70. Dba_constraints
71. Dba_cons_columns
72. Dba_segments
73. Dba_extents
74. Dba_free_space
75. Dba_blocks
76. Dba_waiters
77. Dba_blockers
78. Dba_histograms
79. Dba_source

Answer the following questions

1. What is the size of my sga

2. What is the size of buffer pool
3. What is the size of shared pool
4. What is the size of dictionary cache
5. What is the size of library cache
6. Is shared server running
7. What is the number of dispatchers runnig
8. How many number of servers are running
9. How many dbwr processes are running
10. Is archiving on
11. What is the archive log destination
12. What is the sort are size
13. What is the size of large pool
14. Are we using keep cache. What is the size
15. What objects are pinned in keep cache
16. Are we using recycle cache. What is the size
17. How many user are there on the system
18. Who is currently logged in, their uix process IDs, usernames, programs they are
19. Which users are DBAs
20. Which procedures, packages are pinned in library cache
21. What is the current size of total PGA
22. IS PGA managed manually
23. What is the target PGA size
24. What is the max PGA size
25. How may tablespaces do we have
26. What are their sizes
27. How much of free space is available in each tablespace
28. What data files in each tablespaces
29. Are we using OMF
30. What SQL statements are currently in library cache
31. How many RBS do we have
32. Do we have a large RBS for batch jobs
33. What port number your listener running on
34. What is the trace level for your listener
35. Where is your listener log file
36. Is your listener running now

Top 10 tuning indicators

Buffer cache hit ration > 95%
Library cache hit raion > 99%
Dictionary cache hit ratio > 99%
Very low or no sorting on disk
Low physical reads

Important Wait Events in V$SYSTEM_EVENT

Important Statistics in V$SYSSTAT

background checkpoints started
background checkpoints completed
Class Topics

1. Buffer Cache
2. Library Cache
3. Row Cache
4. Redo
5. Archiving
6. Checkpoint
7. File IO distribution
9. Sorts (05_sorting.doc)
10. RBS (09_undo_anagement.doc)
11. Locks
12. Latches (07_latches.doc)
13. Free List
14. Shared Servers
15. Large Pool
16. Java Pool
17. SQL – explain plan (13_use_explain.ppt)
18. indexes
19. partitioning (08_partitioning.doc)
20. chaining (12_chaining_migration.doc)
21. materialized views
22. SQL Loader (01_SQLLoader.doc)
23. PGA (04_GA.doc)
24. HWM (06_High_water_mark.doc)
25. Analyze (11_Analyze.doc)

Day #1
Shared Server
File IO Distribution

Day #2
Materialized views
Free List
Day #3
Buffer Cache
Library Cache
Row Cache

Day #4

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