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Name : _________________________________

Grade : _________________________________

Test : _________________________________


1. Mention 2 basic human desires according to Soejanto Soekanto!

2. Why there needs to be laws and regulations in a country?
3. What is the meaning of “ubi societas ubi us”?
4. Why do people need norms?
5. Give examples of written rules!
6. Give examples of unwritten rules!
7. What is the meaning of laws and regulations according to Ferry Edwar and Fockema
8. State the principle of the laws and regulations!

9. Give one example where higher statutory regulations override lower statuory regulations!
10. Give one example where specific laws and regulations override general laws and regulations!
11. State the legal basis of the laws and regulations!
12. Mention the order of the laws of the Republic of Indonesia!
13. Explain what is the 1945 constitution and the systematic 1945 constitution after the
14. What is UU and Explain how is the process of making UU!
15. What is Perpu (Peraturan pemerintah pengganti Undang-Undang and explain how it can be

16. What is government regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah)?

17. What is President regulation (Peraturan presiden)?
18. What is Perda (Peraturan Daerah) and Explain!
19. Draw a scheme of the UU making process!

20. In order for everyone to know about each statutory regulation. It must be written or placed
21. What is the meaning of corruption?
22. What is the meaning of anti-corruption?
23. Mention the definition of corruption according to article 2 paragraph 1 of law number 20 of
2001 concerning corruption!
24. Mention government institutions that are created to eradicate corruption!
25. Mention the basis government policy in the fight against corruption!

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