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Whether the contract Hussin booked house from Kapak Holding Sdn. Bhd is still valid contract ?

Principle of law

The definition of coercion is the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using
force or threats. In coercion have two ways of committing coercion. This coercion have in section 15
in companies act. In coercion they have 2 categories. First the committing or threatening to commit
any act forbidden by the Penal Code. Its means the act that prohibited like rape or drug problems.
Second is the categories is the unlawful detaining or threatening ti detain, of any property to the
prejudice of any person. The agreement that has made must keep safely because it will help us in
court to get approval. They must with the intention of causing any person to enter the element like
case of Chin Nam Bee development V Tai Kim Choo & 4 ORS (1988). The case about the Appellants
threat and want to cancle their booking because some problem of payment amount rm4000. Held :
the payment was not voluntary but had been made under threat.


This case is in category of coercion in element consent of parties. In the this situation of
Hussin and KAPAK Holding Sdn. Bhd. still valid contract. It is because the effect of coercion case it
still voidable. Hussin as a plantiff he want bring this case to court. It is because the issue of Kapak
Holding Sdn Bhd change the total payment the Hussin need to pay. Kapak Holding also threat Hussin
because the plaintiff does not pay. So when in this case have threat the case is be coercion. The
agreement automatically be voidable.


In this case Hussin can choose whether he want the agreement still proceed or just void. The
voidable agreement can help Hussin to choose the best for him.


First concept and characteristic of total quality management is focuses on the development
of quality system and work processes. This process to made improvement of development. Other
than that it also help company more better and successful in work. Some people other from
organization will see how successful their quality system in other organization. From what they see
they will make a comparison whether the organization was good or not. For example the
improvement make by government is establish E-government to the citizens. E-government is the
initiative will help to reduce cost for the organization or the citizens. It is because people can use E-
government through online access.

Second concept and characteristic of TQM is emphasize on quality assurance. This ways to
ensure that every output produce by the organization is quality and can satisfied the customer. The
customer satisfying is very important for every company. It is because whether the company
produce a product or give services both must make sure the customer satisfied. For example the
government provide Urban Transformation Centre ( UTC) and Rural Transformation Centre ( RTC).
From this initiative we can see this help more citizens. It help make every people to do everything in
one place. It is because in UTC and RTC we can see many public service has provided. So from the
survey that they make many people very satisfied this initiative.

First total quality management implementation approaches to be avoid is they train all your
employees at once. At once mean in same categories. But this way may end up with problem that
the employees not use the knowledge from the training that they go. If for along time they not
applied their new skills that get from the training the company provide. The employee will slowly
forget what was they learn. This will make the company waste their money because give training for
employees that not give the benefit to company. For example the employees from finance
department go training about how to improve sales skills. When the training was finish the
employees cannot applied the knowledge because it was not same in finance work. The right ways is
the company should identify every employees and divide to small group.

Second total quality management implementation approaches to be avoided is rush in total

quality by putting to many people in teams. As we know why we put many people in organization to
make more improvement continuously through give more creatively ideas. Having too many teams
automatically the company have many employees and this will increase the expenses. The company
should pay a wages to many employees. Other than that to many employees in team may end up
with problem of social loafing. Social loafing describes the tendency of individuals to put forth less
effort when they are part of a group. For example in the restaurant we have employees for chef and
waiters. In this restaurant they have many waiters and the lazy waiters will let other workers to
serve the customers. It is because if he does not do the job other workers can handle it. To avoid this
happened the company should choose one person to monitor how every each of workers work.


Among 4 types of organisational structure the most I prefer is division structure. This structure are
divide functional area in the organization. In this structure the division may be define by
geographical structure, produce stature and service stature. Each division or branches have their
own function. Division for geographical will based on what country are involve. One of reason why I
choose divisional organisation is because they have the advantages. The advantages for division
organisation is it will allows a variety of production. Every branches will compete each other to be
the best. Normally the production that produce will based on the culture of country. For example
Mac Donald Malaysia and Mac Donald Indian have their own special menu. As we know at Mcd
Malaysia we had produce burger Nasi Lemak while at Mcd India they have burger Maharaja

1. What are 2 challenges you face during the coronavirus crisis?

The challenges I face during the coronavirus crisis is I cannot control to eat. As we all know that we
must to keep stay at home. So all of my family have at home and we cannot stop to eat because my
mom always cook a delicious food that make I cannot to say no. But in same time we also can try to
cook a variety of food. The second challenges is we cannot to go out because to prevent the spread
of covid 19. Sometimes I fell bored and don’t know what should I do at home for a long time. It is
because before this if feel bored we can go out to some place or meet friend .But I know this ways
will help to stop spread the virus and we all can celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri safely.

Pad miss eton

Service quality in the public sector have 5 characteristics. First characteristic is Intangibility in
public sector. Intangibility in simple word is not direct service. It is because this characteristics
unable to hold or touch a service. Some service in this characteristics through communication. The
communication liked give consultation or some advise. Thus this ways will make people used this
also may be considered as a risky. For example LHDN company they give advise to those who want
know problems about income tax. They will advise us how to handle the problem from A to Z.

Second characteristics for service quality in the public sector is inseparable. In inseparable
they do both which is give service and produce product. The service is inseparable from the service
providers. Other than that the production and consumption of many service are simultaneously
done. This characteristics they give both in the same time. As we can see in restaurant they make a
service and produce food for customer in same time. Example in public sector is Malaysian
Agricultural Research and Development Institute give advice to does who are interest with farming.
Other than that they help give free seed for the started. This also help tu reduce the poverty of

Third characteristics for service quality in public sector is inconsistency or heterogeneity.

Inconsistency means is they always make a changes. In simple sentence they are not staying the
same throughout. This characteristics it reflects the potential for high variability in service delivery. It
is because they will looked about the quality , output and delivery. It also provides a room for
flexibility an customisation. The customisation are made because of requirement from customers.
Inconsistency is different service performance due to different labor inputs and non-standardisation
of delivery. It is because went they want to make more output they must have more employees. For
example they will see if want make concert how long it will happens, what concept ans so on. In
public sector is Pos Malaysia we must pay the postage based on more factors. One of the reasons
why the price was different because they was based on weight and further.

Durability is one of the service quality in public sector. The meaning of durability is the
ability of person to do something for along time without getting tired. Other than that the public will
kept on using services provided by the public sector. Changing customer demand and technology,
the service may become obsolete demand and technology, the service become obsolete quick. The
organisation must create customer focus market orientation and Proficiency. This characteristics
based on service brand. For example National registration department take one month to prepare
Malaysian identity card but now the improvement that they do they only take one week to make
Malaysia identity card.

Last characteristic for service quality in public sector in inventory or perishability. The
meaning for perishability is service capacity cannot stored for sales in the future. The service that
they use is produce and consumed simultaneous. This characteristics have 2 ways of the duration of
public service. First ways is the definite period that given before. In this ways are not be performed if
the customer not request. After the costumer need a service the consumer will get time period. For
example appoiment to do check up wearing branches with dental department in government
hospital. We should not late the dental it will the problem more biggest. Second ways is vanish after
the service has been consumed.

Miss eton juga

First dimonsions of service quality is reability. Meaning of reliability is the quality of being
trustworthy or of performing consistently well. This also the ability to provide what was they
promised. Other than that service provide will see about dependability, accuracy on performance.
Some organisation make written promises thought client Charter. This is to defined the purpose ,
scope and standard of business. For example if we want to be permanent teachers we must sign
agreement. The agreement by minister of education that they must be interim teacher for a few
moth before be permanent teacher. This ways to make sure they can be permanent teacher or not.

Second is dimension of service quality is tangibility. Tangibility is the quality of being

perceivable by touch. In this dimension is about the physical facilities and appearances of personnel.
Physical facilities is the facilities that we can fell and touch. It is about the equipment that the
organisation use. Appearance of personnel is the view from citizens of organisation. Uniform is one
of the appearances of personnel should have in organisation. As we can see in public sector we have
royal malaysia police. They must wear a clean uniform and thus they have allowances to cleans that
uniform. The good appearance of personnel will make other people more trust them.

Empathy is one of the dimensions of the service quality. This dimensions must have good
communication with other people. Customer understanding also important because to get satisfying
of customer. Statisfiying cuatomer will make the loyalty of brand. Other than that it is the degree of
care and giving individual attention, as regard to easy acces, good communication and customer
understanding. This dimensions is the ability to understanding and caring with consumer. For
example in Malaysia the consumer can make price report to KPDNKK about the price give from
seller. It is because protect consumer right. The seller cannot sell too expensive price because the
organisation will hard to get profit.

Next is responsiveness is one of the dimensions of service quality. In responsiveness the

willingness to help and provide prompt service to the costumer. This dimension closely related to
helpfulness and promptness. This organisation have this dimension will make sure their service are
help people by make fasteners service. In simply word on of their goals they must provide service on
time. This is to avoid the consumer waiting to long. For example company in Malaysia wich is Pos
Malaysia they make a delivery and postage services. They have responsibility to care the parcel or
send the parcel fast as they can.
Last is assurance also one of the dimensions of service quality. This dimensions about
knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust. In this dimensions they must
keep a physically and financial freedom from danger. The assurance will help the organisation to be
more successful. For example if we want to be a lecturer Uitm we must have the criteria that they
want. Many criteria the management will see before they can be permanent lecturer. One of criteria
they see is about level the knowledge we have.

They have many benefit that we get by implement EKSA in organization. This benefit
will help the organization from many factors.

First benefit that we get by implement EKSA is it helps to create a quality work
environment. As we know EKSA have implement 5S which is sort, set in order, shine,
standardize and sustain. If we have a quality work environment it will help the running of
work in organization.

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