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013 SECTION 1 Spelling There is one incorrectly spelt word in each line in the passage helow. Draw a circle around the incorrectly spelt TASK 1 word. Write the correct spelling of the word in the box provided for each line. ‘The hikers imbarked on an expedition along the 1 Northern Range. They prefered the challenge of the 2 b because of the astonishing seenery. The 3, guide was experianced and acquainted with the route. 4. Along the way he identified poisonus plants and others that were edable. The hikers were truly fascinated 6 (22 marks) 0421802 1/T&T SEA 2019 Page 5 Punctuation and Capitalization There is one punctuation or capitalization error in each TASK 2 line in the passage below. Insert the missing punctuation mark or capital letter in its correct place, in each line. Crab > the driver yelled suddenly. He pointed 7 to the blue eight-legged creature as it scurried 8 along the busy roadside The car came to an abrupt 9. stop. Sarah leaned forward excitedly, ~ driver ¢ 0. you catch that huge crab for me? ¢ driver 11 cringed at the thought of the creatures large claws 1 (6 marks) 0421802 /T&T SEA 2019 Page 6 PAGE Grammar There is one grammar error in each line in the passage TASK 3 below. Draw a circle around the error and write the correct form of the word in the box provided. ‘The population of sea turtles have plunged towards extinetion. Predators feed on the turtles’ eggs and its hatchlings. Humans, however, might be their worse enemies, Turtles hecome trap in fishing nets 16. and safety devices can be used to prevent this. Hotel owners which use artificial lights, also add to the problem, 18 (22 marks) O42IRDZUTRT SEA 2019 Page 7 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE SECTION 2 we Comprehension TASK 4- Read the passage, The Impact of Social Media on Non-Fiction Our Lives, and answer questions 19 to 28. The Impact of Social Media on Our Lives A decade ago, it was very difficult to conneet with people, even with the power of the internet, Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are making it much casier for people to reconnect. even after decades of being apart 5 These sites allow people to share information instantly and to meet new people who have similar interests and thoughts, When used appropriately, social media can add value to our lives, Social media sites are useful for marketing opportunities as well. Over the past few years, users have seen an increase in the amount of advertising on these sites, This allows for a much closer connection between customers and companies, 10 which may lead to improved sorvice and better quality products Social media sites are a good source of entertainment for young people. They ean watch videos that people post to their timelines, view pictures, read stories and even play games. Whether using a smartphone, tablet or computer, more and more young people are utilizing social media in their daily lives. 15 Young people are often more ready to adapt to using technologies and the; are at the forefront in the use of social media of all types. They also have more technological knowledge than many of the older generations. Social media therefore, is having a great impact on their daily lives, whether positively or negatively. Those who spend too much time on social media sites may neglect 26 important activities such as homework or chores. Others. who take the abuse of online bullies seriously, could suffer from stress, loss of appetite or experience ceplessness, Some who are overly trusting cn be easily mislead by fake news. Therefore, it is important for parents to supervise their children's time on these sites Adapted from: htips:/, blog / 2013. impact-of-social-media-in-our- Lives! O4Z18021/TRT SEA 2019 Page 8 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Questions: The Impact of Social Media on Our Lives 19. List two ways people can reconnect online, as stated in the passage 20. Give one advantage of being able to share information instantly (mark) 21, Do you agree with the author's statement, media can add value to our lives” (lines 5-6)? Give a reason for your answer. @ marks) Give the meaning of each of the following words as used in the passage (appropriately dine 5 (mark) Gi) ampact (line 18) G mark) 421802 /T&T SEA 2019 Page 9 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE now 23, ora 26. 27. Give two ways in which social media sites can benefit business. marks) ‘Young people are often more ready to adapt to using technologies’ (ine 15). Why is the author's use of the word “adapt” suitable? “@ marks) Give two pieces of evidence which support the view that voung people have more technological knowledge than older people w (@ marks) State two ways in which the information in paragraph 2 is different from that in paragraph 3. “ Gi) Give two reasons why parents should supervise their children's use of social media sites, as stated in the passage “ ca) 0421902 1/°&T A 2019 Page 10 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 28, What do you think is the purpose of the passage? Use two details from the passage to support your answer. (marks) 0421802 1/T&T SEA 2019, Page 11 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE TASK 5 - Poetry Read the poem, When a Giant has a Haircut, and answer questions 29 to 38. 20 When a Giant Has a Haireut When a giant has a haircut it's a massive enterprise due completely to the giant's quite considerable size To begin an undertaking of such monumental scope first the barber needs x scaffold and a thousand yards of rope. Hel ascend by hetienpter to the giant's lofty dome with a pair of swords for scissors and a pitchfork for a comb. Then for weeks and weeks he'll labour he will cleave and slice and hack He will chop and saw and sever like a raving lumberjack. ‘Turning forests into wastelands slashing tangles everywhere. you may hear him yelling. “TEMBER? as he's felling strands of hair When at last the harber's finished then it fills his heart with sorrow when the giant says, “My hair grows fast Til come again tomorrow.” Kenn Nesbitt “Lumberjack — A person whose job it is to cur down trees Page 12 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Questions: When a Giant Has a Haircut 29. Give the meaning of each of the following words as used in the poem. undertaking (line 5} momumental (line 6) (2 marks) 30. From the poem, list two tools which the barber requires to cut the giant's hi @ ai) @ marks) 31. Identify one example of each of the following figures of speech in the poom @) Simile _. qi) Metaphor (@ mark 32. What sense does the poet mainly appeal to in stanza 4? Write a line to support your answer @ marks) 0121802 1/T&T SEA 2019 Page 13, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 38. “Turning forests into wastelands” (line 17) Why is this an appropriate description of the giant's haircut? 34. Between the giant and the barber, who is more courageous? Give your answer using details from the poem. (2 marks) (2 marks) 36. State one quality of che barber and support your answer with evidence from the poem Quality: Evidence 0421802 1/T&T SEA 2019 Page 14 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 37. Explain why the barber's heart fills with “sorrow” in the last stanza ~@ marks} 38. If you were the giant, would you want this barber to cut your hair? Give one reason for your answer. 40 @marks) voto 04218021/T&P SEA 2019 Page 15, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE aw nora Read the invitation on this page and answer TASK 6-Graphic |e onc age 1 99O9OOF OOD “Operation Sleepover” ‘Your mission: Celebration of Atiba’s 12th birthday 6:00 p.m. Saturday, 6th April 2019 Burleigh Heights, Signal Hill, Tobago + Mystery games + Treasure hunt + Movie marathon, — Contact Mrs Dillon a by 3rd April re .) 639-8372, a dillon? Bring your sleep gear! ©9OGOOO OOS O4ZISOLVTRT SE, Page 16 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Questions: Operation Sleepover 39. 40. ah. O4ZISOLUT&T SEA 2019 Using details from the invitation, fill in the following information What is “Operation Sleepover” Where will it be held? (2 marks) Identify two activities that will appeal to the children Heese a seeEeeECH «iy Betatesteseeeeeeeee 7 cr -EEEEEEEL @ marks) Ifyou were creating this invitation, would you include the image of the flashlight? Give a reason for you @ marks) Give the meaning of each of the following words, as used on the invitation, 4G) Mission (1 mark) Gi) Movie marathon ~mark) GO ON TO THE ® B 43. State two reasons why a child might receive this invitation “ @ marks) END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED. YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK BEFORE HANDING IN YOUR PAPER. The Council has made every effort to trace copyright holders. However, if any have been inadvertently overlooked, or any material has been incorrectly acknowledged, CXC will be pleased to correct this at the earliest opportunity. 0421802 T&T SEA 2019) Page 18 SECTION 1 1. Write che value of the underlined digit in the place value chart ‘Hundreds of | Tens of : Thousand Thousand | TROwsind | Hundred | Tens Ones _ Answer Write 32 as 9 mixed number | Answer _ DIZAGI TERT SEA 2019 Paxe 5 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE i 4, 9648 +6 = | | | | | | 1 — | i | 5. Write the missing numeral to make the number statement correct | is piss | z Ax 10) Ub = Hh wT | | | { Answer : sec a | 6 VRE+ = | Z 3 % p-a= | 1 Answer ass JOLITRT SEA 2019 Page 6 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Write the total value of the bills and coins can ie al J | |@66@6| | e Answer } 9. a1 «15 = | | | | | | | | Answer it | 10, Write the missing numbers in the boxes below | | | | 13 1 | aed 7 | | 5 | Te | | | DONOTWRITEHERE | K(Q) AC) R@) | TOTALGO) 2 ae SPE } O1ZMOLUTR&T SEA 2019 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE be g oa 11. What is the distance, in centimetres, between Point P and Point Q? | om |14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 —_——— | P Q | | | Answer ae em 12. Read the time shown on the analog clock. Write this time on the digital clock. Analog clock Digital clock 0423101 T&T SEA 2019 Page & GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 13, The calendar below is torn, What would be the date of the Sth Friday? Answer What is the total volume of the sulid? Satan a wllaceh ceca eda oe N T | eae 1 sem a | | Answer em OT WRITE HERE | K@) aay) | RO TOTAL (1) 0423401 1/TRT SEA 2019 Page 9 GO ON TO THE NE} T PAGE ons 15. On the diagram below. which two angles are greater than 90°? Answer 16. Name one solid with a uniform cross section Anew DAZIOLVTRT SEA 2019 Page 10 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 17. Which plane shape (A. B, C.D) below has alll che properties described in the No. of Pairs of No. of Pairs of Equal No. of Lines of Parallel Sides Sides Symmetry | SONG | © | | | i | | MIAAOLUTET SEA 2019 Page 11 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 18. The pictograph helow shows t sts owned by 90 children. PETS OWNED. Dog Cats Bird Fish How many children docs Q represent? Anawer ¢ | 19. The tally chart below shows the favourite colours af some students, What colour represents the mode? Answer WAZSIOLUTRT SEA 2019) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 20. The table below shows the number of ice-cream cones sold for three days. | i i | | Monday | | osday | I | | | 1 | | | | | | | | | : | DO NOT WRITE HERE | K (3) AO) RO) TOTAL () | OWBHOTUTRT SEA 2019 GO ON TO THI SECTION 2 | 21. Eightven idenccal tables fit exactly along the lenath of @ hall Bach table | measures 2.5 m in length, What is the total length of the hall? | | Answer i fi m @ marks) 22, John has to do a book report on a book that contains 375 pages. He has finished reading 225 pages of the book, What pereent of the baok does he still have to read? | { | i | | i | | | Answer : i pages marks) | L } 0423401 1/P&T SEA 2019 Page 14 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE acon Darren filled boxes with tins of orange juice and numbered the boxes in the order in which they were filled, He packed the 496th tin in Box 21 then stopped for lunch, Box 21 was not completely filled. How many tins were in Box 21? Answer tins (2 marks) 24, Sita has 36 marbles, She has 3 the number of marbles that Diana has. How m: marbles do they have altogether? Answer marbles (2 marks) DAZSAOL LTR SEA 2019 Page 15 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 25, The diagram below shows Maria and Chloe ina race. Maria ie netres beh Chloe Maria Sms m (marks) Pag ON TO THE NEXT PAGE own below The prices of three different items are Notebook Folder Pen $5.00 $30.00 $5.00 |. | | Erin bought the items shown in the table below. Complete the table, Total Item Quantity eae Notebook Folder 2 a Pen $15.00 ‘TOTAL | 898,00 (marks) 9128401 TEE SEA 2019 ge GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ee gave the fallowing question to his class os+02= Kate wrote 0.8+0.2 = 0.1 Priya wrote O8+0.2 = LO Whose answer is correct? Use words or diagrams to explain your answer. Answer = Ae : a 7 (3 marks) | | | 0425401 LT&T SEA 2019 Page 18 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 28. Can two fractions with the same numerators and different denominators be equal? 1 1 { | : Use words or diagrams to explain your answer, You may use \ and 1 as | | | @marksy | 0425401 TT SEA 2019 Page 19 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 29 Ata school. 55% of the students are boys. All of participated in the school's concert What percentage of the students participated in Answer _ 30, A farmer sold avocados aver a periad of 6 days sold on Day 3 and Day 6 is not shawn. Anawer - each day follows a pattern as shown in the table below, The number of avocados How many avoeados were sald altogether for the 6 day i the boys and 40% of the girls the concert " @ marks) ‘The number of avocados sold avcendos marks» | 0423401 VT&T SEA 2019 Page 20 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, DO NOT WRITE HERE K (0) A(6) RO) TOTAL (25) 1. What is the area of the shaded figure below? Answer em (2 marks) a ladder Phe diagram bel By how much should the ladder be extended to reach the kite at the top of the GABAOT T&T SEA 2019 Page 21 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 38. Mr Deo wants to tile the flnar below using square tiles 20 em in length | | | Floor How many tiles will he need to cover the floor? roy | | | | Answer tiles (3 marks) OLBMOLUTRT SEA 2019 Page 22 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | | { i ‘ 8 masta) 1 Sevan rage GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE DO NOT WRITE HERE | K (0) A R@) TOTAL (oy | | 36, Two boys have kites in th: | | | Oo, | | | | iN i | Write two differences in the properties of Kite A and Kite B | | | | GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, @ marks) Michael and -foe me where they both turned in 4 clockwise direction, Tl ithe game with each boy facing north and they both tune: r. Michael made half turns and Joey made quarter turns. played a Complete the table below to show the direction each boy faced after each turn, Turn Number (Stary) 3 South (@ marks) 0423401 TXT SEA 2019 B GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE f \ DO NOT WRITE HERE — K (0) A@ RO TOTAL 38. The table below shows the seores of some Standard 4 students in a Mathematics | | | | | | | | wnat peroentage of the students had # score of at least 15? | / | | | | | | | | { | | | | | | : / | face @ marks) | | | 0423401 /TRT SEA 2019 Page 26 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 39. The bar graph below shows the number of rafife tickets sold by five bove RAFFLE TICKETS SOLD | | | | | | | | | 0 10 20 30 4 50 60 No. of tickets sold to he sold was 20 hould be given move tickets te areason for your | SEA 2018 Page GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (aa ouuanmmaens eset (marks) | 40. Arnold's mean mark in dtests is 73. He wants to increase his mean by 5 marks How many marks must he score in the fifth test? \ | | | | | | t | | | | | Answer marks) | | i | | | | | | l J 0423401 /TRT SEA 2019 Page 28 ux GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE SECTION 3 RO TOTAL @)) DO NOT WRITE HERE KO) han Spinners and spent 4 tota’ Omari houghe some magnets and spint spinner cost $4.00, He bought 7 mere £8194 00, nagnets How mane amgnets did b magnets (4 marks) ee )499401 VERT SEA 2059) Page 29 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 42. A farmiy of 4 persons bought lunch from the menu Phe total bill was $125.00, Each person's meal included a fruit punch, How many burger(s) and sladis) were bought? Answer (4 marks) | | | C4340 T&T SEA 2019 - t DONOTWRITEHERE K@) AQ) RG) TOTAL (Ss) | 43. Identical rectangular cards are placed on a straight line at an equal distance from each other. as shown below. The total distance from the first eard tn the third card is, Bach eard has a wideh of Jem. Ist and Sed ith i2th | jee aT | | | | {| i | fees | | | | | | eee) | | | | fete a Het eae | | | | distance from the ard card to the 12th card? | | | | | | | | Answer aun) (marks) | | | O422401 UT&T SEA 2019 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, | DO NOT WRITE HERE | K (0) Ay R«) TOTAL (4) | | aa faa oo I Ctra Att Chet ft f mi CUI C1 | Tsep Esp Steps Estep | z ta) How nany cubes will be used to build a stairease with 6 steps? | | thy 1F138 cubos are used to hild a similar etaireace. how many steps itl | Answer marks) O4Z34OT TET S P: ge 82 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a Bs | | DONOTWRITEHERE KO) AO) Ra TOTAL (4) 45. Maya has 285 stickers, Rene has iekers and tickers YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK BEFORE HANDING IN YOUR PAPER How many stickers must Rene and Maya give to Zara so chat the 3 girls will have the same number of stickers? Answer ee : __ stickers Rene gives stickers | (marks) | END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, OAZMOLTRT SI

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