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Care Plans

Problem Statements and Goals:

(see list of interventions below)

#1. Problem/ Need: New resident, needs to meet others & become involved in recreational activities.
          Possible Goals:
                     R will spend 10min per day out of room in social area AEB staff observations.
                     R will be active in recreational activities of choice a min of 3x per week.
                     R will express satisfaction with activity level at each review.

#2. Problem/ Need: Resident prefers to stay in room, not interested in groups or socializing with other res;
needs recreational activities.
          Possible Goals:
                    R will be active daily in bedside activities of his/her choice.
                    R will express satisfaction with activity level at each review.
                    R will have bedside activities of choice available daily.

#3. Problem/ Need:  Resident disrupts group activities (specify how); needs 1-1 attention for recreational
          Possible Goals:
                    R will be active in activities of choice a min of 3x weekly.
                    R will have the opportunity to participate in small group activities with residents
                              of similar functioning level weekly.

#4 Problem/ Need:  Resident spends a majority of time on bedrest; dependant on staff for activities/
          Possible Goals:
                    R will maintain ability to respond to stimulation AEB           . (eye contact,
verbalization, other)
                    R will have sensory stimulation daily.

#5 Problem/Need:  Resident is at risk for decreased activity level due to health status.
          Possible Goals:
                    R will maintain present activity level AEB participation records.
                    R will express satisfaction with activity level at each review.
                    R will continue to be involved in activities of choice with adaptions made to
                              compensate for        .  (hand tremors, poor vision, etc.)

Frequently Used Interventions:
                    * Provide R with schedule of activities; encourage R to "come and watch" those of interest
without pressure to participate.
                    * Use names of self and others often in conversation to assist R in remembering.
                    * Visit 1-1 with R in room (XX) times weekly.  Provide a variety of sensory stimulation, ie:
scented lotion, XXXX (type) music, reading, etc.
                    * Introduce R to other residents with similar interests.
                    * Include R in snack carts, pet visits, and other room-to-room type activities as he/she accepts.
                    * Honor R's right to choose own activities.
                    * Seat R close to group leader to facilitate clear hearing/ vision.
                    * Provide cues/ prompts to facilitate active participation.
                    * Provide reading material, stationary, radio, books on tape, or other requested materials for
independent use by resident.
                    * Schedule visits with a volunteer with similar interests to       . (play cards, read the Bible, etc.)
                    * Contact church of R's choice to arrange clergy visits.

Mrs. Smith will participate (will do) and expression satisfaction (resident response-stated satisfaction
as evidence by verbalization to staff in choosing independent leisure pursuits such as crossword puzzles
(type of activities) as desired by June 30, 2018 (when).

Mr. Doe will choose (will do) and actively participate (will respond) in programs of choice
club (type of activity), minimum of once daily before next review on June 30, 2018 (when).


1. What will the resident do?

2. How will the resident respond?
3. By when?
4. What type of activities are targeted:

 Reasonable for resident?
 Attainable for resident?
 Observable by staff?
 Individualized to residents specific needs and preferences?

1. Use words such as: encourage, positive motivation, provide, remind
2. State everything staff will do and provide for resident
 Accommodations
 Modifications
 Limitations
 Past interests
 Approaches much coordinate with the goal, problem/need
3. Specific and detailed
 is the resident receiving 1:1 activities/interventions? If so there needs to be
approaches stating what are the preferred 1:1’s and what staff are doing during 1:1’s with
the resident
 does the resident like to read? If so there needs to be detailed approaches
preferred reading materials, genres etc
 all areas of the care plan need to have specific individualized interventions to ensure QoL.

1. Staff will offer and provide reading materials of interest as needed
2. During 1:1 visits staff provide the newspaper and read current events to (NAME) as these are his
preferred areas of interest in the newspaper
3. Staff will invite, encourage and assist (NAME) outside on the patio when the weather is good

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