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Analysis and interpretation of environment sequence models in Hassi R'Mel

Field in Algeria

Article  in  WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development · February 2009


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3 authors, including:

Baouche Rafik A. Nedjari

University M'Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene


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Analysis and interpretation of environment sequence models in

Hassi R’Mel Field in Algeria
Laboratory of the Physical Earth, University of Boumerdes, 2 Avenue of Independence,
Boumerdes, Algeria,,, .
**University of Sciences and Technology–Sedimentary Basins–FTSGAT, Algiers,


With a surface area of 400,000 km2, the Triassic Province in Algeria represents a vast Saharan
territory, in which significant hydrocarbon layers are exploited on the Triassic and Cambrian–
Ordovician levels. The Saharan Triassic consisted of varied continental environments,
namely, fluvial, flood plain, lake, Sebkha, and wind.
At the top of Formation I, the lower series of strata of the Triassic, there are intercalations of
volcanic rocks represented by dolerites. Sedimentation interspersed with periods of no
deposition is thought to have occurred during the Triassic continental; resulting in a
deposition of ground-level strata and the development of a more or less intense paedogenesis.
This paedogenesis is found at the origin of important unequal discontinuities which can be
used for sequential cutting and is also significantly influenced by climate. In such a context,
and during the periods of no deposition, physicochemical phenomena related to the climate
and type of bedrock occur, leading to the formation of a more or less advanced ground
related to the elapsed time between two phases of sedimentation; this phenomenon is known
as paedogenesis.
Formation II is characterized by the eruptive on the level of the lower member IIa at the base
and constituted primarily of dolerites but the roof is primarily by a channel in a fine sandy
filling. The member IIb is characterized by fluvial facies of channels prevailing and evolving
to the top in a complex of playa or evaporates. This complex is characterized by a negative
polarity at the bottom with a broad separation of the curves of neutron/density.
Formation III is characterized primarily by an evaporate facies of sebkha type halite which
separates by electro halite benches, with weak Gamma Ray and lower than 10 API. The sonic
signal is relatively constant around 70 µs/ft.
This work therefore attempts to refine the above models by using a well log-based modeling
approach (gamma ray, neutron, sonic, density and resistivity) to examine the evolution of
successions. The stratigraphy obtained using the results of faciologic analysis established for
this purpose on the level of the Hassi R’Mel field is also used.

Key Words: Reservoir characterization, paleosols, sequence environments, Triassic Province,

Sahara, Algeria.

ISSN: 1790-5095 38 ISBN: 978-960-474-093-2


1. Introduction producing reservoirs. Based on this aim,

we emphasise the following points using
our sequence stratigraphic modelling : (1)
The Triassic formations of Hassi R’Mel
improved definition of deposition within
field In Algeria have been the subject of
and between reservoirs, (2) development of
several studies (Nedjari et al., 2002)
regionally sedimentological models
including faciologic and sequential
(Budding M.C. et al., 1981) for reservoir
analysis. Using well log analysis, this
intervals (the Hassi R’Mel Formations),
study aims to characterize, as a first step,
and (3) recognition of paleosols from well
the succession order of the various facies
log analysis (Taylor, A.M. et al., 1993) and
of the Triassic formations to help clarify
controls on reservoir architecture and their
the environments under which the various
links to the Triassic Province of Algeria.
deposits were laid down. Applying the
results obtained from faciologic analysis
2. Description of the Hassi R’Mel area
and the data records of available well log
analysis resulted in the definition of 8
facies at the level of the formations at The Hassi R’Mel field is located in
Hassi R’Mel wells: sandstone, shale sand, Algeria, between the meridian lines 2°55
slightly shale, dolomite, shale dolomite, and 3°0 East and the parallels 33°15 and
dolomite slight shale, and dolerite. 33°45 North, approximately 50 km South
Triassic Succession Studies carried out of Laghouat (Fig.1). It is located at an
with FSTGAT (Laboratory of altitude of about 760 m and extends 80 km
Geodynamics of the Sedimentary Basins, in a north–south direction and 60 km east–
USTHB) showed that the sedimentation is west (Courel L., et al., 2000). The gas
complex (Aît Ouali R. et al., 1996), arising discovery with condensate in the well of
from varied continental environments: an Hrs-1 (Hamel, 1988), the excellent quality
alluvial fan, evaporates, a fluvial system, of the tank and its apparent continuity
and a playa. Each environment can be contributed to the development of
characterized (Miall, A.D., 2002) as exploration in the area; other drillings were
follows by a standard succession: fluvial, thus established in the North of the field
flood plain, lake, wind and evaporates. (Bordj Nili; NL1 with NL5). The
Interpreting the well log data also allowed sandstones reservoirs preserve their good
us to evaluate the petrophysical parameters characteristics but are structurally lower,
as porosity, permeability and shaliness of therefore dry or invaded of water. Towards
the Triassic layers (second order the North-East, drillings Lg1, Ph1 and Pg1
succession) in gas field of the Hassi R’Mel revealed a deterioration of the quality of
gas field. This technique requires highly the reservoir. It is the same in the South in
sophisticated algorithms, giving results of AF drillings.
hydrocarbon fluid content (Abdelrahman, The examination of the seismic profiles
E.M., et al, 2000) for a possible gas was undertaken with the objective of a
analysis of gas production. stratigraphic seismic study, but
In this article, we present new regional unfortunately on the one hand, the profiles
sequence stratigraphic framework that available are not adapted for such a study,
links regional sedimentological (Gary J. et the seismic one used not having a
al., 2003), tectonic and palaeogeographic sufficient resolution and only the large
evolution to reservoir-scale facies locatable markers being of this fact; other
architecture. Our aim is to highlight the share, the thick layer of salt covering the
added value of this integrated regional- Triassic formations attenuates the seismic
scale to reservoir-scale approach in signals enormously crossing it.
identifying near-field exploration potential The studied Field contains on average
and additional recovery opportunities in eleven Wells. The main industry in the

ISSN: 1790-5095 39 ISBN: 978-960-474-093-2


area is primarily condensate gas; only total density of the rocks (Rhob), porosity
those wells drilled in the east of the Hassi Neutron (Nphi), and sonic porosity (DT) as
R’Mel structure found oil (Boudjema, A., well as the resistivities of the rock. The use
1987). of Pef and spectral Gamma (U, Th, and K)
This oil was discovered in 1956 by S.N. makes it possible to specify the nature of
Repal, but oil development began only in lithology (Bourquin S. 1991). The
1970. faciologic analysis out of matrix
complexes (according to Augier, 1980;
3. Wells and well log data Tightened, 1988ä; Bourquin, 1990, 1991,
1993) can be carried out in two stages. The
The wells of South Hassi R’Mel were used first consists of the establishment of a litho
in this study: HRS-2, HRS-4, HRS-7, logical column starting from one or more
HRS-8, HRS-9, HR-6b, HR-8, HR-10, well of reference (where all the facies are
HR-11, HR-12 and HR-162. All surveys present). The second stage consists of the
were the subject of a cutting in formations use of suitable software for an automatic
starting from the paedogenesis expressions semi treatment (PETROLOG, 2002). In the
of the University of FTSGAT (Aît Ouali R. case of this study, the objective is to
et al., 1996). specify the nature of the environments of
a) Reports/ratios of the layers: work deposits (Tightened, 1985b, 1986;
completed by the geologists of Sonatrach Bourquin, 1998) as well as the geometry of
in connection with survey data. the sandy bodies. The faciologic analysis,
b) Other sources of information such as carried out starting from the basic
the information collected on the level of all conventional tools (Bourquin S. 1990,
the bibliographies available (Zeggane F., 1991, 1993), namely the density (Rhob), of
Chikhi Z., USTHB, 2000). porosity neutron (Nphi), of the time of
c) The base of data used includes the course (DT), of the total radioactivity
reports and ratios of analysis of Sonatrach (GR.) as well as photo electric factor Pef,
and the Center of Research and can integrate several facies of a electro
development (CRD) and the results of the banc (Bourquin S. et al., 1990, 1993, 1996,
student thesis of the FTSGAT of Bab 1998), in consequence of their weak
Ezzouar (USTHB), work of synthesis of vertical resolution (30 to 50 cm).
(Broquet P., Hamel A., 1991), and the The interpretation of spacing between the
publications of Nedjari and Aît Ouali in the two curves leads us to introduce the
Triassic province, as well as the results of concept of polarity of electrofacies, which
the work in the area of Zarzaîtine one can distinguish as follows:
(Hamouche B., 2006). Electrofacies with positive polarity, where
Wireline logs recorded in each of the the density (Rhob) curve is on the right of
above wells are: Cement bond log, the neutron (Nphi) curve, can indicate the
Variable, Density Log, and Bore Hole presence of clay, anhydrite, or dolomites.
compensated Sonic, Casing collar Locater, The type of lithology is then distinguished
Litho–Density Tool, Compensated Neutron by the values from the density (Rhob), Pef,
Log, Laterolog, Gamma Ray, and and GR.
corrected Gamma Ray. Electrofacies has negative polarity, where
the density (Rhob) curve evolves on the
4. Methodoly left of the neutron (Nphi) curve, indicating
the presence of sandy facies, gas, or halite.
The methodology used in this study Electrofacies which have a neutral polarity,
consists of the use of a set of well log where the density (Rhob) curve overlaps
available (Augier, C. 1980), primarily of with the neutron (Nphi) curve, indicate
the principal classic well logs, namely the sandy facies.

ISSN: 1790-5095 40 ISBN: 978-960-474-093-2


Well-log analysis is used to define b) An argillaceous matrix on the level of

electrofacies associated with sedimentary the sandstones, the base of the sequences;
facies deduced from well log and core A small percentage of cement in the
analysis to infer electrofacies associations sandstones and absence of thorough
and depositional environments directly quartzification;
from well-logs. It is essential to use c) Importance of the sandstones compared
complete sets of log data to identify and to clays in the series T1 – T2. The fluvial
correlate formations, especially in series is characterized primarily by the
continental environments. For example, volume of sand they contain and the
sandstones containing large amounts of natural resources which are associated
radioactive minerals (potash feldspar, (water, oil, coal and loggings mineral.
heavy minerals, etc.) may produce high Photograph – 2).
gamma-ray values similar to those d) Red clays (Photo-1 of the Hrs-2
obtained from clays. Consequently, the use well, interval: 2263.5 with 2259.6m), in
of gamma-ray and sonic logs alone may centimetric layers with decimetric to
give rise to misinterpretations. metric at the top of the sequences; this
aspect corresponds to a quite medium, on
5. Facies and core analysis, thin blades the flood plain. Joints argillaceous,
centimetric, brown red, probably
Within the South Hassi R’Mel Formation, corresponding to periods of decantation
alternating fine-to-coarse continental during stops of currents; brown red clays
terrigenous facies with some interbedded silto-sand spreaders in decimetre benches
dolomites were observed (Fig.2). Ten main on metric, pseudo-brecciated texture,
facies are described: one clay facies, four abundant in also at the end of the
sandstone facies, three dolomite facies and sequences, thus marking periodize
dolerite (Table 1). The facies survey draining. Photo –1.
provides insight into depositional e) Salt (saliferous) is presented in
processes on the basis of the sedimentary massive benches, of pink colour, with
structures and can be interpreted in terms inter beds of clay grey black, sometimes
of hydrodynamic regimes (Simons et al., dolomitic; characterizing an evaporitic
1965). sedimentation, lagunaire, under hot and
The study of the facies obtained from core even arid climate; Clays with anhydrite,
analysis, carried out on the level of the grey black with dark or green grey dark,
Triassic formations of Southern Hassi R' injected anhydrite, characterizing a
Mel, required the core analysis available at sedimentation in edge of the evaporitic
the laboratory of Sonatrach (Algiers), and salted lagoon, where the water section is
combination of the differed well log data: almost permanent, but under influence of
the Gamma Ray, the Neutron and the sonic silico clastic ends coming from the
log, their fittings in sequences and their exondes grounds with flat relief. Photo –
vertical and side evolutions. The study of 3. Hrs-9. (Zeggane F and Chikhi Z,
the sedimentary figures observed in the USTHB, 2000).
sediments, representing the hydrodynamic
and physical conditions of the medium of 6. Characterization of environments
sedimentation was also taken into account.
The facies met (Photo-2 of board 1) have
The studies carried out by the students of
well Hrs-9, (Fig. 2) Interval: 2282 to
FSTGAT (USTHB) concerning the
2286m), show:
Triassic sequences showed that the
a) Clean sandstones and argillaceous
sedimentation is very complex but made of
sandstones at the base;
various continental-type environments,
ranging from the alluvial fan to the

ISSN: 1790-5095 41 ISBN: 978-960-474-093-2


evaporates (Sebkha), while passing by the The sandy shale series of Hassi R’Mel
fluvial cone and the playa. Each formations crossed by the wells-Hrs-7,
environment can be characterized by a Hrs-9, and Hr-12, could be thus interpreted
standard sequence (Nedjari A., 1998), starting from the well log in the following
(Fig.3), consisting of the following models: way:
6.1-The evaporate sequence, which is The deposits of channels and bars of
characterized by a desert environment and tighten point if they are the fining-up or
made up of red argillaceous deposits, with cylindrical type (Bourquin et al, 1996).
nodules of anhydrite and of gypsum (Fig.4).
testifying to an arid climate of the time The deposits of bars of channel are usually
with many enterolithic structures and coarsening-up, whereas the saliferous one
"chicken wire." Discontinuity, related to and/or shale-saliferous is of the cylindrical
the pedogenesis is expressed by gypsies’ type.
crusts and sand pink (Fig.3.1) as it also
characterizes these sequences. 8. Depositional environment at the Hassi
6.2-The fluvial sequence, which generally R’Mel during the Triassic
consists of sequences of channels with a
decimeter thickness to metric (Fig.3.2). The sedimentation in the area of Hassi
The braid sequence, which is characterized R’Mel Southern Triassic was continental
partly by fluvial environment braids because of the climate and the structural
(Fig.3.2) and made up of sandy shale context. This sedimentation begins with
deposits evolving in a sinuous over wash phases, fluvial energy (braid,
environment. meander, and floodplain), and the worms
6.3-The meanders sequence, which is of the saliferous deposits of evaporates
characterized by an environment of fluvial- under an arid and hot climate.
type meanders and consists of sand toward The succession of the various formations
the base and argillaceous deposits toward is intersected by more or less long episodes
the top of the sequence. The sequence is of magmatic eruptions, which gave more
positive (Fig.3.3). or less thick sequences of eruptive rocks
6.4-The sequence of river and lake because of the fallen-through phase of
environment, for which the material rifting that touched the entire Saharan
composition is generally fine: clays, platform during the phase (Nedjari et al.,
quartz, iron oxide, carbonates, gypsum, 2002). During the Hassi R’Mel Southern
and anhydrite, which the pedogenesis Triassic, the study of the Triassic filling
modifies more or less intensely (Fig.3.4). allowed us to recognize several models of
6.5-The detrital volcano sequence, which is sequences (Fig.4).of various scales, in
related to volcanic castings and primarily particular of the second, third, and fourth
made up of volcanic rock, such as dolerite order. The analysis of the facies and
or basalt (Fig.3.5). electro facies as well as the vertical
6.6-The alluvial fan sequence, which is evolution of the stratigraphic units and the
generally represented at the base by analysis of their vertical fitting, made it
conglomeratic deposits, alternating with possible to establish the side variation of
sandy deposits (Fig.3.6). the facies. Cutting in stratigraphic units
and the litho stratigraphic models
7. Well log responses established from the well log and of the
results of thin blades available make it
The combination of the various well log possible to see that sedimentation during
data gives access to the facies through the Triassic of fluvial type, playa and
concept of the electrofacies (Serra et al., evaporates was intersected with periods
1985a; 1985b; 1986; 1987b). with non deposit, which supported the

ISSN: 1790-5095 42 ISBN: 978-960-474-093-2


development of a more or less intense by electrofacies with positive polarity with

paedogenesis and constitutes a great spacing of the Rhob–Nphi curves.
discontinuities of unequal importance. It Their points are deviated toward the pole
will be used for a scalarized sequential clay.
cutting (Vail, P.R., 1977) principle, the 6. Sandy shale dolomites slightly, with
lithography sequences correspond to increased radioactivity, can have a GR
sequences of environment, to members or lower than sandy dolomites and are
formations of order 3°, 4° and like with represented by electrofacies with positive
sequences of 5° order. polarity with a great spacing of the Rhob–
Nphi curves. Their points are deviated
9. Electrofacies toward the clay pole.
7. Sandy dolomite shale with shale sand
The analysis of the electric signatures (Fig. has a positive polarity and an average
5) of the wells on the scale of the Hassi spacing of the Rhob–Nphi curves are
R’Mel field made it possible to highlight 9 average or high. They are located in the
electrofacies, which are shown in Table 1. triangulation of dolomite clay sandstone.
The sandstones have a negative polarity, 8. Shale facies are characterized by high
with an average spacing of the Rhob–Nphi radioactivities, greater than 90 API, electro
curves, strong densities and resistivities, facies with positive polarity, and a large
and low-porosity neutrons. They are spacing between the density and neutron
located near the pole for quartz in the showed from the cross plot Rhob vs, Nphi
various diagrams. (Fig.6). The Sandy or dolomite clays are
1. The sandstones with slight shale characterized by pointed deviation showed
content, with a negative or positive polarity from the pole clay toward the sandstone
(Rhob curve evolving on the right of the pole or dolomite.
Nphi curve) and a weak spacing of the 9. The dolerite facies are characterized by
Rhob–Nphi curves. They are deviated from electro facies with positive polarity, similar
the right-hand side of the sandstones (or to shale dolomite with a higher gamma ray
the quartz pole) to the right-hand side cut off. The analysis of the electro
direction of the dolomite (or of the sequences of the wells of Hassi R’Mel
dolomite pole). showed several interesting findings.
2. The argillaceous sandstones, with Fluvial system.
positive polarity and weak spacing with
means of the Rhob–Nphi curves, are a. Fluvial system
characterized in general by a radioactivity
higher than that of the sandstones and are • Fluvial bars of channel meanders (Hrs-
deviated toward clay pole close to the 12) have a negative polarity with a rather
theoretical pole (Illite). broad spacing depending, however, on the
3. Dolomites, with positive polarity, are content of matrix clay and are
positioned on the line of dolomites and the characterized by the following: 13<GR<45
dolomite pole according to the diagrams. (API), 58<DT<82 (μs/ft), 2.28<Rhob<2.60
Their radioactivity is lower than 40 API. (g/cc). (Fig.4.2).
4. Sandy shale dolomites, with positive • The sandy bars of the type found in the
polarity, have points deviated in the braid are present primarily at the level of
direction of the quartz pole or line of the the formation II (Hrs-7), (Fig.4.2 and 4.3),
sandstones and a natural radioactivity that which is generally with sandy prevalence
could be high-up to 150 API. with intercalation of clay benches with low
5. Shale dolomites, with increased thicknesses. They have a negative polarity,
radioactivity, can have a GR lower than with a great spacing neutron/density that is
that of sandy dolomites and are represented connected to the matrix fraction clay and

ISSN: 1790-5095 43 ISBN: 978-960-474-093-2


whose well log responses are characterized (Bourquin et al., 1996). They are metric
by the following: 37<GR<91 (API), with plural metric and appear to be formed
64<DT<92 (µs/ft), 0.06<Nphi<12 and of a clay–salt–clay succession, which
resistivities varying from 2 to 8 Ohm/m. represents an evolution of increasing strata.
These units are dated Rhetian and observed
b. Floodplain on the scale of punt Saharan forms. The
halite electro banks exhibit a negative
In the floodplain, sedimentation is polarity, with a great spacing
represented primarily by clays, because of neutron/density that is connected to the
a weak hydro dynamism and with a slope matrix fraction clay and whose well log
that is almost neutral. The traces of roots as responses are characterized by the
well as the desiccation are elements that following: 5<GR<50 (API), 68<Dt<84
one generally finds, and paedogenesis is (µs/ft), –0.009<Nphi<0.06, and resistivities
expressed there by slickenslides, greater than 6000 Ohm/m. These
marmorizations, the simple and complex formations indicate an arid and hot climate.
paedogenesis nodules, and sometimes e. Wind
carbonated encrusting (Fig.5). They have a Wind is not easily detectable by the well
negative polarity, with a great spacing log data. It is, however, visible only with
neutron/density that is connected to the the level of the results of the thin blades.
matrix fraction clay and whose well log An example is visible with the level of the
responses are characterized by the Hrs-4 well, where wind quartz was found
following: 92<GR<133 (API), on thin blades (Fig.7, core n°4; depth, 2156
66<DT<100 (µs/ft), 0.18<Nphi<36, and m).
resistivity varying from 2 to 33 Ohm/m.
These types of environment are 10. Results and analysis
characteristic primarily on the level of the
wells (Fig.3 and Fig. 4). The analysis and the interpretation of the
Triassic electro sequences of Hassi R’Mel
c. Lacustrine are based on an identification of the
electrofacies such as their grouping in
Lake environments are characteristic sequences (Nedjari 1998), the sedimentary
primarily on the level of the wells (Fig.3.4 type of succession, the lithological drift of
and Fig.4.4). They have a negative the benches and interbenches, as well as
polarity, with a great spacing the identified involvement of the deltaic
neutron/density that is connected to the plain, which are cylindrical on the training
matrix clay fraction and whose well log level II (channels). In Fig.3, Well HRS-7
responses are characterized by the represents the types of identified
following: 36<GR<117 (API), cylindrical electro sequences on II and the
70<DT<100 (µs/ft), 0.12<Nphi<0.23, and type training level in braids. The types of
resistivity varying from 1 to 3.5 Ohm/m. sequence identified on the levels of this
well correspond to sequences of
d. Evaporates (Sebkha) environment (Fig.5), the third order with
the following members: (1) channels, (2)
Sebkha facies correspond to evaporates of bars, (3) clays, (o) pedogenesis nodules, of
the coastal plain and are of the halite type marmorizations, the traces of roots and
according to the cross plot of neutron vs encrusting; their well log characteristics
density (Fig.3.1 and Fig.4.1). In these are GR (API) < 45; –0.04<Phin<0.096;
media of sedimentation, the sequences 2.28<Rhob<2.60; 59<Dt<82; and Rt<230
observed are characterized by marine brine Ohm/m.
arrivals and then decantation of evaporates

ISSN: 1790-5095 44 ISBN: 978-960-474-093-2


In Fig.2, Well HRS-9 represents the types In Fig.7, Well HRS-7 represents the results
of identified electro sequences that are of the thin blades according to the well log
cylindrical on the training level II characteristics of each sequence of
(channels). The sequences of the second environment (Zeggane F., Chikhi Z.,
order correspond to sequences of USTHB, 2000):
environment of second order, and the third a. Red marmorization rusts at a depth of
order corresponds to members. Their well 2200m;
log characteristics vary as follows: b. Gyps Crete at the depth of 2158 m;
33<GR<7; 0.00<Phin<0.03; c. Desiccation filled with crystal quartz at
2.33<Rhob<2.6; 59<DT<65. a depth of 2151.5 m;
In Fig.3, the well HRS-7 represents the d. Argilane at the coast at a depth of
types of identified electro sequences that 2144.5 m;
are cylindrical on the training level II, and e. Bimazepism, corresponding to the
one can identify sequences similar to those reorientation of argillaceous minerals at a
of the well Hrs-9 (channels). Sequences of depth of 2166.5m;
environment of the meanders type can be f. Burst quartz at a depth of 2153 m;
met on the training level II with a type of g. Simple pedogenesis nodules at a depth
environment in braid at the base of of 2150 m;
formation I. h. Complex pedogenesis nodules at a
In Fig.3, Well HRS-7 represents the types depth of 2158 m;
of identified electro sequences that are i. Brechifications at a depth of 2157.5 m;
cylindrical on the training level II, of the j. Dolerite at a depth of 2157.5 m.
meander type. With the base of formation
II, one can identify the dolerite 11. Conclusion
representing the paleosols at the base of
formation II, which is representative of the Detailed analysis of the well log responses
major discontinuity with the roof of obtained at the level of the intervals shows
formation I. that the intervals at paleosols have
From these cross sections (Fig. 8), we can particular well log characteristics that
see that: enable us to find them in other non cored
¾ Significant thicknesses variations are to surveys. These well log characteristics are
be noticed on the level of this profile, as follows:
which appears by a significant reduction in Radioactivity GR, varying from 30 to 116
formations I and II starting from the Hrs- (API); resistivity (Rt), very weak and
10 well towards the Hrs-11 well. These varying from 1.0 to 10 Ohm/m; total
reductions are especially very significant density Rhob, varying from 2.34 to 2.67
on the level of the center profile, on the G/DC; porosity Phin neutron, varying from
level of the Hrs-4 well where the structure 12% to 32%; sonic DT, varying from 74 to
could translate a "Horst ". 92 (µs/ft).
¾ Formation I is with dominant shale on Applying these results to the level of other
the level of Hrs-10 and its evolves to a wells, such as Hrs-2, Hrs-4, Hrs-7, Hrs-9,
sandy shale facies with probably good Hrs-12, and Hrs-162, made it possible to
reservoirs qualities towards that of the Hrs- detect the places with paleosols starting
11 survey, except for the well Hrs- 4 from the well log recordings available and
which presents at its base an argillaceous to make a sequential cutting in formations
facies. I, II, and III.
¾ The thickness of the evaporate series Formation I (corresponding to the lower
also decreases starting from the Hrs-10 series) is characteristic of meander-type
survey (NE) towards Hrs-4 and begins fluvial structures, distal where a fine and
again in increase towards the Hrs-11 well. argillaceous material dominates. The entire

ISSN: 1790-5095 45 ISBN: 978-960-474-093-2


sedimentary structure of formation II was References:

formed in a fluvial system in braid, with
dominant sandy composition and all the [1] Abdelrahman, E.M., Kamel,
reservoirs of Hassi R’Mel, representing a M.H.,Bayoumi, M.A., 2000. QPSET:
localized oil interest. These reservoirs are a program for computing reservoir
located in sandy, arranged levels in a parameters in marginal hydrocarbon
complex way and present a tabular zones. Application to the Rudeis
geometry in layers of great extension, section, Gulf of Suez Basin, Egypt.
limited to the wall by impermeable Petrophysics (formerly the Log
argillaceous levels a the top of formation Analysts) 41 (2), 148– 159 (March–
III of the shale-saliferous series (S4) April).
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[23] Vail, P.R., Mitchum, R.M., Todd, Core-C: Sandy shale. Reduction in clays to
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Sedimentopedogenetic study of Hassi Figure. 4.3: Sequences of braid sequences:
R'Mel Southern (Western Province) Well HRS-7.
and characterization of the mediums of Figure. 4.4: Electro sequences of the river
deposits. Triassic sequences A, B and environments - lake: Well Hrs-7.
C.Algiers. Figure. 4.5: Sequences of the volcano-
detrital series: Well HRS-7.
Figure captions Figure. 4.6: Sequence of cone alluvial
deposits: Well HRS-7.
Figure.1: Field location of Hassi R’Mel Figure. 5: Electro sequences of the river
(ALGERIA). environments-lake: Well Hrs-7 (1):
Figure. 2: Core Photos for the Wells: HRS- Channel; (2): Bars; (3): Pedogenetic
2 and 9 (memories of engineers: Zeggane nodules.
F. and Chikhi Z., 2000). Figure. 6: Lithology determination from
Figure. 3: Models of second, third, and cross plots LDT-CNL and LDT-
fourth sequences order of Hassi R’Mel: BHC.HRS-7.
Well Hrs-9 Figure.7: The electrofacies and lithology
Figure. 4: Sequences of deposits Well Hrs- resulting from faciologic analysis and log
7; responses: Well HRS-7.
Core-A: Average sandstones at ends at Figure. 8: Cross sections of Triassic
gullying bases. Clays rusts much Formations of Hassi R’Mel Field. Bore
marmorized and dolomitized with traces of holes: HRS- HRS-10, HRS-6, HRS-4 and
roots and desiccations. The end is HRS-11.
underlined by a dolerite of 4m.
Core-B: Eruptive rocks. Dolerites of color Table captions
green-gray rust (oxyzed). Filons of
anhydrites, varied aspect by place. At the Table. 1: Hassi R’Mel facies well log
top of the dolerites. Paleosol of 5m with responses.
green marmorizations and red rust traces of

ISSN: 1790-5095 48 ISBN: 978-960-474-093-2

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