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Department of Creative Arts, Film and Media Technologies


Creative Thinking and Illustration


BA (Hons) Graphics Design

Academic Year 2020 – Semester 1

SPECIAL VERSION (post Covid-19)

A. Programme Director: Ms. Laloo

B. Programme Coordinator: Ms. Laloo

C. Module Coordinator: Ms. Laloo

D. Module Convenor: Dr Leila DENMAMODE


E. Credits & Level: 3 credits, Level 1

F. Pre-requisites (If applicable): Not Applicable

G. Co-requisites (If applicable): Not Applicable

H. Method of delivery & frequency of class: Online Asynchronous

I. Method and Criteria of Assessment:

100% Coursework

J. Summary of Module Content:

This course consists of developing a creative and critical mind

related to graphic design field. Besides it explores the creation
and application of illustration while developing knowledge and
required skills for various areas of graphic design. Students will be
encouraged to resolve illustration problems creatively, take
responsibility for the solutions and understand their work in
relation to the prescribed contextual domain.

K. Module Aims:

Encourages and supports development of a personal language and creative approach to

illustration as a mean to communicate.

L. Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

After successful completion of this module, the students should be able
 To have a creative and critical mind
 To understand and analyze a context deeply and develop illustrations accordingly.
 To justify a personal approach to illustration and reflect contents of text analyzed

MIP – Creative Thinking & Illustration – GRPH 1110C – Prepared by Dr Leila Denmamode – June 2020
M. Lecture Schedule

Sessions Topics Details

1. On campus Types of thinking; Creative thinking methods; Illustrating/drawing

Lecture techniques;
Techniques to cultivate drawing skills
2. On campus
Coursework 1: noodling art, thematic doodle, entopic
graphomania (5%)
3. Asynchronous Enhancing creative thinking: Hard thinking and Soft thinking
Explanation Coursework 2: Book of Trees (15%)
Topic - Cultivate drawing skills
4. Asynchronous
Coursework 3: Study, explore and experiment illustrators’ style
Topic – Paper Illustration
5. Asynchronous
Coursework 4: Paper illustration artworks on the theme ‘visiting
Mauritius’ (15%)
6. Asynchronous Topic - Cultivate drawing skills: silhouetting, multiplying, shading
7. Asynchronous Concept development: Inventing ideas and evolution of an idea
Explanation Coursework 5: Visual composition (10%)
Contextual Applications of Illustration
8. Asynchronous Part 1: Illustration for information and education
Coursework 6: Illustration for Encyclopedia (10%)
9. Asynchronous Contextual Applications of Illustration
Explanation Part 2: Illustration for commentary
10. Asynchronous Contextual Applications of Illustration
Explanation Part 3: Illustration for storytelling
Coursework 7: Comic Strip (10%)
11. Asynchronous Contextual Applications of Illustration
Explanation Part 4: Illustration for branding and marketing
12. Asynchronous Application of knowledge in Creative Thinking and Illustration
Practical Coursework 8: Exploring my backyard (20%)

*All submission should be done in Google Classroom.
*Any late submission will be penalised according to UTM Policy for continuous assessment.
*Non submission of assignments will lead to failure in the module.
*Overall coursework will be evaluated on 100 marks – each assignment percentage is mentioned in
the above table

MIP – Creative Thinking & Illustration – GRPH 1110C – Prepared by Dr Leila Denmamode – June 2020
N. Reading List

(i) Supplementary Materials e.g. Texts/ Journals/ Articles/ Websites:

Daily news, all type of magazines, books.
(ii) Illustration: A theoretical &contextual Perspective – Alan Male

Additional materials will be posted on Google Classroom

O. List and marking weightage of Coursework

Coursework 1: Noodling art, thematic doodle, entopic graphomania (5%)

Coursework 2: Book of Trees (15%)
Coursework 3: Study, explore and experiment illustrators’ style (15%)
Coursework 4: Paper illustration artworks on the theme ‘visiting Mauritius’ (15%)
Coursework 5: Visual composition (10%)
Coursework 6: Illustration for Encyclopedia (10%)
Coursework 7: Comic Strip (10%)
Coursework 8: Exploring my backyard (20%)

P. Coursework briefs

Instructions to students:

1. Read carefully and make sure you tackle every part of the coursework’s requirements.
2. Post a comment on Google Classroom if you have any confusion/questions related to the
coursework briefs.
3. All coursework briefs are posted on Google Classroom and assigned to students who
accepted the class invitation.
4. Deadline to each coursework are specified on Google Classroom. They are set based on
the work load expected from students.
5. Only brief for coursework 8 is found in the MIP. It evaluates application of knowledge
acquired in the module Creative Thinking and Illustration

MIP – Creative Thinking & Illustration – GRPH 1110C – Prepared by Dr Leila Denmamode – June 2020
Coursework 8 Brief
Book Design

Part 1: Creative short story development

Use appropriate creative thinking method(s) to develop an imaginative storyline for a picture book
named ‘Exploring my backyard’. Your main audience will be children of 6 to 10 years old.

Part 2. Book Cover Design

Based on your storyline and the information provided design a creative book cover to
communicate the book’s essence to your audience. The book’s size is 20cm x 15cm with at least
8 pages, in landscape orientation.

Part 3. Illustrated storyline

The illustrated storyline should contained the following features:
 At least one page of paper illustration (using any technique(s) as appropriate to your
context; e.g: pop-up, origami, papercutting etc.)
 One botanical illustration
 One taxonomy illustration
 One sequential imagery approach
 Soft thinking and imaginative approach
 Literal representation of 5 subjects/objects

Part 4. Submission
a) Report (in PDF format) should include
1. creative thinking process,
2. storyline development,
3. book content planning
4. book design process with all sketches,
5. interactive features development
6. exploration and experimentation of styles
7. annotations describe the design approach
8. print screen of work developed on software (if any or as applicable).
b) Submit your complete book separate from the report. The book should be recto verso. Do not
use spiral binding. Snap shot each page and spread. Submit your work in PDF format.

MIP – Creative Thinking & Illustration – GRPH 1110C – Prepared by Dr Leila Denmamode – June 2020

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