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Goodwill Project Report

AMC Individual Assignment

Name of the Interviewers: Mahesh Rana & Gaurav Khatri

Name of the Interviewee: Vasu Bharadwaj

The Goodwill assignment is to make a group of 2 people and form some questions that are to be asked to
an individual. And these questions are supposed to tell us about the individual leadership, Communication
Skill, Passion, Self-Efficacy, Receptivity to Change, Conscientiousness, Social Maturity and
Interpersonal Skills. And we have to ask questions to this individual without keeping any bias. And after
asking the question we have to interpret how his skills are and what ca be done to improve his skills

For This activity we have taken the Interview of Vasu Bharadwaj of Our College. And according to the
Question asked by us we found that Vasu have a good communication skill he is able to communicate
with people effectively. He is a type of person who like to follow the rules and not break them and his
passion is sketching and he try to live that passion, As currently he is pursuing a professional course he is
not able to give time to his passion and he says that whenever he gets time he tries to utilize it to improve
is skills in sketching.

And due to this assignment I also learned that sometime we make perception of a person in our mind and
that perception may not be correct and we will not know about it till we ask the correct question to the
other person. And I also learned that asking only one question will not help you discover what type of
qualities a person actually have.

Before Interview I knew that Vasu was good at communication skill so I thought that he will be a type of
guy who will have a passion of reading but I was wrong and I also thought that he is not the type of
person who is flexible toward the situation but after the Interview I found out that he is flexible toward
the situation but many times it is difficult for him to be flexible.

And I also find out that Vasu like to thing in old ways or the ways that are easy for him to understand and
not take the new way and according to me he should try to learn new ways to do things and not when
there is no other way to do things.

I also found out that before interview Vasu was type of guy who can go to anybody and can interact with
them but now I can say that he do not let them in his life very easily he takes some time to know the other
person than only he let the other person in his life.

And from the Interview we conducted I can say that my perception toward Vasu have changed a little bit.
And Finally I would like to tell about my learning from this assignment.

First of all it is very difficult to know about a person without talking to them and if a person talks to other
person than only can he know about a person. And while having a conversation we should not build a
perception on the basis of small talks because with the small talks we are able to know very little about a

Submitted By:

Gaurav Khatri


General Section A

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