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Magno, Angelika D.

Cheats For A Reason

The act of cheating in terms of relational affiliations to have triggering reasons such as
absence of affection, unachieved desire for satisfaction, and eagerness to fulfill one self’s
curiosity. An act that faces a variety of possible consequences. An act that cause us to fear
against the multiple consequences that results in making a happy relationship between two
person worse. Most women can not understand why their man came to cheat on them, just like
men they can not figure out how their dream girls turn out to be their nightmares. So here it is,
my work that came to have the purpose of informing you considering the finagling act of men in
spite of being already engaged with someone. A reliable work of mine which covers the top
three common reasons why committed men was triggered to commit cheating. I am writing as a
concerned youth who just want to impart some of my knowledge from reading psychological and
situational articles that make the issue of cheating as it’s main topic. It might be just a piece of
paper to most of people. However, it is still the thought that counts and the sense it make.

The act of cheating in terms of relational affiliations to have triggering reasons such as
absence of affection, unachieved desire for satisfaction, and eagerness to fulfill one self's
curiosity. An act that faces a variety of possible consequences. An act that cause us to fear
against the multiple consequences that results in making a happy relationship between two
person become worse. Most women can not understand why their man came to cheat on them,
just like men they can not figure out how their dream girls turn out to be their nightmares. So
here it is, my work that came to have the purpose of informing you considering the finagling act
of men in spite of being already engaged with someone. A reliable work of mine which covers
the top three common reason why committed men was triggered to commit cheating. I am
writing as a concerned youth who just want to impart some of my knowledge from reading
psychology and situational articles that make the issue of cheating as it's main topic. It might be
just a piece of paper to most of people. However, it is still the thought that counts and the sense it
Strong attachment can be a successor of an engagement. But possibilities of a broken
relationship usually occurs when one self fails to fulfill their responsibilities as a lover to their
partner. This is when the absence of their partners affection is used by men to be an excuse for
them to cheat. Men usually prefer independent ladies who has a formal job or profession. As men
takes that kind of girls for a serious relationship, their expectation of a perfect relationship may
possibly be wrecked. It is because men expect this girls to cause less stress. But men did not
think of the possibilities of their partners to be too busy on their jobs. That is why employed
ladies may consume their time in working and may pay less attention to their other halves. It is
when affection towards each other turns to coldness, the bonding become fights and their love
for each other had already become pain and hatred. As hate conquers their relationship, lovers
become liars and liars turns out to be cheaters behind the back of their partners.

Even the unachieved desires of men for satisfaction has also become a big deal for them.
This is where the differences between the couple takes place. The common example for this is
when a couple has different religious status. There will be allot of do's and don'ts that would
surround their relationship. It will require allot of adjustments for the both of them. Men maybe
disappointed to his partner due to their different perspectives in life. On the other side, men may
also give up because of too because many demands may the girl ask for. Both of the mentioned
possibilities are caused by their difference in many aspects such as the values and interests of
each other. It usually result for men to lose their love and affection towards their partner. For
some people, it might be considered as a petty reason. But for those person those whom had
already undergone this kind of situation, they can compare it on how hard is catching fishes at
the sky. It may sound impossible and a bit crazy, but that’s how they've done in order to save
their relationship but tends to still come to its end.

Lastly, eagerness to fulfill one self's curiosity towards something or someone is also one of
the major reason that triggers men to double cross relationships involving more than just one girl.
It may be because of how women fulfill her curiosity over something that will eventually cause
hurtful fights and misunderstandings with in the man she’s with. But it can also be a result due to
the man's fulfillment of his curiosity about someone which can appear to his partner that he is
more interested to that person or worst, his curiosity might lead him to meet another girl to
become his cheating buddy. Finagling actions that concern their eagerness to the fulfillment of
their own desires in knowing better someone or something rather than just being contented for
giving care and more attention to their partners is an act of being selfish. It shows that they are
not matured enough to handle things like their relationship. The other instances that can be
observed to this kind of situations is both of them losing their self wanted desires over their
partner's sake. This may be a sign that their love is not true. So, therefore it can be easily
conquered by jealousy, pride and occurrence of cheating. When the foundation of their
relationship which is their trust and love for each other is weak it is possible for one of them to
commit fornications. As the mind of men were easy to be influenced by their lustful thoughts,
women's chances of being cheated is very high.
The main points of my essay are considered to be the common pleas of men concerning
their finagling acts of cheating to their partners. They have considered the given points to be
their reason as they double cross relationships. The first top used reason by men is the absence of
their partners affection during their allotted time for each other. It is because men can't
understand the deeper reason behind the tired and exhaust aura of their other halves. Even the
eagerness of the couples become selfish. Selfishness of both men and women can be obviously
observed as they try to put their wants and desires over the feelings of their partners. As same as
the unachieved desires of men from stress. These scenarios lead men to be depressed ad causally
seek for the desires that he can't find to his current partner to another lover. And as for my tips
and facts that is concluded to my work through their own relationship because I want to help
allot of men to avoid cheating acts and to prevent being a cause of their relationship break down.

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