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[79] SAN MIGUEL CORPORATION v. LAGUESMA  Sec. of Labor denied the appeal. Hence, this petition for certiorari.

GR No. 100485; Sep 21, 1994; Puno, J. o SMC argues that its prior collective bargaining history is the most
persuasive criterion in determining the appropriateness of the collective
TOPIC: Determination of Appropriate Bargaining Unit > Factors in Unit Determination bargaining unit; and that Atty. Batalla was merely a substitute lawyer for
Atty. Ona who got stranded in Legaspi City, thus, SMC should not be bound
SUMMARY: Union filed for a petition for certification election among all the regular sales by the mistake the substitute committed.
personnel of Magnolia Dairy Products in the North Luzon Area. This was opposed by SMC and
questioned the appropriateness of the bargaining unit to be represented by the union. It claimed ISSUE(S)/HELD
that its bargaining history in its sales offices, plants, and warehouses is to have a separate [RELEVANT] WON the Union represents an appropriate bargaining unit. – YES
bargaining unit for each sales office. During the hearing of the petition, the substitute lawyer of  A bargaining unit is a “group of employees of a given employer, comprised of all or
the petitioner withdrew its opposition and agreed to consider one bargaining unit in the less than all of the entire body of employees, consistent with equity to the employer,
mentioned sales office. Upon the order of the MA certifying the union as the sole and exclusive indicate to be the best suited to serve the reciprocal rights and duties of the parties
bargaining agent for all the regular sales personnel in the North Luzon area, the petitioner under the collective bargaining provisions of the law.”
appealed to the Sec. of Labor contending a mistake in the decision brought by its substitute  The fundamental factors in determining the appropriate collective bargaining unit are:
lawyer. In a petition for certiorari, the petitioner contends that the prior collective bargaining is o The will of the employees (Globe Doctrine);
the most pervasive criterion in determining the appropriateness of the CBA. SC held that the o Affinity and unity of the employees’ interest, such as substantial similarity of
Union represents an appropriate bargaining unit. work and duties, or similarity of compensation and working conditions
(Substantial Mutual Interests Rule);
o Prior collective bargaining history; and
A bargaining unit is a “group of employees of a given employer, comprised of all or less than all
o Similarity of employment status.
of the entire body of employees, consistent with equity to the employer, indicate to be the best
suited to serve the reciprocal rights and duties of the parties under the collective bargaining  Court held that the existence of a prior collective bargaining history is neither
provisions of the law.” decisive nor conclusive in the determination of what constitutes an appropriate
bargaining unit.
The fundamental factors in determining the appropriate collective bargaining unit are: o Indeed, the test of grouping is mutuality or commonality of interests. The
1. The will of the employees (Globe Doctrine); employees sought to be represented must have substantial mutual
2. Affinity and unity of the employees’ interest, such as substantial similarity of work and interests in terms of employment and working conditions as evinced by the
duties, or similarity of compensation and working conditions (Substantial Mutual type of work they perform.
Interests Rule);  In this case, the Union sought to represent the sales personnel in the various
3. Prior collective bargaining history; and Magnolia sales offices in northern Luzon.
4. Similarity of employment status. o There is similarity of employment status for only the regular sales personnel
in the north Luzon are covered.
RELEVANT PROVISION(S) o They have the same duties and responsibility and substantially similar
compensation and working conditions.
FACTS o As to the commonality of interst, the employees concerned accepted the
 North Luzon Magnolia Sales Labor Union (Union) filed with the DOLE a petition for Union as their exclusive bargaining agent, thus, they have expressed their
certification election among all the regular sales personnel of Magnolia Dairy Products desire to be one.
in the North Luzon Sales Area.  Also, the meager number of sales personnel in each of the Magnolia sales offices in
o San Miguel Corporation (SMC) opposed the petition and questioned the northern Luzon militate against SMC’s contention.
appropriateness of the bargaining unit sought to be represented by the o Even the bargaining unit sought to be represented by the Union only has 55
Union. employees.
o SMC claimed that its bargaining history in its sales offices, plants and
o Thus, it would not be for the best interest of the employees if they were
warehouses is to have a separate bargaining unit for each sales office.
further fractionalized.
 After the hearing, Atty. Batalla, the representative of SMC from Siguion Reyna law
office, withdrew the opposition and agreed to consider all the sales offices in northern o The adage “there is strength in number” is the very rationale underlying the
Luzon as one bargaining unit. formation of a labor union.
 The Union won the election held on Nov. 24, 1990. [2] WON SMC is bound by its lawyer’s act of agreeing to consider the sales personnel in
o Then, Mediator-Arbiter Galang certified the Union as the sole and executive the north Luzon sales area as 1 bargaining unit. – YES
bargaining agent for all the regular sales personnel in all the sales offices of  The supervisors of Atty. Ona should have adequately briefed the substitute lawyer as
Magnolia Dairy Products in the North Luzon Sales Area. to the matters involved in the case and the specific limits of his authority.
 SMC appealed to the Secretary of Labor. o Unfortunately, it was not done in this case. The negligence of its lawyers
o It claimed that Atty. Batalla was only authorized to agree to the holding of binds SMC.
certification elections subject to the following conditions:
a. there would only be one general election; and DISPOSITIVE: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the challenged Resolution
b. in this general election, the individual sales offices shall still and Order of public respondent are hereby AFFIRMED in toto, there being no
comprise separate bargaining units.
showing of grave abuse of discretion or lack of jurisdiction.

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