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Leadership Values Journey

Trustyn Niceley

Professional Leadership

Arkansas Tech University

My Core Values statements are as follows:

1. Share happiness.

2. Encourage open-mindedness.

3. Strive for growth.

4. Act with mindfulness

In this case study, Brooke Deterline shared a specific moment that resonated what it

means to stand for one’s core values. Brooke shared that one of her core values, and one of the

fundamental reasons she was hired, was her strong sense of ethics. She would later be faced with

a difficult moment in which she tried to report ethical misconduct by her company’s CEO to the

CFO. The CFO recommended waiting to file an official report. Deterline so gracefully

articulated that moment that we all face when we feel the consensus in the room shifting to

something that we are not comfortable with. Brooke took a moment to remind herself that she

could have a hand in determining the trajectory of this incident. And this moment that she

reflected and talked herself into standing up for what was right is what I most relate with.

Acting with mindfulness is one of my core values. I work hard every single day at

creating a space for heartfelt thought and reflection. Obviously, as a student studying online, it’s

rare that I am ever faced with a situation such as Brooke’s; however, I imagine that the core

value that would help me navigate this moment, if and when it arises, would be Acting with

Mindfulness. In my definition of mindfulness, we have the opportunity to take pause and weigh

any given situation or moment. For me, it’s as though time stops and I am afforded a moment to

gather myself before moving forward, much as Brooke did in her own personal scenario.

When looking at the Lakota virtues, however, I am drawn to something else entirely:

Love. While I also truly connect with the Lakota values of Humility, Perseverance, Respect,
Compassion, and Wisdom, it is Love that I think exemplifies what I value most. Love is at the

root of all of my core values. It is through love for others that makes me encourage open-

mindedness. It is through love for myself that helps me to strive for growth. And it is through

love for the spaces that I share with others that makes me act with mindfulness. Most of all, my

core value that exemplifies my love is Sharing Happiness. I share happiness because it is my

belief that happiness is an extension of love.

By looking at both Brooke’s perspective and the perspectives of the Lakota people, I am

able to build upon what I already have within me. I knew that I held these core values, but I had

not yet articulated them in this way until now. I really enjoy opportunities for development and

growth, so I plan to continue finding moments such as these to challenge my way of thinking and

evaluate the world in a new lens. As a lifelong learner, I hope to be afforded many opportunities

to take a moment, reflect, and re-evaluate my perspective to ensure it better reflects my core

values. Because, just as Brooke explained, all of us are vulnerable to moments when our values

fade from view due to a pressing deadline or peer pressure.

Therefore, we must continue to ask questions and find new ways to articulate our values

and the boundaries that we set with others in shared spaces. Things I now would like to explore

further are how my newly cemented core values impact the way I view my personal

relationships. Am I sharing happiness at home? Am I encouraging open-mindedness in my posts

on social media? Do I strive for growth each and every day or do I let days slip away? I know I

find moments of mindfulness at home but do I in public spaces? I just need to be observant in my

day-to-day actions and exchanges so I can make note of how I can improve. I know that I hold

these values, but do others know that I do?

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