Liz Yield Doc 06

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The principles of Duality’s recovery dealing proposal topics on what driven digital design does

symbolize being instrumental tools discussing subjects of reliability and sustainability. Duality’s
recovery purpose gain touch on control on what meaningfulness of (genuine = something, unjust =
something else or anything else). Thereupon something would be genuine if it can hold a probability p
∫ key ()∂tellg ()

tellg ()

> 0.75 or 0.66 or > 0.5 … etc

∫ log
1+ ∂p
assuming having good impact on what
p ⋅ ( 1− p)
0 2
( 1− 2⋅ p)
genuine opportunity aims characterizing around away.
In fact, liable linguistic logic’s policy does customize settlement set = {(measurable :: amount,
utility ::tools), (instill::node, infuse::edge), (custom(event :: happening or occurrence or appearance),
trust(time :: count a day away to be aware )}
Hence, digital concept is great synthesis maintain root’s management to mapping (genuine =
something, unjust = something else or anything else) stands around behind conceptual characteristics of
modeling approach. Therefore, the customize settlement set is appreciated having aim object to
θ ⋅ sin 2
consider rolling rules for transition traceability θ 2
¿ ∫ log 1+
1 −sin ⋅cos
∂θ ( )
managing frequently
happening or occurrence or appearance. Therefore it is conceptual context that liable linguistic logic’s
2 2
θ ⋅ sin θ ⋅ cos
policy θ 2 (
¿ ∫ log 1+
1 −sin ⋅ cos )
∂θ ∨∫ log 1+
θ 2
(1− sin ⋅cos
∂θ )
that defines rightly dynamics does hope
making progress while iterator show ( auto it = vct.end(); while std::list<std<queue<T, V>> vct; if(type
id( T ) == type id( char ) ) key = (char ) ( *pch ); char pch = char[sizeof( T )] which is modifying by pch, sizeof( T )); abdolutrly dynamics involves principles of frequently cycle exposing
the usage utility of sensitive sensibility char pointer which has to request or ask for eventually
processing weigh the principles of alpha-numeric (keyboard = is an input, keyboard is engaged to make
sense to successful confidence made for alpha {a b c wanna want to be … a b c it is turn for quickly
manner to speak ordinary impact and speedy expose } and for numeric approach that facts holding
benefits of wavy behavior::

octave:12> for i = 1:999 sx( i ) = min( x(i), y( i )); mx( i ) = max( x( i ), y( i )); dh( i ) = sx( i ) + mx( i );
dl( i ) = mx( i ) - sx( i ); dr( i ) = mx( i ) * sx( i ); dp( i ) = dl( i ) * dr( i ); dw( i ) = dp( i ) / ( dh( i ) * dh(
i ) * dh( i )); endfor;
octave:13> plot( dw )
octave:22> for i = 1:999 sx( i ) = min( p(i), q( i )); mx( i ) = max( p( i ), q( i )); dh( i ) = sx( i ) + mx( i );
dl( i ) = mx( i ) - sx( i ); dr( i ) = mx( i ) * sx( i ); dp( i ) = dl( i ) * dr( i ); dw( i ) = dp( i ) / ( dh( i ) * dh(
i ) * dh( i )); endfor;
octave:23> plot( dw )

whereby x( iterator ) = log2( 1 + wavy( p )); but y( iterator ) = log2( 2 – wavy( p )); The idea behind
this approach is to evaluate wavy( p ) = a * b * (a – b) / ( a + b)³; a = zing(high); b = zing(low) ;

x (iterator)=log 2(1+ wavy( p)); y (iterator )=log 2(2 – wavy( p));

a⋅b⋅(a – b)
wavy( p)= ;a=zing(high); b=zing(low) ;

The concept of wavy behavior is being a part of clear challenge works on advance algorithm and great
support of sensitivity ( thoughts to gather data from around based upon principles of intentional
innerness that has conclude something on Duality’s recovery (genuine = something, unjust = something
else or anything else) mapping meaningfulness that has being reasonable opportunity (yeah giving
signifying designation has to choose to explore principles of central metrics does access to benefits of
(genuine = something like sweet heart, unjust = something else (morality of handling) or anything else)
mapping pair. In fact liable linguistic logic’s policy is gaining hopefulness in a similarity show (going
genuine is something has to consider
The mapping process in great terminology (something = zing(low), something else = zing(high)) is
going to be measurable factors or cumulation in a quiet cool show does have yeah does have
meaningfulness and does hold principles of movement and movability works on the concept of
originality (something = zing( low ) = highlighting story does correspond to “size fact = factor for
exploitation” matching rapidly idea to count on “among = size of ( if stream (Prophet Adams for
example), something else = zing(high) is exposing the driven kernel (absolutely gravity to count on
extracting basics (the number is higher as it is possible (mostly likely probably hopefulness to work
around distinguish composing “components = elements” inside appreciate Composite whose
countability is “surprisingly runaway only because the higher recognition of a measurable level scaled
within -1 + exp( p over 1 – p) envelop choose to cover a “approximation → nearest to nil” and “
willing in absolutely arrangement terminology → nearest to assume that p = 97% (only three percent is
error of calibration because it all about measurable approach, before it was “cumulative” then it can go
on like movable pointer “if stream tell get()” (explanation:: because still streaming (there is possibility
of something = zing( low ), it is surely opportunity to spend time (timing simulation looking for
appreciate arrangement (adaptation) , yeah it is time to spend for manufacturing instrumentation (like
the instrumentation of God called study of “Early soul in body = spontaneity of consideration timing
simulation within thinkable energy wanna want to be insert inside a body however that thinkable
energy is made “early” ) ”. This duality’s recovery is even though principles of law legacy set to be
able looking for better chance measuring variable valuation around along (like the best story of Moses
around across trust of principles to the “worthy walk” = “let steps go on” whose governable approach is
Min( p ,1−p)⋅Max ( p ,1−p)
looking for average adjustment ∫ log (1+ )∂ p . By similar way it is
0 2 1− Min( p , 1− p)⋅Max ( p , 1− p)

important that digital concept have to appreciate principles of bright clear concept on trust in selfish
confidence would reserve principles for transition traceability. Although the sensitivity show has to
consider balancing behavior (genuine = something, unjust = something else or anything else (yeah or
logic’s is used to exploit the rightly show of scalability policy has been engaged to map (using
proportional processing and duality’s recovery ( zing(low), zing(high)) on what volumetric approach
has to publish its interest on what conceptual “in body <=> instead of spending energy (soul is a part
of body that cannot die also a part has to loose energy around away … a part has dependency on timing
simulation belongs to “early soul streaming all possibility of dependency of compliance advances
(human existence is depending on an existence does emphasize the reality of influence on what
compliance or obeying has to define or to signify around trust of selfish confidence looks for making
senses for something would be reminder away … Yeah the original show is selectivity of trust in selfish
confidence targeting to individualize sense of existence while the consciously character is mapping
sense of proportionality (something = poorest possibly, something else = mostly likely probably )
which is maintaining data bank directly in rally of job scheduling

if ( Max ( p , 1− p)== p)→something

else if ( Max( p ,1−p) ==1− p)→ something else

Liable linguistic logic’s policy does impact complete concept on what transition traceability.
The principles of digital description has to vary around trust of transition traceability while useful
concept of digital remainders do make traces tracks for what (genuine = something, unjust = something
else or anything else) mapping pair, a pair has provide the whole entirely concept of transition
tractability with perfect proof on what digital description has to illustrate principles charges . The great
∫ key ()∂tellg ()

tellg ()

show for which transition traceability being apart away. that does spring
∫ log
1+ p ⋅ ( 1− p)
0 2
( 1− 2⋅ p)
principles of transition traceability does push on what digital show has to describe away. The principles
of conformity around over away. Duality’s recovery in need is driven cycle based simulation. Each
picked up key, there is chance to set centric metrics mastering language of state machine (idle just wait
for forwards towards transition, decoding instructions operation( operand one, operand two), running
thread task jobs, encoding ongoing edges, storing codes in associate media (DVD, …). Because
transition traceability is a sequential carry outs depending on the rightly implementable sensor
effects… Therefore it is subject of transition translation
∫ key ()∂tellg() p ⋅ ( 1 − p)


) ∫ key ()∂ tellg()

e tellg ()
( 1 − 2⋅ p)

∫ log
1+ p ⋅ ( 1− p)
∂ p→e tellg( )
for same cases being adaptive arrangement around
0 2
( 1− 2⋅ p)
across while the event’s happening is that easy to translate transition through great mastering show
“gathering data = intentional image of sustainability. However the training
∫ key ()∂ tellg()


( p ⋅ ∫ key ( )
)( e
tellg ()

∫ log 1+log 1+ ⋅ ∂p
0 2 2 p+∫ key ()
p ⋅ ( 1− p)
intervening to expose exploitation does rightly join
( 1− 2 ⋅ p)
principles of existence with concept does trust working around appreciate advance ( advances
∂2 progress
∂ time 2
algorithms and measuring progress challenge= clear ⋅ behavior that does define principles
of adaptability does offer support for transition traceability being reality show pointing to valid
evaluation across over away. The reality show on what clear concept of envisage envelop is
p 1−p
(− 1+e 1− p
, −1+ e p )
n⋅ p+1 n⋅ ( 1 − p ) +1 show does reserve principles on what bright clear contexts used to
( (
2 1− p
, log
) ( p ))
express what mapping (genuine = something, unjust = something else or anything else) does empower
agreements on what transition traceability. The corresponding envelop which has to explore things
p 1−p
(−1+ e 1−p
, −1+e p )
around p ⋅ ∫ key ()+1 ( 1 − p ) ⋅∫ key ( )+ 1 that has excited systematic specification works
( (
1− p
, log
) ( p ))
on what valid concept of proposal processing shall define away . Because the educational behavior
shall work on what transition traceability does consider valuable reality looks towards concept of
∫ key ()∂ tellg()


( p ⋅ ∫ key ( )
)( e
tellg ()

∫ log 1+log 1+ ⋅ p ⋅ ( 1− p)
0 2 2 p+∫ key () ( 1− 2 ⋅ p)

Duality’s recovery is attainable assignment of trust touch knows changing driven settlement.
Thereupon mapping(genuine = something, unjust = something else or anything else) has become
around along a great destiny on what prediction does look like in official competitive context. Thus it is
subject on what digital standards is a hope’s run to expose theory stands beyond Duality’s recovery
belongs (genuine = something, unjust = something else or anything else) mapping pair. Because wavy
behavior is pushing away to reserve principles of training gracefulness and around away ownership
wanna want to run away while comparative concept of transition gains valuation has to remain valid for
better exploitation away. The principles of considering (pushing on ( pressure around away), climb or
jump (standards for levels to be recognize)) mapping. Because(yesterday = balance of challenge::: early
soul in body has to individualize concept of optimization of modeling and compilation. Timing
simulation has to be reliable around across away …. Early (English Schooling in English, when
childhood has to report balancing advances on what a child at age of three years old has to
pronunciation), Soul( thinkable energy reigning principles of destiny and does try to adapt generic
y ( kindness ) ⋅
a p ⋅ ( 1 − p)
concept translates exponential policy
vector ( x )
− y ( kindness ) +
Max () (
→∫ log 2 1+ )
1− 2⋅ p

Therefore liable linguistic logic’s policy does want hold aspiration working around “eventually
(observation of event’s happening ( a → to be ASCII referring to standard language of std::ios (input
output streams)). The Max( y( kindness)) is turning running transition does reserve objectivity to
improve y(kindness ::: advantageous-ness, agreeableness, accommodating-ness, fairness, patience,
validity, goodliness, … fineness, benefaction. ….obligingness, soundness, tenderness, relief
skillfulness. Rewarding-ness, … compliance, blessing, usefulness, ...)

Scalability policy is honestly making more progress around digital concept uses appreciate approach
1 ∫ key ( tellg()∂ tellg ())

( e
tellg ()

Early ( soul ( energy ) )=∫ p ⋅ (1 − p )

0 ( 1 −2 ⋅ p )

1 ∂ p ⋅ ( f ( pi+ ∂ p ) +f ( pi ) )
∂ tellg ()=one , ∂ p= ,∫ =
1000 2
is expecting valuation of knowledge culture does guide “guide me as it could, show me the right as it
would” into images of innocence (neither guilty nor faulty) and principles of respect a lot more
aspiration alike awhile
draft copy 07/24/20

Timing simulation with its concept on what join-able composite

would allow to think about basic principles of “Early soul in body”. This principle “Early soul in body”
belongs to stronger notion of timing simulation deals with gravitational concept maintains opportunity
to model and compile human educational behavior something has values around across.
∫ key ( tellg()∂ tellg ())

( e
tellg ()

Early ( soul ( energy ) )=∫ p ⋅ (1 − p )

0 ( 1 −2 ⋅ p )

The principles of e that has to work around

1 ∂ p ⋅ ( f ( pi+ ∂ p ) +f ( pi ) )
∂ tellg ()=one , ∂ p= ,∫ =
1000 2
adjustable opportunity hopes translate acknowledgment while digital is reality key influences learning
schemes (English Schooling in English, relationship to mastering existence, thoughts aiming ability to
predict things as it shall be (Prophet Joseph the Prince and Later God will be Lord Creator God for any
person-ship), manipulation of tools in context of requirement (phones, public transport, …), gain of
relaxed opportunity, …, communication with associate composite, debates for bright clear images of
trust in selfish confidence (be ready to weigh proposal position looks for warming behavior does push
forwards towards a straight selectivity of a “pick up” of right choice (decision) the right way.)...). Let
waveform compression being a basic benefit behavior looks to develop much more attainability would
jump apart aside to solve problem of governable measures once the learning staff would believe in
studying the “eventually tax (something to have been explaining for right reason on what it shall
happen or occur or appear within exploration of the shortly way)

Thus digital benefit is exploring principles of distinct languages sounding having great impact on what
knowledge shall refer to. The associate principles on what human worry does determine something or
some approximation in entirely scalability policy ( green color can be used instead of black, however
replacing blue with bright does embrace or welcome the “pass bridge” show (only two wait statements
are allowable away ::: original → get observation (blue) → knowing reveals( brightness) → white).
The fantasy of recognizing “it can exist Composite being somehow in Relationship with
Minus(among, basic)” does look for transition traceability (one transition in the example above is “get
observation”, the second transition is “knowing reveals or reference or rushy pointer around) in order to
do try operate on optimization of timing simulation and then to allow “research away” being the major
main interest of liable linguistic logic’s policy through exploration of settlement set {measurable ::
amount (green (amount) → measurable(black) ::: thereupon that this Duality’s recovery has to work
around along modification of signifying “likewise ::: it blue → it is like being bright by the way that we
can conclude on being white ( clear English Schooling in English. Why “clear?” and why clear → is
corresponding to white ? It is all about optimization looks to push on what timing simulation has to job
away or to schedule thread task jobs are involving with thoughts on which skeleton body has to
perform more pressure on hopefulness and allowable principles of measurable notion or measurable
nature ( liberty would be measurable( freedom), however when it is naturally to work around
happening and occurrence in discrete show looks very closer to engender the proposal topics all around
trust of a theory has to set principles for learning knowledge does help integrity in fully harmonized
aim objects do respect principles of “together being or collectivism or society notion … or of innerness
or of operative oneness or of a join-able jump has to state educational behavior does seems has
weighing pressure on any revolutionary reaction away (because this approach has to study normal
behavioral benefit negotiate quality of person-ship …). Thus “it can exist a Composite being somehow
in Relationship with Minus(among, basic)” which seems useful to be integrated with timing simulation
looks like exploitation of wavy ( sin form) behavior around trust of Mac() and Min(), while the demand
request::. Max does pressure heart language , Min is to know is to bring update . The open mind is
proper braveness signed to modify plans while “settling suggestion” policy (any one across country
could submit a detailed description on what :: yesterday (before ten years recording hopefulness for
being better enough), today (while we all people and government workers looking to explore reasons
for happening), tomorrow (study of patience concerns because systematic ensuring has to report
readability of positivity and hopefulness in passion show ). Liable linguistic logic’s policy
{(measurable ::amount, utility :: tools), (instill:: node, infuse::edge), (custom(event) ::happening,
trust(time)::count a day away to be aware)} looks for great involvement inside any sort kind stuff
reveals to meaningfulness of knowledge culture. Therefore, transition traceability is exposing the
principles of kindness around over away. However winning the trust of whole number of person is
complex knowing that the educational behavior has to vote for individualizing arrangement can
understand “quietness or so cool quietness”, “mount management, a management agree with local
integrity when Municipal in Los Angels would ending with accepting Britney Spears as Senate being
experience the great concerns of human existence which does learn softness seems being great
transformation of commonly roles in hopes on what required reasonable involvement of knowledge
culture “every thing is wrong” is required to get involved inside and existing implementable of
“correctness and enhancement away. By the way the diversity inside society asking to look for kindness
solving problem a lot much more aspiration does pay attention job on mastering experience in exposing
kindness within leadership of “modeling compilers thought being reasonable to help solving problems
of any kind away … Thus it is not sequential show of positioning words enum {sweetness = 1 (has
higher acknowledgment), hopefulness = 2 ( a little bit less), enhancement = 3 ( a little bit less than
above), justification = 4 (a little bit less but shaping battle for study and experiment with responsibility
of patience and mostly wanted harmony away :: do not worry be happy while experiencing patience
and hopefulness away … do not worry but encourage being within championship fighting for solving
problem, … } itemizing; The principles of ordering opportunity has to grow around useful
instrumentation or instantiation of objectivity along over away. The right reason for being apart aside
helping hopefulness covering the whole world of existence across over away. The challenge of “making
∂2 progress
∂ time 2
clear ⋅ behavior
progress” illusion ∓ that does trust in intentional images of human
p 1−p
clear=boundary=(−1+ e 1−p
, −1+e p )
harmony would care of images of mirroring management ( considerable concept of study (mostly
probably, poorest possibly), preparing to involve (mostly probably)( patience ) = higher attention,
(mostly probably) ( required recommended) = value of trust in selfish confidence, … (mostly probably)
(advancing advisory) = faithful supervisory away, ...(poorest possibly)(arrangement judgment) = safety
and regularity away, (poorest possibly)(guess whether perfection) = surrounding results for
formulation, … (poorest possibly)(request asking for quietness) = soul support to schedule
empowerment of human composite (thought has to become actual state of any across ), … (poorest
possibly) = never to ruin nor to destroy … (poorest possibly) = neither guilty nor faulty …
The principles of “Early soul in body, such that “Early soul = like shadow measurement away when it
is assumed that Early soul is something lengthy and lengthily away having to procedure images
mirroring reality of existence.
Thereupon scientific inventors still look to explore centric metrics much on what “Early soul in body”
would discuss away. Thereupon “Early soul in body” is unified language of Duality’s recovery assumed
having power to explain things using rhythmical revolutionary react (reaction) has to recognize that
piece string =“Early soul” whose linguistic equivalence is to remain much more convenient as if it can
be going to be subject of existence (today or now, one soul is chosen. By the way that today is today
but today is distinct than tomorrow whereas today can probably be distinct than yesterday. Therefore if
assumed having choice to select a soul or to pick up a soul which assumed made (yesterday) <=> Early
soul will be Early only “tomorrow” meaning that sequential processing has to consider principles
std:::queue, queue.push(), queue.front() (Early was pushed up)( first input first output, while no
inserting possibility has to compile the situation.). The “Early soul in body” concept is somehow great
trustfulness on what digital accomplishment does work around assuming having opportunity explaining
why “shadow theory” has to reserve principles for exploiting language of (genuine = something =
thinkable energy (sun let shadow of an object move around being lengthy and lengthily early and then
becoming shorter at noon than again lengthy and lengthily so that sun light imposes principles of
symmetric rotation has to move shadow from lengthy lengthily left to lengthy lengthily right (using
driven design on what “pass bridge” has to define for being lengthier enough around away. During
seven hour when the shadow is used to be lengthy and lengthily across trust of sun light usage utility
while principles of managing symmetry theory has to work around exploring timing simulation.),
unjust = something else or anything else ( like a shadow used to relax way)). Therefore it is great
opportunity to run principles of existence around across transformation looks for “it can exist
Composite being somehow in Relationship with Minus(among, basic)” shadow. Thus using
Minus(among, basic) = among many objects around, it is possible to pick up or select one or more
objects have to reserve opportunity for measurable shadow around over away. Thereupon when
p ⋅ ( 1 − p)
∫ eval
looking to invoke intentional processing 0 2 (
1 −2 ⋅ p ) ∂p
that does try to inspire inertial
gravitational concept of symmetric scheduling does deal boundary barrier limit show or constraint
p ⋅ (1 − p )
conditions concept p → 1 2
( (
limit eval 1+
1− 2⋅ p ))=∓∞
valuation would provide scientific inventors and
digital concept with basic approach has to exploit the entirely show on what maintaining management
“Early soul in body” does look for while transition traceability is the primary processing on what
(genuine = something, unjust = something else or anything else ) mapping images of responsibility.
Therefore, “Early soul in body” is combination of “Early soul, ->(genuine = a soul made before any
body, unjust = a chosen soul would become early (tomorrow reference or queuing show, while
queue.front() is the pointer for “Early soul”), in body → (genuine = manufacturing reality of what if
there is something to perform in time (doing something while still time to process away … Yeah Early
is Earlier than late and later is discussing with tomorrow early or tomorrow later and so on), unjust =
embodiment show acquires transforming skeleton into beautiful niceness mounts on what softness and
shininess has to look for around over away). The valid concept of translating the approach “Early soul
in body” which has to discuss concept of “Birth or vivid vitalism in body or through embodiment
process while timing simulation still thinking using its tools extracting the concept of comparative
context “Early, …. , early before any lateness, early not to be late ::: advisory and supervisory of being
really early, Early allows linguistics to stand for itself assuming having power on any proposition
(Early, next after , it will be later but tomorrow it is opportunity for getting the notion of “early” again).
Hence, because scientific inventors look for valid concept of proposal management has to believe in
dual existence or resulting in requirement “any soul requires embodiment processing” awhile away.
The concept of commonly sense and finest human being has to trust inertial insight would model the
concept of “resulting in requirement”. Yeah any approach dealing with “Early soul in body” which
p ⋅ (1 − p )
p ⋅ (1 − p) ( 2− (1 −2 ⋅ p ) ) ∂ p 1

( )

∫ eval 1+ ∂ p→ ∫ e
would translate concept of 0 2 1 −2 ⋅ p 0 to hold valid show on what
digital descriptive draw design aims to handle around over away. Thus this principles of “Early soul in
p ⋅ (1 − p )
( 2− 2 ) ∂ p → p=log sizeof ( ifstream ) − tellg ()

( )
( 1− 2 ⋅ p )
Early ( soul ( energy ) ) =∫ e 1+
0 2 sizeof ( ifstream ) +tellg ()⋅ ∫ key ( tellg ( ) )
tellg ()
By that way that the probability involves “thinkable energy” to maintain relationship to “Early soul in
body , early soul <=> before any body processing (skeleton body has to be implemented away) let
parallel processing of “soul made for being in body” takes over away. This parallel processing of “soul
made to cover all sort kind stuffs of communicative world does insist on what innocent image “Early,
independently of any corresponding night:: count a day away to be aware, yeah any day starts early
when the night has to end off. Early refers to the bright clear image of a start up <=> “before any
embodiment, let us start here → performing or manufacturing soul for corresponding body”. The
principle of thinking about management or performing “a soul” too early whereas the idea of having
power on the comportment of envisage embodiment or “being in body” concept, a concept joins trust in
selfish confidence does run away valuation of person-ship or proposal personality or intentional
innerness or imaging innerness or operative oneness … The concept of allowing adjustment made for
p ⋅ (1 − p )

Early ( soul ( energy ) ) =∫


( 2−
( 1− 2 ⋅ p )
2 )∂ p
great function of linguistic transformation 0 looks for probability
world to regulate systematic appearance of greatness and gracefulness.
In fact, liable linguistic logic’s policy {(measurable ::amount, utility::tools), (instill::node,
infuse::edge), (custom(event :: happening), trust(time::count a day away to be aware)} discussing the
primary steps are very useful to defend educational behavior, a behavior has to support principles of
exploitation while demand requests believe in the trust of transition traceability. The state of any
envisage comportment stands beyond persistence choice 2
log 2− p ⋅ ∑

tellg ()
tellg() ∫ key ( tellg () ) ∂ tellg ( )

show. Thereupon digital capability is wondering to be back learning a gravitational scalability looks
( )
if ( Max ( p , 1 − p ) ==1 − p ) → −1+e 1− p ⋅ p ⋅ ( 1 − p )
very useful 1−p which becomes a great subject appears
elseif ( Max ( p , 1− p ) == p ) → (−1+ e ) ⋅ p ⋅ ( 1− p )

looking for thinkable track (may be savageness) makes attention asking for selective study. Therefore,
job scheduling is important to accomplish something magic does recovery back track (yeah track
within savageness show does help looking for definitely procedures (inline virtual void Set(); which
does dress iconic implementation delays assignment (key = (char)(char*) or key = atoi(char*), or key =
atof(char*’), key = atol( char* )… The major main aim object using inertial delay ( sensitive sensibility
belongs to sensor effect while a character pointer does jump to exploit pressure of impact on what
periodicity ( each time it can be possible to get (function call inline virtual T GetKey() const
{return( key ); } or inline virtual std::queue<V> GetOffset() const { return( offset ); }, or inline virtual
Hold* GetPointer() const { return( pointer ) ; } or inline virtual Hold<T, V>* const GetpObj() const
{ return ( pObj ; //pointer object)}, … inline virtual std::streamoff GetOccur() const { return( occur ); }
or inline virtual std::streamsize GetNbytes() const { return( nbytes ); } … Whereby the fact that sensor
effect has to advance promise gathering data around over away knows or recognizes the principles of
transition traceability along over away while hob scheduling comes firs t expressing the modeling way
θ θ
θ ⋅ sin θ ⋅cos
∫ 2
log 1+
1 −sin )
∂ θ (
∫ log
void 2
1 −sin)⋅cos
of cycle based simulation j ⋅φ j⋅φ
θ=2⋅ π ⋅f n ⋅T 0 → rotation :::complex ⋅e + comlex center ⋅ ( 1 −e )

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <algorithm>
#include <typeinfo>
#define pi 22/7

#define T0 1/4

#define Min(x, y) (x <= y) ? x : y

#define Max(x, y) (x >= y) ? x : y

#define con( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Min(p, 1 - p) + Max(p, 1 - p) : 1

#define diff( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Max(p, 1 - p) - Min(p, 1 - p) : 0

#define round( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Min(p, 1 - p) * Max(p, 1 - p) : 0

#define periodicity( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? round( p ) * diff( p ) : 0

#define wavy( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? periodicity( p ) / pow( con( p ), 3) : 0

#define eval( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? 1 - round( p ) : 1

#define qx( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(1 + wavy( p ) / eval( p )) : 0

#define qy( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(1 + periodicity( p ) / eval( p )) : 0

#define qz( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2( 1 + wavy( p ) / (periodicity( p ) + eval( p))) : 0

#define A( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? -1 + exp( p / (1 - p)) : 0

#define B( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? -1 + exp( (1 - p) / p) : 0

#define Dl( p ) ((p >=0) && (p <= 1)) ? Min( A(p), B( p )) : 0

#define Dh( p ) ((p >=0) && (p <= 1)) ? Max( A(p), B(p)) : 1

#define Df( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Dh( p ) - Dl( p ) : 0

#define Dr( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Dl( p ) * Dh( p ) : 0

#define Dp( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Dr( p ) * Df( p ) : 0

#define Dw( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Dp( p ) / pow( Dl( p ) + Dh( p ), 3) : 0

#define De( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? 1 - Dr( p ) : 1

#define qDx( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(1 + Dw( p ) / De( p )) : 0

#define qDy( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(1 + Dp( p ) / De( p )) : 0

#define qDz( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(1 + Dw( p ) / (Dp( p ) + De( p ))) : 0

using namespace std;

int main( int argc, char** argv){

if( argc != 7){

fputs("not enough parameters to run away \n", stderr);



std::ofstream af0( argv[1], std::ios::out );

std::ofstream af1( argv[2], std::ios::out );
std::ofstream af2( argv[3], std::ios::out );
std::ofstream af3( argv[4], std::ios::out );
std::ofstream af4( argv[5], std::ios::out );
std::ofstream af5( argv[6], std::ios::out );
float p = 0.001;

float r0 = p * T0;

while( p < 1){

float ae = qx( p );

af0 << ae << ' ';

ae = qy( p );

af1 << ae << ' ';

ae = qz( p );

af2 << ae << ' ';

ae = qDx( p );

af3 << ae << ' ';

ae = qDy( p );

af4 << ae << ' ';

ae = qDz( p );

af5 << ae << ' ';

p = p + r0;







return 0;

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