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Subject Link 3: Review Test 1 (lesson 1 – lesson 4)


[1-5] Write the correct word for each sentence.

distance protect focus opposite freedom

1. I told them how to get there, but they walked in the ____________ direction.

2. The sunscreen helps to ____________ our skin from sunburn.

3. In the 1800s, many slaves escaped to Canada to get ___________.

4. What is the ____________ between the museum and the school?

5. I can’t ____________ on my homework when I am very tired.

[6-8] Read the following passage and choose the best answers.

Dogs cannot see some colors. They can only see gray, blue, and yellow. Some scientists
believe that red and green appear yellow to dogs. So dogs think red and green tomatoes are all
yellow! But dogs have better night vision than humans. That is why your pet dog easily moves
around in the dark.
Horses’ eyes give them an extremely wide view. That is because their eyes are on the sides of
their heads. It allows them to see about 350 degrees around them. So horses can easily sense
approaching predators and run away. However, horses cannot see things that are right in
front of them! They have a blind spot in the space between their two eyes.
Dragonflies’ eyes have about 30,000 lenses. Their eyes can see about 360 degrees around.
Also, dragonflies are very good at sensing motion. They can see most movements in slow
motion. Dragonflies catch their prey while flying. Their strong vision makes this easier to do.

6. Which color can dogs see?

a. red b. yellow c. green

7. Why do horses have a wide view?
a. It is because they can see about 360 degrees around.
b. It is because their eyes are on the sides of their heads.
c. It is because they can see things in slow motion.

8. Which is true about dragonflies?

a. They cannot see things that are right in front of them.
b. They see things through 10,000 lenses.
c. They are good at sensing motion.

[9-12] Read the following passage and choose the best answers.

Morris Frank was born in Tennessee in 1908. He lost sight in his right eye after a tree
branch hit it when he was six. When he was 16, he also lost sight in his left eye while boxing.
This made him blind.
When Frank was 19, his father read a newspaper story by Dorothy Harrison Eustis. Eustis
was a dog breeder in Switzerland. She wrote about training dogs to help blind people.
Frank asked Eustis to train a dog to help him. She agreed. In 1928, Frank traveled to
Switzerland to meet his new dog. Frank named her Buddy. After a few weeks of training,
Frank took Buddy home. Buddy became the first Seeing Eye dog in North America.

9. What made Frank lose sight in his left eye?

a. boxing b. a tree branch c. training a dog

10. How did Frank’s father find out about Dorothy Harrison Eustis?
a. She sent him a letter about herself.
b. He read a newspaper story about her.
c. A dog breeder told him about her.

11. Which is NOT true about Eustis?

a. Eustis wrote about dogs being trained to help blind people.
b. Eustis lived in Switzerland and trained dogs.
c. Eustis named Frank’s dog Buddy.

12. What happened after Frank and Buddy finished the training?
a. Frank took his dog to the United States.
b. Eustis trained more dogs for Frank.
c. Frank and his father trained dogs for blind people.

[13-15] Read the following passage and choose the best answers.

Practicing focusing is one way to exercise your eyes. This helps your eyes to refocus quickly
on things that are near and far away. First, hang a calendar on the wall. Then stand about
three meters away from it. Hold a pencil in front of your nose. Look at a number on the
calendar for a few seconds. Then quickly look at the pencil. Do this several times.
Rolling your eyeballs is a good exercise, too. First, close your eyes. Then open them and look
up. Move your eyes clockwise five times. Then look down. Now move your eyes in the opposite
Writing with your eyes is another simple exercise. Look at a wall and do not move your
head. Then pretend to write the alphabet with your eyes. Make the letters as big as you can.
Try to do these three exercises every day. They will keep your eyes healthy and strong.

13. What does the word it in the first paragraph refer to?
a. the pencil
b. your eye
c. the calendar

14. What is the first step to rolling your eyeballs?

a. open your eyes
b. close your eyes
c. look up

15. Why does the writer ask people to try these exercises?
a. It is because writing with your eyes is important.
b. It is because the exercises improve how your brain works.
c. It is because the exercises keep your eyes healthy and strong.

<Answer Key>

1. opposite
2. protect
3. freedom
4. distance
5. focus
6. b
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. b
11. c
12. a
13. c
14. b
15. c

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