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Subject Link 3: Review Test 3 (lesson 9 – lesson 12)


[1-5] Write the correct word for each sentence.

attention container germs produces squeezed

1. The factory ____________ many cars every day.

2. My mother ____________ oranges to make fresh juice for us.

3. She became very famous and got a lot of ____________ .

4. You can put all of your toys in the big ___________ over there.

5. Rats often carry harmful ____________ or disease.

[6-8] Read the following passage and choose the best answers.

When a mammal is going to have a baby, her body begins to produce milk. After the baby is
born, it drinks this milk. The vitamins and nutrients in the milk help the baby grow strong and
healthy. However, different kinds of mammals need their mother’s milk for different amounts
of time.
Rabbits feed their babies milk twice a day. Baby rabbits only drink milk until they are three
weeks old. After three weeks, they start to eat food such as hay.
Cheetahs drink milk for much longer than rabbits. They stop drinking milk when they are
three or four months old. When they reach this age, their teeth and jaws are stronger. This
means they can eat meat instead of drinking milk.

6. What is not true about mammals?

a. Mammals begin to produce milk when they have a baby.
b. Baby mammals drink milk for the same amounts of time.
c. The nutrients in the milk help baby mammals grow strong.

7. How long do baby rabbits drink milk?
a. three days b. three weeks c. three months

8. Why do cheetahs stop drinking milk when they are three months old?
a. It is because they are ready to eat hay.
b. It is because they are ready to catch their prey.
c. It is because they are ready to eat meat.

[9-12] Read the following passage and choose the best answers.

Before farmers milk their cows, the cows’ udders must be cleaned. The cows are milked
twice a day. They are milked once in the morning and again in the afternoon. Each time, the
farmers wash the cows' udders before milking them.
Farmers use a milk machine to collect milk from the cows’ udders. The milk machine puts
the warm milk in a special tank to cool.
Then the milk is taken to a processing plant. The plant tests the milk to make sure it is fresh.
The plant then heats the milk. This kills any germs in the milk. This way, we know it is okay to
Finally, the milk is poured into containers. It is delivered to schools, restaurants, and
supermarkets. The fresh, delicious milk is ready for us to enjoy!

9. How often do farmers milk their cows?

a. once a day b. twice a day c. twice a month

10. What do farmers use to collect milk from cows?

a. germs
b. good grass
c. a milk machine

11. How does the plant kill the germs in the milk?
a. It heats the milk.
b. It sends the milk to restaurants.
c. It washes the cows’ udders.

12. What is the last step before the milk is delivered to schools?
a. It is heated at a processing plant.
b. It is poured into containers.
c. It is cooled in a special tank.

[13-15] Read the following passage and choose the best answers.

First, pour the milk into a pot. Slowly heat the milk for about an hour. Do not boil it! Then
take the pot off the heat.
Next, pour in the vinegar and add the salt. Start stirring right away. You will see the milk
begin to curdle. Keep stirring slowly for about two minutes.
Leave the mixture alone for 30 minutes. While you are waiting, put some cheesecloth inside
a colander. After 30 minutes, pour the mixture onto the cheesecloth.
Gather the corners of the cheesecloth and pick it up. Rinse the mixture under cold water
until it has cooled. Squeeze out the water. You will now see the curds inside the cheesecloth.
Put them in a bowl. You now have delicious, light, and fluffy cottage cheese!

13. How long should you leave the mixture?

a. two minutes
b. thirty minutes
c. one hour

14. What does the word them in the fourth paragraph refer to?
a. the curds
b. the corners of the cheesecloth
c. the colanders

15. What is true about the passage?

a. When you heat the milk, you should boil it.
b. After adding the vinegar and salt, you should wait two minutes before stirring it.
c. You should squeeze out the water after you cool the mixture.

<Answer Key>

1. produces
2. squeezed
3. attention
4. container
5. germs
6. b
7. b
8. c
9. b
10. c
11. a
12. b
13. b
14. a
15. c

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