Lexie Moffett Kins 4306 Project Description

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Project Description

Women’s Center Internship

KINS 4306

Lexie Moffett
When I started interning at the women’s center, I knew I wanted to work on a project that

centered around representation and one that focused on helping upcoming students. My college

introduction was through the bridge scholars’ program and I received a good amount of support

and advice from the peer mentor in that program. When I joined the women’s center, I talked

with the director about sharing the thing I learned with first-year students. She believed this

would be a good idea, and we began discussing what this project would look like when it was

completed. Our goal was to get former students to share advice about what they learned while at

GCSU. We wanted to get advice about friends, family, class, going downtown, and thing like

that. We decided that a google survey would be the best place to collect this information. I

developed flyers that would be sent out as promotional material, the flyer had the link to the

survey on it. We posted the flyer on all social media platforms, but our biggest promotional push

was in group me. I chose to push the flyer there because that was the place, I knew the most

students would be. I was able to post the flyer in every "group me" that I was a part of this

included our public health group chat, my anatomy chat, and my theater group chat, just to name

a few. If I could change anything about the promotion, I would have talked to more school

organizations like CAB, and other sororities and fraternities. After the conclusion of the

promotional part, I started reviewing the responses and picking out the best ones. Then I

presented the response to the team, and we saw a deficit in certain areas like going out and

campus logistics. So, we decided to add advice where we were lacking, and after that, I

compressed the list again. After I compressed the list, I started to put together the article. After I

completed the article, I presented it to the team we proofread the article and it was posted. It will

be distributed in the women’s center first newsletter of the semester.

During my college career, I would actively seek out books and tv shows that center

around people of color. I wanted to see myself portraited in the media. But for the most part, the

people I was reading about were white, their partners were white, and all their friends were

white. These books rarely reflected my reality, my struggle, I never saw me in a media.

Representation is important because it can affect your confidence, your world view, and so much

more. I started this project with the hopes of finding books that showcase people of color as the

protagonist, in all genres. So I started looking for books that centered around people of color and

I didn’t just want to find books where the plot centered on the protagonist race but storied that

showed POC in complex plotlines that had nothing to do with race. At first, I found it difficult to

find books like this, not because they didn’t exist but because they weren’t promoted. It took

longer than expected, but eventually, I found all the books I need to find. I’m sharing this list in

the women’s center’s newsletter and it would also be put into their resource library. I wanted to

do this because I know there is someone who needs it, who needs to see themselves in the books

that they love.

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