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“Life looks different”

Topic: How the Industrial Revolution radically changed the way life was.
Eleventh Grade US History
Ms. Camizzi

By the end of this lecture I will be able to:
Describe the effects industrialization has on living and working conditions.
Be able to explain working conditions and food safety in relation to Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle.
Describe the changes to landscape and development of cities.

Discuss How does work affect/relates _______________________

to life for Americans today? _______________________
Where are most of the goods _______________________
you own made? _______________________

On living: - Most people lived on or close to

- Prior to the industrial revolution _______ of
the world's population was engaged in
- People began to move to _________ -
effects we will see in later slides.

The family unit - Prior to the Industrial Revolution families

had __________________________.
-Men and women worked _____________.
-_______________ began to work in
factories. They _______________________.
-Men would often find
-The family saw a change in
___________relationship due to the change
- ______________where good at working
within machines
Video - Child Labor Preparation rooms had a lot of _ and _.
Fill this in as you watch video _ was a common issue in the lung that built
Discuss up over years.
Bosses _ children was common in factories to
maintain a standard of productivity.

Working Conditions -Prior to the industrial revolution

__________of the world's population was
engaged ___________
-The industrial revolution was a shifting
toward an industrial urbanized economy
rather than an agrarian economy
-Workers put in long hours. Commonly
______________________________ per
-Factories were _________________..

Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle -Sinclair wrote The Jungle

-The plot of the story follows
- A few examples of the workplace were:
Chemical used at a fertilizer
no___________________,___________ on
the job and Jurgis’s wife having to return to

Food Safety -The industrial revolution was a time that

there was not
-________________was required.
-There are stories of
being added into food.
-The response to Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
was the ___________________-in 1906.
Pure Food and Drug Act: prohibited
Meat Inspection Act:
__________________ in interstate


Food Safety Food Safety Then

Development of cities -Cities became _________.
-People began to move into ________
buildings with____________
-Families tended _________________.
- Cities had ____________________.
-________________spread easily. There was
high death rates

Discuss Imagine you were a farmer's child and the

Industrial Revolution has taken off. Write 10
bullet points, full sentences, of how your life is
now different.

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