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Subject Link 1: Maps - Review Test 2 (lesson 5 – lesson 8)


[1-5] Write the correct word for each sentence.

fly direction bottom forest cabin

1. The boy didn’t know which to go to get to the store.

2. An ant, bee, and are all insects.
3. The page number is written on the of the page.
4. He built a in the woods to live in.
5. The was full of trees and small animals.

[6-8] Read the following passage and choose the best answers.

There are three important parts of a map. The first part is the compass rose. The compass rose
shows direction. There are four directions: north, south, east, and west.
Maps also have a map key. The map key explains the meaning of each symbol on the map. Using the
symbols, you can find different places on the map. For example, do you see the airplane symbol on the
map? That tells you where the airport is!
Finally, maps have a scale. Everything on a map is drawn smaller than it really is. The scale helps
you understand the real distance between places.

6. Which part of the map shows direction?

a. the compass rose b. the map key c. the scale

7. What does a map key show?

a. airplanes and airports
b. the real distance between places
c. symbols and their meanings

8. Which is true about the passage?
a. Maps are not helpful when you are lost.
b. Everything on a map is drawn smaller than it really is.
c. Maps do not show any directions.

[9-12] Read the following passage and choose the best answers.

One day, you are walking in the forest. Suddenly, you are lost! You look for your compass,
but it is not in your bag! Don’t worry: Just use these tips to find your way!
First, look at the trees. Trees can show you which direction you are walking in. Trees
closer to the north have fewer branches.
Also, moss is thicker on the north side of trees. Moss grows well in shadowy, dark places.
So the north side of a tree is the best place for it to grow.

9. In the first paragraph, what does the word it refer to?

a. a compass
b. your bag
c. moss

10. Which is the north side of the tree?

a. the side of the tree that has more branches
b. the side of trees that has fewer branches
c. the side of the tree that has less bugs

11. Which is true about the passage?

a. Nature cannot help you find your way if you are lost.
b. You can look at the bugs on the ground to find out where you are.
c. Moss grows well in shadowy, dark places.

12. What is the moss like on the north side of trees?

a. It is thinner.
b. It is thicker
c. It grows poorly.

[13-15] Read the following passage and choose the best answers.

John and his daughter Margaret were slaves in Mississippi. One night, they were gathering
firewood. John stopped and pointed to a quilt hanging on the fence.
“We need to pack our things and leave tonight,” he said. “How do you know, Dad?”
asked Margaret. “Do you see the boxes on the quilt?” John said. “They mean it’s time to go.”
Margaret was confused. Her father explained that it wasn’t an ordinary quilt: This freedom
quilt had important information on it. They could use it to escape!
They packed and left. They used the North Star quilts to find their way north. They saw a
quilt with bear paws on it near a stream. They could find food and water there.

13. In the second paragraph, what does the word They refer to?
a. the boxes on the quilt b. slaves c. John and Margaret

14. What could John and Margaret use the bear paws quilt to find?
a. their way north
b. food and water
c. Mississippi

15. Why did slaves use freedom quilts?

a. to stay warm at night
b. to give as presents to one another
c. to find their way to freedom

<Answer Key>

1. direction
2. fly
3. bottom
4. cabin
5. forest
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. a
10. b
11. c
12. b
13. a
14. b
15. c

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