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Factors Influencing Staff Motivation among Employees: Case Study of

Equator Bottlers (Coca Cola) Kenya

A study published in 7 June 2016 by Mary Elector Odukah Stanford University,

Krung Thep, Mahanakorn .Thailand the study objective where as following first to
Study the effect of employee recognition on motivation. Second to find the relation
between motivation and work condition third to find the contributions of personal
development and motivation on the staff

The study discussed two types of motivation the first type was the Extrinsic
motivation factors the outside job factors and the other factors were Intrinsic
factors related to the job itself the study also discussed the factors affecting the job
Gupta for example classified the factors influencing the job into two major
categories Environmental factors in addition to other personal factors .The article
showed also the effect of employee performance on the motivation of staff they
found that every employees must be in his suitable position, employee must be
motivated by the meaning of the job itself, inceptive program must be
implemented ,and the organization should respect the employee's dignity and focus
on giving its employees a positive attitude to push their job motivation forward .
The study also argued about the working conditions and motivation of the staff and
founded a number of items that must be considered when talking about the working
condition in relation to the motivation for example the safety of the employees
must be taken into consideration, most employee preferred to work in a firm near to
their living place ,most employees showed that they preferred a type of work where
they can express their talents and skills and showing some kind of self
actualization ,and last the company should offer variety of task ,some kind of
freedom and a proper feedback system to allow the employees to report how the
work is performed in addition of receiving well training about how to accomplish
.the duties

The study showed as a projection and results on the (effect of employee

performance recognition on motivation),and end up discovering that most of the
employee reported that they felt a sense of belonging, and ownership to their work
at high extent also the study also showed that more than half of the employees felt
self valued and appreciated to a high to very high extent. the study showed that the
most of the employees had their work recognized by the company in the last 12
month and as a conclusion the study showed a positive relationship between the
. performance recognition and the motivation of the staff

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