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Read the following text carefully, and answer the questions below.

In England, almost 50% of school leavers go on to higher education. The figure has
not always been as high as this. Twenty years ago, it was closer to 30%, and thirty years
before that, it was only about 5%. Another huge change, has been financial. Before
1998 CE, higher education in the UK was completely free for UK citizens. Since then,
tuition fees have been introduced. Most students borrow this money from the
government. They don’t have to repay it immediately. Instead, they pay it back slowly
out of future earnings.
Despite the high cost, most students choose to study away from home. A recent survey
of 17,000 students revealed that only 7% wanted to stay at home while they studied for
their degree. Of course for most young people, living away from home means
borrowing even more money from the government. So why don’t students choose to
avoid debt by staying at home, where they don’t have to pay rent? Most of them say
that they want to move to the university of their choice, rather than the nearest one.
Another strong motive is the desire to live in a new culture. Where do these students
live? Many have rooms in halls of residence, especially in their first year; others rent
flats or houses. A lucky minority live in property that their parents have bought for
them. Most of them need to learn to cook, do their own washing and manage their
time and money.

Question Number One (22 Points)

A. 1. The writer states that there are some reasons why many students choose to study at a
university away from home. Mention two of those reasons. (4 Points)

2. British students who live away from home have to know different things relating to house
management. Mention three of them. (3 Points)

3. What does the underlined pronoun “it” (Line 6) refer to? (2 Points)

4. Find a word in the text which means the same as “money you owe”. (2 Points)

5. Quote the sentence which states that half of British students don’t continue higher
education. (3 Points)

6. Poor students cannot afford to pay the tuition fees. Suggest three ideas to help them
overcome their financial problem. (3 Points)

7. It is claimed that education in Jordan has changed a lot over the last thirty years. Think of this
statement, and in two sentences, give your opinion justifying your answer. (2 Points)
B. Literature Spot :(3 Points)

Read the following extract from "Around the World in Eighty Days" , and answer the questions

‘Not at all, but I knew that some obstacle or other would sooner or later arise on my route.
Nothing, therefore, is lost. I have two gained days to sacrifice. A steamer leaves Calcutta for
Hong Kong at noon, on the 25th. This is the 22nd, and we shall reach Calcutta in time.’
There was nothing to say to so confident a response.
1. Why isn't Mr. Fogg worried to lose days because of the delay that might occur during his
2. Based on his response, how do you describe Mr. Fogg's character?

Question Two: (16 Points)

A. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct word or phrase from
the list below. (8 Points)

beneficial, come about, optional, compromise, carry out

1. You don’t have to join the competition. It’s ___________.
2. It’s ___________ to walk for about 40 minutes every day.
3. How did the accident ___________ ?
4. The two businessmen argued a lot, but finally they managed to ___________.

B. Replace the underlined word in the following sentence with the correct phrasal
verb?(2 Points)

Let’s investigate the story and discover what really happened.

C. Choose the suitable item from those given to complete each of the following sentences.
(6 Points)
1. There are two ___________ opinions about video games. Some people say that they are useful
while others disagree.

(contradict, contradictory, contradiction)

2. Our school holds an art ___________ next week.

(compete, competition, competitive)

3. Whether or not you remember something that you have learnt in the past
______________________ on the experience you had while you were learning it.

(depends, dependence, dpendent)

Question Three : (22 Points)

A. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs given in
brackets. (6 Points)

1. The cows are ___________ at the moment. (be, milk)

2. Hussam ___________ you any money if he hadn't had enough. (not lend)

B. Complete each of the following sentences so that the new sentence is similar in
meaning to the one before it. (6 Points)

1. How much sleep does a teenager need?

Do you know ________________________________________________________________
2. People think that we only use a small percentage of our brain power.
3. There is less information on the website than there is in the book.
There isn’t ________________________________________________________________

Question Four : (10 Points)

Choose the suitable item from those given to complete each of the following sentences.

(10 Points)

1. Their teacher is doing her best, ___________?

(aren't they, isn't he, are they, isn't she)

2. It is too hot. I can't go to the beach. I wish it ___________ cooler.

(is, was, were, had been)

3. ___________ the book is too expensive, I'll buy it. The price isn't important.

(Even if, If, Unless, Provided that)

4. I like Music as ___________ as PE.

(many, more, much, less)

5. I need to carry ___________ some research before I start my project.

(in, out, on, into)

Question Five : Writing (15 Points)

A. Editing: (4 Points)

There are one grammar mistake, two spelling mistakes and one punctuation mistake in the
following text. Find and correct them.

Students need advice about preparing for exams. For example, they wonder what the best time is
to revise for it? Experts say that students should start studying as early in the morning as they can.
Also, they should consentrate on the subject they are studying and emmerse themselves in it.

B. Guided Writing: (4 Points)

Read the information in the table below, and then write two sentences about how to revise for

How to revise for exams?

- draw up a revision timetable

- get up early in the morning

- take a break every 30-minute period of studying

- change the order of the subjects

C. Free Writing: (7 Points)

Write on ONE of the following topics.

1. A letter to a private school applying for the position of an English teacher.

2. Education in Jordan faces some problems and challenges. Write a three- paragraph essay
discussing these problems and challenges, and suggest solutions to solve these problems.

Teacher: Mahmoud Raslan

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