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Heliopolis Language Modern School Academic Year (2015-2016)

Model Exam (11) 1st prep (unit 4) Aim High (A-Level)

1) Choose the correct word(s) in brackets: 10M

1-There are thousands of beautiful trees in that (castle – forest – mountain).
2-Cyprus is a/an (forest – castle – island – ocean) in the Mediterranean Sea.
3-Queen Elizabeth often spends the summer in a ((castle – forest – mountain).
4-I want to fly to London next month. I have to (sell - book – notebook-organize) a ticket.
5-Who's that girl? I know her face, but I can't (forget – guess – remember – think) her name.
6-We usually have a special dinner to (book – show – invite – celebrate) my grandmother's birthday.
7-Inviting a celebrity chef to prepare the food for the party was very (fast – memorable – extravagant –
8-It's (extravagant – memorable – incredible – crowded) to have dinner on the beach.
9-Be careful! Don't drive too (slow – fast – memorable – extravagant).
10-I'm not staying in this country for my holiday. I'm flying (board – abroad – broad – beard).
2) Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets: 5M
1-Everything is arranged for his project next year. (He)
2- My uncle has phoned to visit us. (visiting)
3- She was able to drive a car. (had)
4-Could you climb a mountain? (Were)
5-She is a fast reader. (reads) ….

3 )Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: 5M

Adel ………………………………………………….?
Ahmed: I'm at home.
Adel ……………………………………………………?
Ahmed : Because I'm ill.
Adel: ………………………………………………….?
Ahmed:No, it's a normal flu.
Adel: ………………………………………………….?
Ahmed:For two days.
Adel: ………………………………………………….?
Ahmed : No, thank you.
4) Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:
Amal and Hassan, a newly married couple, were poor. Hassan’s wage enough to rent only a very
small flat. But there were two things of which each was proud! Amal had the longest and most beautiful hair
and Hassan possessed a magnificent gold pocket-watch, given to him by his father. Amal always noticed
sadly, when he looked at this watch fixed to the buttonhole of his coat by a common old leather strap. He
really needed a gold chain. Hassan often thought if only he could buy her a jeweled comb to hold her long
hair in place.
Now, it was the feast, Hassan and Amal began to think what present they could afford to give each
other. Amal had a wonderful idea. She ran down the street to the shop with the notice: “Hair bought “. She
entered and an hour later walked out of the shop richer by five hundred dollar but without her hair. She
bought a chain to suit Hassan’s watch and wrapped it in a piece of coloured paper.
When Hassan saw her hair, he was speechless. Amal cried, “It will grow again very quickly”. I had to sell it buy
your present. She produced the parcel from behind her back. Opening it laughed until tears came into his
eyes. He had sold his watch to buy a jeweled comb for her hair. Amal smiled and said. “Ours are the best
feast presents in the world “.
A) Answer the following questions:
1-Show that Hassan and Amal led a hard life.
2-What did Amal’s sacrifice show?
3-Why Hassan was deeply moved?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- Amal sold her hair ------------------------ the feast.
a) exactly on b) one day before
c) two days d) one day after
5- When Hassan saw Amal without her long hair he felt ------------------
a) happy b) angry c) shocked d) ashamed
5-Writing: 6M
Write a paragraph of at least seven sentences on "Birthday party"
Guiding words (birthday– invitation– cake- presents–songs–happy– help–- games)

Answer Two only of the following quotations: 12M
1-"O king that shall be hereafter!
2- "That hope might move you to aim at the throne."
3- "Sleep no more Macbeth does murder sleep."
Answer Three only of the following quotations:
4-Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth suffered from hallucination because of their bad intentions.
5-The witches told Macbeth words with double senses to deceive him. Discuss
6- Lady Macbeth was a wicked ambitious woman who caused her husband's destruction. Explain

7- Macbeth believed in witches who led him to his last fall. Explain

7-Poetry: "Day" 4M
Answer the following questions:
1-What is the main idea?
2- What are the figures of speech in stanza four?

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