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1. Match the terms with their meanings:

1. any of a class of extracellular proteins

abundant in higher animals, especially in the
skin, bone, cartilage, tendon, and teeth

2. a process of rendering animals immobile or

unconscious, without killing the animal, prior to
their being slaughtered for food.

3. the action or process of draining or losing

blood, removal of animal blood
a) exsanguination
b) collagen 4. conversion of muscle to meat, meat
fabrication, meat processing
c) stunning
d) meat science includes 5. removal of the hide, appendages and viscera

e) carcass dressing 6. meat being exposed to any one of a series of

f) to harvest curing or preserving processes

g) meat processing 7. to pick and collect crops, or to collect plants,

h) meat fabrication animals, or fish to eat

i) myoglobin 8. the act of making something (a product) from

raw materials, converting an animal carcass into
smaller pieces and retail cuts

9. a protein contained in the skeletal muscles and

heart and has oxygen attached to it; a red
pigment that provides the characteristic colour
of meat

2.Match the expressions with their meanings: go from something bad to something worse

a) spill the beans
2. to drink alcohol regularly
b) out of the frying pan and into the fire
3. to succeed, to do adequately what needs to be
c) hit the sauce done
d) cut the mustard
4. something that one does not enjoy or do well
e) (not one's) cup of tea (usually used in the negative)

f) chew the fat with (someone) 5. to chat with someone

6. to tell a secret to someone who is not

supposed to know about it

3.Fill in the following sentences using the expressions above:

1. We stayed up late last night ............... about our university days.

2. Going to art galleries is not ............. so I think that I will stay home this
3. The woman jumped ..................... when she quit her job. Now her problems
are much worse.
4. Our neighbor has a lot of stress and recently she has begun to .................
5. The young man was not able ............. and he had to leave the army after only
one year.
6. "Please do not ............ about my plans to return to school next year."

7. We spent the evening watching TV and .....................

8. If you can't .................., you cannot deal with problems or difficulties.

9. So who ............... about her affair with David?

4. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:

1.The teacher said that the boy was (her favorite).

(a) polishing the apple (b) a piece of cake (c) out to lunch (d) the apple of her eye

2. The woman was (very calm) during the job interview.

(a) as cool as a cucumber (b) in the soup (c) full of beans (d) the cream of the crop

3. "It is not (something that appeals to me) but I will go to the art gallery with you
if you want."

(a) my bread and butter (b) my duck soup (c) my cup of tea (d) my gravy train

4.Our boss told everyone that they could have a holiday next week but he later had to
(retract what he had said) and cancel it.

(a) make his mouth water (b) eat his words (c) polish the apple (d) take it with a
grain of salt

5.I explained (briefly) what my friend needed to know but he still was not satisfied.

(a) in a nutshell (b) out of the frying pan and into the fire (c) in the soup (d) as cool
as a cucumber

6.I worked all summer and was able (to save) a lot of money to go back to school.

(a) butter up (b) egg on (c) take with a grain of salt (d) salt away

7.The woman is a very good worker and is definitely (being paid what she

(a) worth her salt (b) souped up (c) nutty as a fruitcake (d) a hot potato

8.Please do not (tell anyone) about my plans to get married next year.

(a) hit the sauce (b) get egg on your face (c) spill the beans (d) eat humble pie

9.The clerk is always trying to (flatter) his boss in order to get a raise.

(a) big cheese (b) butter up (c) bread and butter (d) egg on

10.The toys have been (selling very rapidly) since they were released last month.

(a) upsetting the applecart (b) selling like hotcakes (c) worth their salt (d) half-baked

11. I stopped to (chat) with an old friend on my way to work this morning.

(a) chew the fat (b) eat my words (c) cut the mustard (d) cry over spilt milk

12. My friend was told that he was not able to (succeed) and could not join the
football team again this year.

(a) bring home the bacon (b) eat crow (c) stew in his own juice (d) cut the mustard

13.The man went (from something bad to something worse) when he got angry
and quit his job.

(a) out of the frying pan and into the fire (b) as cool as a cucumber (c) to cry over
spilt milk (d) for peanuts

14.Passing the exam was (very easy) because I spent a lot of time studying last

(a) the cream of the crop (b) out to lunch (c) in the soup (d) a piece of cake

5. Healthy Eating Quiz

Find out whether you're a healthy eater or could improve your eating patterns:

You are running late for work and haven’t eaten breakfast yet. Do you…

a) Skip it, you regularly do.

b) Make two pieces of white toast with peanut butter and eat them on the way.
c) Throw some sliced banana on a wholegrain cereal with skimmed milk and eat it
before you go.

At work, it’s time for your morning break. Do you opt for:

a) A cup of coffee and a chocolate bar.

b) A cup of tea and two homemade oatmeal cookies.

c) A glass of water and an apple.

How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat on a typical day?

a) Less than 2

b) Between 3 and 5

c) 6 or more

When you grab a drink on the go, what is it most likely to be?

a) A fizzy soft drink.

b) A squash or a juice drink.

c) A bottle of water, smoothie or fresh juice.

You’re heading for lunch with your colleagues. What will it be?

a) Bacon sandwich, coffee and donut.

b) Pizza topped with chicken and green peppers.

c) Grilled chicken, new potatoes and green salad.

How many glasses of water do you drink per day?

a) 0 to 2 glasses.

b) 3 to 5 glasses.

c) 5 to 10 glasses.

Tonight, you're ordering a takeaway with friends. What will you have?

a) Pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and garlic bread.

b) Sweet and sour pork with special fried rice.

c) Szechuan prawns with steamed rice.

What are you most likely to choose when picking a pud?

a) Cream donut.

b) Home made apple crumble with custard.

c) Fresh fruit salad with yoghurt.

Mostly As

You need to improve your diet! A diet like yours: high in fat, salt and sugar
and low in fibre, wholegrain, fruit and veg is linked to obesity. Try small changes
like more fruit and veg; ideally five portions a day. Aim to make one third of the
food you eat, starchy food such as potatoes, pasta, brown bread and rice. Cut down
on sugary drinks, sweets and cakes, and on processed meat products such as sausages
and pies.

Mostly Bs

Try some small changes to your diet. First, try to eat five portions of fruit and
veg a day. Dried fruit makes a great mid-morning snack. Base your meals on starchy
foods such as pasta, rice and potatoes. Wholegrain cereals are a great source of fibre.

Also, minimise your intake of processed meats such as pies and sausages, which are
high in saturated fat.

Mostly Cs

Well done, you're a healthy eater. Your diet is low in saturated fat, salt and
sugar, and high in fibre, fruit and vegetables is helping to keep your heart healthy and
protect against certain cancers. Remember, aim to eat two portions of fish a week,
including one oily fish high in omega-3, such as salmon, trout, or mackerel. If you’re
a vegetarian, remember to get enough protein from nuts and seeds, beans and pulses,
eggs, milk and soya.

6. Diet and Food Choices

Do you really know what eating healthily means? Tick the answer which best suits

1. How often do you eat meat or other animal products (i.e. milk,
cheese, eggs)?

a) Never. I’m vegan.

b) I don’t eat meat or eggs at all but I eat some dairy products
c) I don’t eat meat, but I do eat eggs and dairy products
d) I eat meat and other animal products several times a week.
e) I eat meat and other animal products every day.

2. How often do you eat fast food or eat out (this includes the school

a) Never
b) Rarely (a couple of times a month).

c) Occasionally (once or twice a week)
d) Often (a few times a week).
e) Almost every day or every day.

3. How often do you eat processed foods (i.e. frozen foods or

prepackaged foods)?

a) Never
b) Rarely (a couple of times a month).
c) Occasionally (once or twice a week)
d) Often (a few times a week).
e) Almost every day or every day.

4. How often do you try to buy food that you know was produced or
grown locally?

a) Never
b) Rarely (a couple of times a month).
c) Occasionally (once or twice a week)
d) Often (a few times a week).
e) Almost every day or every day.

5. How often do you drink bottled water?

a) Never, I use a refillable water bottle.

b) Rarely (a couple of times a month).
c) Occasionally (once or twice a week)
d) Often (almost every day).
e) I drink more than one bottle a day.

7. Complete the text below with one of the appropriate words:

processed, fermentation, fresh, dictated, mutton, White, to enhance, pork, fish, meat,
pigs, cancer, natural, meats, comes, goats, blood, preservation, color, think, poultry,
means, beef, red, turkey

Red ……… is any meat that ……… from a mammal. That ………… meat from
cows (…….. and veal), ………. (pork), sheep (lamb and ……….), horses, ………..
and bison all count as ……… meat………….. meats come from ……… and poultry.
The ………. difference is ……….. by the amount of ………. in the tissue, which
plays into why red meat is more likely to cause ………... Processed ……… are any
meats that aren’t ………. People typically ………… of processed meat as only
referring to ………… and beef, but this category can also include ………….
(chicken, ……….., duck) and fish. A ………… meat, has been modified from its
……….. state, either through salting, curing, …………….., smoking, or other
processes ………. flavour or improve …………..

Meat processing technology for small- to medium-scale producers Gunter Heinz,
Peter Hautzinger, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP), Bangkok, 2007, ISBN 978-974-
footprint student quiz - osstf


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