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Dungeons & Dinosaurs (And

The Age of Iron Role-Playing Game

Playtest Version 1.0

Chapter 2: Character Generation

Generating a character is a multi-step taught anything can still possess a

process, but at its completion each natural intellect.
player will have their Adventurer ready Willpower (WP): If Resilience is your
to strike out against the abyss! character's ability to deal with physical
pressure, then Willpower is its mental
Step 1: Choose Race equivalent. Willpower is their ability to
Humans are not alone on Kairos, with deal with mental assault and resist
Laisaur and Troglodytes commonly temptation.
found in the Adventurers. When Speed (Sp): This is the character's
generating characters, each player must swiftness and agility - this is what
select one of these races, and this race allows them to dodge incoming blows
will determine certain skills available and to race into (or away from!)
to your character. The races and racial combat.
skills available to them are explained Luck (L): Whether divine favour,
in detail on pages XX-XX. cunning schemes or honest good
chance, the Adventurers seem to
Step 2: Allocate possess some incredible reserves of
luck that allow them to survive the
Characteristic Points
strangest encounters.
Each player, having chosen their race, Awareness (Aw): This is your
has twelve Awesome Points (AP) to character's ability to take note of their
spend on their Adventurer's surroundings and see the details and
characteristics, which are as follows: patterns in what happens around them.
Finesse (Fin): This is your character's
ability to wield their weapons with When generating a character, you must
skill, rather than sheer brute strength, spend at least 1 AP on each of these
as well as their ability to perform characteristics, and no character may
trickier or more complicated actions start play with more than 3 in any
with their hands. single characteristic.
Strength (Str): As the name implies,
this is the Adventurer's sheer brawn -
their ability to press attacks and lift
Resilience (Res): This is your
character's ability to take hits without
falling unconscious or sustaining too
serious an injury, as well as their
ability to resist a few poisons, etc.
Intellect (Int): This is your
Adventurer's natural intelligence, and
will allow them to learn complicated Step 3: Choose Skills
theories or deal with new information Finally, each character may spend an
with ease. Note that this is your additional 8 AP on skills from their
character's natural intelligence, and so racial and/or Adventurer skill sets for
even characters who have never been the points listed.
Humans are arguably amongst the
most common life forms on Kairos,
and easily amongst the most varied - at
least in terms of ideology! Due to
being the most common race in Magna
Thule, they have also been the most
common race amongst the
Adventurers, and have been drawn
from every walk of life, from soldier to
sorcerer, priest to princess, merchant to
Humans must choose from one of the
three following 'sub-races' when
generating a new character:
Civilised Human
Drawn from Thule, Luxantium or
perhaps even Amon Tor or the Gedrosi
Lands, civilised humans are those who
have spent their entire lives

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