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Social Neuroscience
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Social competence following pediatric stroke:

Contributions of brain insult and family environment
abc ad ac a ab
Vicki Anderson , Alison Gomes , Mardee Greenham , Stephen Hearps , Anne Gordon ,
e bd fg f fg
Nicole Rinehart , Linda Gonzalez , Keith Owen Yeates , Christine A. Hajek , Warren Lo &
Mark Mackay
Child Neuropsychology, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Click for updates f
The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH, USA
Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH,
Published online: 21 Jul 2014.

To cite this article: Vicki Anderson, Alison Gomes, Mardee Greenham, Stephen Hearps, Anne Gordon, Nicole Rinehart,
Linda Gonzalez, Keith Owen Yeates, Christine A. Hajek, Warren Lo & Mark Mackay (2014) Social competence following
pediatric stroke: Contributions of brain insult and family environment, Social Neuroscience, 9:5, 471-483, DOI:

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Vol. 9, No. 5, 471–483,

Social competence following pediatric stroke:

Contributions of brain insult and family environment

Vicki Anderson1,2,3, Alison Gomes1,4, Mardee Greenham1,3, Stephen Hearps1,

Anne Gordon1,2, Nicole Rinehart5, Linda Gonzalez2,4, Keith Owen Yeates6,7,
Christine A. Hajek6, Warren Lo6,7, and Mark Mackay1,2,3
Downloaded by [Archives & Bibliothèques de l'ULB] at 22:14 02 February 2015

Child Neuropsychology, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH, USA
Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH, USA

Limited information is available regarding predictors of psychosocial difficulties in children following stroke. This
study aimed to (i) compare social competence of children with arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) to those with chronic
illness and healthy controls and (ii) investigate the contribution of stroke pathology, neurological outcome and
environment. Thirty-six children with AIS > 12 months prior to recruitment were compared with children with
chronic illness (asthma) (n = 15) and healthy controls (n = 43). Children underwent intellectual assessment, and
children and parents completed questionnaires to assess social competence. Children with AIS underwent MRI
scan and neurological evaluation. Child AIS was associated with poorer social adjustment and participation, and
children with AIS were rated as having more social problems than controls. Lesion volume was not associated
with social outcome, but subcortical stroke was linked to reduced social participation and younger stroke onset
predicted better social interaction and higher self-esteem. Family function was the sole predictor of social
adjustment. Findings highlight the risk of social impairment following pediatric stroke, with both stroke and
environmental factors influencing children's social competence in the chronic stages of recovery. They indicate the
potential for intervention targeting support at the family level.

Keywords: Child stroke; Pediatric stroke; Social function; Recovery; Brain; Family.

Pediatric stroke is an acute cerebrovascular event that deficits. Only a handful of studies have considered the
can occur during any stage of development. Due to impact of stroke on children’s social competence,
variations in comorbidities, lesion location and volume despite social impairment being closely linked to poor
(Deveber, 2003; Ganesan, Prengler, Mcshane, Wade, & self-esteem, academic failure and reduced quality of
Kirkham, 2003; Kirton, Westmacott, & Deveber, life (Anderson, Rosema, Gomes, & Catroppa, 2012;
2007), the pediatric stroke population is heterogeneous Gomes, Rinehart, Greenham, & Anderson, 2014).
and is characterized by diverse functional and cognitive Even fewer studies have examined the contributions

Correspondence should be addressed to: Vicki Anderson, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria,
3052. Australia. E-mail:
This study was supported by grants from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (Practitioner Fellowship, Anderson),
the Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital [# 231308], the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, and the Victorian Governmental
Operational Infrastructure Scheme. Image analysis was supported by Elizabeth Perkins.

© 2014 Taylor & Francis


of clinical features of pediatric stroke, such as lesion and decreased social support from peers (Everts et al.,
characteristics and functional neurological outcome, or 2008), as well as changes in companionship and peer
environmental influences as predictors of social com- interactions (De Schryver et al., 2000; Steinlin, Roellin,
petence (Anderson et al., 2012). A better understanding & Schroth, 2004).
of the frequency and nature of social impairments post-
stroke, and their relationship to clinical and environ-
mental factors will provide information for clinicians
and families to prevent or minimize such difficulties. BRAIN CORRELATES OF SOCIAL

Stroke can impact a range of brain regions, many of

SOCIAL COMPETENCE FOLLOWING which have been linked to social competence
PEDIATRIC STROKE (Adolphs, 2001; Adolphs, Baron-Cohen, & Tranel,
Downloaded by [Archives & Bibliothèques de l'ULB] at 22:14 02 February 2015

2002; Beauchamp & Anderson, 2010), including the

The bulk of research examining social competence basal ganglia, putamen, pre-frontal, temporal and par-
after pediatric stroke has taken a global view, report- ietal cortices, and the rostral midbrain structures
ing poor “socialization” and emphasizing children’s (Ganesan et al., 2000; Gordon, Ganesan, Towell, &
difficulties in implementing social skills in real-life Kirkham, 2002; Max et al., 2002). The multiple reci-
situations (Friefeld, Westmacott, Macgregor, & procal connections in the brain suggest that damage to
Deveber, 2011; Mosch, Max, & Tranel, 2005; any of these regions could cause disruptions to the
Neuner et al., 2011; O'Keeffe, Ganesan, King, & entire social brain network, resulting in a variety of
Murphy, 2012; Trauner, Panyard-Davis, & social deficits (Yeates et al., 2007). This may be
Ballantyne, 1996). Recent advances in theoretical especially relevant for pediatric stroke, where lesions
models in the social domain challenge researchers to occur during critical stages of brain development,
take a more fine-grained approach to examining social when functional brain networks are immature.
competence. These models divide social competence Notably, studies of pediatric stroke indicate that chil-
into several domains: (i) social participation: involve- dren sustaining perinatal stroke (i.e., before 1 month
ment in social situations is critical for health and of age) have more global and severe deficits (Nass &
quality of life (World Health Organization, 2002); Trauner, 2004) and higher rates of psychopathology
(ii) social interaction: social actions and reactions (Max, Bruce, Keatley, & Delis, 2010). However, cur-
between individuals or groups modified to their inter- rent evidence suggests that age at stroke onset is
action partner(s) (Beauchamp & Anderson, 2010); unrelated to social outcomes (Hurvitz et al., 2004).
(iii) social adjustment: the individual’s capacity to Rather, the risk of social deficits appears to be ele-
adapt to the demands of the social environment vated following stroke at any age during childhood
(Beauchamp & Anderson, 2010), or to engage in (Anderson et al., 2010, 2009; Greenham, Spencer-
adaptive, competent social and communicative beha- Smith, Anderson, Coleman, & Anderson, 2010;
vior; and the extent to which they inhibit aversive, Trauner et al., 1996).
incompetent behavior (Crick & Dodge, 1994); and Little is known regarding the impact of focal brain
(iv) social cognition: aspects of higher cognitive func- insult on social competence and, of interest, studies
tion, including the processing of social cues, empathy, attempting to identify brain–behavior links for other
perspective taking and moral reasoning (Beauchamp cognitive and functional outcomes following pediatric
& Anderson, 2010). stroke have been disappointing (Ganesan, Ng, Chong,
Very few studies have examined specific social Kirkham, & Connelly, 1999; Westmacott, Askalan,
domains following pediatric stroke. A handful of stu- Macgregor, Anderson, & Deveber, 2010). Trauner
dies describe significant reduction in family and school et al. (1996) describe elevated risk of social impair-
participation compared to normative data (Blom et al., ment with pediatric stroke involving extra-frontal
2003; De Schryver, Kappelle, Jennekens-Schinkel, & structures, while Long, Anderson, et al. (2011) report
Boudewyn Peters, 2000). Hurvitz, Warschausky, Berg, that children with stroke involving subcortical brain
and Tsai (2004) describe socialization difficulties in regions may be vulnerable, particularly with respect to
adult survivors of pediatric stroke despite high levels emotional regulation. Studies conducted by Max et al.
of high school completion and employment. For social (2002, 2010) also link lesion location, particularly
interaction, findings indicate reduced social acceptance frontal pathology, to elevated risk of attention deficit

hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. As yet 2012; Rubin, Chen, Mcdougall, Bowker, &
other authors have failed to replicate these relation- Mckinnon, 1995).
ships, reporting no clear evidence of links between This study aimed to compare the social compe-
lesion site and social or behavioral outcomes (Everts tence of children with a history of pediatric stroke,
et al., 2008). children with a chronic illness (asthma) and healthy
While few studies of child brain injury have docu- controls, in order to explore the relative contribution
mented a relationship between lesion location and of stroke-specific factors and chronic illness within
recovery, lesion volume appears to play a role in out- this domain. Within the pediatric stroke group, we
come, with larger lesions associated with poorer out- also explored the contribution of key clinical markers
come in IQ and executive function (Anderson et al., to social outcome: insult-specific factors (lesion loca-
2009; Hajek et al., 2014). This relationship has been tion and volume, neurological function); age at stroke
examined only rarely in pediatric stroke. Ganesan and onset (perinatal <1 month versus child >1 month); and
colleagues (Ganesan et al., 2000, 1999; Gordon et al., environmental influences (parent mental health,
Downloaded by [Archives & Bibliothèques de l'ULB] at 22:14 02 February 2015

2002) report that larger stroke infarcts (>10% supra- family function).
tentorial intracranial volume) are associated with We hypothesized that (1) social competence fol-
poorer functional outcomes (language, self-care, phy- lowing pediatric stroke would be poorer than for
sical mobility), which persist over time. A similar chronic illness and healthy control groups, reflecting
result has been reported by Long, Spencer-Smith, the unique impact of brain insult on social function;
et al. (2011), who found an association between larger (2) within the stroke group, lesion location (i.e., cor-
lesions and impaired executive skills. tical versus subcortical, frontal versus extra-frontal,
lesion laterality) would not be related to social com-
petence. In contrast, there would be associations
ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON between social competence and lesion volume, neuro-
SOCIAL OUTCOME logical status and age at stroke onset and (3) within
the stroke group, we predicted that proximal environ-
It is not only “brain” that plays a role in outcome from mental factors (caregiver mental health, family func-
early brain insult. Research examining outcomes from tion) would contribute to social competence.
acquired brain insult (e.g., traumatic brain injury)
demonstrates that, as the time since insult increases,
and the consequences of brain insult become more
chronic, the child’s capacity to adapt to persisting def- MATERIALS AND METHODS
icits grows in significance, especially within the social
domain (Anderson et al., 2006; Yeates et al., 2007). Of Participants
note, similar findings have been reported for chronic
illnesses with no direct brain involvement, for example, Participants were part of a two-site study exploring
asthma or cancer (Barrera, Shaw, Speechley, Maunsell, social competence following pediatric stroke (chronic
& Pogany, 2005; Beauchamp & Anderson, 2010; Eiser, illness + brain insult) as compared with children with
1997; Wolman, Resnick, Harris, & Blum, 1994). asthma (chronic illness—brain insult) and healthy
Adapting to chronic medical conditions and their func- controls. For the stroke group, children with arterial
tional limitations can reduce a child’s confidence in ischemic stroke (AIS) were selected for participation.
their social abilities and their exposure to social inter- The asthma group was recruited as the chronic illness
actions (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984; Mood & Schaefer, control “condition” because it is a chronic illness not
1984; Wallander & Varni, 1998). Few studies to date impacting the central nervous system (CNS) and so
have explored the relative contributions of brain insult could account for generic effects of chronic illness
and chronic illness factors in the context of pediatric (e.g., acute episode requiring hospitalization, ongoing
stroke. In addition to child-based chronic illness fac- medical contact/medication, limitations to normal par-
tors, home environment has been linked to social out- ticipation), similar to that experienced by children
comes following acquired brain injury (Anderson et al., with AIS. Children were recruited retrospectively,
2009; Beauchamp & Anderson, 2010; Gerring & based on medical and radiological records, at The
Wade, 2012; Yeates et al., 2007). In particular, more Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), Melbourne,
proximal factors, such as parent mental health and Australia and Nationwide Children’s Hospital
family function, have been found to predict social out- (NCH), Columbus, Ohio, USA. Healthy controls
comes in both healthy and brain-injured groups were recruited from local schools in the Melbourne
(Beauchamp & Anderson, 2010; Gerring & Wade, metropolitan area.

In total, 94 children were recruited: 36 with AIS, Exclusion criteria for the asthma control group
15 with asthma and 43 healthy controls. Two partici- were as for the AIS group. Further, children with
pants with AIS were later excluded due to excessive asthma were excluded if they had been admitted to
missing data. Children were aged 6 to 15 years at the intensive care for acute asthma (to minimize chance of
time of recruitment. Both the child and their family CNS insult), organ failure or a significant hypoxic
were required to have sufficient English to complete event. In addition, children in both the asthma and
the study protocol. Children with AIS or asthma were healthy control groups were excluded if they had a
recruited at least 1 year post-diagnosis. history of any condition affecting the CNS, diagnosed
Children were selected for the AIS group if their developmental delay or psychiatric condition, chronic
acute presentation included a clinical deficit and radi- use of oral steroids; current use of psychotropic med-
ological evidence of an ischemic stroke consistent with ication or history of a significant hypoxic event.
the clinical deficit. Children with AIS occurring during
the perinatal period or during childhood were recruited.
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Those with prenatal stroke were excluded. Age at stroke

onset was dichotomized into perinatal <1 month; Measures
n = 10) or childhood (>1 month; n = 26). Excluded
stroke etiologies were hemoglobinopathies, including Demographic, descriptive and clinical measures
sickle cell disease; progressive neurometabolic disor-
ders; malignancy; stroke during neurosurgery; moya- Demographic, neurological and medical character-
moya syndrome; brain trauma-induced hemorrhage istics were obtained via parent interview and medical
and autoimmune vasculitis. Other exclusionary condi- file review (Table 1). Intelligence was assessed using
tions with CNS involvement were congenital hydroce- the two-subtest version of the Wechsler Abbreviated
phalus; intracerebral shunts; CNS infections; pre- Scale of Intelligence (Wechsler, 1999), from which
existing mental retardation; prenatal exposure to alco- the Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ)
hol/drugs; premorbid neurological or psychiatric disor- (M = 100, SD = 15) was derived. Behavioral charac-
der; genetic disorders with CNS involvement and use of teristics were documented via parent ratings on the
antipsychotic medications. Other exclusionary condi- Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach, 1991),
tions were previous organ or bone marrow transplant; which assesses problem behaviors, using a three-point
nonaccidental brain injury; severe psychiatric diagnosis scale from “not true” to “very true or often true”.
requiring hospitalization and sensory or motor impair- Externalizing, Internalizing and Social Problems sub-
ment preventing valid administration of the measures scales were analyzed (M = 50, SD = 10).
(e.g., severe cerebral palsy). Children with epilepsy Socioeconomic status (SES) was derived based on
were not excluded, except for cases in which the epi- the primary caregiver’s level of education and income.
lepsy predated the stroke. Low scores indicate higher social risk.

Sample demographics
Stroke Asthma Healthy controls p

N 36 15 43
Male (%) 16 (44.4) 9 (60.0) 24 (55.8) .482
Age at presentation (years) M (SD) 4.2 (4.3) 3.1 (4.0) — .407
Age at assessment (years) M (SD) 9.1 (3.0) 9.8 (2.6) 10.3 (3.0) .262
Time since stroke (years) M (SD) 5.0 (3.3) 6.8 (3.2) — .075
Caregiver education (%)
High school or less 17 (47.2) 7 (46.7) 6 (14.0) <.001
More than high school 17 (47.2) 8 (53.3) 37 (86.7)
FSIQ M (SD) 94.7 (13.6) 99.5 (11.8) 106.8 (15.2) .0011
FAD M (SD) 1.6 (0.4) 1.6 (0.4) 1.5 (0.3) .126
GHQ M (SD) 2.2 (3.8) 2.1 (4.3) 2.3 (3.3) .964
Child behavior
CBCL: Internalizing M (SD) 53.3 (11.4) 54.9 (10.5) 47.2 (8.3) .0072
CBCL: Externalizing M (SD) 49.4 (11.4) 50.5 (12.1) 46.6 (7.0) .293

Notes: 1Significant post hoc, stroke vs healthy controls.

Significant post hoc, stroke vs healthy controls, asthma vs healthy controls.

Predictors Environment

Neuroimaging These measures were completed for all partici-

pants. The General Family Functioning Scale from
MRI was conducted as part of routine clinical the McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD:
practice for the AIS sample. Scans were conducted Epstein, Baldwin, & Bishop, 1983) provided a mea-
on a 1.5 Tesla scanner using a standard stroke proto- sure of family functioning. This 12-item scale
col. Two of the authors (WL, MM) determined stroke is based on 6 domains of problem-solving, commu-
location through review of radiological reports and nication, roles, affective responsiveness, affective
inspection of neuroimaging using the coding protocol involvement and behavior control. Low scores indi-
described by Leventer et al. (2010, 1999). Lesion cate better family functioning. The General Health
location was qualitatively coded for hemisphere Questionnaire (GHQ: Jackson, 2006) is a self-admi-
(right, left, bilateral or brainstem/cerebellum) and cer- nistered screening tool that assesses caregiver men-
Downloaded by [Archives & Bibliothèques de l'ULB] at 22:14 02 February 2015

ebral location (cortical, subcortical, combined cortical tal health. It focuses on two major areas: inability to
and subcortical). carry out normal functions and appearance of new
Brain and infarct volumes were measured by man- and distressing phenomena. The maximum score is
ual segmentation using ITK-SNAP 1.8 (Yushkevich 28, with scores >4 suggesting probable distress.
et al., 2006). Infarct borders were defined on T2-
weighted sections, infarct areas were delineated on
each section and volumes summed for all sections Social competence measures
through the infarct. Volumes for cerebral hemispheres,
cerebellum, brainstem and ventricles were determined Social competence was assessed across three domains:
similarly. In preliminary analyses, inter-rater reliabil- social adjustment, social interaction and social parti-
ity was greater than 90%. Other investigators have cipation. For nonstandardized measures, psychometric
shown that manual segmentation has a similarly high properties are reported.
level of inter-rater reliability (Beslow et al., 2010;
Haller et al., 1997). Because of variations in total Social participation
brain volume across ages, lesion volume was
expressed as a percentage of total brain volume. This domain was assessed with the Child and
Due to small sample size, lesion locations were Adolescent Scale of Participation (CASP: Bedell,
collapsed into two groups: (i) frontal pathology, 2009), a 20-item, a parent-rated measure of child
defined as lesions involving brain structures within participation in home, school and community life
the frontal lobe, and (ii) extra-frontal pathology, situations and activities as reported by family care-
defined as lesions involving brain structures outside givers. It is divided into four sections: home participa-
the frontal lobe. Further, cortical pathology included tion; community participation; school participation;
lesions that affected regions of the cerebral cortex, home and community living activities, and an overall
while subcortical pathology included brain regions summary score, with the latter employed in analyses.
below the cerebral cortex, as well as the brain stem Higher scores indicate greater extent of age-expected
and cerebellum. participation. The CASP has demonstrated good inter-
nal consistency (alpha = 0.96) and test–retest reliabil-
ity (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.94) and
Neurological examination correlates with scores from other social participation
scales (Bedell, 2009).
Neurological status was assessed in the AIS group
only using the Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measure Social interaction
(PSOM: Deveber, Macgregor, Curtis, & Mayank,
2000). This provides objective rating of deficit severity This domain was assessed through child ratings
(0–2) in five domains: sensorimotor left, sensorimotor on three questionnaires: (i) Friendship Quality
right, language expression, language reception and cog- Questionnaire (FQQ: Parker & Asher, 1993) is a
nitive/behavioral. Scores for each domain are combined 40-item questionnaire designed to assess the quality
to form a composite score, ranging from “0” (no defi- of children’s friendships with their best friend,
cits) to a maximum of 10. The PSOM was completed using a five-point scale. The FQQ generates a
by trained clinicians (WL, AG), blinded to results of Total Positive Relationships score, which was used
psychological testing. in the present study. The FQQ has shown adequate

internal consistency (alpha = .73–.90) and scores was arranged to complete the neurological measures
are significantly correlated with other measures of and to obtain parent and child ratings of social com-
loneliness and acceptance (Parker & Asher, 1993); petence. Children were recruited over a period of
(ii) Network of Relationships Inventory (NRI: approximately 24 months. The test protocol was per-
Furman, 1996; Furman & Buhrmester, 1985, 1992) formed in a set order for all participants.
is a 36-item measure of children’s perceptions of
their relationship characteristics, categorized into
four scales—support, conflict, punishment and rela- Statistical analysis
tive power. Participants rate how much each feature
occurs in their relationships, using a five-point For sample demographics, clinical and descriptive
Likert scale. Higher scores represent better relation- measures and for hypothesis 1, analysis of variance
ships. For this study, mother (NRI: mother), father (ANOVA, with Bonferroni-adjusted post hoc compar-
(NRI: father) and friend (NRI: friend) relationships isons) was utilized to compare groups on continuous
Downloaded by [Archives & Bibliothèques de l'ULB] at 22:14 02 February 2015

were considered. The internal consistency coeffi- variables, and χ2 tests for categorical variables.
cients for the scales have been calculated for For hypothesis 2, within the AIS group, t-tests were
each relationship and found to be satisfactory conducted to examine the impact of lesion location
(M alpha = .81) and (iii) Relational Provisions (subcortical versus cortical, frontal versus extra-frontal)
Questionnaire (RPQ: Rubin et al., 1995; Terrell- and age at stroke onset (perinatal versus child) on
Deutsch, 1999) consists of 28 items rated on a social measures, with Cohen’s d measuring size of
five-point scale assessing children’s perceptions of effect. Only effect sizes of >0.65 (i.e., 2/3 SD) were
their social and emotional relatedness with peers considered (Cohen, 1988; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).
(RPQ:PG) and family (RPQ:F). Higher scores Note, analyses investigating laterality of lesion found
reflect greater disability. The RPQ has adequate no significant relationships and are not reported. For
reliability (alpha = .82–.93, test–retest r = .67–.85) hypothesis 3, multiple regressions were conducted to
and is correlated with measures of peer acceptance determine the contribution of overall lesion volume,
and withdrawal (Rubin et al., 1995). functional neurological outcome (PSOM), caregiver
mental health and family function to social measures.
Social adjustment

Participants completed the following: (i) Adaptive RESULTS

Behavior Assessment System–II: Social Subscale
(ABAS-Social: Harrison & Oakland, 2003): parent Demographic, descriptive and clinical
ratings of interpersonal and social competence skills measures
(M = 10, SD = 3); (ii) Harter Self-Perception Profile
for Children: Social Competence subscale (HARTER: The groups did not differ in age at testing, gender,
SC: Harter, 1985): children decide which descriptions family function or caregiver mental health. There was
best fits them and whether the statement is “sort of a significant group difference for caregiver education,
true” or “really true” for him or her. Higher scores on with parents in the healthy control group more highly
these measures reflect better social adjustment; and educated, p = .002 (Table 1). For child descriptors,
(iii) the CBCL social problems subscale (Achenbach, healthy controls demonstrated higher FSIQ scores,
1991, see above for details): parents report on their p = .001, than AIS children, but all group means fell
child’s social problems, with higher scores reflecting within the average range. For child behavior, while all
greater social problems. group means fell within the average range, the AIS
and asthma groups were rated significantly higher for
internalizing problems than healthy controls. AIS and
Procedure asthma groups were similar with respect to age at
onset and time since presentation (Table 2).
The study was approved by the human research
ethics committees of the participating institutions.
Participants with AIS were identified from a child Social outcomes: Group differences
stroke registry or medical record audit. Those meeting
eligibility criteria were sent information packs Children in the AIS group scored poorest for social
describing the study. For consenting families, a visit participation (CASP: p = .002). In contrast, no group

TABLE 2 Predictors of social outcomes

Medical characteristics of stroke sample
N 36 Lesion location
Seizures at presentation, n (%) 10 (29.4)
Stroke age <1 month, n (%) 10 (29.4) Examination of lesion location data found only two
Brain insult characteristics cases with “cortical only” lesions and thus, for analysis,
Cortical involvement, n (%) 2 (5.6)
Subcortical involvement, n (%) 13 (36.1)
strokes involving discrete subcortical (n = 16) areas
Cortical + subcortical, n (%) 18 (50.0) were compared with those involving both cortical and
Frontal, n (%) 14 (38.9) cortical + subcortical areas (n = 20) for social outcomes.
Extrafrontal, n (%) 22 (61.1)
Laterality No significant differences were found between groups
Left, n (%) 16 (44.4) in age at testing, PSOM or FSIQ, suggesting that differ-
Right, n (%) 13 (36.1) ences in scores cannot be attributed to these factors
Bilateral, n (%) 5 (14.5)
(Table 4). Lesions in the discrete subcortical group
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Focal, n (%) 32 (88.9) were significantly larger in volume compared with
Multifocal, n (%) 4 (11.1) those in the cortical/cortical plus subcortical lesion
Antiepileptic medication, n (%) 3 (8.8)
PSOM total, M (SD) 1.7 (1.7) group, p = .018, d = 1.17. Despite this, significant
differences were not consistently observed between
groups for any social measure, with the exception of
the CASP, on which children with discrete subcortical
differences were identified on child-rated measures of lesions participated less in social activities, p = .040,
social interaction, either with family or peers (FFQ: d = 0.80. This effect was larger when adjusted for lesion
p = .735; NRI: mother: p = .270; NRI: father: volume, p = .018. Children with discrete subcortical
p = .061; NRI: friend: p = .255; RPQ: family: lesions also reported a trend to better self-esteem
p = .284; RPQ: peer: p = .556). Results indicate (Harter: SC: Adj p = .029, d = 0.66).
significant group differences for all measures of social There were no significant differences between fron-
adjustment. The AIS group performed significantly tal (n = 14) and extrafrontal (n = 22) pathology groups
poorer than healthy controls for parent ratings of for age at testing or FSIQ (Table 5), but the frontal
social adjustment (ABAS-Social: p = .039) and self- group demonstrated significantly greater lesion
confidence (Harter: SC: p = .035). For parent ratings volume compared with the extrafrontal group,
of overall social problems, the AIS group also p = .009. While the frontal group tended to score
recorded significantly poorer results than both healthy more poorly on all social outcomes, group differences
controls and asthma groups (CBCL: SP: p = .001) (see did not reach significance, and this remained true after
Table 3). adjusting for lesion volume.

Social skills for stroke and asthma groups
Healthy controls
Stroke (n = 36) Asthma (n = 15) (n = 43)

M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) p

Social participation
CASP: total 92.5 (11.3) 97.3 (4.1) 98.4 (2.9) 0.0021
Social interaction
FFQ total 3.8 (0.8) 3.9 (1.1) 3.7 (0.6) 0.735
NRI: mother 98.7 (11.4) 93.7 (13.8) 100.1 (14.0) 0.270
NRI: father 87.9 (20.3) 89.2 (11.3) 96.9 (15.1) 0.061
NRI: friend 88.0 (20.6) 86.1 (21.6) 93.6 (14.2) 0.255
RPQ: family 20.9 (7.3) 24.4 (11.0) 21.3 (5.7) 0.284
RPQ: peers 27.1 (10.3) 29.1 (11.5) 26.1 (7.4) 0.556
Social adjustment
Harter: SC 2.8 (0.7) 3.1 (0.6) 3.1 (0.6) 0.0351
ABAS social scale 8.5 (3.9) 9.4 (3.4) 10.4 (2.7) 0.0391
CBCL: social problems 56.8 (8.3) 56.3 (6.7) 51.8 (3.3) 0.0012

Notes: 1Significant post hoc, stroke vs healthy controls.

Significant post hoc, stroke vs healthy controls, asthma vs healthy controls.
For CBCL and RPQ, higher scores represent poorer social competence. For all other measures, higher scores reflect better social outcomes.

Mean comparison of outcomes between cortical/cortical + subcortical and discrete subcortical
Discrete subcortical Cortical/ cortical +
(n = 16) subcortical (n = 20)

Variable M SD M SD p Adj. p* ES#

Demographics and lesion characteristics

FSIQ 92.9 (14.7) 96.7 (13.0) 0.430 — 0.27
Age (at assessment) 9.0 (3.4) 9.3 (2.6) 0.811 — 0.08
Lesion volume (% of total volume) 4.2 (4.5) 0.4 (0.8) 0.002 — 1.17
PSOM total 2.2 (2.0) 1.1 (0.9) 0.057 0.265 0.69
CBCL: internalizing problems 54.9 (12.1) 51.1 (10.3) 0.349 0.180 0.34
CBCL: externalizing problems 51.4 (12.9) 46.6 (8.5) 0.235 0.177 0.44
Social participation
CASP: total 89.2 (13.4) 97.2 (4.6) 0.040 0.018 0.80
Social interaction
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FQQ: total 3.8 (0.5) 3.9 (1.0) 0.739 0.729 0.12

NRI: mother 99.1 (10.9) 98.4 (12.2) 0.868 0.520 0.06
NRI: father 85.7 (19.4) 90.2 (21.7) 0.536 0.995 0.22
NRI: friend 93.6 (17.4) 82.3 (22.5) 0.122 0.131 0.56
RPQ: peer 14.4 (7.0) 15.3 (5.7) 0.711 0.607 0.13
RPQ: family 9.9 (2.7) 10.8 (4.5) 0.504 0.281 0.23
Social adjustment
Harter Social Competence 3.0 (0.8) 2.6 (0.5) 0.068 0.029 0.66
ABAS: social 94.8 (18.4) 99.8 (14.9) 0.419 0.278 0.30
CBCL: social problems 58.5 (9.9) 54.5 (4.8) 0.176 0.352 0.51

Notes: *Adjusted for lesion volume.

#Effect size: Cohen’s d.

Age at stroke onset better peer group integration (RPQ: peer) than the
child onset group, p = .044; d = 0.89, with a trend
Perinatal and child onset groups did not differ in for higher self-esteem (Harter: SC: p = .079,
age at testing, FSIQ or lesion volume. The d = .70). No other differences were identified (see
perinatal onset group demonstrated significantly Table 6).

Mean comparison of outcomes between extrafrontal and frontal.
Frontal (n = 14) Extrafrontal (n = 22)

M SD M SD p Adj. p* ES#

Demographics and lesion characteristics

FSIQ 91.8 (14.6) 96.3 (13.6) 0.371 — 0.31
Age (at assessment) 9.1 (3.2) 9.2 (3.0) 0.957 — 0.02
Lesion volume (% total volume) 4.7 (5.2) 1.2 (2.0) 0.009 — 0.87
PSOM total 2.1 (2.1) 1.4 (1.4) 0.264 0.690 0.370
CBCL: internalizing problems 55.9 (12.8) 51.5 (10.2) 0.266 0.096 0.39
CBCL: externalizing problems 53.1 (14.6) 46.8 (7.9) 0.109 0.072 0.55
Social participation
CASP: total 89.2 (12.6) 94.8 (10.0) 0.164 0.103 0.49
Social interaction
FQQ: total 3.9 (0.7) 3.8 (0.8) 0.567 0.559 0.22
NRI: mother 100.5 (13.8) 97.8 (10.2) 0.541 0.920 0.22
NRI: father 84.1 (22.4) 90.0 (19.3) 0.427 0.678 0.29
NRI: friend 93.5 (16.3) 85.1 (22.4) 0.283 0.358 0.43
RPQ: peer 15.5 (7.8) 14.5 (5.7) 0.690 0.642 0.14
RPQ: family 10.5 (2.9) 10.3 (4.1) 0.922 0.971 0.04
Social adjustment
Harter Social Competence 2.9 (0.8) 2.7 (0.6) 0.509 0.557 0.23
ABAS: social 92.2 (17.6) 100.3 (16.0) 0.183 0.070 0.49
CBCL: social problems 59.7 (11.1) 54.8 (5.0) 0.090 0.154 0.57

Notes: *Adjusted for lesion volume.

#Effect size: Cohen’s d.

Mean comparison of outcomes between early (perinatal) and later (1 month or older) age at stroke
Perinatal stroke 1 month or older stroke
(n = 10) (n = 26)


Demographics and lesion characteristics

FSIQ 98.8 (14.4) 93.0 (13.7) 0.268 0.42
Age (at assessment) 8.3 (3.5) 9.5 (2.8) 0.323 0.36
Lesion volume (% total volume) 4.3 (4.5) 1.8 (3.4) 0.086 0.62
PSOM total 4.3 (4.5) 1.8 (3.4) 0.252 0.380
CBCL: internalizing problems 53.8 (10.3) 53.1 (12.0) 0.870 0.06
CBCL: externalizing problems 46.9 (8.2) 50.4 (12.5) 0.421 0.33
Social participation
CASP: total 95.8 (4.3) 91.1 (13.0) 0.282 0.48
Social interaction
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FQQ: total 3.6 (0.6) 3.9 (0.8) 0.338 0.41

NRI: mother 93.4 (3.2) 100.8 (12.8) 0.102 0.79
NRI: father 89.2 (7.1) 87.4 (23.6) 0.821 0.11
NRI: friend 81.8 (19.4) 90.0 (21.0) 0.332 0.41
RPQ: peer 11.2 (4.4) 16.2 (6.5) 0.044 0.89
RPQ: family 9.4 (2.9) 10.7 (3.9) 0.387 0.37
Social adjustment
Harter Social Competence 3.1 (0.6) 2.7 (0.7) 0.079 0.70
ABAS: social 99.4 (12.8) 96.0 (18.4) 0.616 0.21
CBCL: social problems 54.3 (4.4) 57.9 (9.4) 0.259 0.49

Note: #Effect size: Cohen’s d.

Lesion volume, neurological status and Harter: SC (p = .048), ABAS: social (p = .010) and
environmental influences CBCL: social problems (p < .001), with poorer family
functioning predicting poorer child social outcomes in
To explore the impact of lesion volume, neurolo- all cases.
gical status (PSOM) and environmental influences on
social outcomes multiple regressions were conducted
within the AIS group. Lesion volume did not predict DISCUSSION
any social measure, but the overall model for the
CASP was significant, with higher scores on the This study investigated the impact of AIS on social
PSOM (p = .004) predictive of reduced social partici- competence, including social participation, social
pation (Table 7). Family function (FAD) predicted the interaction and social adjustment. In keeping with

Social outcome multiple linear regressions
Harter: SC ABAS: Social CBCL: SP FQQ total CASP total

B p B p B p B p B p

Lesion volume (%) 0.00 .891 0.39 .626 0.17 .607 −0.02 .546 0.50 .335
PSOM total −0.10 .190 −3.05 .096 1.47 .056 −0.05 .676 −3.67 .004
FAD −0.64 .048 −20.91 .010 13.32 <.001 −0.06 .862 −8.31 .097
Parent education (>12 years) 0.00 .986 −3.79 .536 4.52 .079 0.18 .528 −0.04 .992

NRI mother NRI father NRI friend RPQ: peers RPQ: family

B p B p B P B p B p

Lesion volume (%) 0.82 .196 −1.20 .312 0.01 .993 0.20 .658 0.16 .654
PSOM total −1.95 .149 −3.46 .156 −1.74 .600 2.14 .122 0.92 .400
FAD 2.51 .638 −9.17 .355 0.47 .965 3.46 .426 0.14 .967
Parent education (>12 years) 2.53 .561 9.04 .271 7.60 .376 −4.84 .170 −2.12 .449

study expectations, children with AIS demonstrated studies examining children with other forms of early
lower levels of social participation than both healthy focal brain insult (Everts et al., 2008; Gordon et al.,
and chronic illness controls and poorer social adjust- 2002; Greenham et al., 2010), where no association
ment compared with healthy controls and children was detected between social/emotional outcomes and
with chronic illness. The hypothesis that social com- lesion characteristics. Within the context of a multi-
petence would not be dependent on lesion location plicity of other noninjury factors, lesion characteristics
was generally supported, in that lesion location (cor- may not be a strong predictor of social outcomes,
tical/subcortical, frontal/extrafrontal, laterality) was particularly as time poststroke increases (Middleton,
not consistently associated with social outcomes, 2001; Yeates et al., 2007).
with the exception that discrete subcortical lesions Younger age at stroke onset led to better developed
were found to be associated with reduced social parti- self-esteem and social interactions, with children sur-
cipation and better self-reported social competence. viving perinatal stroke reporting significantly less pro-
Contrary to expectations based on previous literature, blems in peer interactions than did those sustaining
Downloaded by [Archives & Bibliothèques de l'ULB] at 22:14 02 February 2015

social competence did not generally differ signifi- stroke in later childhood. This finding is somewhat at
cantly as a function of age at stroke onset. In fact, odds with previous findings, which have found no
children with perinatal onset demonstrated a trend for such relationship. For example, Gordon et al. (2002)
better social participation, peer interactions and self- and Everts et al. (2008) found no association between
esteem than did those with childhood onset, despite social outcomes and age at stroke onset, with similar
having lesions that were somewhat larger than those findings in other instances of early focal insult
of participants with childhood onset. Neurological (Greenham et al., 2010). Of note, each of these studies
status predicted social participation, while family reported only on global social outcomes, and more
function was the sole contributor to social adjustment. importantly used only parent report measures, which
Lesion volume did not contribute to any social out- may not be as valid as self-report with regard to social
comes examined in this study. interactions.
Parent ratings of children with AIS suggested that Neurological outcome was related to children’s
they exhibited poorer social competence than healthy social participation, highlighting that children with
controls but were similar to children with a history of AIS who demonstrate physical, language and cogni-
chronic illness on measures of social adjustment and tive and behavioral impairment are at elevated risk of
participation. Further, parents identified more social reduced social participation, consistent with
problems in children with AIS than did parents of Beauchamp and Anderson’s “SOCIAL” model
either asthma or healthy controls. Our results suggest (2010). We found a strong relationship between
that poor social competence is not simply a reflection family function and all measures of children’s social
of brain insult characteristics, but also of the overall adjustment. While we had predicted this association,
experience of the child. For example, response to such a strong link is a relatively novel finding within
hospitalization, ongoing need for medical care, inter- the child brain insult literature (Gerring & Wade,
ruptions to friendships, reduced confidence and ability 2012) and emphasizes the critical importance of the
to cope with day-to-day limitations associated with a child–family relationship in the development of social
chronic illness may all impact on a child’s ability to competence in the context of early brain insult. Given
cope with their social world. that family function is a potentially modifiable risk
Using multiple regression and considering both factor, this finding indicates that attention to family
stroke and environmental predictors concurrently, stress and burden may enhance the quality of the
neither lesion volume nor frontal lobe involvement child’s environment with secondary benefits to the
was associated with any social outcome measure. child. Indeed, growing evidence suggests that, follow-
Our findings did suggest a relationship between dis- ing child brain insult, family and parent-based beha-
crete subcortical lesions and poorer parent-rated social vioral interventions are able to reduce parent stress
participation, and self-reported self-confidence, but and psychopathology, and improve children’s beha-
not for social interaction. This is in contrast to the vior and social competence (Wade, Carey, & Wolfe,
study of Westmacott et al. (2010), which reported on 2006; Woods, Catroppa, & Anderson, 2012; Woods,
one of the largest cohorts of pediatric stroke survivors Catroppa, Barnett, & Anderson, 2011).
to date. However, it is largely consistent with other The small sample size, although larger than most
stroke research (Long, Spencer-Smith, et al., 2011; other child stroke outcome studies, is a shortcoming
Roach, 2000), reporting that stroke localization is because it limited analyses and reduced statistical
not predictive of neurobehavioral outcome. Further power to detect group differences, most notably in
corroboration of this finding comes from recent subanalyses (lesion location, age at stroke onset).

Larger, multisite studies are critical to extend our later stroke onset, highlighting the importance of child
understanding of child stroke. We included only chil- report in studies of social outcome. Finally and of
dren who could complete our study protocol, thus clinical relevance, family function was found to con-
excluding those with very severe stroke. This tribute significantly to social competence, suggesting
approach means that our findings likely underestimate a possible avenue for intervention in the social
the social consequences for those with more severe domain.
strokes. Additionally, lack of comparison data across
groups for brain structure restricted our ability to Original manuscript received 23 September 2013
explore the relative contributions of brain and envir- Revised manuscript accepted 3 June 2014
First published online 18 July 2014
onment to social outcomes. In particular, given group
differences in distal factors (i.e., career education), we
may not have captured key environmental influences
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