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04/11/2007 20:55:00

1) What is the largest ethnic group in Texas?

• Anglos (48%)
2) Will African- American population in Texas increase, decrease or stay the
• Stay the same-roughly 11.5%?
3) Most of the African-Americans came here between 1836-1860. True or
• TRUE!! (They came as slaves)
4) What happened to the African-Americans after the Civil War?
• Many left Texas because of the Jim Crow laws.
5) During the 1940’s, Hispanics replaced what group as an ethnic minority
in Texas?
• African- Americans
6) What city has the largest Asian-American percentage in Texas?
• Houston
7) What percentage of people in Texas lives in an urban setting?
• 83%
8) Since what year have the majority of Texans lived in urban areas?
• 1940’s
9) Demographic change in Texas will make taxing policy more regressive or
less regressive?
• LESS regressive; MORE progressive
10) Although it’s hard to characterize/stereotype. Hispanics, most Hispanics
have a more positive or negative view of government?
• Positive (+)
11) The Texan creed is the same as the American creed, but it favors what?
• Individualism & liberty
12) The Texas Rangers were brutal to enemies. True or False?
13) The Texas Rangers were loyal to friends. True or False?
14) The Texas Rangers are controversial among modern scholars. True or
• TRUE!! (Cool vs. dirty tactics)
15) The first real economy in Texas was what?
• 1) Cotton 2) Cattle 3) Oil
16) Today the economy in Texas is described as-based on one product or
• Diversified, and contingent on education
17) The Texas Constitution-was a reaction to Reconstruction?
• YES!
18) Did the Texas Constitutions give more or less power to the state
• Less
19) In its history, how many Constitutions has Texas had?
• Six!
20) The American Constitution, is it long and specific or short & vague?
• Short & vague
21) The Texas Constitution, is it long & specific OR short & vague?
• Long & specific
22) If you see a short constitution, does that mean the intention is to give
the govt. more OR less power?
23) In Texas, is the governor strong or weak?
• Weak
24) Why has the plural executive been criticized?
• Because they don’t have appointing power, they have difficulty
setting a policy agenda
25) The power of the comptroller & the Lieutenant governor rival the power
of the Governor. True or False?
26) The Constitutional requirement for 140 days bi-annual sessions helps
explain why the Texas legislature is considered a what?
• Part-time, non-professionalized citizen legislature.
27) Did the creators of the Texas Constitution want it to be that way?
• Yes!
28) In Texas, court judges are appointed or elected?
• Elected
29) How many times has the Texas Constitution been amended?
• 432 times!!!
30) The Texas Constitution, does it mandate a balanced budget?
• YES!
31) In what year was a serious, comprehensive revision of the Texas
Constitution undertaken?
• 1974
32) Why did the one major effort to rewrite the Constitution fail? 3 reasons:
• 1) Right-to-work clause 2) The legislature acted as the Convention
3) The 2/3 requirement-only 118 out of 121 votes
33) The Plural Executive, the non-professionalized legislature, and elected
judiciary increase the influence of who?
• Lobbyist/interest groups
34) From 1874-1986, Texas was a two-party state, with a vigorous two-
party competition. True or False?
• False; it was a one party state-Democrat
35) From 1987 until now, Republicans have slowly taken over Texas politics.
True or False?
36) Part of that change in Texas over the last 25-30 years can be
characterized as what?
• A de-alignment (NOT a secular realignment)
37) In Texas, do lobbyists have a lot of influence over the executive branch?
• YES!
38) In Texas, do lobbyists have a lot of influence over the legislative branch?
• YES!
39) In Texas, do lobbyists have a lot of influence over the judiciary branch?
• YES!
40) In the Texas Judiciary, is partisanship relatively important?
• YES, because in Texas, you MUST win the Republican Primary to
enter the race in the open election for judge.
41) In the Texas Legislative, party considerations, are they usually
maximized or minimized?
• Minimized
42) What do lobbyists provide legislatures with in Texas?
• Information
43) In a home rule city, the power to govern is granted to who?
• The city itself; they have their own charter
44) Name a city that has home rule.
• Houston
45) Name an example from Houston’s home rule policy.
• State/clear program
46) Do counties have home rule?
• NO!
47) How many counties does Texas have?
• 254! More than any other state!
48) Who functions as the legislative level in the county government?
• County judge
49) Who functions as the legislative body for the county?
• Commissioner’s court-made up of 4 members
50) Most big cities in Texas use what form of city government?
• Council-manager
51) Whose the chief law enforcement officer in the county?
• The Sheriff
52) The process of annexation involved enlargement of a city’s corporate
limits by incorporating surrounding territory into the city. True or false?
53) Which of the following type of election do not involve city wide voting?
• Single-member district
54) In a strong mayor-council, the mayor is elected how?
• City wide
55) Do single-member district elections increase or decrease ethnic
• Increase
56) Do at-large or at-large-by place elections increase or decrease ethnic
• Decrease
57) What is the most common type of special district called?
• School district
58) What are the 3 kinds of local government?
• City, county, special districts
04/11/2007 20:55:00
04/11/2007 20:55:00

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