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An eBay dealer or heavy machinery manufacturer, at some point during the

course of their business, will need to transport their products. Choosing the right
mode of transportation means striking a balance between time and budget

When choosing the best way to transport your products, budget should be the
most important factor in decision making. Transportation speed is also
important - if you have perishable items, shipping it on a three-month sea
voyage to Africa is a bad idea. Similarly, make sure that the mode of
transportation you choose is reliable so that your customers are not

If you plan to transport your products by road, you must know the height, weight
and length restrictions. At the moment, a truck should be no more than 16.5 m
(54 ft) long, 2.55 m (8'4 ") wide and 44 tons, including fuel and truck.

Road transport is inexpensive, convenient, and one of the most flexible modes
of transport, but it's not as green as other methods, and if you're unlucky you
can be subject to long delays, particularly frustrating if you're working on a busy

If you are considering using a freight forwarder make sure the company you are
approaching has experience shipping to the country you plan to ship to,

Compared to air transportation, shipping your products by sea is relatively

cheap, especially if you are shipping large volumes. However, it is slow and
quite inflexible: there are relatively few ports and you will probably need to make
arrangements to move your products inland.

Air cargo is undoubtedly the fastest way to transport your products long
distances, but it is expensive and not very ecological. Air transportation is
carried by cargo airlines only, as well as by regular passengers aircraft.

1. Air: (aire) Corriente de aire que se produce en la atmósfera al variar la


2. Arrangements: (preparativos) Cosa que se dispone o se arregla para un fin

determinado. mejor) Que tiene calidad superior a otra cosa 

4.budget:(presupuesto) Cálculo anticipado del coste de una obra o un servicio.

5.carried : (llevado) significa llevar. (barato) Que tiene un precio bajo o cuesta poco dinero.

7.Choosing: (elegir) Seleccionar o preferir a una persona o una cosa para un


8.constraints: (restricciones) Limitación que se produce en alguna cosa,

especialmente en el consumo de algo.

9.customers: (client@s) Persona que utiliza los servicios de un profesional o de

una empresa, especialmente la que lo hace regularmente. (distribuid@r) Que distribuye un producto para su comercialización,

actuando de intermediario entre el productor y el detallista.

11. disappointed: (desepcionad@) sentimiento de insatisfacción que surge

cuando no se cumplen las expectativas sobre un deseo o una persona.

12. Freight: (carga) Conjunto de cosas que se transportan juntas,

especialmente géneros y mercancías.
13. Frustrating: (fustrante) que causa sentimiento, tristeza

14. Inland: (interiror) Que está situado en la parte de dentro de una cosa, bajo
su superficie o comprendido entre sus límites.

15. know: (saber) Conjunto de conocimientos amplios y profundos que se

adquieren mediante el estudio o la experiencia.

16. Methods: (métodos) Procedimiento que se sigue para conseguir algo.

17.Moment: (momento) Tiempo puntual en el que sucede o se realiza una


18. Products: (productos) Cosa producida natural o artificialmente, o resultado

de un trabajo u operación.

19. Shipping: (envio) Acción de enviar.

20. Transport: (transporte) Vehículo o medio que se usa para trasladar

personas o cosas de un lugar a otro.

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